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Part Assembler Amplified
Back in July I worked with the SBEP team that existed for a month to update the Part Assembler tool's tables, in order to allow more parts to be used with the part assembler.
Many Medbridge parts were given points, some Modbridge ships were given points, and a small few Smallbridge parts were given points.
https://github.com/copperwarrior/sbep/c ... 207299b512
Even though I got very far with these changes, X-Coder (the personal with control over the git at the time) did not want to incorporate the changes until I completely finished. Unfortunately, by the time I was finished, the revival project had died.
So, now, I would like to offer you these changes in hopes that newer people who have not found the intricacies of the Precision and Precision Alignment can use them to better their ships.
Also because I'm nostalgic and have a a love/hate relationship with the tool.
Also on my personal GitHub there are a few changes to the Part Spawner tool that you may feel the need to freshen up and incorporate if you like, such as the addition of ghosting and welding to the Part Spawner tool. Purely optional, however, as the welding and ghosting on that version messes up 86.2% of the time.
Many Medbridge parts were given points, some Modbridge ships were given points, and a small few Smallbridge parts were given points.
https://github.com/copperwarrior/sbep/c ... 207299b512
Even though I got very far with these changes, X-Coder (the personal with control over the git at the time) did not want to incorporate the changes until I completely finished. Unfortunately, by the time I was finished, the revival project had died.
So, now, I would like to offer you these changes in hopes that newer people who have not found the intricacies of the Precision and Precision Alignment can use them to better their ships.
Also because I'm nostalgic and have a a love/hate relationship with the tool.
Also on my personal GitHub there are a few changes to the Part Spawner tool that you may feel the need to freshen up and incorporate if you like, such as the addition of ghosting and welding to the Part Spawner tool. Purely optional, however, as the welding and ghosting on that version messes up 86.2% of the time.