[00:12:49](Console) changed the map to sb_lostinspace [00:12:49]Server is shutting down/changing levels. [00:14:05]New map: sb_forlorn_sb3_r2l [01:31:17]Client "NinjrKillr" connected ( [01:35:01]Client "NinjrKillr" spawned in server ( [01:36:38]NinjrKillr was killed by worldspawn [01:45:03]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/matthew0623_hydra.mdl [01:45:04]NinjrKillr spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [01:45:05]NinjrKillr spawned model models/props_bts/lab_floorlight.mdl [01:45:05]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [01:45:05]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbdoorsquare.mdl [02:37:33]Client "Deci" connected ( [02:38:46]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [02:40:24]Deci: Hi [02:40:28]Client "SGC | Zardian" connected ( [02:40:33]Deci: ZAR! [02:40:44]Deci: :D [02:40:58]Deci: Yes it has [02:42:18]Client "SGC | Zardian" spawned in server ( [02:42:19]Dropped "SGC | Zardian" from server [02:43:10]Deci: Your taking an awful long time to load [02:43:20]Client "SGC | Zardian" connected ( [02:44:23]Client "Lonely Colour" connected ( [02:44:45]Client "SGC | Zardian" spawned in server ( [02:45:11]SGC | Zardian: harrr [02:45:18]Deci: Hihi [02:45:49]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo_2/drone_mac.mdl [02:45:50]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [02:45:50]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rtankstand.mdl [02:45:50]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [02:45:50]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [02:45:50]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [02:45:50]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [02:45:51]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [02:45:51]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [02:45:51]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [02:45:51]SGC | Zardian spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/strange.mdl [02:45:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [02:45:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [02:45:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rtankstand.mdl [02:45:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [02:45:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [02:47:39]SGC | Zardian spawned sent zero_point_module [02:49:07]SGC | Zardian: where u at? [02:49:20]Deci: Dune [02:49:38]Deci: Building mah base again [02:52:21]SGC | Zardian granted god mode upon themself [02:52:21]SGC | Zardian: !god [02:53:30]SGC | Zardian: hi :D [02:53:41]Deci: Out of my pool >:O [02:53:47]Deci: You kids tend to piss in it [02:53:51]SGC | Zardian: :/ [02:53:54]Deci: lol [02:54:00]SGC | Zardian: you begging for plasma missiles? [02:54:09]Deci: Do we still have shields? [02:54:14]SGC | Zardian: sg shields? [02:54:16]SGC | Zardian: yeah [02:54:19]Deci: yar [02:54:21]Deci: Yay! [02:55:48]Deci: Zar come here [02:56:25]SGC | Zardian: ? [02:56:36]Deci: Can you see thsi on the wall? [02:56:43]SGC | Zardian: yeap [02:56:47]Deci: :D [02:56:50]SGC | Zardian: >.< [02:56:51]Deci: The spray [02:56:53]Dropped "NinjrKillr" from server [02:56:55]SGC | Zardian: yes [02:57:04]Deci: I love my spray! [02:57:15]SGC | Zardian: mmk [02:57:36]SGC | Zardian: make a ship [02:57:36]Deci: Too lazy to make auto control! [02:57:39]SGC | Zardian: i want to blow shit up [02:57:44]Deci: Nuuuu [02:57:51]SGC | Zardian: yeeeees [02:59:35]SGC | Zardian: cmon u lazyass [02:59:40]SGC | Zardian: one dogfight for ol time sakes [02:59:46]SGC | Zardian: im bored [03:00:00]Deci: You know how long ive been gone? [03:00:11]SGC | Zardian: pretty damn long i guess [03:00:14]Deci: Im struggling to remember how to do most of the simple things [03:00:22]Deci: Almost a year [03:00:27]SGC | Zardian: >.< [03:00:49]SGC | Zardian: rusty ill take but nobody can forget how to spacebuild [03:00:59]Deci: Very rusty [03:01:05]Deci: And theres alot of new shit [03:01:14]Deci: Like when i left you didnt have to power your gyropod [03:01:23]SGC | Zardian: well yeah the fuel sys [03:01:30]SGC | Zardian: and weapons being derp [03:01:33]SGC | Zardian: but other than that [03:01:37]SGC | Zardian: its the same old shit [03:02:23]Deci: And TBH i dont feel like doing shit other than rewriting my crappy e2s [03:02:31]SGC | Zardian: :/ [03:02:34]SGC | Zardian: e2s.. [03:02:35]Deci: Its early in the morning and i havnt slept in a while [03:02:37]SGC | Zardian: whats the point [03:02:52]Deci: They make your game experience a little eaiser [03:02:54]Deci: XD [03:03:07]SGC | Zardian: i spent a ton of time perfecting the sentinel and allmost as long making the goddamn light missiles in lua [03:03:16]SGC | Zardian: now be gratefull and get ur ass blown up [03:03:20]Deci: lol [03:04:08]SGC | Zardian spawned sent mini_zpm [03:05:43]SGC | Zardian: ill blow up ur base! [03:06:00]Deci: Dont be a dick XDE [03:09:29]SGC | Zardian: whats that e2 do? [03:09:44]Deci: When its done it will automatically start everything in here [03:09:56]SGC | Zardian: so resource control [03:09:59]Deci: Yeah [03:10:06]Deci: Im a bit braindead today [03:11:20]SGC | Zardian: ... [03:11:25]SGC | Zardian: spacebuild is dead [03:11:27]Deci: What?! [03:11:29]SGC | Zardian: there is nothing going on in here [03:11:33]Deci: Yeah [03:11:33]SGC | Zardian: ever [03:11:37]Deci: Because for most of its players [03:11:41]Deci: They are asleep [03:11:48]SGC | Zardian: no i mean all the time [03:11:50]Deci: Where do you live Zar [03:11:54]SGC | Zardian: people mostly troll here [03:11:57]Deci: It was slam full today for about an hour and a half [03:11:59]SGC | Zardian: and kill time [03:12:06]SGC | Zardian: the good old mcbuilds days spacebuild is gone [03:12:10]SGC | Zardian: and i live in finalnd [03:12:17]SGC | Zardian: finland even [03:12:34]Deci: The only reason im awake is because i work night shift [03:12:39]Deci: I sleep during the day [03:12:46]SGC | Zardian: the amount of idling compared to fighting is prolly less than half of what it was in sb2 [03:19:16]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate8x8.mdl [03:25:10]Deci: Yay it works! [03:29:35]Client "ipwnzu4free" connected ( [03:30:22]SGC | Zardian: asfajhrgsrkjgakrjgjkg [03:30:25]Deci: alkdsjf;lasdjf;lakdhlfa [03:30:29]Deci: Jooka? [03:30:33]SGC | Zardian: the hell was that [03:30:54]Client "JamesCLK" connected ( [03:31:54]Deci: Awww [03:31:57]Deci: I have big error [03:32:01]SGC | Zardian: ? [03:32:07]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [03:32:08]Deci: The shield [03:32:19]SGC | Zardian: is an error? [03:32:24]JamesCLK: schooop [03:32:24]Deci: Ja [03:32:29]SGC | Zardian: thats durp [03:32:31]SGC | Zardian: get sg shit [03:32:32]JamesCLK teleported to SGC | Zardian [03:32:32]JamesCLK: !goto Zard [03:32:34]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [03:32:34](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [03:32:34]Deci: AHHHH! [03:32:37]Deci: JAMES! [03:32:39]Deci: Kill it! [03:32:40]JamesCLK: ohai [03:33:22]JamesCLK: so zard, somthin about missiles, somthin somthin darkside somthin lasers? [03:33:33]SGC | Zardian: missiles yes [03:33:36]SGC | Zardian: darkside laser what? [03:33:45]JamesCLK: nvm, you didnt get it [03:33:56]SGC | Zardian: them light missiles [03:33:58]JamesCLK: :O [03:34:03]SGC | Zardian: they work too [03:34:05]JamesCLK: why that is quite cool [03:34:05]SGC | Zardian: not just deco props [03:34:10]JamesCLK: no, i figured [03:34:20]JamesCLK: nice nice [03:34:24]Deci: brb [03:34:32]JamesCLK: this one likes it [03:34:35]SGC | Zardian: :3 [03:34:38]Deci: BTWi downloaded the stargate shit off the site [03:34:50]SGC | Zardian: which site? [03:34:52]Deci: Off of the Diaspora forum [03:35:02]SGC | Zardian: dunno bout that [03:35:10]SGC | Zardian: f to unfreeze [03:35:11]Deci: anyway brb [03:35:17]Dropped "Deci" from server [03:35:18]SGC | Zardian: beam is a toggle [03:35:24]JamesCLK: nice nice [03:35:32]JamesCLK: misseilz? [03:35:35]SGC | Zardian: alt [03:35:40]JamesCLK: the camera is a bit choppy [03:35:42]SGC | Zardian: dont hold, tap it [03:35:56]SGC | Zardian: :3 [03:36:02]SGC | Zardian: beware [03:36:09]SGC | Zardian: works on acceleration deceleration [03:36:12]SGC | Zardian: not go and dont go [03:36:17]JamesCLK: k [03:36:30]JamesCLK: aaaand, anyway to make the camera 1st person? >., [03:36:37]SGC | Zardian: mousewheel [03:36:41]JamesCLK: ah [03:36:45]JamesCLK: yay [03:36:46]SGC | Zardian: 1st person is quit derp tho [03:36:48]JamesCLK: much better [03:36:53]SGC | Zardian: i gotta figure out a way to improve it [03:36:54]JamesCLK: hard to see tho [03:37:06]JamesCLK: just make the view go outside the pod [03:37:16]JamesCLK: in front [03:37:20]SGC | Zardian: how? >.< [03:37:27]JamesCLK: same way you did the external cam [03:37:31]JamesCLK: only fixed [03:37:37]SGC | Zardian: kates chip [03:37:44]SGC | Zardian: i have only vague understanding how it works [03:37:44]JamesCLK: oh THATs why it sucks [03:37:58]SGC | Zardian: its an old version, i think shes improved it [03:38:20]JamesCLK: so choppy [03:38:42]JamesCLK: i feel like its eve with a 500 man gang [03:38:48]SGC | Zardian: :/ [03:38:52]JamesCLK: 100 ms chunks [03:39:01]JamesCLK: why isnt the camea parented instead [03:39:06]JamesCLK: err view [03:39:13]SGC | Zardian: because im not an e2 geek [03:39:16]JamesCLK: blarg [03:39:21]JamesCLK: /e2geek [03:39:24]SGC | Zardian: feel free to donate fancy ocular thingys if you have them [03:39:28]JamesCLK: no, you're a stat editor :V [03:39:43]SGC | Zardian: :/ [03:39:44]JamesCLK: barrelrolls [03:39:54]JamesCLK: SPEED TO MAXIMUM FUCK [03:39:59]SGC | Zardian: the roll slightly accelerates over time if you hold it [03:40:10]JamesCLK: cant turrrrn [03:40:11]SGC | Zardian: >Z.mdfkasgnflkrsngdtr [03:40:13]SGC | Zardian: dont crash it D: [03:40:34]SGC | Zardian: ofcourse you cant turn well if youre going bloody max speed [03:40:47]JamesCLK: WHERES NORTH [03:40:48]JamesCLK: ASFD [03:41:08]JamesCLK: D: [03:41:12]JamesCLK: ohew [03:41:14]JamesCLK: phew [03:41:29]JamesCLK: i dont like this acceleration [03:41:38]SGC | Zardian: its realistic [03:41:50]JamesCLK: yes, but i prefer internet submarines [03:41:54]JamesCLK: in spcae [03:42:20]JamesCLK: for some reason i'm better with 1st person [03:42:23]JamesCLK: scary [03:42:26]SGC | Zardian: lol [03:42:34]SGC | Zardian: might be just the third person being way too crappy [03:42:47]JamesCLK: yeah, i'm no good with laggy cams [03:42:58]JamesCLK: also, i slowed the fuck down [03:44:01]JamesCLK: holy shit, its actually intact [03:44:05]SGC | Zardian: lol [03:44:10]JamesCLK: yay [03:44:12]JamesCLK: :V [03:44:16]Client "Deci" connected ( [03:44:22]JamesCLK: but yeah, fix the cockpit material [03:44:34]SGC | Zardian: hmmm [03:44:34]JamesCLK: and i think it would work well [03:44:36]SGC | Zardian: ideas? [03:44:40]JamesCLK: light_1 [03:44:48]JamesCLK: makes it quasi invisible [03:44:48]SGC | Zardian: invis? >.< [03:45:04]JamesCLK: howsit look? [03:45:12]SGC | Zardian: not as bad as i feared actually [03:45:20]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [03:45:24]JamesCLK: this is much easier [03:45:49]Deci: Unpack the damn folder Deci >_> [03:46:07]SGC | Zardian: the bullets look kewl from afar :o [03:46:13]SGC | Zardian: i bet a dogfight would kick ass [03:46:19]JamesCLK: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH [03:46:23]JamesCLK: THE CONTROLS BROEK [03:46:24]SGC | Zardian: err [03:46:36]SGC | Zardian: lol [03:46:37]JamesCLK: halp [03:46:42]SGC | Zardian: tick quota exceeded? D: [03:46:46]JamesCLK: something snapped [03:48:04]New map: sb_forlorn_sb3_r2l [03:48:22]Client "Deci" connected ( [03:49:08]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [03:49:09]Dropped "Deci" from server [03:49:15]Client "Deci" connected ( [03:49:57]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [03:51:06]Dropped "Deci" from server [03:51:07]Client "Deci" connected ( [03:51:51]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [03:52:07]Dropped "Deci" from server [03:53:11]Client "Deci" connected ( [03:53:59]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [04:24:24]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle3.mdl [04:27:18]Deci was killed by prop_physics [04:27:49]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle05.mdl [04:28:55]Deci spawned model models/slyfo/thhull.mdl [04:29:22]Deci granted god mode upon themself [04:29:22]Deci: !god [04:29:35]Deci spawned model models/slyfo/thhull.mdl [04:29:48]Deci spawned model models/slyfo/powercrystal.mdl [04:30:10]Deci spawned model models/slyfo/powercrystal.mdl [04:31:30]Deci spawned model models/slyfo/evilsphere.mdl [04:31:56]Deci spawned model models/slyfo/t-eng.mdl [04:33:23]Deci spawned model models/slyfo/evilsphere.mdl [04:37:07]Deci spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_topplate.mdl [04:39:48]Dropped "Deci" from server [05:16:27]Client "JamesCLK" connected ( [05:16:42]Client "SGC | Zardian" connected ( [05:16:43]Client "D3|zxvnm4" connected ( [05:17:59]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [05:18:17]Client "SGC | Zardian" spawned in server ( [05:18:44]SGC | Zardian teleported to JamesCLK [05:18:44]SGC | Zardian: !goto James [05:18:53]SGC | Zardian granted god mode upon themself [05:18:53]SGC | Zardian: !god [05:19:21]Client "D3|zxvnm4" spawned in server ( [05:19:21]Dropped "JamesCLK" from server [05:19:21]Client "JamesCLK" connected ( [05:20:12]SGC | Zardian killed D3|zxvnm4 using rpg_missile [05:20:18]SGC | Zardian: ninja move [05:20:26]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [05:20:51]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [05:20:51]JamesCLK: !god [05:21:21]JamesCLK: lol [05:21:31]D3|zxvnm4: FAIL [05:21:34]JamesCLK killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:22:19]JamesCLK killed D3|zxvnm4 using crossbow_bolt [05:22:22]JamesCLK: OOOOH [05:22:24]JamesCLK: snap [05:22:26]D3|zxvnm4: lol opps [05:23:05]JamesCLK killed D3|zxvnm4 using crossbow_bolt [05:23:39]SGC | Zardian: noclip is gay for dm [05:23:51]SGC | Zardian revoked god mode from JamesCLK, themself, D3|zxvnm4 [05:23:51]SGC | Zardian: !ungod * [05:23:57]SGC | Zardian killed D3|zxvnm4 using crossbow_bolt [05:24:12]JamesCLK killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:24:24]D3|zxvnm4 was killed by worldspawn [05:24:39]JamesCLK killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:24:44]Client "DuneD" connected ( [05:25:03]SGC | Zardian killed JamesCLK using player [05:25:13]D3|zxvnm4 killed SGC | Zardian using rpg_missile [05:25:20]SGC | Zardian: noclipper.. [05:25:20]JamesCLK killed D3|zxvnm4 using npc_grenade_frag [05:25:25]D3|zxvnm4: ... [05:25:37]Client "DuneD" spawned in server ( [05:25:39]JamesCLK killed D3|zxvnm4 using npc_grenade_frag [05:25:45]JamesCLK: NADEZ [05:26:08]DuneD: HI [05:26:20]SGC | Zardian: yo [05:26:50]SGC | Zardian killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:27:03]DuneD: chill out [05:27:05]DuneD: here [05:27:07]DuneD: have an explosion [05:27:39]SGC | Zardian: goddamn d3 [05:27:42]SGC | Zardian: stop cheating [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:28:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:28:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:28:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:28:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:28:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:28:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:28:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:28:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:28:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:28:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:28:09]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:28:09]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:28:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:28:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:28:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:28:10]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:28:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:28:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:28:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:28:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:28:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:28:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:28:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:28:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:28:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:28:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:28:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:28:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:28:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:28:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:28:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:28:12]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:28:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:28:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:28:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:28:13]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:28:17]D3|zxvnm4 was killed by worldspawn [05:28:55]JamesCLK killed SGC | Zardian using player [05:29:00]SGC | Zardian: stop cheating both of you [05:29:04]JamesCLK: waaaat [05:29:06]JamesCLK: im not [05:29:07]JamesCLK: D: [05:29:13]JamesCLK killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:29:14]SGC | Zardian: yes you are [05:29:16]SGC | Zardian: no sg shit [05:29:17]JamesCLK: :( [05:29:19]JamesCLK: k [05:29:22]SGC | Zardian: nor other shit for that matter [05:29:27]SGC | Zardian: only standard hl2 weps [05:29:34]SGC | Zardian: and noclip only to change the level [05:29:39]JamesCLK: fine [05:30:23]JamesCLK killed SGC | Zardian using player [05:30:26]SGC | Zardian: .... [05:30:28]JamesCLK killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:30:37]JamesCLK: how bout css? [05:30:40]SGC | Zardian: fine [05:31:14]JamesCLK killed SGC | Zardian using player [05:31:45]SGC | Zardian: NO SG SHIELDS [05:31:46]SGC | Zardian: ffs [05:31:54]Dropped "DuneD" from server [05:31:54]Client "DuneD" connected ( [05:32:11]D3|zxvnm4 killed JamesCLK using rpg_missile [05:32:18]D3|zxvnm4 killed SGC | Zardian using player [05:32:32]SGC | Zardian: JAMES [05:32:32]SGC | Zardian killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:32:41]SGC | Zardian killed JamesCLK using prop_combine_ball [05:32:45]JamesCLK: :V [05:32:50]SGC | Zardian: hay [05:32:51]D3|zxvnm4: wow alot o errors [05:32:52]JamesCLK: fine [05:32:54]SGC | Zardian: lets fight in duneds ship [05:32:58]SGC | Zardian: :D [05:33:00]Client "DuneD" spawned in server ( [05:33:07]JamesCLK: if thats alright with duned [05:33:32]DuneD: what is [05:33:32]SGC | Zardian killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:33:33]DuneD: I crashed [05:33:46]SGC | Zardian: let us toy with ur ship kthxbaiu [05:33:49]D3|zxvnm4: oh sorry [05:33:58]DuneD: im working on it [05:34:04]SGC | Zardian: D: [05:34:15]JamesCLK: :( [05:34:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:34:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:34:31]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:34:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:34:33]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:34:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:34:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:34:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:34:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:34:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:34:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:34:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:34:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:34:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:34:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:34:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:34:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:34:35]SGC | Zardian killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:34:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:34:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:34:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:34:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:34:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:34:35]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:34:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:34:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:34:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:34:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:34:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:34:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:34:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:34:37]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:34:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:34:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:34:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:34:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:34:44]SGC | Zardian killed JamesCLK using player [05:34:49]SGC | Zardian killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:34:50]JamesCLK: sharpeye ftw [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:34:58]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:34:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:35:00]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:35:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:35:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:35:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:35:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:35:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:35:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:35:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:35:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:35:00]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:35:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:35:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:35:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:35:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:35:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:35:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:35:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:35:02]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:35:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:35:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:35:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:35:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:35:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:35:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:35:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:35:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:35:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:35:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:35:09]SGC | Zardian: ONLY TO CHANGE LEVEL [05:35:12]SGC | Zardian: not teleport around [05:35:13]SGC | Zardian: :/ [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:35:38]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:35:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:35:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:35:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:35:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:35:39]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:35:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:35:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:35:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:35:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:35:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:35:39]DuneD: wf [05:35:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:35:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:35:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:35:40]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:35:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:35:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:35:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:35:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:35:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:35:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:35:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:35:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:35:41]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:35:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:35:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:35:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:35:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:35:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:35:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:35:43]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:35:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:35:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:35:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:35:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:35:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:35:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:35:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:35:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:35:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:35:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:35:55]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:35:55]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:35:56]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:35:57]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:35:57]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:35:57]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:35:57]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:35:57]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:35:57]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:35:57]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:35:57]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:35:57]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:35:57]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:57]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:35:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:35:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:35:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:35:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:35:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:35:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:35:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:35:59]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:35:59]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:35:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:35:59]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:36:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:36:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:36:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:36:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:36:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:36:00]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:36:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:36:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:36:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:36:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:36:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:36:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:36:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:36:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:36:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:36:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:36:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:36:06]SGC | Zardian: HAY [05:36:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:36:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:36:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:36:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:36:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:36:17]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:36:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:36:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:36:17]SGC | Zardian killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:36:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:36:18]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:36:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:36:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:36:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:36:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:36:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:36:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:36:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:36:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:36:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:36:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:36:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:36:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:36:21]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:36:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:36:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:36:21]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:36:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:36:21]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:36:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:36:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:36:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:36:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:36:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:36:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:36:22]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:36:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:36:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:36:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:36:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:36:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:36:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:36:23]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:36:31]D3|zxvnm4: i had 10 health [05:36:35]SGC | Zardian: so what [05:36:44]D3|zxvnm4: oh nvm [05:36:57]SGC | Zardian killed D3|zxvnm4 using crossbow_bolt [05:37:16]SGC | Zardian killed D3|zxvnm4 using crossbow_bolt [05:37:58]SGC | Zardian killed JamesCLK using npc_grenade_frag [05:38:27]D3|zxvnm4 was killed by worldspawn [05:38:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:38:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:38:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:38:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:38:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:38:44]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:38:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:38:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:38:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:38:45]JamesCLK killed D3|zxvnm4 using rpg_missile [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:38:45]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:38:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:38:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:38:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:38:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:38:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:38:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:38:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:38:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:38:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:38:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:38:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:38:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:38:48]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:38:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:38:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:38:48]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:38:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:38:48]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:38:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:38:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:38:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:38:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:38:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:38:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:38:49]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:38:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:38:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:38:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:38:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:38:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:38:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:38:50]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:38:52]JamesCLK killed SGC | Zardian using rpg_missile [05:38:57]JamesCLK: :3 [05:39:33]JamesCLK killed SGC | Zardian using prop_combine_ball [05:39:37]SGC | Zardian: dang [05:39:43]JamesCLK killed D3|zxvnm4 using prop_combine_ball [05:39:47]JamesCLK killed SGC | Zardian using prop_combine_ball [05:39:49]SGC | Zardian: skjhfkljhr' [05:39:51]JamesCLK: been practicing [05:40:17]D3|zxvnm4: lol no [05:40:17]SGC | Zardian killed D3|zxvnm4 using player [05:40:22]JamesCLK killed SGC | Zardian using player [05:40:25]JamesCLK: in brink [05:40:27]JamesCLK: :V [05:40:27]D3|zxvnm4: your health is 2000 [05:40:33]D3|zxvnm4: or over [05:40:38]JamesCLK: i meant with relation to hitting you with combine balls [05:40:43]JamesCLK: :O [05:40:46]SGC | Zardian: >.< [05:40:49]SGC | Zardian: DUNED [05:40:52]SGC | Zardian: SHI [05:40:54]SGC | Zardian: SPACE [05:40:57]SGC | Zardian: AFTER HIM [05:41:02]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo_2/drone_mac.mdl [05:41:02]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [05:41:02]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rtankstand.mdl [05:41:02]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [05:41:02]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [05:41:02]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [05:41:02]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [05:41:03]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [05:41:03]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [05:41:03]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [05:41:03]SGC | Zardian spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/strange.mdl [05:41:04]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [05:41:04]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [05:41:04]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rtankstand.mdl [05:41:04]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [05:41:04]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [05:41:18]JamesCLK: fffffff [05:41:19]JamesCLK: man [05:41:26]JamesCLK: sharpeye + space = OMG [05:41:33]DuneD granted god mode upon themself [05:41:33]DuneD: !god [05:41:37]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [05:41:37](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [05:41:50]D3|zxvnm4: ... i need god [05:41:52]D3|zxvnm4 was killed by worldspawn [05:41:55]JamesCLK: THE SUNNN [05:41:59]SGC | Zardian granted god mode upon JamesCLK, themself, D3|zxvnm4, DuneD [05:41:59]SGC | Zardian: !god * [05:42:18]JamesCLK: YARRR [05:42:29]JamesCLK: and apparently theres gravity on the sun [05:42:37]D3|zxvnm4: lol [05:42:39]JamesCLK: duh [05:42:42]JamesCLK: its got a mass [05:43:00]JamesCLK: WEEPONZ [05:43:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [05:43:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:43:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:43:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdw.mdl [05:43:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:43:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:43:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dwa.mdl [05:43:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:43:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandramppdw.mdl [05:43:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:43:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:43:56]SGC | Zardian spawned sent zero_point_module [05:44:25]D3|zxvnm4: ... [05:44:28]SGC | Zardian spawned sent mini_zpm [05:45:24]JamesCLK: zpm hax [05:45:34]SGC | Zardian: its just to power them machines [05:45:35]JamesCLK: if anything zard, nerf the ZPM down to 50 million nrg [05:45:45]SGC | Zardian: why? [05:45:48]JamesCLK: cos [05:45:59]JamesCLK: and the naquadah bottles down to 25 mill over 10 minutes [05:46:07]JamesCLK: or somthin like that [05:46:26]SGC | Zardian: duned? D: [05:46:28]JamesCLK: cos the current figures are more than anyone could ever use.... you can fire mk2s all day with the zpm [05:46:30]SGC | Zardian: go to space nao [05:46:50]JamesCLK: since its non admin, it should require SOME kind of balancing [05:46:51]DuneD: im working [05:46:58]JamesCLK: atm a zpm is like a BHC but for energy [05:47:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:47:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:47:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:47:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:47:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:47:20]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:47:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:47:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:47:21]SGC | Zardian: mabbeh lower the amount of energy it can chuck out? [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:47:21]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:47:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:47:23]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:47:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:47:24]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:47:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:47:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:47:24]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:47:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:47:24]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:47:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:47:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:47:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:47:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:47:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:47:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:47:25]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:47:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:47:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:47:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:47:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:47:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:47:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:47:26]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:47:28]D3|zxvnm4 spawned sent mini_zpm [05:47:31]JamesCLK: just how much it has [05:47:44]D3|zxvnm4 spawned sent apodlauncher [05:47:47]JamesCLK: 500 million nrg can make you shoot every single weapon for the entire server map time [05:47:56]JamesCLK: or almost [05:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:48:07]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:48:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:48:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:48:12]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:48:13]JamesCLK: i think i was draining 0.1% every 5 seconds with 4 mk2s and 8 pulse guns [05:48:29]D3|zxvnm4 spawned sent warpdrive [05:49:00]JamesCLK: so thats 5000 seconds for a full drain with enough weaponry to take down a titan... which is... 1 hour and 23 minutes [05:49:49]SGC | Zardian: well someone make a working ship [05:49:51]SGC | Zardian: i want to battle [05:50:13]JamesCLK: so thats assuming your ship doesnt die in that time and that you have a freind spawn the extra guns [05:51:13]JamesCLK: 10% of that would mean you could only fire half the guns for 16 minutes straight [05:51:19]JamesCLK: which is still a long time [05:51:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:51:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:51:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:51:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:51:24]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:51:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:51:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:51:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:51:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:51:24]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:51:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:51:24]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:51:24]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:51:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:51:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:51:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:51:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:51:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:51:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:51:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:51:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:51:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:51:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:51:26]JamesCLK: and a lot of dmg [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:51:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:51:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:51:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:51:28]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:51:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:51:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:51:28]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:51:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:51:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:51:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:51:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:51:34]JamesCLK: so blarg [05:51:41]SGC | Zardian: i dont want to just limit the energy storage [05:51:45]SGC | Zardian: you can spawn them [05:51:55]SGC | Zardian: energy output is what needs to be killed [05:52:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:52:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:52:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:52:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:52:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:52:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:52:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:52:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:52:02]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:52:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:52:02]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:52:02]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:52:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:52:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:52:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:52:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:52:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:52:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:52:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:52:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:52:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:52:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:52:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:52:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:52:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:52:05]JamesCLK: thats an issue with storage caches [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:52:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:52:06]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:52:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:52:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:52:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:52:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:52:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:52:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:52:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:52:11]JamesCLK: tbh [05:52:23]JamesCLK: because the ZPM output = storage ability [05:52:33]JamesCLK: since weapons drain the caches, not the zpm [05:52:51]JamesCLK: for instance [05:52:52]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [05:53:52]JamesCLK: dude [05:53:54]JamesCLK: that thing [05:53:58]D3|zxvnm4: i trying not to [05:54:00]JamesCLK: is redbarring me [05:54:07]JamesCLK: get it the fuck away [05:54:21]SGC | Zardian: there is an output rate james [05:54:28]JamesCLK: oh, good [05:54:29]SGC | Zardian: i can test fuckup it if you want [05:54:32]D3|zxvnm4: there [05:54:40]JamesCLK: yes plz [05:54:56]JamesCLK: but tbh, they work a bit like batteries, so... [05:55:09]SGC | Zardian: (my_capacity+nw_capacity)/2 [05:55:29]JamesCLK: its just that i run my combat ships on zpm, as fusions are just a load of hassle when you're gonna get blown up anyway [05:55:42]JamesCLK: so a limited battery is more uesful [05:55:48]JamesCLK: and cache spamming is... :\ [05:55:58]SGC | Zardian: >.<... [05:56:11]JamesCLK: that and ZPMs arent admin only anymore [05:56:12]JamesCLK: so... [05:56:23]JamesCLK: yar [05:56:26]JamesCLK: stuff [05:56:28]JamesCLK: space [05:56:30]JamesCLK: SPAAACE [05:56:37]JamesCLK: and cats [05:56:58]JamesCLK spawned sent zero_point_module [05:57:42]SGC | Zardian: effect fail? [05:57:45]JamesCLK: nope [05:57:52]JamesCLK: just demonstrating [05:57:53]SGC | Zardian: it has a blue muzzleflash [05:58:05]JamesCLK: that if the cache isnt big enough, it only fires iregularly [05:58:17]JamesCLK: and idk bout the muzzleflash [05:58:23]JamesCLK: it might be supposed to be blue [05:58:37]SGC | Zardian: uploading experimental zpm supernerf [05:58:41]JamesCLK: :V [05:58:55]JamesCLK: that should totally be a welcome screen thing... [05:59:01]JamesCLK: nerfing zpms [05:59:03]SGC | Zardian: harhar [05:59:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [05:59:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:59:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:59:24]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:59:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:59:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [05:59:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:59:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:59:25]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:59:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [05:59:25]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [05:59:25]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:59:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [05:59:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:59:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [05:59:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [05:59:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:59:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:59:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:59:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:59:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:59:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:59:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:59:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [05:59:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [05:59:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [05:59:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [05:59:29]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [05:59:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [05:59:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [05:59:29]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [05:59:29]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [05:59:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [05:59:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [05:59:46]JamesCLK spawned sent zero_point_module [05:59:55]SGC | Zardian: well i cant actually impliment it [06:00:03]SGC | Zardian: do you have any idea how much rage that would cause [06:00:15]SGC | Zardian: ... [06:00:15]JamesCLK: but yeah, what i was going to suggest about weapons like the pulse guns was this [06:00:17]SGC | Zardian: it faield? [06:00:52]JamesCLK: make all weapons have a storage clip, like a magasine [06:01:03]JamesCLK: but their ROF should always highly exceed the reload speed [06:01:11]JamesCLK: so you get bursts like that [06:01:25]SGC | Zardian: teehee [06:01:28]SGC | Zardian: there goes ur nrg [06:01:38]JamesCLK: that was a bit over the top xD [06:01:42]SGC | Zardian: xD [06:01:49]SGC | Zardian: put a solid rate of 1000 [06:01:49]JamesCLK: 2k nrg per update [06:02:05]JamesCLK: xd [06:02:29]JamesCLK: was thinking more like, enough to power 4 regular pulse guns [06:02:39]SGC | Zardian: how much drain is that? [06:02:42]JamesCLK: mmm [06:02:45]JamesCLK: LETS FIND OUT [06:03:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [06:03:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [06:03:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:03:17]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [06:03:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:03:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:03:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:03:17]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:03:18]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:03:19]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [06:03:20]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [06:03:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:03:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [06:03:21]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [06:03:21]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [06:03:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [06:03:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:03:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:03:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:03:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [06:03:21]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [06:03:22]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [06:03:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [06:03:23]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:03:23]DuneD: lets better work now [06:03:28]DuneD: or I SWARE [06:03:34]DuneD: IM GOING TO KILL YOU ALL BITCHES [06:03:42]DuneD: just so you know [06:03:42]SGC | Zardian: :/ [06:03:48]SGC | Zardian: whats up with it? [06:04:05]DuneD: basically im following your idea of setting position on the pump [06:04:11]DuneD: what I do is make a ranger on my e2 [06:04:19]DuneD: get the position of the water below my ship [06:04:20]SGC | Zardian: ...ranger? [06:04:24]DuneD: and transport the pump [06:04:30]SGC | Zardian: oh right [06:04:33]SGC | Zardian: water detection [06:04:39]SGC | Zardian: completely skipped it in my idealistic idea [06:04:41]DuneD: after deparenting it and unwelding it [06:04:56]DuneD: when it reaches top water level and top heavy water level [06:05:01]DuneD: the pump transports back to the ship [06:05:06]DuneD: adn it rewelds and reparents itself [06:05:13]DuneD: thats the idea anyways xD [06:05:20]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [06:05:43]JamesCLK spawned sent zero_point_module [06:05:51]SGC | Zardian: boosted the rate a bit [06:06:14]DuneD: but sometimes [06:06:19]DuneD: the pump doesnt like to be deparented [06:06:24]DuneD: and it just goes away [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:06:32]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [06:06:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [06:06:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [06:06:35]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [06:06:35]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [06:06:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [06:06:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [06:06:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [06:06:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [06:06:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:06:35]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [06:06:35]SGC | Zardian: i think stuff in general doesnt like being deparented [06:06:35]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [06:06:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:06:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [06:06:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:06:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [06:06:37]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [06:06:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [06:06:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [06:06:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:06:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [06:06:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [06:06:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [06:06:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:06:44]JamesCLK: oh i'm a derp [06:06:45]JamesCLK: :V [06:06:57]JamesCLK: why am i takeing the change in energy percent [06:07:01]JamesCLK: lololo [06:07:08]SGC | Zardian: xD [06:07:44]JamesCLK: well, delta for the ZPM atm is 20000 [06:07:50]SGC | Zardian: yup [06:07:57]DuneD: who cares [06:08:01]DuneD: you need like 5000000 storages [06:08:05]JamesCLK: we're bughunting [06:08:09]DuneD: its useless shit xD [06:08:32]JamesCLK: 1 shot is 50000 energy aparently [06:08:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [06:08:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [06:08:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [06:08:41]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [06:08:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [06:08:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [06:08:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [06:08:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [06:08:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:08:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [06:08:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [06:08:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [06:08:43]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [06:08:43]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [06:08:43]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [06:08:44]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [06:08:45]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:08:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [06:08:46]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [06:08:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [06:08:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [06:08:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [06:08:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [06:08:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [06:08:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [06:08:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [06:08:54]JamesCLK: 2 is 100k :V [06:09:02]SGC | Zardian: hurf durf [06:09:11]SGC | Zardian: captain obvious and the obvieers [06:09:14]JamesCLK: soooo output of 200k would be fine [06:09:29]JamesCLK: cant power uber huge shit [06:09:39]SGC | Zardian: one more zero.... save... upload.. overwrite.. [06:09:46]SGC | Zardian: reload.. [06:09:53]JamesCLK spawned sent zero_point_module [06:09:55]SGC | Zardian: voila [06:10:08]JamesCLK: wait for iiiiit [06:10:10]SGC | Zardian: hm? [06:10:19]JamesCLK: takes a few secs [06:10:43]JamesCLK: ah [06:10:45]JamesCLK: there we go [06:10:51]SGC | Zardian: i re-reloaded >.< [06:10:57]SGC | Zardian: didnt work the first time for some reason [06:11:17]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [06:11:25]JamesCLK: that should work [06:11:44]JamesCLK: 1 fires for a while, but runs out after about 15 secs on a large cache :3 [06:12:12]JamesCLK: i just forgot that with the ROF of this thing, the actual rate is 400k [06:12:20]JamesCLK: since it fires 2 times per update [06:12:28]JamesCLK: but this works [06:12:28]SGC | Zardian: :/ [06:12:41]JamesCLK: since no one really uses large caches [06:12:45]JamesCLK: only huge and giant [06:13:08]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [06:13:10]JamesCLK: which have a lot of storay [06:13:17]DuneD: we really need bigger caches [06:13:23]SGC | Zardian: caches? [06:13:25]JamesCLK: 14 mill nrg [06:13:27]SGC | Zardian: what the hell for? [06:13:31]JamesCLK: for a large, huge and giant [06:13:36]DuneD: less entities [06:13:37]JamesCLK: thats more than enough [06:13:43]SGC | Zardian: no what we need is less weapon spam [06:13:52][LB] Captain Slow was killed by worldspawn [06:13:55]DuneD: ok zardian the bertha requires 4 million to shoot [06:13:58]JamesCLK: what we need is people stop underestimating how much 1 unit of resource can do [06:14:02]DuneD: I have 4 of the biggest caches [06:14:06]DuneD: and I dont reach the 2 millions [06:14:08]JamesCLK: dude [06:14:11]DuneD: how is that efficient ? xD [06:14:12]JamesCLK: use BATTERIES [06:14:26]JamesCLK: the giant battery has like... 4 million storage [06:14:35]JamesCLK: at least [06:14:39]JamesCLK: if it isnt 8 [06:14:57]JamesCLK: caches are DESIGNED to hold less of each resource [06:14:57]DuneD: 1 mill only [06:15:03]DuneD: to fire a bertha [06:15:06]JamesCLK: 10 mill actually [06:15:08]DuneD: I need more than 3 entities already [06:15:11]JamesCLK: you're misreading your 0s [06:15:20]DuneD: yea [06:15:22]DuneD: right [06:15:28]JamesCLK: 10 mill... [06:15:28]DuneD: good point xD [06:15:40]JamesCLK: we revamped storage caches a while ago [06:15:51]DuneD: i did not know that [06:15:55]JamesCLK: single res caches are more efficient than caches [06:15:56]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [06:16:00]JamesCLK: space wise [06:16:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_stage1.mdl [06:16:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_engine.mdl [06:16:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket.mdl [06:16:10]JamesCLK: caches store less of each, but all kinds [06:16:20]JamesCLK: its a nice tradeoff [06:16:25]JamesCLK: thats why i dont use caches tho xD [06:16:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_hatch.mdl [06:17:00]JamesCLK: theres only a point in using them on if you NEED 15 different resources on a ship [06:17:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket.mdl [06:17:15]JamesCLK: otherwise you're just wasteing potential storage [06:17:16][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_hatch.mdl [06:17:29][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_low.mdl [06:17:41][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_low.mdl [06:17:48]JamesCLK: ok, so now the ZPM rate is a-ok... now it just needs the overall energy ammount nerf :V [06:17:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_engine.mdl [06:17:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_engine.mdl [06:17:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_engine.mdl [06:18:04]DuneD: ill just leave 1 mass cache and add 1 of energy [06:18:14]DuneD: thanks for the info ^^ [06:18:15]JamesCLK: and we can be happy ZPM consumers [06:18:17]JamesCLK: np [06:18:23]JamesCLK: you HAVE been away for a while [06:18:24]SGC | Zardian revoked god mode from D3|zxvnm4 [06:18:24]SGC | Zardian: !ungod D3 [06:18:33]D3|zxvnm4 was killed by worldspawn [06:18:34]DuneD: certainly i did xD [06:18:48]DuneD: there is still an issue with those caches [06:18:55]DuneD: idk if thats been fixed [06:18:57]JamesCLK: hmm? [06:19:15]JamesCLK: polys? [06:19:16]DuneD: apparently not xD [06:19:18]DuneD: yea xD [06:19:31]DuneD: they are not fps wise xD [06:19:40]JamesCLK: well i dont seem to have a problem V: [06:19:49]DuneD: 10 fps [06:19:51]DuneD: of difference [06:19:55]DuneD: with 1 single cache [06:19:57]JamesCLK: depends [06:20:00]JamesCLK: actually [06:20:09]JamesCLK: try changeing your angle to it [06:20:13]JamesCLK: and look this way [06:20:24]JamesCLK: you're rendering the rest of the world behind it xD [06:20:33]JamesCLK: best way is to take it to the edge of the map [06:20:36]DuneD: yea but thats not the point xD [06:20:42]DuneD: max fps is set to 60 [06:21:00]DuneD: so look for a place where your fps is below 60 [06:21:01]JamesCLK: but you do have a point [06:21:04]DuneD: and you can properly test [06:21:10]DuneD: what the dropout of an object is [06:21:15]JamesCLK: actually [06:21:28]JamesCLK: the info bubble on the battery is whats causing me the fps drop [06:21:33]JamesCLK: xd [06:21:45]JamesCLK: by like... 10 [06:21:53]DuneD teleported to JamesCLK [06:21:53]DuneD: !goto james [06:22:08]JamesCLK: try not looking at it directly [06:22:16][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket.mdl [06:22:19]JamesCLK: just next to your crosshair [06:22:24]DuneD: I dont loose anything in this area xD [06:22:29]DuneD: it stays at 60 xD [06:22:35]JamesCLK: and then compare it with when you have the infobubble over it [06:22:54]JamesCLK: thats like how looking at an E2 can cause small UM spikes [06:23:01]JamesCLK: if its info bubble is out [06:23:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_stage2.mdl [06:23:10][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_stage3.mdl [06:23:16]DuneD: stupid info bubble xD [06:23:19]JamesCLK: i dont have the fps issue when i'm too far away to see the info bubble [06:23:26]JamesCLK: issue? drop [06:23:30]JamesCLK: lol [06:23:42]JamesCLK: so theres that [06:23:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_stage2.mdl [06:23:51]JamesCLK: i'm sure the resource caches have more polys tbh [06:23:53]DuneD: i drop 4-5fps with the info bubble [06:24:02]DuneD: yea just compare this [06:24:16]JamesCLK: well, not THAT cache [06:24:25]JamesCLK: this one [06:24:27]DuneD: its the one im using on my ship xD [06:24:32]DuneD: yea that one does [06:24:36]DuneD: that one is horrible [06:24:42]JamesCLK: but its not fugly [06:24:58]DuneD: I remember when we had this ones.. [06:25:17]DuneD: oh [06:25:20]DuneD: we dont have the model anymore [06:25:27]DuneD: the sbep medbridge ugly ones [06:25:34]JamesCLK: mandrax got sued by CCP :V [06:25:45]SGC | Zardian: srsly? [06:25:46]JamesCLK: and we still have the SBEP ones [06:25:48]JamesCLK: yep [06:25:51]SGC | Zardian: O.o [06:25:52]DuneD: where are they ? [06:25:53]JamesCLK: for using their creative property [06:26:00]DuneD: I cant even use the models [06:26:18]JamesCLK: hmmm [06:26:25]JamesCLK: sure we had them somewhere [06:26:35]DuneD: yea but they are small [06:26:45]JamesCLK: :\ [06:26:52]JamesCLK: anyway yea [06:27:03]JamesCLK: mandrax's caches got raped by the EULA [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-231r.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/rst-332c.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-211.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-331.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-211.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-131.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-231s.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s33.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-211s.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-111wd.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-211s.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s31.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s31.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-211s.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp111wd.mdl [06:27:08]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rp332.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-311.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-111wd.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-311.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s31.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s31.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp211s.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp231s.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s33.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/rst-332c.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-131.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-211s.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s31.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [06:27:09]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s31.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd31.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp231w.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd31.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp111wd2.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rp332.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-131.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rsr23.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-311.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp211s.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-331.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s31.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-131.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-131.mdl [06:27:10]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp111wd2.mdl [06:27:11]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [06:27:11]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-311.mdl [06:27:11]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b231.mdl [06:27:11]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp111wd.mdl [06:27:11]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [06:27:11]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-311.mdl [06:27:11]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp211s.mdl [06:27:11]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-331.mdl [06:27:11]D3|zxvnm4 spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp211s.mdl [06:27:14]DuneD: am I reading this correctly xD [06:27:14]JamesCLK: since they were direct rips [06:27:27]JamesCLK: yyyyyeah [06:27:31]DuneD: I could use this as parts of my ship [06:27:47]JamesCLK: yyeap [06:28:18]JamesCLK: brb [06:28:26]DuneD: im going to get some lunch and what game of thrones [06:28:30]DuneD: be back later [06:28:37]SGC | Zardian: :/ [06:28:39]Dropped "DuneD" from server [06:30:02]New map: sb_forlorn_sb3_r2l [06:30:51]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [06:30:55]Client "JamesCLK" connected ( [06:31:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_low.mdl [06:31:33]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [06:32:20][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_wasteland/powertower01.mdl [06:32:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/silo_tower01.mdl [06:33:15][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x1.mdl [06:33:20][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/plastic/plastic_panel8x8.mdl [06:33:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate32x32.mdl [06:33:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [06:33:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x2.mdl [06:35:25]Dropped "[LB] Captain Slow" from server [06:35:25]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [06:35:35]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [06:35:35](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [06:36:15]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [06:37:04]JamesCLK spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_engine.mdl [06:37:24]JamesCLK spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_hatch.mdl [06:37:28]JamesCLK spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_low.mdl [06:37:37]JamesCLK spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_stage1.mdl [06:37:53]JamesCLK spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_engine.mdl [06:39:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_trainstation/mount_connection001a.mdl [06:39:44][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_trainstation/mount_connection001a.mdl [06:40:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/cerus/fighters/wraith.mdl [06:41:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/cerus/fighters/stingray.mdl [06:45:00][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_silo/rocket_low.mdl [06:46:11]JamesCLK: aye? [06:46:34]JamesCLK: hmmmm, i dont... know [06:46:45]JamesCLK: maybe [06:46:57]JamesCLK: i can try [06:47:22]JamesCLK: it SHOULD work if the force is applied to the ship in the worldspace [06:47:44]JamesCLK: well anything thats gravplated [06:47:54]JamesCLK: uhh, grav hulld [06:49:58]JamesCLK: lets see [06:50:07]JamesCLK: where was the grav hull tool located? [06:50:18]JamesCLK: ah [06:50:20]JamesCLK: found it [06:50:31]JamesCLK: yep [06:50:33]JamesCLK: it works [06:52:08]JamesCLK spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [06:52:59]JamesCLK: :P [06:53:12]JamesCLK: yeah, it works fine as long as the E2 isnt the grav hull xD [06:53:40]JamesCLK: heheh [06:53:41]JamesCLK: fun [06:54:04]JamesCLK: put the E2 on the grav plate and sent myself flying into space by the power of applyforce :v [06:54:15]JamesCLK: ON said plate [06:54:18]JamesCLK: <3 [06:55:35]JamesCLK: my eyes! the goggles do nothing! [06:55:52]JamesCLK: i'm saying that you cant grav hull an E2 :V [06:56:16]JamesCLK: idk, but it works fine if the E2 is applying the force to the grav hull [06:56:22]JamesCLK: probably because its an ent [06:56:59]JamesCLK: wuts [06:57:21]JamesCLK: like an infernal box of torment? [06:57:49]JamesCLK: :3 [06:58:13]JamesCLK: mmmm, no theres an option [06:58:20]JamesCLK: the hit surface determines the floor [06:58:36]JamesCLK: or you can do it from the props local up [06:58:39][LB] Captain Slow: which way is up...is it X or Z? [06:58:49][LB] Captain Slow: ty [06:58:55]JamesCLK: depends if you're talking local up or world up :V [06:59:01][LB] Captain Slow: world up [06:59:11]JamesCLK: well yeah, but in relation to each other steev [06:59:36]JamesCLK: yeah, but what if the modeler used X as the height? [06:59:41]JamesCLK: :V [06:59:47]JamesCLK: cos he rotated the prop [07:00:01]JamesCLK: well then SBEP guys and a lot of portal prop designers are idiots [07:00:10]JamesCLK: cos their angles are fucked up [07:00:12][LB] Captain Slow: im using gps to tell me Z [07:00:30]JamesCLK: but yeah, for all intents and purposes... Z is up [07:00:57]JamesCLK: gota love makeing 3d vectors [07:01:26]JamesCLK: and the main server derped out again [07:01:34]JamesCLK: real men use 8D vectors [07:01:57]JamesCLK: vectors can have as many axises as they want :V [07:02:01]JamesCLK: xD [07:02:11]JamesCLK: and thats even the right face for it [07:02:19]JamesCLK: if x is the variable :V [07:02:25]JamesCLK: also 2+2=5 [07:02:43]JamesCLK: mwahahah [07:02:56]JamesCLK: yeah [07:02:58]JamesCLK: it makes no sense [07:03:12]JamesCLK: reboot the main server :V [07:03:19]JamesCLK: its derped for long enough [07:03:29]JamesCLK: fffffffffffff [07:03:57]JamesCLK: it should have its own definition in the dictionary of fail [07:04:09]JamesCLK: Mammothgaming: verb, int. [07:04:21]JamesCLK: a synonym of fail [07:04:25]JamesCLK: and server pains [07:04:26]Client "njits23" connected ( [07:04:41]JamesCLK: eg. this server is a load of Mammothgaming [07:04:54]JamesCLK: xD [07:04:56]JamesCLK: no [07:05:04]JamesCLK: this one is actually stable :S [07:05:20]JamesCLK: yeah :S [07:05:50]JamesCLK: btw, i went over with fuhr and zard on the concept of core dependant weapon limits on a per ship basis [07:05:54]JamesCLK: its much like the PN fuel system [07:06:02]JamesCLK: just for weapons :3 [07:06:37]JamesCLK: yarp [07:06:43]JamesCLK: dread beams on mah fighter [07:06:57]Client "njits23" spawned in server ( [07:07:23]JamesCLK: <3 [07:07:35]JamesCLK: me and zard were also going over weapon lists [07:07:39]JamesCLK: just for the lols [07:08:05]JamesCLK: true [07:08:10]JamesCLK: /dubby/ [07:08:10]njits23 was killed by worldspawn [07:08:41]JamesCLK: eh well, an extra pair of hands doesnt hurt in most cases :\ [07:08:54]JamesCLK: true [07:08:59]JamesCLK: its exam period right now [07:09:05]JamesCLK: and RL bzns [07:09:07]JamesCLK: is rl [07:09:36]JamesCLK: well i'll be learning some code this summer, so i'll see if i cant get to dabbleing with some lua [07:09:56][LB] Captain Slow: oh crap [07:10:00]JamesCLK: hobby dabling, but with official class books [07:10:04][LB] Captain Slow was killed by worldspawn [07:10:05]Dropped "njits23" from server [07:10:13]JamesCLK: and next year i should be attending university [07:10:24]JamesCLK: for a degree in games tech [07:10:39][LB] Captain Slow was killed by worldspawn [07:10:40]JamesCLK: yah [07:10:45]JamesCLK: i planned on doing lua first [07:10:51]JamesCLK: since i'm already decent with E2 [07:11:01]JamesCLK: so its kindof a stepping stone [07:11:21]JamesCLK: E2 > lua > C++ > python [07:11:37]JamesCLK: is how i see me going [07:11:49]JamesCLK: luls [07:12:02]JamesCLK: xd [07:12:16]JamesCLK: heh [07:12:27]JamesCLK: Dooooooooooooooom [07:12:42]JamesCLK: oh yeah, the course also teaches some basic modeling [07:12:51]JamesCLK: since we do need to apply what we code to models [07:12:59]JamesCLK: in some cases [07:13:07]JamesCLK: but i also want to start doing some texturing :3 [07:13:19]JamesCLK: nothing too eye popping tho [07:13:52]JamesCLK: so hopefully i should be able to assist with diaspora addons at some point in the next year [07:13:55][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/cerus/fighters/stingray.mdl [07:14:17]JamesCLK: assuming i dont get sucked into skyrim xd [07:14:23]JamesCLK: too much [07:14:44]JamesCLK: because then i'll suffer the dubby syndrome [07:14:53]JamesCLK: D: [07:14:56]JamesCLK: yeah i know :( [07:14:59]JamesCLK: thats what has me worried [07:15:15]JamesCLK: i get caught on it and start coding addons for extra magic elements and combos [07:15:44]JamesCLK: like dubby coded the fuck out of FO3 for the weapon damage calculations >.