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Ship Classification E2

NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
edited April 2012 in Showcase #1
Simple E2 to tell you what classification your ship holds, with its current health. This uses the list posted by Brandon on some part of the forums.

To use, simply paste on a cored ship (if you don't, it'll punish you with high ops), and look at the overlay. It'll give you a classification, the range of health that classification falls within, as well as your current health, nicely shortened (E.g: "1.45 Mill")
# This E2 was written by NinjrKillr, and has been placed into the public
# domain for free use. Any modifications are allowed, but credit must
# remain with NinjrKillr for the original E2. This E2 is allowed to be
# shared at will, provided this header remains intact.

@name Ship Classification
@outputs Class:string
@persist Core:entity Classification:string

function string shortHandNumber(FNumber)
    Out = ""
    if(FNumber < 1000){Out = toString(FNumber)}
        if(FNumber < 1000000){Out = round(FNumber / 1000,1) + "K"}
        elseif(FNumber < 1000000000){Out = round(FNumber / 1000000,2) + " Mill"}
        else {Out = round(FNumber / 1000000000,2) + "Bill"}
    return Out


    setName("Ship Classification\nBooting")
    Core = entity():isWeldedTo():getCoreEnt()
    timer("Recheck for Core", 2000)
elseif(clk("Recheck for Core"))
    Core = entity():isWeldedTo():getCoreEnt()

if(Core != noentity())
    Shield = Core:getShieldMax()
    Armor = Core:getArmorMax()
    Hull = Core:getHullMax()
    T = Shield + Armor + Hull
    if(T<100000){Classification="Fighter / Bomber / Interceptor\n0 - 100k HP"}
    elseif(T<150000){Classification="Heavy - Fighter / Bomber / Interceptor\n100 - 150k HP"}
    elseif(T<175000){Classification="Corvette\n150 - 175k HP"}
    elseif(T<250000){Classification="Frigate\n175 - 250k HP"}
    elseif(T<275000){Classification="Heavy Frigate\n250 - 275k HP"}
    elseif(T<400000){Classification="Destroyer\n275 - 400k HP"}
    elseif(T<800000){Classification="Cruiser\n400 - 800k HP"}
    elseif(T<1000000){Classification="Battle-Cruiser\n800k - 1 million HP"}
    elseif(T<1400000){Classification="Battleship\n1 - 1.4 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<2500000){Classification="Dreadnaught\n1.4 - 2.5 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<6000000){Classification="Super Battleship\n2.5 - 6 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<10000000){Classification="Class 1 Leviathon\n6 - 10 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<14000000){Classification="Class 2 Leviathon\n10 - 14 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<18000000){Classification="Class 3 Leviathon\n14 - 18 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<26000000){Classification="Class 1 Titan\n18 - 26 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<34000000){Classification="Class 2 Titan\n26 - 42 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<50000000){Classification="Battle-Barge\n34 - 50 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<60000000){Classification="Super Dreadnaught\n50 - 60 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<75000000){Classification="Leviathon Destroyer\n60 - 75 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<100000000){Classification="Mega Titan\n75 - 100 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<125000000){Classification="Super Leviathon\n100 - 125 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<150000000){Classification="Titan Destroyer\n 125 - 150 mill HP"}
    elseif(T<250000000){Classification="Eversor Regalis\n150 - 250 mill HP"}
    else{Classification="HOLY FUCKING JESUS"}
    Class = Classification:explode("\n")[1,string]
    setName("Ship Classification\n" + Classification + "\n("+shortHandNumber(T)+")")
    timer("Recheck for Core",1000)

"We fear that which we cannot see... we respect that which we cannot see... thus the blade will be wielded."



  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    Oh hey, this version doesn't inexplicably print the classification to everyone on the server.

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
    Exactly my reason for posting it, as I don't want to know your classification. Chatspam is nawt cool!!

    "We fear that which we cannot see... we respect that which we cannot see... thus the blade will be wielded."

  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    NinjrKillr wrote:
    Exactly my reason for posting it, as I don't want to know your classification. Chatspam is nawt cool!!

    consideration of other players award

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
    If you see people using the spam version, be sure to either point them towards this thread, or give them a copy of my version ;3

    And ty, *hangs award on wall*

    "We fear that which we cannot see... we respect that which we cannot see... thus the blade will be wielded."

  • KanzukeKanzuke Registered, Moderator Posts: 181
    By the way, I made rc_mans E2 into the 'spam' version you hate, and I only gave it out to one or two people, Brandon being one. The only reason it posts to everyone is so the ship's owner and anyone else interested can see it. Stop complaining about it, people post useless crap in chat all the time, and no one has complained about having to read it except you.

    Then again, your also the only person I've seen care about muting gens so much. XD

    Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Kanzuke wrote:
    Then again, your also the only person I've seen care about muting gens so much. XD

    I hate that shit too. The fusion reactors aren't so bad, but the ones with loud-as-fuck motors are really annoying when there's 5 of them running.
  • NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
    You'll note, Kanzuke, that in the OP I didn't complain about the chat-spam version, I only responded to Lambda's mentioning of it. :P

    Besides, chat-spam / sound-spam, both, are very irritiating. Sure thing people may need to post random stuff into chat, but if they can avoid it, they should.

    I'd like to point out that more than 1-2 people have it, lol, as I see it being used 'most every day.

    Muting stuff is how it should be done. If I can't have the developers remove (or change) the sound, then I'll have to teach people how to mute stuff, won't I?

    "We fear that which we cannot see... we respect that which we cannot see... thus the blade will be wielded."

  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    Kanzuke wrote:
    Then again, your also the only person I've seen care about muting gens so much. XD


    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • KanzukeKanzuke Registered, Moderator Posts: 181
    I just have a bind for 'stopsounds'. And there can't be more than two people, the announcing function is ulx tsay and can't be used by anyone less than a moderator. If you see it in chat, it's probably me.

    Lambda217: oh oh i am kanzuke and i love my little pony and now i'll make all the brandonphysics myself cause i know fuckin everything because now i'll make a big pony fighter drone squad and a big fuckin portal ship and i am a fuckin idiot
  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    Kanzuke wrote:
    I just have a bind for 'stopsounds'. And there can't be more than two people, the announcing function is ulx tsay and can't be used by anyone less than a moderator. If you see it in chat, it's probably me.


    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    Kanzuke wrote:
    I just have a bind for 'stopsounds'. And there can't be more than two people, the announcing function is ulx tsay and can't be used by anyone less than a moderator. If you see it in chat, it's probably me.

    Or, instead of making everyone tailor to your needs, you can simply mute your gens.
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    A stopsounds bind is not that hard, really. I haven't played in almost a year and I still know how to do it. I had mine on "/" which isn't even that much of a stretch to hit. I, for one, actually liked the sound of a dozen whirring generators, made fuel bases sound busy instead of sitting there being static.
  • NinjrKillrNinjrKillr Registered Posts: 175
    Kanzuke wrote:
    And there can't be more than two people, the announcing function is ulx tsay and can't be used by anyone less than a moderator. If you see it in chat, it's probably me.

    (And Admirals, but they're basically just Mods anyway)

    There might actually still be that E2 function that does it..... but I'm not sure. Kanzuke, could you use this E2 instead of your version unless someone else specifically asks to know your classification? :D

    "We fear that which we cannot see... we respect that which we cannot see... thus the blade will be wielded."


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