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Some Steampunk and A Painting

Dr JonesDr Jones Registered Posts: 8
edited February 2011 in Showcase #1
I do not know if i have posted these right. but here they are. the goggles have a hand made brass iris in the left lens. all was crafted with brass and leather.
http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee4 ... 1297610577

http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee4 ... 1297610735

Almost forgot my tattoo.

http://i1228.photobucket.com/albums/ee4 ... 1297612350


  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Very nice, I applaud your craftsmanship and your artwork!
  • OneAndOnlyOneAndOnly Registered Posts: 38
    Nice job :D
  • viperfan7viperfan7 Registered Posts: 60
    I love those goggles, any chance of explaining how you made them?
  • Dr JonesDr Jones Registered Posts: 8
    Sure i can explain. no guarantee it will make any sense. lets start from the beginning. i wanted to make a set of goggles that would function and be estheticaly pleasing. so i chose brass as the primary frame work. did some research and found out brass is really expansive. so much that i could not turn a profit if i wanted to sell them. so i looked into alternative ways of obtaining brass and found that 90% of old brass candle sticks are hollow. so i went to the good wills and such. i found a set of candle sticks that looked perfect with bulbous brass balls in it. >.> yes i know i said balls. anyway i cut them apart and flattened one side to make the frames for the lenses. worked great. then the end cap on the lens frame is a sheet of brass cut to fit. and soldered on the frame. the leather i simply wrapped and cut to fit. and the lens its self is a 1/4 inch peace of lexsan bullet proof glass.... any ways it all came to gather. the bolts are steel. stainless to be exact only for longevity. the nuts and acorn nuts are just brass form the local hardware store. the mechanical diaphragm was made of sheet brass. i had no idea how to buy one or make one so i did what any good American would do. i got really drunk/altered. in that state of mind i figured out a simply way of producing a 5 bladed iris. and it worked. took 1 week to make the iris. most of it was trial and error. upon finishing them, my friend offered me 50 bucks....so i decided to eBay them. worked out great. so hope that made sense

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