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ITG (H.264 Encoder Testing)

AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
edited May 2011 in Other Games #1
Yeah, so I play ITG. Haven't played in.. a long time, but I felt like trying it out. In case you're wondering, ITG is basically Dance Dance Revolution, only with a much better song selection, features, possibilities, and a crapton harder. Also looks better. And can have custom songs that other people have made, as well as yourself.

Anyways, I felt like testing my newly assembled H264 Video Encoder, as well as my skills in this game, to see how rusty I've gotten. Check it out:


  • MikhailMikhail Registered Posts: 24
    how is one supposed to move their feet that fast.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Flat-footing. It's not easy, but it's how it is done. Basically you minimize your foot movements as much as possible, using certain parts of your feet for different steps. Works pretty well.

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