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Server down..

NormallyClosedSwitchNormallyClosedSwitch Registered Posts: 137
edited March 2011 in Tech Support #1
"...wait, this IS rocket science!!!"


  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Multiple attempts to restart it have failed, filing a support ticket.
  • NormallyClosedSwitchNormallyClosedSwitch Registered Posts: 137
    Server down again!! |8
    "...wait, this IS rocket science!!!"
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Mammoth games is severely disappointing me. FTP works, and I can ping the actual server itself, but the game service is just unresponsive.
  • JollyRodgerJollyRodger Registered Posts: 33
    They respond very well to vield threats of buiss. loss and word of mouth bad publicity.
  • JollyRodgerJollyRodger Registered Posts: 33
    server down again
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    I see that, thank you.

    Might as well post the ticket chain (more recent posts at the top, first post on the bottom):
    On 3/7/2011 5:48:31 PM steeveeo wrote: 	
    Server is down again, for at least the past hour, but I did not have HLSW up at the time to record when it went down.
    Ping and FTP still work, as the last few times, but nobody can join and HLSW cannot connect. I realize that the machine may still be running fine, and that does not appear to be the problem. It does not appear to be a corruption in game files, because it does come back every once in awhile (usually goes down for periods of 6 hours or more before coming back up).
    I am all for helping debug this problem, but if it persists for too much longer without any real help from you guys, we may end up taking our business elsewhere. 	
    On 3/6/2011 8:19:39 PM bryan wrote: 	
    Just looking at machine. It remains working. There are two other games servers running. Machine is running with about 60% free cpu, so not an overload.
    I plan to reboot machine tomorrow. That might help. I don't want to reboot tonight with others on it. 	
    On 3/6/2011 8:09:29 PM steeveeo wrote: 	
    Oh, and as of this writing, it's gone and done it again. Been down for about 10 minutes now and the Restart button does nothing, as well as Stop and then Start. FTP is still up and running, and the server's IP responds to ping.
    On 3/6/2011 8:02:20 PM steeveeo wrote: 	
    Perhaps it was the connection then? All I know is that nobody was able to connect or ping the server for approximately 6 hours total. I did not try FTP at the time, however.
    On 3/6/2011 9:53:49 AM bryan wrote: 	
    I see the server running and I don't see any record that the machine went down. 
    On 3/6/2011 12:47:30 AM steeveeo wrote: 	
    Once again, the server is down, and has been for the past 3 hours and 40 minutes as of this ticket submission.
    This is starting to happen all too often... 	
  • JollyRodgerJollyRodger Registered Posts: 33
    might be time for some night time moderators.. we had a huge space monster spawn attack on the spawn planet just before the server crash.
  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    It seems to have happened again. :(
    If you're having problems with the host, you could try brohoster.

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Lambda217 wrote:
    It seems to have happened again. :(
    If you're having problems with the host, you could try brohoster.

    I might switch to Art of War. What you suggested is about 8 dollars more a month than what I currently pay, something I am unable to afford at this moment.
  • donovandonovan Registered Posts: 3
    Amaroq wrote:
    I used to host my server with Art of War. It sucked; the server/server's connection couldn't handle shit. ATM my server is hosted with Xenon Servers. I paid for a full year and got a massive discount plus another discount from a promo code I found, and the server is rarely overwhelmed.

    Actually, since the server's community is basically dead, Diaspora could probably move in in the event that you can no longer host a server.
  • JollyRodgerJollyRodger Registered Posts: 33
    if afording a better server is the question please contact me I know we can work out an arrangement that will suit both your needs and allow for a more stable community.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    I actually like Mammoth. It's just when shit like this happens that I start getting annoyed.

    I wasn't sure if maybe someone added something to the server that's causing it to start fucking up, since it appears to have happened about 3 days ago. I tried undo-ing a lot of it. Still continued doing it, with seemingly no cause.

    -sighs- I'm beginning to wonder if maybe we'll have to reinstall, and see how it works from there. If I can avoid not moving, then it would be best.
  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    I'd like to take this opportunity to quickly thank you for spending your hard-earned dosh on servers so us players can blow each other up repeatedly and yell at each other about ships being overpowered :D .