< [07:16:18]JamesCLK: aaaanyway [07:16:33]JamesCLK: only 170 days till skyrim :V [07:17:30]JamesCLK: yeh [07:17:55]JamesCLK: We are on Morndas, Second Seed 16th and there remains178 days / 8 hours / 41 minutes / 47 seconds until the return of Alduin [07:18:16]JamesCLK: tes lore! :3 [07:18:25]JamesCLK: is law [07:18:55]JamesCLK: heh, its a rubber rocket :V [07:19:07]JamesCLK: boing [07:19:14][LB] Captain Slow: the first time i launched it it hit the map ceiling lol [07:19:44][LB] Captain Slow: flameout! [07:20:07]JamesCLK: launch control this is major tom [07:20:17]JamesCLK: we have a problem [07:20:41]JamesCLK: helmets on! [07:21:06]JamesCLK: TO WHERE NO MANWHO- i mean MAN has gone before! [07:21:42][LB] Captain Slow was killed by prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod [07:21:42]JamesCLK: D: [07:22:07]JamesCLK: uhg [07:22:12]JamesCLK: F2 is also the playback feature [07:22:18]JamesCLK: cant remove my helmet [07:22:24]JamesCLK: there [07:22:28]JamesCLK: effin [07:22:41][LB] Captain Slow: 3 stages of thrust [07:22:45]JamesCLK: :3 [07:22:53]JamesCLK: all hail james may [07:23:00][LB] Captain Slow: oorite [07:23:12][LB] Captain Slow: when it hits space the shuttle will detatch [07:23:16][LB] Captain Slow: and i can fly around normally [07:23:25]JamesCLK: :3 [07:24:15]JamesCLK: LAUNCH [07:24:19]JamesCLK: D: [07:24:27]JamesCLK: failure [07:24:34][LB] Captain Slow: lol [07:24:41]JamesCLK: pull me up scotty [07:25:09]JamesCLK: O_o appeared inside the spawn caverns [07:25:14][LB] Captain Slow: lol [07:25:52]JamesCLK: SKYWARDS [07:26:15][LB] Captain Slow: lol [07:26:41]JamesCLK: away! [07:26:44][LB] Captain Slow was killed by worldspawn [07:26:47]JamesCLK: :( [07:27:10]JamesCLK: rocketmaaaaaaan [07:29:00][LB] Captain Slow: how do i initiate self destruct =P [07:29:06][LB] Captain Slow: want to simulate a failed launch [07:29:11]JamesCLK: self destruct module [07:29:16][LB] Captain Slow: makes sense [07:29:18]JamesCLK: entity [07:29:19]JamesCLK: tab [07:29:23]JamesCLK: under space combat [07:29:31]JamesCLK: weld it to your core [07:29:34]JamesCLK: and give it a 1 input [07:29:38]JamesCLK: boom [07:30:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned sent sc_self_destruct [07:30:17]JamesCLK: ugh, i have to go to the postoffice [07:30:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned sent sc_self_destruct [07:30:33][LB] Captain Slow: heh [07:30:38]JamesCLK: have 2 letters to send [07:30:44][LB] Captain Slow: oh crap [07:30:45][LB] Captain Slow: overload [07:31:06]JamesCLK: universtity fundings related n shit [07:31:15][LB] Captain Slow: ahh [07:31:17][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [07:31:17][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/transportlarge.mdl [07:31:27]JamesCLK: to the post office! [07:31:34]*** JamesCLK batman transition [07:31:34][LB] Captain Slow: *heroic music* [07:31:44]Dropped "JamesCLK" from server [07:36:17][LB] Captain Slow suicided! [07:36:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [07:36:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/transportlarge.mdl [07:36:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [07:36:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/transportlarge.mdl [07:36:41][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [07:36:41][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/transportlarge.mdl [07:40:39][LB] Captain Slow suicided! [08:05:52]Client "Katelyn" connected ( [08:06:18]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" connected ( [08:08:36]Client "JamesCLK" connected ( [08:08:37]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" spawned in server ( [08:10:48]Usama bin Todden.Puffer was killed by worldspawn [08:10:51]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [08:10:52]Dropped "JamesCLK" from server [08:11:00]Client "Steeveeo" connected ( [08:11:03]Client "Katelyn" spawned in server ( [08:11:16]Client "JamesCLK" connected ( [08:11:56]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [08:11:57]Dropped "JamesCLK" from server [08:12:14][LB] Captain Slow suicided! [08:12:33]Katelyn: hello [08:12:43][LB] Captain Slow: hihi [08:13:04]Client "JamesCLK" connected ( [08:13:15][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [08:13:15][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/transportlarge.mdl [08:13:44]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [08:14:12]JamesCLK: ASDF [08:14:17]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [08:14:17]JamesCLK: !god [08:14:27]Client "Steeveeo" spawned in server ( [08:14:42]JamesCLK: das steeveeo :O [08:14:45]JamesCLK: imposseebel [08:15:01]Katelyn: that is a mirage, steeveeo is gone :O [08:15:06]JamesCLK: O_o [08:15:07]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" connected ( [08:15:12]JamesCLK: MADNESS [08:15:24]Steeveeo: Madness? [08:15:28]JamesCLK: no... [08:15:29]Steeveeo: THIS IS....actually true [08:15:31]JamesCLK: THIS IS DIASPORA [08:15:37]JamesCLK: dev server [08:15:39]JamesCLK: :V [08:16:04]Steeveeo: the hud could be cool [08:16:10]Steeveeo: if it would stretch to fit the screen [08:16:18]JamesCLK: the hud is a piece of mammothgaming [08:16:22]JamesCLK: :V [08:16:27]Steeveeo: what the heck is wrong with the model? [08:16:33]Steeveeo: it's stretched all the way to origin [08:16:34]JamesCLK: again, environments [08:16:37][LB] Captain Slow: my fingers are long aye [08:17:01]Steeveeo: how do I kill it? [08:17:07][LB] Captain Slow suicided! [08:17:16]JamesCLK: theres so many reasons NOT to use environments, but apparently lag reduction outweighs it [08:17:20]Katelyn: you remove environments and put ls3 back on it [08:17:27]Katelyn: that is how you kill it [08:17:33]Steeveeo: intriguing [08:17:37]JamesCLK: or, you somehow make frontier come out [08:17:42]JamesCLK: OR you code your own LS engine [08:17:52]Steeveeo: it's only on Slow [08:17:59]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Oh hey steev [08:18:10]Steeveeo: oh wait, it's on him too [08:18:12]JamesCLK: i think it may have something to do with suit colors [08:18:17]JamesCLK: idk [08:18:20]JamesCLK: probably not [08:18:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: The hands going to origin bug? [08:18:25]Steeveeo: yeah [08:18:28]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: It only happens here [08:18:32]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: According to CmdrMatthew [08:18:36]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Nowhere else with enviro [08:18:43]JamesCLK: well he can take his hands and shove them up his [08:18:44]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: It will kind of ruin any future spacebattle videos we do [08:18:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Seeing huge fucking HANDS going across the map [08:19:00]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" spawned in server ( [08:19:03]Steeveeo: is there a way to toggle off the suits? [08:19:09]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: This is odd [08:19:11]JamesCLK: remove environments >.> [08:19:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Player [6][Daracon - The Black Dragon] authed [08:19:20]JamesCLK: blargness [08:19:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: test false [08:19:27]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Was just in my console [08:19:33]Steeveeo: odd [08:19:34][LB] Captain Slow was killed by worldspawn [08:19:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon: rawr? [08:19:40]Steeveeo: rawr [08:19:40]JamesCLK: rawr [08:19:45]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: rawr [08:19:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [08:19:51]Steeveeo: I wonder if that is part of E2share or a remnant I left in [08:19:53]Steeveeo: not sure [08:19:55]JamesCLK: rawrawrawrawrawr [08:19:59]Steeveeo: I don't remember anything like that line [08:20:03]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Ive never seen it before [08:20:18]*** JamesCLK goes back to working on his excel spreadsheet [08:20:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: what was the : Player [6][Daracon - The Black Dragon] authedConsole: blargness all abour? [08:20:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Steeveeo why not remove wave cannons all together? [08:20:30]Steeveeo: because they're pretty [08:20:32]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Lol [08:20:33]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: They dun work [08:20:38]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: And avoid targets [08:20:41]Steeveeo: they WERE admin only [08:20:41]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Are they made to do that? [08:20:46]JamesCLK: no [08:20:46]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: You are better off just aiming at yourself [08:20:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Since they fly away from target [08:20:58]JamesCLK: everything with vector inputs got pretty broken [08:21:01]JamesCLK: or ent inputs [08:21:14]JamesCLK: rockets ignoring inputs and all [08:21:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon: just reverse the vector [08:21:29]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow! [08:21:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon: well, negate the vectors [08:21:41]JamesCLK: set up a neutrino field inside a can of peas [08:21:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [08:21:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: FLUX CAPACITORS! [08:22:03]Steeveeo: fun seeing that they still haven't fixed the extremely slow load time of E2 folders [08:22:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon: 50 OF THEM! [08:22:04]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Dun work [08:22:07]JamesCLK: and bounce the gravitron particle beam off the main deflector dish [08:22:10]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Yeah Steeveeo its annoying as hell [08:22:14]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Try the soundbrowser inside "vo" [08:22:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol james [08:22:31]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I can make a coffee by the time page 1(1800) items has loaded [08:22:42]Steeveeo: camera: on [08:23:04]JamesCLK: blarg dah blarg blarg [08:23:10]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Steeveeo what are the chances of infantary weapons/combat becoming part of the server? [08:23:16]Steeveeo: not a clue [08:23:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: The models are all there in slyfo [08:23:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: GHD's allow for ship-to-ship [08:23:29]Steeveeo: trying first to figure out how to slice off the stupid suits [08:23:35]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Moan at Cmdre [08:23:38]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: *CmdrMatthew [08:23:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Although i think he doesent have a clue [08:23:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh god steev that link [08:23:53]JamesCLK: make him stick his hands up his ass... [08:24:00]Steeveeo: my Miku model should have the ponytails sticking through the helment :P [08:24:00]JamesCLK: that should solve a lot [08:24:09]Steeveeo: how do I turn off the helment anyway? [08:24:11]JamesCLK: F2 to remove the helmet [08:24:12]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: F [08:24:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: F2 [08:24:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: F2 [08:24:15]Steeveeo: haha [08:24:18]JamesCLK: dear god wat [08:24:21]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: The tails amgically appear [08:24:21]JamesCLK: its horrible [08:24:24]Steeveeo: XD [08:24:24]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: It is bad [08:24:33]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: IMagine keeping all that hair in a helmet [08:24:34][LB] Captain Slow: do drills mine carbon? [08:24:34]Steeveeo: MIKU THE SPACEMAN [08:24:34]JamesCLK: a miku in a spacesuit? HERECY [08:24:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: SPACE MIKU! [08:24:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: We need some moar playermodels [08:24:54]JamesCLK: madness [08:24:56]Steeveeo: usama, take your helment off [08:24:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon: madness? [08:25:05]Steeveeo: dang [08:25:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon: THIS IS SPARTAA!!! [08:25:11]JamesCLK: wrong [08:25:11]Katelyn: already done that one today dara [08:25:13]Steeveeo: doesn't seem to be dependant on the model [08:25:14]JamesCLK: this is diaspora >.> [08:25:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon: NO YOU! [08:25:21]JamesCLK: and yeah, its been said already [08:25:25]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [08:25:28]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: rofl [08:25:30]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: KILLSTEAL [08:25:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon: STOLE MAH KILL BITCH [08:25:42]Usama bin Todden.Puffer killed Daracon - The Black Dragon using crossbow_bolt [08:25:44]JamesCLK: fun how environments also fucks over combine balls [08:25:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: SOB! [08:25:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I was wondering about the balls [08:25:51]Steeveeo: rofl [08:25:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon: and crossbolts [08:25:58]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Lets you shoot over obstacles [08:26:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon teleported to Steeveeo [08:26:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !goto steev [08:26:03]Katelyn: that is like the only fun bug in environments [08:26:08]Steeveeo killed Daracon - The Black Dragon using player [08:26:11]Katelyn granted god mode upon themself [08:26:11]Katelyn: !god [08:26:12]JamesCLK: bouncyballs [08:26:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon: reap [08:26:15]Steeveeo: wut [08:26:18]Steeveeo: your head came off [08:26:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol, i have no head [08:26:31]JamesCLK killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using rpg_missile [08:26:33]JamesCLK: D: [08:26:46]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: We need to make another SS AMER-ICA [08:26:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: do i have to nuke you all? [08:26:58]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: With everyone here we could get like 6 berthas on it [08:27:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [08:27:06]JamesCLK: no, let my BHCs do the honour [08:27:12]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: OH LAWD [08:27:13]Steeveeo: usama or slow, can you try changing your playermodels? [08:27:16]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Sure [08:27:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [08:27:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it just changes your head [08:27:28]JamesCLK: yeh [08:27:31]JamesCLK: gayness [08:27:32]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: BWAHAHA [08:27:37][LB] Captain Slow suicided! [08:27:41]Steeveeo: so why is it just on certain people? [08:27:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: the suit goes over the top of the player model [08:27:45]Katelyn: the hands [08:27:53]Katelyn: some models have [08:27:53]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [08:27:56]Katelyn: more bones in the hands [08:27:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon: if you ragdoll someone you can see it [08:28:02]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Them bones thme bones them booones [08:28:08]JamesCLK ragdolled themself [08:28:08]JamesCLK: !ragdoll James [08:28:13]Steeveeo: on my screen, the mikumodel is fine [08:28:13]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: ROFL [08:28:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon: there [08:28:17]Steeveeo: until Usama tries it [08:28:18]Katelyn: can't believe dem bones are me [08:28:29]Steeveeo: thirdperson ftw [08:28:32]Katelyn: time to listen to some AiC [08:28:35]JamesCLK whipped Usama bin Todden.Puffer 100 times with 1 damage [08:28:35]JamesCLK: !whip todd 100 1 [08:28:38]Steeveeo ragdolled themself [08:28:44]Steeveeo: wut lol [08:28:48]Usama bin Todden.Puffer was killed by worldspawn [08:28:49]Steeveeo unragdolled themself [08:28:52]JamesCLK: mwahahah [08:28:53]Steeveeo: camera: off [08:28:56]Steeveeo: camera: on [08:28:59]JamesCLK unragdolled themself [08:28:59]JamesCLK: !unragdoll James [08:29:04]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [08:29:04](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [08:29:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer was killed by worldspawn [08:29:27]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: ITS TIME [08:29:29]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: TO KILL [08:29:30]Steeveeo: how did Slow get rid of his suit? [08:29:31]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: EVERYTHING [08:29:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i think thats also a suit [08:29:48]Steeveeo: and why are his hands not fixed... [08:29:48]JamesCLK: slow is using a model with the other suit model [08:29:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: but hes low rank [08:30:20]JamesCLK: i thought cadets were restricted to the charred model [08:30:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon: im not a big fan of the suits myself [08:30:30]Steeveeo: well, apparently there's an update to environments [08:30:41]JamesCLK: no, frontiers custom suits are a lot better [08:30:44]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: WE NOW HAVE ENOUGH ENERGY FOR BOOM [08:30:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i like my headless zombie model [08:30:48]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: What the hell is frontier [08:30:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Ive seen 1 video [08:30:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: And it looks epic [08:31:05]Steeveeo: tried the beta server a long time ago (was invited) [08:31:08]Steeveeo: it was neat [08:31:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon: cutome suits? [08:31:11]JamesCLK: its jizz... pure jizz [08:31:12]Steeveeo: but it had a long way to go [08:31:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: How is it now? [08:31:18]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Dead [08:31:19]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: ? [08:31:22]Steeveeo: seems so [08:31:26]JamesCLK: its exam period [08:31:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon: is that where you can change your player model? [08:31:29]JamesCLK: dont expect anything [08:31:29]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Do these fusions bloody explode or what [08:31:35]Steeveeo: nope [08:31:44]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Fusions dont blow in LS3? [08:31:46]JamesCLK: fusions only explode when you do it right [08:31:55]JamesCLK: you need copious ammounts of energy storage [08:31:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: We got plenty of energy [08:32:02]Steeveeo: please don't splode the fusions if you can figure it out [08:32:07]Steeveeo: *even if [08:32:14]JamesCLK: i'll shush then ;p [08:32:20]JamesCLK: oh nose, too late [08:32:20]Steeveeo: there's an infinite loop in the particle effect that disconnects/crashes everyone [08:32:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I had a bloody bomb in LS2 the size of-Oh ok [08:32:29]Steeveeo: unless someone fixed that [08:32:32]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I had a bomb in LS2 the size of a large Pn fuel container [08:32:34]JamesCLK: doubt it [08:32:36][LB] Captain Slow: i eploded 4 before and nothing happened [08:32:37]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: With the power of a gigafish [08:32:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon: mmm fish [08:33:11]JamesCLK: BHC bombz [08:33:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: what happened to the main server? [08:33:19]Katelyn spawned model models/slyfo/cargohub.mdl [08:33:25]JamesCLK: Mammothgaming happened [08:33:31]Steeveeo: Mammothgames is a horrible service [08:33:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon: thats the host? [08:33:41]Steeveeo: yup [08:33:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: do they use a website interface? [08:33:48]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/construct/glass/glass_angle360.mdl [08:33:56]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Ignore the quite obviously badly damaged fusions with tons of energy storage [08:34:02]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Im checkin to see if the inf loop is fixed [08:34:09]Steeveeo: please don't [08:34:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon: by crashing this server also? [08:34:14]JamesCLK: ASDF [08:34:16]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Turning off [08:34:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: then what we gonna play on? [08:34:18]Katelyn: whoops [08:34:21]Katelyn spawned model models/slyfo/cargohub.mdl [08:34:24]JamesCLK spawned sent black_hole_cache [08:34:26]Steeveeo: gravity hull....not worky? [08:34:29]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [08:34:30]JamesCLK: BHC AWAY [08:34:34]JamesCLK: sure it works [08:34:36]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Update it here [08:34:40][LB] Captain Slow: it doesnt crash...my ships fusion reactor blew before and it was fine [08:34:49]JamesCLK: the prop is too smal [08:34:54]JamesCLK spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [08:34:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon: kate, fancy a titan battle? im bored [08:34:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: So can i blow these things? [08:35:07]Steeveeo: ow [08:35:08]Steeveeo: ow [08:35:09]Steeveeo: ow [08:35:10]Steeveeo: wtf [08:35:13]Steeveeo: paaaain [08:35:13]Katelyn: i have no titans here [08:35:16]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: PAIIIIN [08:35:19]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Ill give someone a titan battle [08:35:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: With a highly outdated dreadnaught [08:35:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon: bleh [08:35:35]Steeveeo: ok, so it works, but it kills you [08:35:38]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Tis a low-tech dreadnaught [08:35:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: coolz [08:35:43]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Steeveeo that is being fixed [08:35:45]JamesCLK: only because of impacts [08:35:46]Steeveeo granted god mode upon themself [08:35:46]Steeveeo: !god [08:35:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: In latest enviromemts [08:35:51]Steeveeo: not impacts [08:35:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: The choking is being fixed [08:35:56]Steeveeo: ah [08:35:56]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: In the last update [08:36:04]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: DOH [08:36:10]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: WHICH DOUCHE PUT WATER IN MY SHIT [08:36:14]JamesCLK: :V [08:36:17]JamesCLK: my BHC did [08:36:18][LB] Captain Slow: if anyone wants pn fuel feel free to tap my stores here [08:36:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [08:36:23]Steeveeo: erm [08:36:25]Steeveeo: floating now [08:36:32]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Fixed too [08:36:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [08:36:35]JamesCLK: yeah, cos you went into space :V [08:36:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptydoublehull.mdl [08:36:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:36:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/slyfo/consolechair.mdl [08:36:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptydoublehull.mdl [08:36:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_monitorbay.mdl [08:36:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/foldcargobaseplate.mdl [08:36:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:36:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull_flaps.mdl [08:36:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:36:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [08:36:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptydoublehull.mdl [08:36:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptydoublehull.mdl [08:36:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:36:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:36:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:36:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [08:36:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:36:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/cockpit_lground.mdl [08:36:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:36:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptydoublehull.mdl [08:36:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [08:36:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_interface001.mdl [08:36:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:36:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_interface002.mdl [08:36:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:36:42]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: BHC's make 50K of res per second [08:36:45]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I SHALL BEAT THEIR REGEN [08:36:47]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: *mil [08:36:49][LB] Captain Slow: motherofgod.jpeg [08:37:01]Steeveeo: is the invis model stuff fixed too? [08:37:06]JamesCLK: na [08:37:21]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Doh [08:37:31]Steeveeo: dara [08:37:32]JamesCLK: we still have the dodgy playermodel removel thing [08:37:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I think im beating it [08:37:35]Steeveeo: the minecraft server hates you [08:37:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: yes? [08:37:40]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Holy shit dara [08:37:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [08:37:49]JamesCLK: troloo [08:37:55]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Time for ye olde titan [08:37:56]JamesCLK: i shall remove it with a BHC bomb [08:38:00]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Well,battleship [08:38:05]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: YE OLDE BATTLESHIP TIME [08:38:08]JamesCLK: rawrness [08:38:09]Steeveeo: wtf [08:38:14]Steeveeo: who's done what [08:38:14]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/supercarrierbridge.mdl [08:38:14]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/emount4_fighter.mdl [08:38:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:38:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [08:38:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/machuge.mdl [08:38:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [08:38:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/pulsecannon2.mdl [08:38:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [08:38:21]Katelyn: steeveeo, can you access the main server's ftp and load my dupes over here? [08:38:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/supercarrierbridge.mdl [08:38:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/emount4_fighter.mdl [08:38:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:38:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [08:38:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/machuge.mdl [08:38:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [08:38:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/pulsecannon2.mdl [08:38:23]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [08:38:23]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_midsection_doublebridge.mdl [08:38:23]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:23]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretswivel.mdl [08:38:23]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [08:38:23]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [08:38:23]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine2.mdl [08:38:23]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [08:38:24]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [08:38:24]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/matthewenginelong.mdl [08:38:24]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [08:38:24]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_midsection_doublebridge.mdl [08:38:24]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_midsectionbridge.mdl [08:38:24]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [08:38:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo_2/telepad_console.mdl [08:38:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/matthewenginelong.mdl [08:38:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_midsectionbridge.mdl [08:38:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/pulsecannon2.mdl [08:38:31]Katelyn: "[LB] Captain Slow" STEAM_0:0:16842123 2:02:17 256 0 active# 6 "Katelyn" STEAM_0:0:8279665 31:28 130 0 active# [08:38:34]Steeveeo: if mammothgames wants me to [08:38:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Dara move ya fat ass [08:38:38]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Its blocking the water [08:38:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [08:38:48]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Meh ill just spawn it sideways [08:38:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/supercarrierbridge.mdl [08:38:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/emount4_fighter.mdl [08:38:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/machuge.