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SBEP Models empty spawnlist
When open Browse>SBEP Models All the spawnlists like bridge small etc. are empty.
1. Get these spawn lists. http://diaspora-community.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=669 You'll have to modify them slightly, so that they don't conflict with the new spawnlist system in GM13.
2. In your spawn menu, go down to browse -> Games -> All, and from there, you can find Modbridge parts under Cyus, Smallbridge parts under Smallbridge, Medbridge1 stuff under Slyfo_1 and Slyfo_2, and Medbridge2 stuff under Spacebuild.
Edit: A little side note: The smallbridge spawnlist in the first option is missing quite a few parts. I highly recommend the second option.
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Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
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I have only used it once, and created a spawn list with 2200 null entities, but in theory it should work
The second link on that page has all the slyfo stuff.