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Music suggestion for next space combat video?
Anyone have any suggestions for music that will fit well to a space battle compilation video?
Do it. I will love you forever.
This is one my favorites. You could make something epic out of this.
wow! Now that is one that I love and it will fit great with video. I love the progression of the song as well! It is going to be included. I may need another song which is very soft and peaceful for a non-battle part. If you have any more suggestions like this one, I would love to hear them. Now I need to find an mp3 version of this song, I may have to buy it off itunes.
also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyDaI0qzywQ
with a nice selection of people building at fast rate at the beggining, hour after hours work is never over do it faster stronger
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ2QuFJv ... re=related
No one's gonna take me alive, you and I must fight to survive
2 songs inside a 7z Archive and I think this is these are the only existing copies.