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Ship core self destruct timer
This is based on some code I've done before for a timed nuke, as well as some code I've been enhancing for a while. Basically it outputs a formatted string that you can wire to (a) text screen(s). This is a smart string, in that it changes the formatting based on the time, such as adding an hours or even days section. Obviously a day long timer for the self destruct of your ship is overkill, but it can support that long.
You don't HAVE to use a text screen with this. It will constantly print the time in regular intervals, getting shorter and shorter as you near 0. You simply input a number into the "Armed" variable, and it will use that for a time. If you want an instant explosion, just use 1.
Finally, to disarm it I have implemented a fool-proof remote chat operated disarm feature. To disarm the count down, when it is armed you will receive a four digit number which you better keep handy. You type "disarm ####" and it will end the count.
You don't HAVE to use a text screen with this. It will constantly print the time in regular intervals, getting shorter and shorter as you near 0. You simply input a number into the "Armed" variable, and it will use that for a time. If you want an instant explosion, just use 1.
Finally, to disarm it I have implemented a fool-proof remote chat operated disarm feature. To disarm the count down, when it is armed you will receive a four digit number which you better keep handy. You type "disarm ####" and it will end the count.
@name Ship core self destruct @inputs Armed @outputs Detonate @outputs String:string @outputs [FGColor, BGColor]:vector @persist Flag Timer Alt Tstart Disarm Aarmed @trigger Armed #[ Author: Katelyn Sullivan Date: May 13, 2011 Contact information E-mail: Katelyn135@gmail.com AIM: Consta135 YIM: Katelyn135@ymail.com MSN: Katelyn135@hotmail.com ]# if (first()) { runOnChat(1) } if (Armed & Flag == 0) { Tstart = Armed Timer = Tstart Flag = 1 Aarmed = 1 timer("Time", 1000) Disarm = randint(1000, 9999) DD = floor((Timer / 86400)) HH = floor((Timer % 86400) / 3600) MM = floor((Timer % 3600) / 60) SS = floor((Timer % 3600) % 60) if (SS:toString():length() == 1) { Dss = "0" + SS:toString() } else { Dss = SS:toString() } if (MM:toString():length() == 1) { Dmm = "0" + MM:toString() } else { Dmm = MM:toString() } if (HH:toString():length() == 1) { Dhh = "0" + HH:toString() } else { Dhh = HH:toString() } if (Timer >= 86400) { Out = "Self-destruct in: \n" + DD + ":" + Dhh + ":" + Dmm + ":" + Dss } elseif (Timer >= 3600) { Out = "Self-destruct in: \n" + HH + ":" + Dmm + ":" + Dss } else { Out = "Self-destruct in: \n" + Dmm + ":" + Dss } print("Nuke Armed for " + Out) print("Disarm code is: " + Disarm) } if (clk("Time") & Aarmed) { Timer = Timer - 1 timer("Time", 1000) DD = floor((Timer / 86400)) HH = floor((Timer % 86400) / 3600) MM = floor((Timer % 3600) / 60) SS = floor((Timer % 3600) % 60) if (SS:toString():length() == 1) { Dss = "0" + SS:toString() } else { Dss = SS:toString() } if (MM:toString():length() == 1) { Dmm = "0" + MM:toString() } else { Dmm = MM:toString() } if (HH:toString():length() == 1) { Dhh = "0" + HH:toString() } else { Dhh = HH:toString() } Alt = abs(Alt - 1) BGColor = vec(52 + (203 * Alt), 52, 52) FGColor = vec((128 * (1 - (Timer / Tstart))) * abs(Alt - 1), 0, 0) if (Timer >= 86400) { String = String = "Self-destruct in: \n" + DD + ":" + Dhh + ":" + Dmm + ":" + Dss } elseif (Timer >= 3600) { String = "Self-destruct in: \n" + HH + ":" + Dmm + ":" + Dss } else { String = "Self-destruct in: \n" + Dmm + ":" + Dss } if (Timer > 300 & Timer % 300 == 0) { print(String) } elseif (Timer <= 300 & Timer % 30 == 0) { print(String) } elseif (Timer < 30 & Timer % 10 == 0 ) { print(String:sub(19)) } elseif (Timer <= 5 & Timer) { print(String:sub(19)) } } if (Timer == 0 & Aarmed == 1) { Detonate = 1 String = "Boom" print("BOOM") stoptimer("Time") } if (chatClk(owner()) & lastSaid():lower():trim() == "disarm " + Disarm) { stoptimer("Time") print("Nuke Disarmed") Flag = 0 Aarmed = 0 String = "D I S A R M E D" }
Also, assuming this works, very nice.
Be cool to see a station use this complete with spinning lights and sirens.
I never get personal emails,most of them are mailing list emails from various things i am on.
Mainly because i hate facebook.