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Otomata - Cellular Trance Automaton

SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
edited April 2011 in Watercooler #1
Randomly stumbling around the net when I should be doing my homework, I found a site with a flash application called Otomata. This little thing uses Cellular Automaton logic (simple rules of interaction to make complex actions) applied to moving blocks to make music.

Other than that, it's rather hard to explain it without directly copying from the origin site. However, I can say this: it's quite hard to make a pattern sound ugly in this thing, and many random patterns end up sounding like trance leads (hence the title of the thread).

The application itself has a neat little button that saves your pattern to a URL, which you can paste to share with others. You can find the application here.

Feel free to post your patterns here using that Copy button, here's my favorite out of what I got while playing around:
http://www.earslap.com/projectslab/otom ... 3z6d6c2v2h


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