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MultiParent tool...

EskirEskir Registered Posts: 23
edited April 2011 in Suggestions #1
Hey, I'm just thinking about it;
How about taking off the MultiParent tool? It breaks ships and is generaly useles... Not that it would make much of a change, but it might prevent new players from using it. (If it's important for the Parenting E2, nevermind that... but you could at least restrict it ^^)


  • KillerKiller Registered Posts: 69
    I agree with this
    As of this moment you and are have been declared TROLLS guess we better go found our bridge and beware those goats!
  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    It's actually a useful tool to attach non-props onto an already parented object. It's just horrible for whole ships. I might go in and rewrite it to not fuck with the physics so much after my workload quiets down.
  • EskirEskir Registered Posts: 23
    Alrighty, that's indeed useful.. maybe you could just edit the tooltip? So it says like "FOR OUR ALL SAKE, DO NOT USE IT TO PARENT WHOLE SHIPS"

    (p.s someone explain me why I still got banned in the end, for like 3 days now..)

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