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Problem, I don't have all the LS Mining Storage!
Hi. I download all svn in thread Diaspora SVN Links, when i start single player game, i search in CAF Ore Storage but i didn't have!.Only Life Support Mining Laser and PN Storage. Please give me links to this addon and please give me links to Gyro PodAdvanced with PN fuel or Energy to use. Thanks for Help. DjEvill
Sorry, but you will have to play on our servers for now in order to use the Mining Addon stuff.
PS. Write, to me when i have mistake in my write or do not understand what I write. Thanks
I will admit, I'm sick of mingebags not even kick it can not be.
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
If you want mining specifically, try Space Age, I hear they have better mining stuff than we do.
"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."
Also, asking politely for help from anyone who doesn't appear to be busy on a ship or E2 (no gears above their head) will likely end up with you getting help.