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/pulsecannon2.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_midsection_doublebridge.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretswivel.mdl [08:38:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [08:38:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [08:38:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine2.mdl [08:38:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [08:38:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [08:38:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/matthewenginelong.mdl [08:38:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [08:38:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_midsection_doublebridge.mdl [08:38:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_midsectionbridge.mdl [08:38:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [08:38:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon: needs energy first [08:38:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo_2/telepad_console.mdl [08:38:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/matthewenginelong.mdl [08:38:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_midsectionbridge.mdl [08:38:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/macbig.mdl [08:38:53]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/pulsecannon2.mdl [08:38:53]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/machuge.mdl [08:38:53]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/pulsecannon2.mdl [08:38:53]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/transportlarge.mdl [08:38:53]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/transportlarge.mdl [08:38:53]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/sideconv.mdl [08:38:53]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [08:38:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/pulsecannon2.mdl [08:38:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/matthewenginelong.mdl [08:38:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [08:38:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [08:38:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/matthewenginelong.mdl [08:38:55]Usama bin Todden.Puffer spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [08:38:59]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: This ship is outdated [08:39:02]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Im not even sure it works [08:39:03]JamesCLK: ENERGY SHALL BE SUPPLIED [08:39:12]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Can i grab a BHC James? [08:39:16]JamesCLK spawned sent zero_point_module [08:39:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: my ship generates enough energy lol [08:39:26]JamesCLK: thar, energy [08:39:26]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: TP to me for the Node [08:39:42]JamesCLK teleported to Usama bin Todden.Puffer [08:39:42]JamesCLK: !goto Todd [08:39:42]Steeveeo: so, I'm going to go move those dupes over and see what I can do about updating environments [08:39:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Node be ere [08:39:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon: remove that horrible yellow dildo from my ship :v [08:39:53]JamesCLK spawned sent zero_point_module [08:39:54]Steeveeo: and finding the flag for the dumbass suits [08:39:54]Katelyn: ok thank you [08:39:54][LB] Captain Slow: train ships eh [08:40:00]JamesCLK spawned sent zero_point_module [08:40:03]Steeveeo: if there is no flag, I will rage [08:40:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl [08:40:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon: steev [08:40:17][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:17][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:17][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:17][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:17][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:17][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:19][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:20][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:20][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:20][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:20][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:20][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [08:40:20][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:20][LB] Captain Slow spawned model 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spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:21][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned model 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spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Now to get LS online [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon: could i possibly get one file copied over too? [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:28][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:29][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:29][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:29][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [08:40:29][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl [08:40:29][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [08:40:29][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4.mdl [08:40:44]Steeveeo: can you guys steam me over the SteamIDs? [08:40:46]JamesCLK: holy crap [08:40:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon: kk [08:40:53]Steeveeo: I'm going to log since I don't have my laptop up [08:40:55]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: What james? [08:41:07]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: This ship is from when everyone made OP [08:41:09]JamesCLK: and... its a hoverball shit, wat [08:41:09][LB] Captain Slow: ignore the wire [08:41:10]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: So its a litttle strong [08:41:12][LB] Captain Slow: plwease [08:41:16][LB] Captain Slow: please* [08:41:18]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: My lord this ship is over strong [08:41:25]JamesCLK: what the brown captain [08:41:26][LB] Captain Slow: i made this like 2 years ago [08:41:35]JamesCLK: hoverballz [08:41:38]JamesCLK: xD [08:41:40]JamesCLK: yeah [08:41:59]JamesCLK: needs moar dakka todd [08:42:06]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Ok its old [08:42:11]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: From when everyone built OP [08:42:11]Steeveeo: dara, you have somehow destroyed the framerate of an i5 and a 460GTX [08:42:13]JamesCLK: THAT IS NO EXCUSE [08:42:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [08:42:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon: big props [08:42:29]JamesCLK: steev, its gmod, it can ruin whatever the fuck it wants [08:42:36][LB] Captain Slow was killed by worldspawn [08:42:43]Steeveeo: anyway [08:42:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol james =32 [08:42:44]*** JamesCLK [08:42:47]Steeveeo: so, what was it? [08:42:48]JamesCLK: :V [08:42:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon: the file? [08:43:00]Steeveeo: gravity hulls got an update too, right? [08:43:06]JamesCLK: my i7 and 4850X2 aint complainin, so... [08:43:08]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: OK RIGHT [08:43:10]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I R REDY [08:43:18]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Just gotta parent [08:43:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon: furball did a bunch of updates yesterday too [08:43:29]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN [08:43:35]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: BOYS AND GIRLS ALONG WITH OTHER TRANSGENDERED SPECIES [08:43:36]Steeveeo: apparently we're 3 versions back on environments [08:43:40]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I PRESENT TO YOU [08:43:42]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: !PARENT [08:43:43]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: THE LAGGIEST [08:43:50]Katelyn: when he did it broke the server for me [08:43:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: THE WORST DESIGNED [08:43:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: THE MOST OVERPOWERED [08:43:56]Steeveeo: ..? [08:43:58]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: THE MODBRIDGE-IST [08:44:01]JamesCLK: piece of shit [08:44:02]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: TITAN EVER! [08:44:05]JamesCLK: hahah [08:44:06]Katelyn: everything loaded for everyone else [08:44:13]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: COME ONLINE YOU HUNK OF OLD SHIET [08:44:16]Katelyn: you should wait for my dupes to load [08:44:18]Client "DoTTeN" connected ( [08:44:21]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: WHICH BUTTONS DO WHAT [08:44:28]Steeveeo: waiting for that steamID over steamchat [08:44:29]JamesCLK: /ALLCAPS [08:44:38]Katelyn: oh i said my steam id here [08:44:42]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: MY 3RD PERSON CHIP IS OLD AND BROKEN [08:44:42]Steeveeo: I know [08:44:43]Katelyn: one second [08:44:47]Steeveeo: I wont be here in a sec [08:44:54]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [08:45:00]JamesCLK: lolwut daracon [08:45:05]JamesCLK: your interior is borked [08:45:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon: what the fuck [08:45:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon: just abit [08:45:15]Steeveeo: haha waat [08:45:18]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Whoops wrong 3rd person [08:45:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i think my ship just lost ALL it's weldssomehow [08:45:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon: yup [08:45:40]Steeveeo: anyway, I'll be right back with updates (hopefully) [08:45:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon: wtf [08:45:45]Steeveeo: as soon as someone answers me [08:45:51]JamesCLK: daracons 25 million hp supertitan looks like the replicator mothership :V [08:45:51]Steeveeo: did gravity hulls update or no? [08:45:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i wrote to you onsteam] [08:45:58]JamesCLK: i... dont know [08:45:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh that [08:46:11]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: IT REDY [08:46:19]JamesCLK: /badgers [08:46:19]Steeveeo: someone said something about it and it was lost in Usama's spam [08:46:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: op ship of dicks [08:46:29]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: BONUS LAG [08:46:38]JamesCLK: ey weell deestroyer you [08:46:40]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I dunno if i got enough engines [08:46:43]Katelyn: gravity hulls are on revision 20 [08:46:47]Steeveeo: smooth wall hump [08:46:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptydoublehull.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/slyfo/consolechair.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptydoublehull.mdl [08:46:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_monitorbay.mdl [08:46:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/foldcargobaseplate.mdl [08:46:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:46:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull_flaps.mdl [08:46:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:46:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [08:46:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptydoublehull.mdl [08:46:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptydoublehull.mdl [08:46:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:46:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:46:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:46:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [08:46:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:46:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/cockpit_lground.mdl [08:46:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_bunker01.mdl [08:46:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptydoublehull.mdl [08:46:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [08:46:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_interface001.mdl [08:46:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [08:46:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_interface002.mdl [08:46:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:46:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_003a.mdl [08:47:22][LB] Captain Slow: fire the cannons! [08:47:26]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Wtf [08:47:40]Steeveeo spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle05.mdl [08:47:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Dara i be redy [08:47:50]JamesCLK: that ship is too fast :d [08:48:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i had to respawn [08:48:19]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I have shields? [08:48:23]JamesCLK: >.< [08:48:27]Steeveeo spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [08:48:41]Steeveeo: nice server load guys, really appreciated [08:48:42]JamesCLK: apparently [08:48:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [08:48:48]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Come on out dara [08:48:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: So we can all make an ungodly explosion [08:48:57]JamesCLK: !goto todd [08:48:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon: im getting it ready now [08:49:02]JamesCLK teleported to Usama bin Todden.Puffer [08:49:02]JamesCLK: !goto todd [08:49:04]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: And enough lag to cause a small supernova [08:49:21]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: This thing is so OP [08:49:24]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Im ashamed i made it [08:49:28]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Dual pulses [08:49:30]Steeveeo: you should be [08:49:31]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Triple MJ's [08:49:33]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Triple AM's [08:49:36]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Dual Asgard [08:49:36]JamesCLK spawned sent black_hole_cache [08:49:38]JamesCLK spawned sent black_hole_cache [08:49:39]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Single Photon [08:49:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon: whats the hp? [08:49:53]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: It was like my 2nd ship here when OP was the new fashion [08:49:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Couple million [08:50:02]JamesCLK spawned sent black_hole_cache [08:50:06]Steeveeo: gravity hulls do not respond well to this kind of load [08:50:14]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: 3.035 mil [08:50:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: 703K armor [08:50:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon: heh [08:50:20]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: 679K hull [08:50:24]JamesCLK spawned sent black_hole_cache [08:50:24]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: 2577 shield charge time [08:50:28]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: You? [08:50:42]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Phew i lived [08:50:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: 19million [08:50:45][LB] Captain Slow: 0_o [08:50:46]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Stop trying to gank me james [08:50:50]JamesCLK: fffff [08:50:57]JamesCLK: REMOVER TOOL armed [08:51:03]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Noo [08:51:14]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Let us FIIGHT TO REGAIN OUR HUNOUR [08:51:23]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I CHALLANGE DARACON TO A FAST DUAL,NOW HURRY UP [08:51:29]JamesCLK: the sv sez noes [08:51:38]JamesCLK: so turn off your shield :V [08:51:41]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: The SV will be fine when we both die [08:51:46]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Ill turn it on when he gets here [08:52:01]Steeveeo spawned model models/xqm/hoverboard.mdl [08:52:09]*** Usama bin Todden.Puffer yawns [08:52:20]JamesCLK: i'm just still amazed at how the server hasnt died [08:52:33]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Meh its fairly good for 2 huge titans [08:52:35]Steeveeo spawned model models/xqm/hoverboard.mdl [08:52:36]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Hovering around 10sv [08:52:45]Steeveeo: kate [08:52:48]Steeveeo: come help me please [08:52:56]JamesCLK: definately beats the old limit on what we could have out before crashing the server [08:52:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon: paretning now [08:53:04]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: FINALLIES [08:53:08]Steeveeo brought Katelyn to themself [08:53:08]Steeveeo: !bring kate [08:53:13]Steeveeo: stand on this please [08:53:15]Katelyn: ? [08:53:23]JamesCLK teleported to Steeveeo [08:53:23]JamesCLK: !goto Steev [08:53:26]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Shit [08:53:29]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Sorry i fired off a shot [08:53:29]Katelyn: i can't [08:53:32]Steeveeo: lolwut [08:53:35]Katelyn: there [08:53:36]JamesCLK: thar [08:53:37]Katelyn: close enough [08:53:38]Steeveeo: aw fair [08:53:39]Steeveeo: *fail [08:53:44]Steeveeo: why are you invisible? [08:53:53]Katelyn: environments [08:53:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: GHD's do it [08:54:02]JamesCLK: environments + GHD [08:54:04]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Inside a GHD playermodels are invis [08:54:08]Steeveeo: take off your helment [08:54:20]Katelyn: only because of environments [08:54:23]Katelyn: it is off [08:54:27]Steeveeo: hmm [08:54:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon: james, can you god me please [08:54:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: And me [08:54:35]JamesCLK granted god mode upon Daracon - The Black Dragon [08:54:35]JamesCLK: !god Daracon [08:54:35]Steeveeo: was hoping there would be a floating hed ;P [08:54:37]Steeveeo: *head [08:54:37]JamesCLK granted god mode upon Usama bin Todden.Puffer [08:54:37]JamesCLK: !god todd [08:54:44]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: TODAY WE FIGHT AND DIE LIKE MEN [08:54:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: LAUNCH! [08:54:47]Steeveeo: hmm [08:54:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: FOR SPARTA! [08:54:53]Katelyn: you seem to be lopsided [08:54:55]JamesCLK: FALCON.... PAWNCH [08:54:56]Katelyn: :P [08:54:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I claim no responsability for server crashed [08:55:02]Steeveeo: I wonder how much Fuhr would hate me for removing environments entirely and going back to LS3core [08:55:10]JamesCLK: ohgod [08:55:17]Katelyn: not at all do it [08:55:24]JamesCLK: kill him quick daracon xd [08:55:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon: DIE [08:55:40]Steeveeo: damnit why does that throw you off? [08:56:01]Steeveeo: and WHY am I on the map floor now? [08:56:50]*** Steeveeo considers making a strict "No Titan" rule... [08:56:55]JamesCLK: lol [08:57:10]Daracon - The Black Dragon: stop ramming [08:57:10]JamesCLK: again, the server is alive [08:57:19]Steeveeo: HARDLY [08:57:29]JamesCLK: its handled 4 titans [08:57:32]JamesCLK: it can handle this [08:57:41]JamesCLK: :3 [08:58:42]New map: sb_forlorn_sb3_r2l [08:58:43]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" connected ( [08:58:43]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [08:59:33]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [08:59:44]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" connected ( [08:59:50]Client "JamesCLK" connected ( [08:59:56][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:00:37]Client "Katelyn" connected ( [09:00:38]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" spawned in server ( [09:00:42]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [09:00:48][LB] Captain Slow: well that was gun [09:00:50][LB] Captain Slow: fun* [09:00:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: gonna kill him [09:01:01][LB] Captain Slow: lol [09:01:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i backed up into the map wall [09:01:55]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [09:01:55](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [09:01:59]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" spawned in server ( [09:02:03]JamesCLK: >.< [09:02:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer was killed by worldspawn [09:03:20]Client "Katelyn" spawned in server ( [09:04:20]Dropped "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" from server [09:04:32]Katelyn: making the destiny? [09:04:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:05:06]JamesCLK: yeah, i suck with the xbow, sue me [09:06:29][LB] Captain Slow: 10 points to whoever can guess what im trying to make [09:06:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon suicided! [09:06:38]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" connected ( [09:06:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon: destiny [09:06:43]JamesCLK: a stingray? [09:06:51][LB] Captain Slow: 10 points to daracon [09:06:56]Katelyn: ... [09:06:59]Katelyn: you realize [09:07:02]Katelyn: i said the destiny [09:07:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon: 2 other people have alrewady made 2 different versions on here lol [09:07:06]Katelyn: when you had the back curve only [09:07:11][LB] Captain Slow: whoops [09:07:17][LB] Captain Slow: didnt se that =\ [09:07:21]JamesCLK: no cake for you [09:07:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:07:32]Katelyn: when this was your latest piece [09:07:32]Daracon - The Black Dragon: /megives points to kate [09:07:34]Katelyn: that i am standing on [09:07:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon: fail [09:07:37]Katelyn: i said destiny [09:07:40]*** JamesCLK eats all the cake [09:07:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon: om nom nom [09:07:52]Katelyn: looks nice though [09:07:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: woo [09:07:57]Katelyn: now fill it in [09:08:01][LB] Captain Slow: mmm [09:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: gotmy dups [09:08:06]JamesCLK: mmmmmmmm beeer.... scrilicious [09:08:17]JamesCLK: sacrilicious even [09:08:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [09:08:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [09:08:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:08:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [09:08:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:08:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [09:08:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [09:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:08:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [09:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [09:08:43]JamesCLK: badger badger badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers mark 2 mark 2... a drake a draaake, uuuh its a drake [09:08:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lulz [09:09:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh god, i thought that lag was my ship [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-331eb.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_p31.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11g2.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/props_bts/horizontal_piston_base.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s21.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-111.mdl [09:09:14]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-231r.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s21.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_p31.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11g2.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned vehicle models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-21.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/pad.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-21-31.