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StopForumSpam Protection Problem

Golden_CrowGolden_Crow Registered Posts: 21
edited August 2011 in Bans & Appeals #1
So here's the official ticket about the SpamBot as I can not send a PM to Paper Clip and I got a delivery messege on my hotmail stating that the mails where not sent.

Anyway the problem is that it seems to detect a SpamBot on my computer and consequently bans me. Now thankfully I have a temporary mobile internet without a static IP and so I can still log on and post with a few minutes of reloading the site. The wierder thing is that somehow I was unbanned sometime during the early morning (6am my time GMT +1) but as I logged on after having got some sleep and trying to reply I consequently got banned once more.

I hope there is a way to go around this in a quick and easy way as I'd very much like to stay. :)


(I'm currently using a fake IP to post this BTW, just to add to the stability of my connection.)

EDIT: Oh and I almost forgot. I did another search for bots just to make sure and I had no infections of any kind according to SpyBot, AVG and CCleaner.


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