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Change Log for July 8 - July 14

NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
edited July 2012 in Change Logs #1
[BALANCE] - Raised the Support Energy usage of the Phaser, seemed far too efficient for a cruiser weapon. Again, if you disagree with this then you should post here.
[FEATURE] - Added the Joystick module, now we can have joystick control of spaceships.
[UPDATE] - Removed the Gravity Hull Designator, it was causing a lot of server-side errors.

"We fear that which we cannot see... we respect that which we cannot see... thus the blade will be wielded."



  • NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
    [TWEAK] - Renamed Array:hasEntity(), etc, functions to be Array:hasType(entity), Array:hasType(vector). This can allow for blindly looping through for loops without specifically knowing the type of data you're playing with ;3.
    [BALANCE] - Modified SG Shields to use Support Energy, hopefully it's balanced correctly - if you try it, and it's not then please post here.

    "We fear that which we cannot see... we respect that which we cannot see... thus the blade will be wielded."


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