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Change Log for May 15 - May 21

SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
edited May 2011 in Change Logs #1
[list][*][FEATURE] Removed Environments on the Dev server and replaced it with LS3Core. Was causing a lot of issues as it was, some more debilitating than others. Will see if any so-called performance increase from this actually lives up to the hype, making the issues at hand worth it. Only applies to the Dev server for now.[/*][/list]


  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    [list][*][MINECRAFT][TWEAK] - Downloaded, installed, and moved the server over to run on the Java Enterprise Edition binaries and whatnot. If what I hear is true, the server should be running quite a bit more efficiently now.[/*][/list]
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    [list][*][MINECRAFT][FEATURE] - Map renders and uploading are now automated. I have them running at 5 AM PST (-8 GMT) once a day through a BAT script. Next thing on the list is to find how to safely run backups every 30 minutes; I am getting very close to the answer, but I don't have it just yet.[/*]
    [*][MINECRAFT][FEATURE] - Automated backup plugin found and installed (thanks to Alex4921 for the tip!). This will keep a week's worth of backups in total, but only backs up if people are on the server. One step closer to having an autonomous server.[/*][/list]

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