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Change Log for Feb 6 - Feb 12

SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
edited February 2011 in Change Logs #1
I know I am starting this week's changelog a day early, but it seems a little bit of a waste to have an entire changelog thread for one change on one day.

[list][*][FORUM] - Added Talk to the Management > Bans & Appeals section. Forgot to set this up while configuring the forum.[/*]
[*][UPDATE] - Synced the Main server's Wire_Extras (UWSVN) to the Dev server.[/*]
[*][UPDATE] - Updated Wire on both servers.[/*]
[*][UPDATE] - Updated SBEP_Models on both servers.[/*]
[*][FEATURE] - Made a new E2 Downloads addon for all the released E2s to be put. Tossed on a few of my useful tool E2s that I think will benefit everyone. Downloads automatically when joining.[/*]
[*][PLAN][FEATURE] - Replace the above with E2Share when I actually decide to finish it.[/*][/list]


  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Breaking my own "duplicate posts" rule here, but this needs to be marked so people read this.

    [list][*][UPDATE][FIX][FEATURE] - Massive update to MapRotate, pretty much an overhaul of the thing. To start off, it is now intertwined with ULX to bring in some new functionality to the users. I will list the new ULX commands below. Also completely redid the map randomizer to select a map based on it's "weight". A map is weighted by how much it's played and how much users like it, and that weight determines how often it will show up in the Rotator. Weights go down when the map is loaded (bringing all the other map weights up), and weights fluctuate based on user votes (see below). Made some ULX commands for non-admin staff to be able to set the next map and time as well. Now for the list of the commands:
    [list][*]!votetime - A value between 5 and 90, brings up a vote to the entire server to extend or shorten the map timer.[/*]
    [*]!votenextmap (or !votemapnext) - Type in a map, also a public vote.[/*]
    [*]!setnextmap - For staff to use, automatically sets the rotator to this map.[/*]
    [*]!settime - Staff use, automatically sets the rotator timer.[/*]
    [*]!likemap - Increases the weight of the current map, makes it show up more often (one vote per player per map).[/*]
    [*]!hatemap - Decreases the weight of the current map.[/*][/list][/*][/list]
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    [list][*] [FEATURE] - Added in another Fuel Tank. It requires a full 10 fuel points, effectively using every single possible point you can get. This is to reduce entities on Large ships, while still giving ample fuel storage. Look for "Extra Large PN-Fuel Tank" in the Mining Storage list.[/*][/list]
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Lots of updates, since Team Garry decided to pretty much nuke SB3.

    [*][UPDATE] - Updated both servers to latest GMod version.[/*]
    [*][UPDATE] - Updated CAF on both servers.[/*]
    [*][UPDATE] - Updated SBEP on both servers.[/*]
    [*][UPDATE] - Updated Spacebuild 3 on both servers.[/*]
    [*][UPDATE] - Updated Wire on both servers.[/*]
    [*][UPDATE] - Updated LS3 on both servers.[/*]
    [*][FIX] - Copied Space Combat and Simple Prop Protection over from the Main to the Dev server, there apparently was a version mismatch between the two causing some issues.[/*]
    [*][FIX] - Restored LS3 Godmode functionality; update overwrote some simple checks to keep people in godmode from endlessly making drowning noises in space.[/*]
    [*][FEATURE] - Made some changes to my Autoparenter and updated the one on the downloader. I am unsure if the new version will automatically download or not.[/*][/list]
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    [list][*] [FORUM][UPDATE] - Fixed the image-size problem with the forums. You should have no trouble with pasting larger images onto a page now.[/*]
    [*] [FORUM][UPDATE] - Increased the forums avatar maximum dimensions to 125x125. Figured it was a better size than 90x90.[/*]
    [*] [FORUM][UPDATE] - Removed Quick Reply. It appears to allow people to post in Locked topics, disabled until a fix is found/made.
    [*] [UPDATE] - Updated Wiremod and Wire Extras on both servers. Virtually all previous problems caused by Garry's update is fixed.[/*][/list]
  • Nielk1Nielk1 Registered, Administrator Posts: 252
    [list][*] [FEATURE] - Added temporary E2 function entity:setPosition(vec). It allows any player to move themselves and any Commander or higher to move other players. By this time they should be mature enough to use it correctly. The function is based on some old McBuilds code from Feha but also had some omissions and issues. For now, it will work, but it needs to be replaced with a better version in the future. This function was placed in the Stuff.lua e2 extension for those devs wanting to tackle the refactoring and recoding. The E2Helper shows the old incorrect description however, this needs to be fixed but as a client change I cannot do it without access to the FastDL FTP.[/*][/list]

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