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Derma Target Finder
Current version:
This is the BA Derma Target Finder V2 by me. It allows you to target by class, and sort by owner fast and lag free. It features optional wiring to a seat, saving and removing from a list of classes that load when you spawn the chip, and lots of output data. If you're good with Derma you can even add onto it pretty easy.
How to use:
The top drop down menu is a list of classes. Below that is a text box that you can add or remove classes to the list above. It saves automatically when you add. Below that is the Owner drop down list, and below that is the Entity list that you target.
This is the BA Derma Target Finder V2 by me. It allows you to target by class, and sort by owner fast and lag free. It features optional wiring to a seat, saving and removing from a list of classes that load when you spawn the chip, and lots of output data. If you're good with Derma you can even add onto it pretty easy.
How to use:
The top drop down menu is a list of classes. Below that is a text box that you can add or remove classes to the list above. It saves automatically when you add. Below that is the Owner drop down list, and below that is the Entity list that you target.
@name BA Derma Target finder V2 @inputs Apc:wirelink @outputs Vec:vector Debug @outputs Ent:entity @outputs X Y Z @outputs Ang:angle @outputs [Owner, Type, Model]:string @persist [List, Targets, Listbox, Parr, Master, Default]:array @persist [Player, Tarr, Aarr, Cfgt]:table @persist Width Height Count Start @persist [Pos, Size]:vector2 @persist [Cfg, Targetlist]:string interval(200) #By Katelyn if (first() | dupefinished()) { runOnFile(1) Cfg = "KateKollection/DermaTargetFinderv2/cfg.txt" Targets[1, string] = "player" Targets[2, string] = "gmod_wire_expression2" Targets[3, string] = "resource_node" Targets[4, string] = "ship_core*" Targets[5, string] = "gyropod_advanced" Targets[6, string] = "prop_physics" Targets[7, string] = "generator_*" Cfgt["First", number] = 0 Default = array(glonEncode(Targets), glonEncode(Cfgt)) Targets:clear() Cfgt:clear() Width = 150 Height = 140 Pos = vec2(scrW() - Width, 0) Size = vec2(Width, Height) dPod(Apc["Entity", entity]) dPanel("Targets", Pos, Size) # dTabHolder("Tabs", "Targets", vec2(0,0), vec2(Width, 24)) # dTab("Find", "Tabs") # dTab("Options", "Tabs") dDropBox("Targetselect", "Targets", vec2(0, 25), Width) dTextBox("Label", "Targets", vec2(0, 50), Width) dText("Label","") dButton("Save", "Targets", vec2(2, 70), vec2((Width / 2) - 4, 20)) dButton("Del", "Targets", vec2((Width / 2) + 2, 70), vec2((Width / 2) - 4, 20)) dDropBox("Player", "Targets", vec2(0, 98), Width) dDropBox("Target", "Targets", vec2(0, 120), Width) dShow("Targets", 0) dRunOnChange("Targetselect", 1) dRunOnChange("Target", 1) dRunOnChange("Player", 1) if (fileCanLoad()) { fileLoad(Cfg) } else { print("Config file can not be loaded at this time.") Master = Default:clone() print("Target finder is now ready for operation") dShow("Targets", 1) } } if (fileClk(Cfg)) { if (fileStatus() != _FILE_OK) { Master = Default fileWrite(Cfg, glonEncode(Master)) print("Configuration file not found, creating one with default settings.") } else { Master = glonDecode(fileRead()) print("Configuration file loaded correctly!") } Targets = glonDecode(Master[1, string]) Cfgt = glonDecodeTable(Master[2, string]) dArray("Targetselect", Targets) print("Target finder is now ready for operation") dShow("Targets", 1) } Count = numPlayers() #findExcludePlayer(owner()) findExcludeClass("Ship_Core_Base") #findExcludePlayerProps(owner()) #Changing target type if (dClk("Targetselect") | ~Count) { findByClass(dSval("Targetselect")) List = findToArray() Listbox:clear() Player:clear() if (dSval("Targetselect") == "player") { I = 1 while (I <= List:count() & perf()) { if (List[I, entity]:isPlayer()) { Tarr[List[I, entity]:name(), entity] = List[I, entity] Player[List[I, entity]:name(), table] = Tarr } I++ } } else { I = 1 while (I <= List:count() & perf()) { if (List[I, entity]:owner():isPlayer()) { Temp = Player[List[I, entity]:owner():name(), table] M = List[I, entity]:model():explode("/") Mtemp = M[M:count(), string]:explode(".mdl") Temp["[" + List[I, entity]:id():toString() + "] " + Mtemp[1, string], entity] = List[I, entity] Player[List[I, entity]:owner():name(), table] = Temp } I++ } } Parr = Player:keys() dSetSval("Player", Parr[1, string]) Aarr = Player[dSval("Player"), table]:clone() dSetSval("Target", Aarr:keys()[1, string]) dArray("Player", Parr) dArray("Target", Aarr:keys()) } if (dClk("Player")) { Aarr = Player[dSval("Player"), table]:clone() dArray("Target", Aarr:keys()) dSetSval("Target", Aarr:keys()[1, string]) Listbox:clear() } if (dClk("Save") & dSval("Label") != "") { for (I=1, Targets:count()) { A = 0 if (Targets[I, string]:find(dSval("Label"))) { A++ } } if (A == 1) { print("Entry already exists or is a partial phrase in another entry.") } else { Targets:pushString(dSval("Label")) print("Query saved") Master = array(glonEncode(Targets), glonEncode(Cfgt)) fileWrite(Cfg, glonEncode(Master)) dSetSval("Label", "") } dArray("Targetselect", Targets) } if (dClk("Del") & dSval("Label") != "") { A = 0 B = 0 for (I=1, Targets:count()) { if (Targets[I, string]:find(dSval("Label"))) { A++ B = I } } if (A == 1) { if (dSval("Targetselect") == Targets[B, string]) { dSetSval("Targetselect", "") } Targets:remove(B) print("Removed entry") fileWrite(Targetlist, glonEncode(Targets)) dSetSval("Label", "") } elseif (A >= 2) { print("More than one entry detected.") } else { print("No entries match query") } dArray("Targetselect", Targets) } #Outputting data Ent = Aarr[dSval("Target"), entity] Vec = Ent:pos() X = Vec:x() Y = Vec:y() Z = Vec:z() Ang = Ent:angles() Owner = Ent:owner():name() Type = Ent:type() Model = Ent:model()
I'm not on the server often these days but my mind is still building ships, and that is the corner stone of my futur ships.
Thank you again, you are amazing
Atmosphere detection with a warning like "YOU ARE TARGETING SPAWN" if you target a ship that happens to be on the spawn planet.
Grabbing E2 names for the E2 targeting
Priority list option in the targeting that orders everyone's ship cored ships in order of how many weapons/danger level they have.
Im sure i had more but that's all I can remember for the moment.
For all I know, you might have already figured this out since the last post was a long time ago but, if you haven't, there you go.
P.S. I hate your variable names
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
P.S. My variable names hate you too! :P
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
Get your extra long EVE trial here!
In short, dupefinished() == "PasteClk" (like useClk() or tickClk()).