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Service lift
This is a small service lift that will let you fly around in space and work on your ship if it is hanging off the side of the planet. It is a little jumpy and can sometimes cause you fall damage. Paste it then lift it in the air a bit, and freeze it. Press E on it to get on and E on it again to get off.
@name Service lift @persist Active @persist User:entity Box:vector @persist Loc:vector Rate Angrate Accel Self:entity @persist Box1:vector Box2:vector Box3:vector Box4:vector @model models/SmallBridge/Elevators,Small/sbselevp3.mdl interval(50) #By Katelyn if (first() | dupefinished()) { runOnUse(1) Rate = 5 Angrate = 3 Box1 = entity():boxSize() / 2 + 5 Box1:setZ(-Box1:z()) Box2 = vec(-Box1:x(), Box1:y(), Box1:z()) / 2 Box3 = vec(Box1:x(), -Box1:y(), Box1:z()) / 2 Box4 = vec(-Box1:x(), -Box1:y(), Box1:z()) / 2 #entity():setPos(entity():pos() + vec(0,0,30)) Self = entity() } Loc = Self:pos() if (!Active) { if (useClk()) { Active = 1 User = usedBy() } } else { Accel += 0.05 clamp(Accel, 0.3, 1.2) if (User:keyForward() | User:keyBack() | User:keyJump() | User:keyDuck()) { Temp = Loc + (Self:right() * Accel * Rate * (User:keyForward() - User:keyBack())) + (Self:up() * Accel * Rate * (User:keyJump() - User:keyDuck())) if ((Temp + Box1:rotate(Self:angles())):isInWorld() & (Temp + Box2:rotate(Self:angles())):isInWorld() & (Temp + Box3:rotate(Self:angles())):isInWorld() & (Temp + Box4:rotate(Self:angles())):isInWorld() & (Temp + -Box1:rotate(Self:angles())):isInWorld() & (Temp + -Box2:rotate(Self:angles())):isInWorld() & (Temp + -Box3:rotate(Self:angles())):isInWorld() & (Temp + -Box4:rotate(Self:angles())):isInWorld()) { Self:setPos(Temp) } } else { Accel = 1 } if (User:keyLeft() | User:keyRight()) { Self:setAng(Self:angles() + ang(0, Angrate * (User:keyLeft() - User:keyRight()), 0)) } Loc = Self:pos() User:setPosition(Loc) if (useClk() & usedBy() == User) { Active = 0 User:setPosition(Loc + vec(0,0,5)) User = noentity() } }
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."