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I know there was another thread and that was shutdown. I will now make my point and list a few reasons.
Evolve is a lot like ulx, the commands are similar and from what I understand plugins are very easy to write and incorporate into it. Why don't we just give it a trial run for a bit, see what the other staffers think of it? I have had a bit of experience with it, and I also saw that the menu for setting limits and blacklisting things was very straightforward and easy to use, and was quite easy to make and add new ranks. This may be different in Gm13 or may not even exist at all anymore, but could we please try it? It's something new and would capitalize on us trying to redesign the server, and with ASSmod and Ulx being quite old tools many people are familiar with and evolve being fairly new, what harm could trying something new have?
I'm just saying we give it a trial run. We don't even have to host it on both servers, just one to let staffers mess around with it for a while.
Evolve is a lot like ulx, the commands are similar and from what I understand plugins are very easy to write and incorporate into it. Why don't we just give it a trial run for a bit, see what the other staffers think of it? I have had a bit of experience with it, and I also saw that the menu for setting limits and blacklisting things was very straightforward and easy to use, and was quite easy to make and add new ranks. This may be different in Gm13 or may not even exist at all anymore, but could we please try it? It's something new and would capitalize on us trying to redesign the server, and with ASSmod and Ulx being quite old tools many people are familiar with and evolve being fairly new, what harm could trying something new have?
I'm just saying we give it a trial run. We don't even have to host it on both servers, just one to let staffers mess around with it for a while.
Every Human Being has some capacity for evil. It's just that some Humans have a greater capacity for evil than others.
This discussion has been closed.
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