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she's eating the potatos!
10:50 - Engaging starch-based power cells 11:00 - Reboot safety test protocol initiated... 11:00 - Relaxation chamber locks released... 11:00 - Involuntary hazard mitigation associates have assumed testing positions... 11:00 - Pre-release lethality assessment initiated...
As of this moment you and are have been declared TROLLS guess we better go found our bridge and beware those goats!
As of this moment you and are have been declared TROLLS guess we better go found our bridge and beware those goats!
The one thing with the prize for having all the potatoes that irked me was that Portal 2 was in it but all extra copies got eaten. I had pre-ordred. Lots of people were bitching about already having Valve complete if not most of Valve's games and the prize being 99% eaten but only the Portal 2 thing irked me. I noticed maybe 2 days later I had extra copies (they either listened to the ppl bitching or they did what was always meant to be done and it just took some time).