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Amaroq, WTF?

Nielk1Nielk1 Registered, Administrator Posts: 252
edited June 2011 in Tech Support #1
What is going on? I ask *EVERYONE* why server 1 is down, staff included, and no one knows. I ask you why I don't have an account yet to access the back-end, to at least copy dupes to the DEV server, whenever you are online on Steam and the INSTANT I do you go 'away' every time.

So here is a topic that everyone can see.

Fuhrball, what the fuck is going on?


  • gamerscdgamerscd Registered Posts: 4
    I second this WTF
  • Nielk1Nielk1 Registered, Administrator Posts: 252
    I mean, technical difficultly, something like that, fine, but it is very evident that no matter what is wrong, no one is bothering to work on it and those of us that could help are being kept in the dark. Even if the server is shut down, we can still access the back end and the FTP as the server stays up, just the game is shut down. If I could even get an account to mess with it, I could probably do darn well to figure out what is wrong, but instead, everybody knows NOTHING and we can;t seem to talk to him about any of it at all.
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Amaroq wrote:
    Something is causing the main server to lag horrendously. I have no idea what it is, currently, but I'll need some help with figuring it out. It will be down until this is sorted out.

    Sorry guys.

    Kinda hard to help when nobody has a management account. If it's because the accounts can't be linked, just create a user named Steeveeo2 and PM me a temp pass so I can get in and do stuff. This is getting just a little out of hand.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    I've made those temp things. Messaging now. Been waaay to fucking busy.. Handling plenty of RL shit that had to do with me finding a job, etc.

    Anyways, I'll be able to do some shit now.

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