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[Ban Request] theSEPTIC guy

Animefan162aAnimefan162a Registered Posts: 2
edited August 2017 in Bans & Appeals #1
Playername and SteamID: theSEPTIC guy (STEAM_0:1:155546491)

Reason: Propspamming/trying to crash the server.

Location: Build 1

Description: When I came on the server to work on my ship, I saw a large assortment of props belonging to theSEPTIC guy littered around, then I saw a bunch of builder parts, life support systems and weapons lumped together in a ball of sparks and collisions. I admit I shrugged this off at first thinking it was just a daily mingebag who would leave soon anyway, but then I started lagging and got the server connection warning. The server hung in connection limbo for a while, players dropped and theSEPTIC guy disconnected after which about 5 minutes their props were auto-cleaned and the lag immediately disappeared.

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 1067498372
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 1067498185

(Console Logs) https://pastebin.com/5LEf8Ua1

Sergeant Spaghetti (STEAM_0:1:65165642)

Comments: None.


  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Unfortunately, from the screenshots here and the console log, he just looks like he was absolutely clueless with the different spawner tools. Post here once more if he does it again and doesn't respond to requests to stop spamming unfrozen entities everywhere.

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