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • JollyRodgerJollyRodger Registered Posts: 33
    Your experiencing issues that plagued mcbuilds in the end of its life on Mammoth games. Give me a yell when your tired of fighting with them, I will gladly help finance the difference in monthly costs in exchange for some small accomodations.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    I'd rather not take your money, to be honest. I'll figure out something with our community. If they still don't respond after a bit, and do not fix the problem, I will switch hosts. If you want to donate, Jolly, then feel free.
  • JollyRodgerJollyRodger Registered Posts: 33
    no current avenue for donations.. i've watched this game mode die and have 2 aborted restarts with pirated code and run by people who missmangaged it or abused it..
    The fact is its the last decent spacecombat build available in gmod..basicaly everyone else has either died or is now using PewPew.
  • KillerKiller Registered Posts: 69
    so I use a tracker to check your server and when to play lol and than I see: "status: Dead " is the end truly inevitable seen this to many times you all need to be come l33t and convert your binary codes to 1337 speech so that it will not die like all the othars PLEASE I like teh server :'D. Oh and this is the tracker:http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Status sleeping would be much more preferred D:
    As of this moment you and are have been declared TROLLS guess we better go found our bridge and beware those goats!
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Working on it...

    If I don't receive a response tomorrow, I am switching hosts. This is actually getting me hella pissed off. Don't worry guys. Either they fix it and it comes back up, or I switch hosts, and get it up somewhere else.

    Hopefully it's the former, because re-uploading all the addons is a huge pain in the ass.
  • KillerKiller Registered Posts: 69
    Amaroq wrote:
    Working on it...

    If I don't receive a response tomorrow, I am switching hosts. This is actually getting me hella pissed off. Don't worry guys. Either they fix it and it comes back up, or I switch hosts, and get it up somewhere else.

    Hopefully it's the former, because re-uploading all the addons is a huge pain in the ass.

    Yeah It really can be :( but thank you for all you have done and all you are doing and attempting to do know that it is appreciated and hopefully will payoff. and on a more personal note if I read you location correctly your on the east coast isnt it like 6am there lol? Up for work or have you not slept? If latter I recommend you do the same as I am planning to in about 10 minutes SLEEP!
    As of this moment you and are have been declared TROLLS guess we better go found our bridge and beware those goats!
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Sunday. Also, yes, it is 6 AM. Not that tired, sadly.
  • EskirEskir Registered Posts: 23
    All that after the 1st day I played on the server... Great <.<
    I hope you can get it fixed.. And by the way, will the ADV. Dupes be saved?
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Everything on the servers will be saved. All Dupes, Hours, Ranks, Groups, etc. All of it.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Well, the server is back up. Let's see how long it manages to stay this way, and if we get a repeat of yesterday, if it does decide to go down.

    If the startup is fixed, then.. Well.. Yeah. A crapton less complication.
  • JoeyJoey Registered Posts: 49
    Server is down again.
  • EskirEskir Registered Posts: 23
    Good that everything will be saved! ..But it seems like (as joey said) the providers fucked it up again..
  • JoeyJoey Registered Posts: 49
    Aaaaaaaand finally after quiet some time it's up again.
  • Mouldy_TacoMouldy_Taco Registered, Moderator Posts: 133
    Server down due to someone deciding that easy precisioning their station into space was a good idea.
    "If this works, it'll keep us from getting' caught. If it doesn't, it'll keep us from gettin' old," -- MacGyver
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Server down due to someone deciding that easy precisioning their station into space was a good idea.
    That actually is a good idea, there's nothing wrong with an easyprec nudge into space.

    However, if they used the Move First Prop to Second mode and unfroze a station, I can see why.
  • Mouldy_TacoMouldy_Taco Registered, Moderator Posts: 133
    The situation in question would fall into the latter category.
    "If this works, it'll keep us from getting' caught. If it doesn't, it'll keep us from gettin' old," -- MacGyver
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Fail then.

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