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Minging/Trolling on your Build #1 Server
a guy name I dub I jacksparks2 has been killing me repeatedly on spawn and propblocking my ship, I have video evidence that will be posted soon. this is taking place on your build #1 server.
Now on to the actual report that you have, I would like to point out that in the MOTD it states that anyone is allowed to attack you once you leave spawn, and also that it states that anyone is free to attack you regardless of peaceful status if you claim a planet. The video you've attached to the post shows someone attacking you outside of spawn, could you confirm, with evidence if possible, that he was also attacking you on spawn as well?
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I have no video of it occurring on spawn, but I was on the ice planet, due to his killing occurring on spawn, he followed me there, killed me, where in I created video to my dismay that through lack of my visual evidence and/or credibility only containing 2 overall posts on here, I somehow find myself in this thread writing a report in attempt to make your server better when I only play on it every 6 months. If I didn't like the server I would've just minged him in return. This was my attempt to better your server for your own good, take it or leave it, I'm not lying, nor do you have to believe me.
Lλmbdλ: donations for coding the space future of diaspora :>
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