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Damn you forums, Y U MAKE FALSE RED ICONS?

xX Lord Anubis XxxX Lord Anubis Xx Registered Posts: 170
edited October 2012 in Tech Support #1
I am always seeing red icons for unread posts, but cant for the life of the find the topic that it's in. Anyone else getting this problem? And by I cant find it I mean there are no red icons on topics, and looking through the topics I find nothing new anyway. And I post this in Gmod general because this mostly happens with the gmod threads.
Every Human Being has some capacity for evil. It's just that some Humans have a greater capacity for evil than others.


  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    I am always seeing red icons for unread posts, but cant for the life of the find the topic that it's in. Anyone else getting this problem? And by I cant find it I mean there are no red icons in on topics, and looking through the topics I find nothing new anyway.
    That's usually caused by a moved topic, if I remember right. Whenever it happens to me, I just go into the forum and back out and it seems to be fine.

    If it's still doing it after that, try clearing your cookies and cache.

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