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Ship Core Error

DanishDanish Registered Posts: 4
edited April 2013 in Tech Support #1
Whenever I try to "recalculate fitting" on my ship core I get this error message:

[ERROR] addons/space combat/lua/entities/ship_core_base/cl_init.lua:53: Calling net.Start with unpooled message name [http://goo.gl/qcx0y]
1. Start - [C]:-1
2. SendUpdate - addons/space combat/lua/entities/ship_core_base/cl_init.lua:53
3. DoClick - addons/space combat/lua/entities/ship_core_base/cl_init.lua:477
4. unknown - lua/vgui/dlabel.lua:206

Im on the Spacebuild 3 : server 1


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