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Problem with two maps

TangentDeltaTangentDelta Registered Posts: 54
edited April 2013 in Suggestions #1
There are two maps by the same author on server 1 that have all sorts of problems. GM_Spacefun_V3, and GM_jovian_systeme. The first problem that I have with both, is the strobe sun, which upon looking at it, drops me to around 5 FPS for no reason, and sometimes crashes my graphics driver.

On GM_spacefun, something is wrong with the lighting, and everything is super bright (HDR makes it worse).

So far, these are my only complaints on the two maps.


  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    There are two maps by the same author on server 1 that have all sorts of problems. GM_Spacefun_V3, and GM_jovian_systeme. The first problem that I have with both, is the strobe sun, which upon looking at it, drops me to around 5 FPS for no reason, and sometimes crashes my graphics driver.

    On GM_spacefun, something is wrong with the lighting, and everything is super bright (HDR makes it worse).

    So far, these are my only complaints on the two maps.
    Spacefun is actually completely fine if you turn on bloom(as backwards as that might sound) and jovian was on my remove list to begin with.
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