Home Announcements
Welcome to the new Diaspora forums, please let us know if you see anything broken! Notice: Some users may need to reupload their avatars due to an issue during forum setup!

We've Moved! (Forum Hosting)

SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
edited November 2012 in Announcements #1
Greetings, forum-goers!

Recently, you may have noticed some oddities with the service: outages here and there, downtime, missing posts. However, don't panic too awfully much, that was just us (clumsily) moving over to new hosting.

On the roster for new stuff:
- A shiny new domain name!
- A more powerful server!
- Faster load times!
- Other stuff I don't know about that come with exclamation points!

Again, we did kinda botch a bit of that move, so some things went missing. If anyone lost a couple posts or even an account in a couple cases, no, that was not intentional, so go ahead and remake them.

Other than those issues, most of the kinks of migrating the forum over have been worked out, but let us know if anything is still bugged up!

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