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Global storage pump sync

ertexertex Registered Posts: 12
edited October 2016 in Tech Support #1
Not quite sure if bug or feature... (or not implemented) but hey.
the Storagepumps does not sync over server 1 and 2. Noticed this when I found out about the build server and I did not have my hoards of hard earned minerals.
And if this isnt feature would it be possible to have it synced?
That is all



  • LtBrandonLtBrandon Registered, Administrator Posts: 507
    ertex wrote:
    Not quite sure if bug or feature... (or not implemented) but hey.
    the Storagepumps does not sync over server 1 and 2. Noticed this when I found out about the build server and I did not have my hoards of hard earned minerals.
    And if this isnt feature would it be possible to have it synced?
    That is all

    One of these servers is the development server, which is why it isn't synced. There are regularly things that can break the database on server 2(beta/development).
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  • ertexertex Registered Posts: 12
    LtBrandon wrote:
    One of these servers is the development server, which is why it isn't synced. There are regularly things that can break the database on server 2(beta/development).

    ah, I better get back to farming recorces then.

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