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Question about ban appeals

KillerKiller Registered Posts: 69
edited March 2011 in General #1
Sorry if this doesn't go here 0.o anyway I was wondering is "I didn't do it" a valid excuse being as my screen name is killer and there at least 2000 out there I might join diaspora but before I did some other killer minged and I get blamed than banned for it just a hypothetical situation
As of this moment you and are have been declared TROLLS guess we better go found our bridge and beware those goats!


  • viperfan7viperfan7 Registered Posts: 60
    its also a situation thats impossible, due to bans being done by steamID not by name
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    We go off Steam IDs, not just usernames.
  • KillerKiller Registered Posts: 69
    viperfan7 wrote:
    its also a situation thats impossible, due to bans being done by steamID not by name
    Wrong because somtimes admins arent always on saw one guy came in was banned for mingeing the day before they did it through knowing his name and yes bans do happan via steamID but not always are you able to get that ID before they leave so istead you remember their name IE "Oh theres joe that guy was mingeing last night gotta ban him" but this cannot be confirmed due to the fact theres no way to check steamID with the original minganator. So no its not imposable as I said hypothetical scenario. It doesn't have to be likely to happen 0.o.
    As of this moment you and are have been declared TROLLS guess we better go found our bridge and beware those goats!
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    99% of the time, we ban when we get a grievance against a specific SteamID. I don't know how it is on the servers you may play at besides here, but that's how we do it.
  • KillerKiller Registered Posts: 69
    Like I said hypothetical situation and Ive played gmod since gmod1 I was just curious sorry if you considered it a stupid question next time just say so. Thanks for your time and for reading. Have a nice day morning and night!
    As of this moment you and are have been declared TROLLS guess we better go found our bridge and beware those goats!

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