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/smallbridge/walkways/sbwalkwayr.mdl [09:09:15]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [09:09:16]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:16]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [09:09:16]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:16]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [09:09:16]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s33.mdl [09:09:16]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:16]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [09:09:16]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-131l.mdl [09:09:16]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-131r.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-332.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s33.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/smallbridge/walkways/sbwalkwaye2.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-332.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:17]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-331g.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-331.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rsr23.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-332.mdl [09:09:18]JamesCLK: caldari blastard [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/rst-322l.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b221.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:18]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:19]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [09:09:19]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/sp931.mdl [09:09:19]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-231.mdl [09:09:19]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/w311.mdl [09:09:19]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:19]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:19]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:19]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [09:09:19]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_p31.mdl [09:09:19]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:09:20]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:09:20]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:20]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/rst-332f.mdl [09:09:20]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:20]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-221.mdl [09:09:20]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:20]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:20]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:20]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s21.mdl [09:09:20]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-131g.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/smallbridge/walkways/sbwalkwaye2.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-332.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_p31.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s22.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s21.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/w111.mdl [09:09:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:09:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-111g.mdl [09:09:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp231w.mdl [09:09:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-221.mdl [09:09:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-331.mdl [09:09:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/rst-312.mdl [09:09:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-221.mdl [09:09:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [09:09:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/w121.mdl [09:09:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_p31.mdl [09:09:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-111.mdl [09:09:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr331.mdl [09:09:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [09:09:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [09:09:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-111.mdl [09:09:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s31.mdl [09:09:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [09:09:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:09:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s21.mdl [09:09:24]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [09:09:24]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:09:24]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-331.mdl [09:09:24]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_guardrail.mdl [09:09:24]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [09:09:25]JamesCLK: :V [09:09:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon: =3 [09:09:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon: well [09:09:34]JamesCLK: aka son of a blaster [09:09:54]Katelyn: lets see... [09:10:02]JamesCLK: gallente insults :V [09:10:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon: well, im gallente =3 [09:10:13]JamesCLK: dito [09:10:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i just fly caldari ships, since they are good for running missions [09:10:32]Katelyn: i like caldari ships [09:10:36]JamesCLK: feh, missions [09:10:48]JamesCLK: eve is not known for its pve [09:10:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon: im semi carebear [09:11:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon: but been in plenty of battles [09:11:07]JamesCLK: gmod has better pve than eve tbh [09:11:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:11:20]Katelyn: YAY! [09:11:22]JamesCLK: fuhr will be pissed xD [09:11:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon: fuck yes [09:11:25]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" spawned in server ( [09:11:29]Katelyn: savior of diaspora, steeveeo [09:11:36]JamesCLK: have my babies [09:11:44]Katelyn: i shall inform the peasants [09:11:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:11:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon: RESTART NAOW! [09:11:59]Katelyn: :O [09:12:04]JamesCLK: /hype [09:12:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon: *goes and crashes the server [09:12:09]Katelyn: that is just enough time to wire a self destruct [09:12:14]Katelyn: i am ready i guess [09:12:17]JamesCLK: captain slow, might want to save [09:12:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: captain, save taht please D: [09:12:22][LB] Captain Slow: sec [09:12:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [09:12:42]JamesCLK: i dont blame you /portal turret [09:12:42]Katelyn: i -think- it did [09:12:46]Katelyn: i'm not sure either [09:12:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon: did you update LS3? or just get the old version back [09:13:11][LB] Captain Slow: shoot [09:13:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon: wont that ruin all the current LS we use? [09:13:18]Usama bin Todden.Puffer was killed by worldspawn [09:13:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: ohh [09:13:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon: excellent [09:13:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lets do it then [09:13:44]JamesCLK: well environments uses LS3 resources so they're compatible [09:13:55]JamesCLK: though not very well [09:14:07]JamesCLK: SKYWARDS [09:14:09]JamesCLK: derp [09:14:15]Katelyn: i'm ready [09:14:21]JamesCLK spawned sent black_hole_cache [09:14:22]JamesCLK spawned sent black_hole_cache [09:14:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon: we are all good [09:14:26]JamesCLK: gogogogo [09:15:20]New map: sb_forlorn_sb3_r2l [09:15:26]Client "JamesCLK" connected ( [09:15:28]Client "Steeveeo" connected ( [09:16:14]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [09:16:42]Client "Katelyn" connected ( [09:16:44]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [09:17:00]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" connected ( [09:17:37]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" spawned in server ( [09:17:52]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [09:18:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon: you load fast james [09:18:06]JamesCLK: not so many useless addons [09:18:06]Client "Steeveeo" spawned in server ( [09:18:10]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i only use what this server needs [09:18:19]JamesCLK: that and a decent connection [09:18:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lets see [09:18:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon: 20mb here [09:18:37][LB] Captain Slow suicided! [09:18:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon: wtf? [09:18:47][LB] Captain Slow: freaky [09:18:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: This Stool Entity is not active [09:18:49]JamesCLK: well, idk... i have the power of nyancat so [09:19:03]Steeveeo: oh joy [09:19:06]Steeveeo: space is breathable [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [09:19:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:10][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:10][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:19:12]Steeveeo: I ballsed it up [09:19:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon: really? [09:19:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh [09:19:24]Steeveeo: no more titans for now please [09:19:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i tried spawning a climate reg [09:19:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: says the stool is not active [09:19:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: did LS3 run? [09:20:09]Client "Katelyn" spawned in server ( [09:20:13]Steeveeo: dunno [09:20:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i wont spawn anything untill it's working ofc [09:20:21]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" spawned in server ( [09:20:23]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [09:20:23](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [09:20:33]Steeveeo: all I know is that it didn't work :P [09:20:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:20:40]JamesCLK: hm [09:20:44]JamesCLK: check the CAF menu [09:20:48]Katelyn: didn't work? [09:20:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: tryto keep your prop count low captain, you are already at 42 [09:21:02]JamesCLK: Couldn't Enable the Addon for the following reason: nil [09:21:11]Steeveeo: heh [09:21:11]JamesCLK: well thats useful [09:21:28]Katelyn: that is the best reason i've ever seen anything ever [09:21:57]Steeveeo: well....fuck [09:22:11]Steeveeo: how2killenvironments? [09:22:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon: *sad face* [09:22:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon: well you killedit [09:22:21]Katelyn: it's like a parasite [09:22:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_midsection_doublebridge.mdl [09:22:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon: seems it took something with it though [09:22:39]JamesCLK: the server usually takes a few minutes to accept the changes though [09:22:41]Katelyn: or a tumor [09:22:50]Steeveeo: james, it was a full restart [09:22:54]JamesCLK: :( [09:22:58]Steeveeo: I'll go set the map and see what errors pop up [09:23:02]Steeveeo: bbs [09:23:06]Dropped "Steeveeo" from server [09:23:15]JamesCLK: blarg [09:23:28]Server is shutting down/changing levels. [09:23:57]New map: sb_forlorn_sb3_r2l [09:24:33]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [09:24:47]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [09:25:09]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" spawned in server ( [09:25:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon: strange [09:26:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: still can't spawn climate regs [09:26:43]Client "Katelyn" spawned in server ( [09:26:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it seems to only be effecting the enviroments part [09:27:13][LB] Captain Slow: d'you feel lucky tiny headless combine? [09:27:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon killed [LB] Captain Slow using player [09:27:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon: yup [09:27:39]JamesCLK: breeeethable spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace [09:27:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:27:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [09:27:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [09:27:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:27:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:27:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:27:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:27:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [09:27:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:27:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:27:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [09:27:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [09:28:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [09:28:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [09:28:32]JamesCLK: mini-me [09:28:33]JamesCLK: xD [09:28:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:28:35]Katelyn: :O [09:28:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: there [09:28:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lscore [09:28:48]JamesCLK: stop humping the "lasor" [09:28:53]Katelyn: is it back to normal now? [09:29:01]JamesCLK: i... dont know [09:29:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon: no [09:29:03]Katelyn: still an environments tab [09:29:05]JamesCLK: space is breathable [09:29:25]JamesCLK: fuhrs gonna hate :V [09:29:31]JamesCLK: so much [09:29:32]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh well [09:29:34]Katelyn: haters gonna hate [09:29:42]JamesCLK: haters gonna hat-BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR [09:29:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: the community hated him so much for putting that mod on [09:29:45]Client "Pwntasaurus" connected ( [09:29:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon: we hated first [09:30:03]JamesCLK: ( -)>=y===={ BRRRRRRRRRRRRR [09:30:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:32:16]JamesCLK: :[ [09:33:35]Katelyn: you're even smaller [09:33:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:33:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: thats because the suit is gone [09:33:59]Katelyn: thank god we are out of those suits [09:34:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/breenconsole.mdl [09:34:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: indeed [09:34:30]Katelyn: SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE [09:34:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: im sure you will find a fix eventually [09:35:14]Client "DuneD" connected ( [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:35:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oookay? [09:35:44]Katelyn: that is weird [09:36:44][LB] Captain Slow: how to finish the body without more trains [09:37:02]Client "DuneD" spawned in server ( [09:37:08]Katelyn: there lies the challange, what you have so far looks good [09:37:17]Katelyn: now make it work with something else [09:37:24][LB] Captain Slow: really the only part of the ship that is raised is the bridge section [09:37:30]Katelyn: yes [09:37:44]JamesCLK: modbridge away! [09:37:47][LB] Captain Slow: rest is guns + win [09:37:57]JamesCLK: luls [09:37:57]Katelyn: :O [09:38:03]JamesCLK: MINE IT [09:38:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [09:38:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt121.mdl [09:38:29]Katelyn spawned vehicle models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl [09:38:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:38:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-121.mdl [09:38:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [09:38:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-221s.mdl [09:38:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:38:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [09:38:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:38:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/se11f.mdl [09:38:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:38:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [09:38:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s21.mdl [09:38:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-111.mdl [09:38:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [09:38:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:38:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:38:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:38:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-121.mdl [09:38:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [09:38:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp221s.mdl [09:38:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd21.mdl [09:38:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [09:38:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [09:38:31]Katelyn spawned model models/props_bts/vertical_large_piston_base.mdl [09:38:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:38:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-111g.mdl [09:38:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [09:38:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt121.mdl [09:38:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-121.mdl [09:38:32]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [09:38:32]Katelyn spawned model models/slyfo/ftl_drive.mdl [09:38:32]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:38:32]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_p31.mdl [09:38:32]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [09:38:32]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/se11f.mdl [09:38:33]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [09:38:33]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/ect111.mdl [09:38:33]Katelyn spawned model models/smallbridge/walkways/sbwalkwaye.mdl [09:38:33]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [09:38:33]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd11.mdl [09:38:34]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd21.mdl [09:38:34]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_p31.mdl [09:38:34]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s22.mdl [09:38:34]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-111.mdl [09:38:34]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd31.mdl [09:38:34]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd31.mdl [09:38:35]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/ecb111.mdl [09:38:35]Katelyn spawned model models/slyfo/ftl_drive.mdl [09:38:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/sidecockpit.mdl [09:38:42]JamesCLK: :D [09:38:44][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/cruisercockpit.mdl [09:38:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh? [09:38:49]JamesCLK: love the new textures on the arm bits kate [09:39:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:39:11]JamesCLK: pod racer style almost [09:39:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol furball [09:40:05]JamesCLK: luls [09:41:16]JamesCLK: aye [09:41:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [09:42:34]DuneD: hey [09:43:13]JamesCLK: this ship is starting to get positively faptastic [09:43:25]JamesCLK: gj kate :3 [09:43:34]JamesCLK: although maybe pulses is a bit overboard [09:43:36]DuneD: what changed [09:43:36]Katelyn: uhhhm [09:43:38]JamesCLK: lul [09:43:51]JamesCLK: gyropod get much? [09:43:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/mcpdropbay.mdl [09:43:54][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/mcpdropglass.mdl [09:43:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon: wut? [09:43:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/doublehatch.mdl [09:44:11]JamesCLK: ITS GONNA BLOW [09:44:11][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/thlong.mdl [09:44:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: did ship just suffer rape? [09:44:22]Katelyn: yeah something like that [09:44:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptyhull.mdl [09:44:24]JamesCLK: it just... dropped [09:44:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptyhull_t.mdl [09:44:27][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflathull.mdl [09:44:28]JamesCLK: :V [09:44:32]Katelyn: the gyropod didn't engage [09:44:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_stacksinglehull_roof.mdl [09:44:40]JamesCLK: ENGAEG [09:44:43][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [09:45:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon: saving [09:45:23]DuneD: dara [09:45:25]Katelyn: i had it out mining yesterday [09:45:28]DuneD: nvm [09:45:33]Katelyn: ready [09:45:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it? [09:45:35]DuneD: go for it stev [09:45:40]JamesCLK spawned sent lightmissilelauncher [09:45:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon: wait [09:45:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: captain is saving [09:45:50]Katelyn: wait for captian [09:46:08][LB] Captain Slow: all done [09:46:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon: go go go =D [09:46:17]JamesCLK spawned sent black_hole_cache [09:46:40]Katelyn was killed by worldspawn [09:46:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon: hes just messing around [09:46:44](Console) slapped JamesCLK with 0 damage [09:46:47]JamesCLK: :( [09:46:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: read chat [09:46:50]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [09:46:50](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [09:46:56]JamesCLK: yeah? [09:47:05]JamesCLK: i'm good [09:47:08]JamesCLK: sry :s [09:47:11]JamesCLK: was distracted [09:47:14]DuneD: FIREEE [09:47:17]Katelyn was killed by worldspawn [09:47:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh god [09:48:09]New map: sb_forlorn_sb3_r2l [09:48:12]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [09:48:12]Client "DuneD" connected ( [09:48:12]Client "Steeveeo" connected ( [09:48:41]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" connected ( [09:48:46]Client "Katelyn" connected ( [09:49:38]Client "DuneD" spawned in server ( [09:49:52]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [09:50:15][LB] Captain Slow: we have space [09:50:18][LB] Captain Slow was killed by worldspawn [09:51:00]Client "Steeveeo" spawned in server ( [09:51:03]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" spawned in server ( [09:51:06][LB] Captain Slow suicided! [09:51:10]Steeveeo suicided! [09:51:14]DuneD: steeve owner ? [09:51:17]DuneD: WE ARE FUCK [09:51:20]DuneD: xDD [09:51:22]Steeveeo: WAHGAAHHH [09:51:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:51:30][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [09:51:30][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:30][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:30][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:30][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:30][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [09:51:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon: steev and furball are the owners [09:51:54]Steeveeo: YAAYY [09:51:59]Steeveeo: I....can't breathe [09:52:00]Steeveeo: FUUU [09:52:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:52:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon: OMG! [09:52:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon: LOOK! [09:52:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon: LOOK AT ALL IT'S GLORY! [09:52:28]Steeveeo: also [09:52:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [09:52:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [09:52:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [09:52:30]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [09:52:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [09:52:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [09:52:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [09:52:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [09:52:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [09:52:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [09:52:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [09:52:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [09:52:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [09:52:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [09:52:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [09:52:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [09:52:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [09:52:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [09:52:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [09:52:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [09:52:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [09:52:32]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [09:52:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [09:52:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [09:52:33]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [09:52:33]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [09:52:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [09:52:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [09:52:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [09:52:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [09:52:33]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [09:52:33]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [09:52:34]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [09:52:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [09:52:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [09:52:34]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [09:52:34]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [09:52:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [09:52:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [09:52:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [09:52:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [09:52:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [09:52:34]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [09:52:35]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [09:52:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [09:52:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [09:52:36]Steeveeo: please stop with the titans for now [09:52:39]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" connected ( [09:52:47]Steeveeo: my job is hard enough without the insane lag [09:52:52]DuneD: at least check my new ship xD [09:52:54][LB] Captain Slow: aye lad......tha's no titan [09:52:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon: believe it ornot, titans don't come out that often on the server [09:53:35]Steeveeo killed DuneD using player [09:53:40]Steeveeo: WHAARGARBLE [09:53:41]DuneD: !goto steev [09:53:46]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [09:53:48]DuneD teleported to Steeveeo [09:53:48]DuneD: !goto steev [09:53:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: only kate, then me and then dark saber had titans and now duned [09:53:50]DuneD: anyway [09:53:53]DuneD: wth are u trying to do [09:53:57]Steeveeo: look [09:53:59]DuneD: sb3 seems working [09:54:04]Steeveeo: yup [09:54:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: steev [09:54:22]Steeveeo: no more environments which was causing untolds amounts of issues [09:54:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon: any chance of server access's [09:54:29]DuneD: yea I know [09:54:37]JamesCLK: :P [09:54:43]DuneD: not for me [09:54:47]JamesCLK: SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE [09:54:51]JamesCLK: is spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace [09:54:52]DuneD: I dont want nothing to do with server access or admin or shit [09:54:52]Steeveeo: ? [09:54:54]DuneD: anymore [09:54:55]Steeveeo: heh [09:54:58]DuneD: im very happy right now xD [09:54:59]JamesCLK: spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace <3 [09:55:04]DuneD: and I want it to stay that way xD [09:55:08]Steeveeo: few people can keep doing it after all that drama shit [09:55:17]Steeveeo: or, rather, want to [09:55:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon: furball was on yesterday doing server stuff, and well, asked him, that went nowhere [09:55:24]DuneD: its not worth it [09:55:26]JamesCLK: drama llama strikes again [09:55:42]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [09:55:42](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [09:55:49]*** Steeveeo tries to remember GMod admin commands, accidentally uses Minecraft /manuadd [09:55:55]JamesCLK: lul [09:55:55]Client "Katelyn" spawned in server ( [09:56:00]JamesCLK: minedict [09:56:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:56:18]Steeveeo added Daracon - The Black Dragon to group superadmin [09:56:23]JamesCLK: :O [09:56:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon suicided! [09:56:26]Steeveeo poked Daracon - The Black Dragon! [09:56:26]Steeveeo: !poke dara [09:56:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: NO U [09:56:32]Katelyn: :O [09:56:35]JamesCLK: jesus christ wat [09:56:35]DuneD: hahahaha [09:56:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/fdeck_long.mdl [09:56:38]Steeveeo: I think that was the rank before [09:56:41]DuneD: poor dara [09:56:49]JamesCLK: oh nose [09:56:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i hate having admin lol [09:56:56]Steeveeo: you asked [09:57:01]JamesCLK: i'll take your admin ;p [09:57:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:57:06]JamesCLK: sadmin [09:57:12]JamesCLK: how bout we swich? [09:57:13][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/doublehatch_hatch.mdl [09:57:13]JamesCLK: :V [09:57:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon: that was server access [09:57:16]JamesCLK: then i can doom us all [09:57:22]Steeveeo: sadmin has !rcon [09:57:24]JamesCLK: zard has RCON without having sadmin [09:57:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_large_solar_sail.mdl [09:57:27]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" spawned in server ( [09:57:29]Steeveeo: wut [09:57:32]Steeveeo: oh right, dev [09:57:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull3.mdl [09:57:34]JamesCLK: yep [09:57:42]Steeveeo: is that a server rank? [09:57:42]JamesCLK: just make him a dev :V [09:57:46]JamesCLK: nope [09:57:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [09:57:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [09:57:46]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [09:57:47]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [09:57:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [09:57:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [09:57:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [09:57:48]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [09:57:48]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [09:57:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [09:57:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [09:57:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [09:57:48]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [09:57:49]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [09:57:50]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [09:57:50]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [09:57:50]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [09:57:50]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [09:57:50]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [09:57:50]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [09:57:50]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [09:57:50]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [09:57:50]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [09:57:50]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12airscrubber.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [09:57:51]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [09:57:52]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [09:57:52]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [09:57:52]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [09:57:52]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [09:57:52]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [09:57:52]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [09:57:52]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [09:57:52]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [09:57:52]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [09:57:52]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [09:57:54]Steeveeo added Daracon - The Black Dragon to group admin [09:57:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon: ahh, RCON is useless when the server freezes though [09:58:03]Katelyn: duned does that fly and have weapons yet? [09:58:06]Steeveeo granted access to ulx with access tag rcon for Daracon - The Black Dragon [09:58:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon suicided! [09:58:14]Steeveeo poked Daracon - The Black Dragon! [09:58:14]Steeveeo: !poke dara [09:58:19]JamesCLK: admeeeeeeenz [09:58:28]JamesCLK: SUPERMEGAAWESOMEADMINBROHUG [09:58:48]JamesCLK: :[ [09:58:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [09:59:04]JamesCLK: :d [09:59:08]JamesCLK: uhoh [09:59:12]JamesCLK: !ragdoll [09:59:16]JamesCLK ragdolled themself [09:59:16]JamesCLK: !ragdoll James [09:59:28]JamesCLK: :( [09:59:36]JamesCLK: i feel rejected [09:59:54]JamesCLK: awkward [10:00:04]DuneD: captain slow [10:00:13][LB] Captain Slow: yah [10:00:13]DuneD: could you move your ship a bit back [10:00:14]JamesCLK: ow [10:00:15]Steeveeo: head [10:00:16]DuneD: please [10:00:16]Steeveeo: in [10:00:18]Steeveeo: ground [10:00:19]Katelyn spawned model models/props_docks/dock01_pole01a_128.mdl [10:00:20][LB] Captain Slow: sec [10:00:20]Steeveeo: booyah [10:00:26]DuneD: ok thanks [10:00:27]JamesCLK: eim an ostridge [10:00:42]Steeveeo: skiing accident [10:00:42]JamesCLK: u cants seez me [10:00:56][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [10:00:56][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:56][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:56][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:56][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:56][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:57][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:59][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:59][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:59][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:59][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:59][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:59][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:59][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:00:59][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [10:01:13]JamesCLK: :p [10:01:18]DuneD: thanks mate [10:01:20][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge.mdl [10:01:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/ball.mdl [10:01:23]Katelyn: now that looks nice captain [10:01:25]JamesCLK: oh noes, not the sexposes! [10:01:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned effect models/props_combine/coreball.mdl [10:01:32]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/cannonball.mdl [10:01:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/misc/smallcannonball.mdl [10:01:39][LB] Captain Slow: need a good bridge now [10:01:44]*** JamesCLK struggles to unragdoll [10:01:48]JamesCLK: D: [10:01:49][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2.mdl [10:01:56]Steeveeo: BALL OF STEEL [10:01:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon: haha [10:02:04]JamesCLK: steel steel steel' [10:02:10]Katelyn spawned model models/props/cs_havana/pole_a.mdl [10:02:11]JamesCLK: rick james bitch [10:02:22]JamesCLK unragdolled themself [10:02:22]JamesCLK: !unragdoll James [10:02:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [10:02:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:02:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:02:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:02:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:02:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [10:02:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:02:25]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:02:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:02:25]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:02:26]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:02:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:02:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:02:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:02:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:02:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:02:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:02:27]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:02:28]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12airscrubber.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [10:02:29]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:02:30]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [10:02:30](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:02:30]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:02:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:02:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [10:02:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:02:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:02:31]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:02:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon: aww [10:02:42]Steeveeo: ohey, dara, don't forget [10:02:45]Steeveeo: you have a fun command [10:02:47]Steeveeo: .!poke [10:02:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon suicided! [10:02:51]JamesCLK poked Daracon - The Black Dragon! [10:02:51]JamesCLK: !poke Daracon [10:02:56]JamesCLK suicided! [10:02:56]Steeveeo poked JamesCLK! [10:02:56]Steeveeo: !poke james [10:02:59]JamesCLK: D: [10:03:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon: yeah, do you remember when we came up with that? =3 [10:03:00]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [10:03:03]Steeveeo: hehe [10:03:05]JamesCLK suicided! [10:03:05][LB] Captain Slow suicided! [10:03:05]DuneD suicided! [10:03:05]Steeveeo suicided! [10:03:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon suicided! [10:03:05]Katelyn suicided! [10:03:05]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [10:03:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon poked JamesCLK, [LB] Captain Slow, DuneD, Steeveeo, themself, Katelyn, Usama bin Todden.Puffer! [10:03:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !poke * [10:03:08]Katelyn: :O [10:03:08]Steeveeo: MEEP [10:03:10]JamesCLK: xD [10:03:15]DuneD: yea thats what you get [10:03:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: thats how you do it [10:03:18]DuneD: for giving dara powers xD [10:03:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon: haha [10:03:25]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:27]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:27]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:30]JamesCLK whipped Daracon - The Black Dragon 100 times with 0 damage [10:03:30]JamesCLK: !whip Daracon 100 [10:03:32]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:32]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:34]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon: nuuu [10:03:37]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon suicided! [10:03:38]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtsl.mdl [10:03:41]Katelyn: i remember when we got those commands :3 [10:03:41]JamesCLK: its not very effective [10:03:42]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:43]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:44]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:46]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:46]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:46]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:46](TEAM) JamesCLK: !menu [10:03:53]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:53]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:53]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:53]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:53]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:53]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:53]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:53]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:54]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:54]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:54]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:54]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:54]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:54]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:54]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:54]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:54]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:55]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:55]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:55]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:55]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:03:55]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [10:04:00]Steeveeo: KEY BINDINNNNNGSS [10:04:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i remember when duned would nuke the server with that command [10:04:08]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:09]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:09]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:09]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:10]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:10]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:10]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:10]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:10]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:10]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:10]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:10]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:11]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:11]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:11]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:11]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:11]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:11]Steeveeo 'sploded JamesCLK, [LB] Captain Slow, DuneD, themself, Daracon - The Black Dragon, Katelyn, Usama bin Todden.Puffer! [10:04:11]Steeveeo: !splode * [10:04:12]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:12]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:12]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:12]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:12]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:12]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:14]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:15]JamesCLK 'sploded themself! [10:04:22]JamesCLK teleported to Daracon - The Black Dragon [10:04:22]JamesCLK: !goto Daracon [10:04:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon: looking good captain [10:04:35]JamesCLK: minmatar plates :V [10:04:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [10:04:41]JamesCLK: i sez [10:04:44]Steeveeo spawned model models/xqm/hoverboard.mdl [10:04:44]Katelyn: i am quite jelly [10:04:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh jelly? [10:04:57]Katelyn: no shloopy woopy arms or anything [10:05:00]JamesCLK: :| [10:05:08][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:05:12][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:05:14]JamesCLK ignited themself [10:05:14]JamesCLK: !ignite James [10:05:30]JamesCLK: /lotr [10:05:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon: wait [10:05:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon: aww [10:05:49]Steeveeo: lol lopsided [10:05:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i thought space diabled noclip for admins then [10:06:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [10:06:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [10:06:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [10:06:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [10:06:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [10:06:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [10:06:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [10:06:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [10:06:10]Steeveeo spawned model models/xqm/hoverboard.mdl [10:06:21]JamesCLK: I BURNNNN [10:07:07]Steeveeo: gogogo? [10:07:09]JamesCLK: FLAME ON [10:07:18]Steeveeo: bwah [10:07:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: hmm, seems the arms on my ship are still not aligned [10:07:44]JamesCLK: burning underwarer :V [10:07:46]JamesCLK: water even [10:08:48]DuneD: parenting and deparenting objects [10:08:53][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/consolechair.mdl [10:08:55]DuneD: isnt something that the engine likes [10:08:59]DuneD: thats for sure xD [10:09:05]Katelyn: nonesense [10:09:10]Katelyn: nonsense* [10:09:21]Steeveeo: Nonesense is nonsense :V [10:09:27]JamesCLK: rubbish [10:09:48]JamesCLK: nonsesnse's gotta nonsense [10:09:55]JamesCLK: nonsense even [10:09:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [10:09:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:09:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:09:59]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:09:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:09:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:09:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:09:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:09:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:09:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:09:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:09:59]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:09:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:09:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:10:00]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:10:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [10:10:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:10:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:10:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:10:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [10:10:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [10:10:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:10:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:10:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:10:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:10:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:10:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [10:10:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:10:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [10:10:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [10:10:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:10:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:10:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:10:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:10:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [10:10:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [10:10:02]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [10:10:02]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:10:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:10:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:10:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:10:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:10:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:10:02]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [10:10:02]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [10:10:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:10:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:10:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:10:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:10:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:10:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:10:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:10:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:10:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:10:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:10:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:10:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:10:05]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [10:10:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:10:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:10:07]JamesCLK: SO MUCH RED [10:10:20]JamesCLK: fire... burning [10:10:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/squad/sf_plates/sf_plate8x8.mdl [10:10:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [10:10:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:10:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:10:36]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:10:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:10:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:10:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:10:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:10:36]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:10:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:10:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:10:37]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:10:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:10:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:10:37]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:10:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [10:10:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:10:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:10:37]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [10:10:38]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:10:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:10:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:10:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:10:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [10:10:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [10:10:39]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [10:10:39]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:10:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:10:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:10:39]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:10:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:10:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:10:40]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [10:10:40]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:10:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:10:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:10:40]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:10:40]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:10:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:10:40]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:10:41]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:10:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:10:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:10:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:10:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:10:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:10:42]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [10:10:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:10:42]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:10:46]Steeveeo: