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New BBCode for Forums!

AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
edited April 2011 in Announcements #1
So. I have created an image thumbnail BBCode, for large images. It's pretty damn easy to use, so please. If you have images larger than like.. 600-ish pixels, please use it.


See? Works great. Useful as hell, too. Keeps things mostly uncluttered.

I also added in a Spoiler tag. Also works real easy.
This is the spoiler. It works really well, it does. I can type almost endlessly about crap you will never even see unless you tell it to open.

I even added Green text, mostly cause lol. Not gonna explain this one, however.
>Implying anyone will
Mouse-Over the command in the BBCode list at the top of the post for how to use them. It's pretty damn basic. Enjoy your new tools for better Forum posting!


  • Alex4921Alex4921 Registered Posts: 139
    Or just quote you:
    [greentxt]Implying anyone will[/greentxt]
    The quieter you are,the more you are able to hear.

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