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Buffer/Snapshot Overload Problems

DaAwesomeOneDaAwesomeOne Registered Posts: 2
edited April 2012 in Tech Support #1
I have been having a lot of fun flaying on the Diaspora SB battle server, but everytime I play now I get disconected while leaving the spawn room (gooniverseV3). When I get disconected a buffer overflow error or snapshot overload error, the latter being more common. I've noticed that it happens when there are more than about 2 other people on the server. I don't know if this happens to me on the main SB build server because I still need some of the mods that are on it. I really live spacebuild and the Diaspora server likes like a lot of fun, but I can bearly play on it when this keeps on happening. please share any thing that might help. Thanks.


  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    Typing "myinfo_bytes 99999" (or some other high number) may help. If you find yourself unable to move and the console gets spammed with a error message about loopbacks, set it back to 128. Also, if the map has a spawn room, wait about 10 seconds before entering the teleport to the main area. Not much you can do apart from that, Source wasn't really designed for huge amounts of props flying around everywhere.

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