nuuuu! [10:10:48]DuneD: stupid shit [10:10:55]JamesCLK: :p [10:10:57]JamesCLK: :[ [10:11:02]JamesCLK: fire ran out [10:11:03]JamesCLK: :( [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [10:11:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:11:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:11:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [10:11:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:11:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:11:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:11:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:11:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:11:06]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:11:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:11:06]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12airscrubber.mdl [10:11:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:11:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:11:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:11:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:11:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:11:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:11:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:11:07]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:11:08]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:11:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:11:09]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:11:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:11:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:11:09]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:11:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:11:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:11:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:11:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:11:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:11:09]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:11:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [10:11:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:11:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:11:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:11:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:11:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:11:10]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:11:11]Katelyn was killed by gmod_wire_expression2 [10:11:13]Steeveeo: james, get on [10:11:15]JamesCLK: now i can no longer be the human torch [10:11:16]Katelyn: lol [10:11:23]Steeveeo: FROOM [10:11:24]JamesCLK: WHHEEE [10:11:38]Steeveeo: step one complete? [10:11:46]JamesCLK: now you juse need a decent control system :V [10:11:54][LB] Captain Slow spawned sent sf-artcannon [10:11:59]Client "njits23" connected ( [10:12:01]Steeveeo: I need to figure out how to transport it in non-hovermode [10:12:11]Steeveeo: if I strap it to the person's back, I bet it would spaz [10:12:18]JamesCLK: prolly [10:12:26]JamesCLK: bones are fiddly motherfuckers [10:12:27]Steeveeo: considering there's no E2 connections to it yet [10:12:28]Katelyn: strap it to their back huh? [10:12:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/cargocaplight.mdl [10:12:45]Steeveeo: setPos a GravityHull on someone's back...gotta try this [10:12:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [10:12:57]JamesCLK: >.< [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:13:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:13:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:13:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [10:13:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:13:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [10:13:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:13:01]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [10:13:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [10:13:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:13:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:13:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:13:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [10:13:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:13:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:13:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:13:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:13:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:13:02]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:13:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:13:02]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12airscrubber.mdl [10:13:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:13:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:13:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:13:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:13:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:13:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:13:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:13:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [10:13:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:13:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [10:13:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:13:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:13:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:13:05]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:13:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:13:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:13:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:13:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:13:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:13:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:13:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [10:13:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:13:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:13:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:13:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:13:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:13:06]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:13:08]Katelyn: i imagine it would be like the buttered toast/kitten paradox [10:13:17]JamesCLK: yeah [10:13:22][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [10:13:24]JamesCLK: or nyancat for that matter :3 [10:13:27]JamesCLK: poptarts [10:13:39]Katelyn: nyancat IS a poptart cat though [10:13:42]JamesCLK: yeh [10:13:44]Steeveeo: don't MAKE me Playx! [10:13:46]Katelyn: doesn't have one strapped to it [10:13:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon: my ring tone on my mobile is nyan cat =P [10:13:53][LB] Captain Slow: whats a good energy based weapon for this? [10:13:57]Steeveeo: strap-on...poptart? [10:14:04]Katelyn: no [10:14:04]JamesCLK: ohgod [10:14:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh kinky [10:14:07]Katelyn: steeveeo no [10:14:11]JamesCLK: DO EET [10:14:13]Client "njits23" spawned in server ( [10:14:19]JamesCLK: nyancat hoverboard [10:14:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: like how you think steev [10:14:27]JamesCLK: /totally innocent thoughts [10:14:27]Katelyn: i can no longer eat poptarts, thank you [10:14:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [10:14:54]Katelyn granted god mode upon themself [10:14:54]Katelyn: !god [10:14:59]Steeveeo: ohgod [10:15:04]njits23: katelyn, i cant seem to find out how to wire up your target finder [10:15:08]JamesCLK: heheh [10:15:22]Katelyn: to weapons? [10:15:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon: kate, is your targeting chip fully updated? [10:15:26]njits23: yes [10:15:28]Katelyn: should be obvious [10:15:38]Katelyn: if the weapon needs an entity give it an entity [10:15:41]Steeveeo: ok, here comes the shit [10:15:42]njits23: i fail it it appearently [10:15:49]Katelyn: if it needs a vector, give it the vector output [10:15:51]Steeveeo: ok...um [10:15:56]Steeveeo: not as horrible as I thought [10:16:00]njits23: ok [10:16:02]JamesCLK: hey steev [10:16:07]JamesCLK: i', ridin yoo :V [10:16:11]JamesCLK: i'm even [10:16:11]Steeveeo: rofl [10:16:18]JamesCLK: its a tandem [10:16:19]Katelyn: LOL [10:16:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: What was done with the reboot earlier,i was AFK [10:16:26]Katelyn: that is hilarous [10:16:35]JamesCLK: best. invention. ever [10:16:39]Katelyn: hi [10:16:40]Steeveeo: usama, killed environments [10:16:44]Katelyn: weeeeee [10:16:45]JamesCLK: D: [10:16:47]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: What is best invention james? [10:16:49]Katelyn: oww [10:16:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: GHD? [10:16:56]Steeveeo: stand on board [10:17:00]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Slow that is a mighty fine destiny [10:17:03]Katelyn: we were piggy backing on steeveeo [10:17:07]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Pity it has no internal room [10:17:13]Steeveeo: lemme get a bigger platform [10:17:17]JamesCLK: :D [10:17:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Did you make this slow? [10:17:31]Steeveeo: I shall wear you guys like a backpack! [10:17:33]JamesCLK: >implying getting a piggyback with steevs playermodel doesn't imply rape [10:17:37]Katelyn: yeah he did, i watched him do it [10:17:42]JamesCLK: implying* [10:17:43]njits23: where do i link the apc wirelink to? [10:17:50]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [10:17:51]Katelyn: you don't have to wire that [10:17:54]njits23: oh [10:18:06]JamesCLK: /greentext [10:18:06]Katelyn: that is an optional wirelink if you want it to be ship based [10:18:06]njits23 spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle05.mdl [10:18:14]Katelyn: it wires into an advanced pod controller [10:18:28]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: It seemthat cross server times is half implemented here [10:18:33]Client "SGC | Zardian" connected ( [10:18:42]Steeveeo: is this flush with my back? [10:18:43]njits23: AdvancedPodController, now i see =p [10:18:46]JamesCLK: fail [10:18:46]Katelyn: no [10:18:47]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Yes [10:18:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Well [10:18:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Not flat [10:18:56]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Its kind of tiltedz [10:18:56]Steeveeo: close enough! [10:18:58]Katelyn: lol [10:19:03]Katelyn: kind of? [10:19:08]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Ok very tilted [10:19:15]JamesCLK: we'd all end up with our heads up steev's ass :V [10:19:15]njits23 spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle05.mdl [10:19:21]Katelyn: it was completely perpendicular [10:19:21]Steeveeo: can't...apply....hull! [10:19:37]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: What sadist made that playmodel [10:19:42]DuneD: oh nicce [10:19:43]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: It has fucking panties [10:19:44][LB] Captain Slow: whats a good targetable weapons system for the destiny's weapons? [10:19:48]njits23 spawned model models/xqm/jetwing2big.mdl [10:19:48]njits23 spawned model models/xqm/jettailpiece1.mdl [10:19:48]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/trains/trackslides_outer.mdl [10:19:48]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:19:48]njits23 spawned model models/xqm/jetwing2big.mdl [10:19:48]njits23 spawned model models/xqm/jettailpiece1.mdl [10:19:50]DuneD: we have the climate regulators back [10:19:56]Steeveeo: AUGH! [10:19:59]DuneD: no more waiting 15min to fill up my ship [10:20:01]Steeveeo: NOTGOOD [10:20:02]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Slow try antimatter turrets? [10:20:04]Steeveeo: FALLING [10:20:05]JamesCLK: use a bigger plate :V [10:20:07]Steeveeo: THROUGH LEVEL [10:20:08][LB] Captain Slow: kk [10:20:17]Steeveeo: ok [10:20:22]njits23 spawned vehicle models/slyfo/consolechair.mdl [10:20:22]njits23 spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:20:28]Steeveeo: so THAT'S what happens when you setpos a hull to yourself [10:20:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: What happened [10:20:43]JamesCLK: steeveo's miku interplanetary backpack transport service [10:20:43]Steeveeo: it dragged me down through the ground [10:20:46]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Lol [10:20:51]Steeveeo: like a demon hand from hell [10:21:03]njits23 spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/matthew0623_hydra.mdl [10:21:03]njits23 spawned vehicle models/slyfo/consolechair.mdl [10:21:09]JamesCLK: herecy [10:21:22]JamesCLK: steev, parent a small ship to your back bone :V [10:21:24]njits23 spawned model models/slyfo/doublecarrier.mdl [10:21:24]njits23 spawned model models/slyfo/carriersplit.mdl [10:21:24]njits23 spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge.mdl [10:21:24]njits23 spawned model models/slyfo/carriersplit.mdl [10:21:24]njits23 spawned model models/slyfo/cengine.mdl [10:21:24]njits23 spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1ramp.mdl [10:21:25]njits23 spawned model models/slyfo/ccockpit.mdl [10:21:25]njits23 spawned vehicle models/slyfo/gcockpitseat.mdl [10:21:30]DuneD granted god mode upon themself [10:21:30]DuneD: !god [10:21:35]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: That sounds painful [10:21:41]DuneD: fuck you bitches [10:21:42]Katelyn: parent the odyssey to your back [10:21:43]DuneD: im leaving this rock xD [10:21:52]JamesCLK was killed by prop_physics [10:21:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Tis a nice ship [10:21:53]JamesCLK: NOSE1 [10:21:55]Client "SGC | Zardian" spawned in server ( [10:21:56]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Lol [10:21:58]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [10:21:58](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [10:22:00]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: "Im leaving this rock" [10:22:02]njits23 spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsdwrampd.mdl [10:22:04]Dropped "JamesCLK" from server [10:22:06]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: And you start to rock [10:22:07]Katelyn: duned, that was a smooth take off [10:22:13]DuneD: hahaahaha [10:22:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Rock badly [10:22:16]DuneD: certainly it was xD [10:22:17]Steeveeo: oh god lag [10:22:20]DuneD: idk wth happened [10:22:28]Steeveeo granted god mode upon themself [10:22:28]Steeveeo: !god [10:22:30]DuneD teleported to Steeveeo [10:22:30]DuneD: !goto steev [10:22:33]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: No noclippin bout in spes now [10:22:35]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [10:22:36]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Aww [10:22:38]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I miss that [10:22:46]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_plasmatorp.mdl [10:22:48]DuneD teleported to Katelyn [10:22:48]DuneD: !goto kate [10:22:54]DuneD: oh god [10:22:58]DuneD: everything so fucked up [10:22:59]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: What is the core on this thing [10:22:59]njits23: i cant noclip in space? [10:23:00]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Slow [10:23:03]DuneD: do I have my model back tho ? [10:23:07]Steeveeo: AHHHH [10:23:09]Katelyn: keliner [10:23:16]DuneD: oh god no [10:23:24]Client "JamesCLK" connected ( [10:23:25]Steeveeo: IT"S RAPING ME [10:23:30]Steeveeo: IT'S RAPING ME AAUUGH [10:23:31]DuneD suicided! [10:23:33]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Lol wat [10:23:37]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Fucking ensign rank [10:23:40]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: No fucking !goto [10:23:41]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_wire1x1x1.mdl [10:23:41]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [10:23:41]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [10:23:41]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:23:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_c17/furniturestove001a.mdl [10:23:44]DuneD: there we go [10:23:48]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Time sharing blah blah bmoan [10:23:55]Katelyn: !teleport [10:24:09]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: What wait? [10:24:11]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Daracon is admin? [10:24:13]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_wire1x1x1.mdl [10:24:13]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [10:24:13]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [10:24:13]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:24:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon: yup [10:24:30]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Since when? [10:24:41]Steeveeo: get on my back! [10:24:43]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: !motd [10:24:44]DuneD: you parenting shit to yourself ? [10:24:46]Steeveeo: and stop lagging! [10:24:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i used to be admin, i just applied for it again [10:24:47]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [10:24:53]Steeveeo: not really a parent [10:24:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Lol [10:24:55]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_wire1x1x1.mdl [10:24:55]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [10:24:55]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [10:24:55]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:24:56]Steeveeo: more like a setpos [10:24:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: You can apply for admin? [10:25:08]DuneD: im on your back [10:25:09]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x1.mdl [10:25:09]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:25:09]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_angle90.mdl [10:25:09]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_angle90.mdl [10:25:09]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_curve90x1.mdl [10:25:09]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:25:09]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:25:10]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:25:10]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:25:10]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:25:10]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:25:10]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:25:10]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:25:10]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate075x075.mdl [10:25:10]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x025.mdl [10:25:10]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [10:25:14]Katelyn: weeeee [10:25:27]DuneD granted god mode upon themself [10:25:27]DuneD: !god [10:25:41]DuneD: wtf [10:25:42]Steeveeo: trying to spirit people away on this [10:25:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: It aint workin [10:25:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i asked about server access because of servers crashing, since im already known to be trusted and been playing for a long time [10:26:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon: duned [10:26:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: can you spawn a core please? [10:26:19]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo_2/mini_turret_mount1.mdl [10:26:22]JamesCLK: also, i can vouch for daracon [10:26:29]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I wasnt accusing! [10:26:31]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Was just curious [10:26:34]Katelyn: idk about daracon! [10:26:37]Katelyn: he's bad news! [10:26:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [10:26:42]JamesCLK: hurr [10:26:45]Katelyn suicided! [10:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon poked Katelyn! [10:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !poke kate [10:26:45]JamesCLK: durr [10:26:50]JamesCLK: ABOOS [10:26:51]Katelyn: see! [10:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon: :V [10:26:54]JamesCLK: banbanbanban [10:26:55]Katelyn: ABOOOS [10:26:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon: haha [10:27:13]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Dara i got a fun idea [10:27:16]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Spawn 2 BHC's [10:27:18]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Mash them together [10:27:23]Katelyn: weeeeee [10:27:26]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: It makes golden cancer curing houses [10:27:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [10:27:44]JamesCLK: MIKU TRANSPORT SERVICE AWAY [10:27:44]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Which spawn more golden cancer curing houses [10:27:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: And then money spews out of them [10:27:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Making everyone rich [10:27:59]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Then all stocks are worth billions [10:28:08]DuneD: I like the feeling of sb3 [10:28:11]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: In short,you really need to hit 2 BHC's together [10:28:12]JamesCLK: beeleeons [10:28:13]DuneD: the server stopping every 2 secs [10:28:18]DuneD: feels like home [10:28:20]DuneD: xDD [10:28:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [10:28:23]JamesCLK: >.< [10:28:37]Katelyn: fond nostalgic memories of mcbuilds duned? [10:28:38]Steeveeo: I think I prefer the hiccups to the insanity of environments [10:28:43]DuneD: indeed kate [10:28:45]JamesCLK: wth njits [10:28:54]njits23: lol [10:28:56]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Meh i never went on MCBuilds so i cant say [10:28:56]njits23: aaaah [10:28:58]DuneD: I prefer sandbox with energy systems [10:28:59]JamesCLK: FIRE [10:29:00]JamesCLK: FIRE [10:29:02]DuneD: and fuck enviorments [10:29:10]Katelyn: i couldn't tell a difference at all between the two [10:29:12]DuneD: any kind [10:29:16]Katelyn: performance wise [10:29:18]njits23: how does this even work [10:29:19]Katelyn: i lag all the time [10:29:26]DuneD: between sandbox and sb3 or enviorments ? [10:29:27]Katelyn: my target finder? [10:29:35]DuneD: I can tell you for sure there is a huge difference [10:29:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: did you remove your core duned? [10:29:37]Steeveeo: coulda swore I killed the public folder [10:29:39]Katelyn teleported to njits23 [10:29:39]Katelyn: !goto its [10:29:39]njits23: this heli [10:29:50]Katelyn: try pressing reload [10:29:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon: me? [10:29:59]njits23: it was in the dupes folder [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x1.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_angle90.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_angle90.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_curve90x1.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate075x075.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x025.mdl [10:30:07]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [10:30:08]Steeveeo: don't bother with anything in Public [10:30:13]Steeveeo: that's supposed to be disabled anyway [10:30:28]Steeveeo: everything worthwhile is kept within the confines of the creator's dupe folder [10:30:44]njits23: there we go [10:30:47]Steeveeo: also the stuff in Public lags like shit [10:30:58]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo_2/pss_baseplate.mdl [10:31:12]njits23: lol [10:31:18]Steeveeo: quick! [10:31:20]JamesCLK killed njits23 using npc_grenade_frag [10:31:22]Steeveeo: My transport is better! [10:31:24]njits23: aaaah [10:31:30]JamesCLK: TRANSPORT IS BURNING [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x1.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_angle90.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_angle90.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_curve90x1.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate075x075.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x025.mdl [10:31:36]njits23 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [10:31:39]JamesCLK: HOT HOT HOT HOT [10:31:49]Steeveeo killed njits23 using player [10:32:03]njits23: uuh [10:32:04]*** Steeveeo goes to disable Public [10:32:21]JamesCLK: dont spawn taht shit [10:32:33]njits23: lol [10:32:49]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:32:59]Dropped "Steeveeo" from server [10:33:01]njits23: lol [10:33:08]njits23: a scooter [10:33:11]JamesCLK: >.> [10:33:15]DuneD: I just wonder who removed the limitations of the fx function xD [10:33:31]JamesCLK: STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM! [10:33:34]njits23: im in spaaace [10:33:44]Client "Steeveeo" connected ( [10:33:49]DuneD: THEN PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD! [10:33:52]njits23: and i cant go anywhere [10:33:56]JamesCLK: NO ONE breaks the law on MY watch [10:34:00]Katelyn: YOU'VE VIOLATED THE LAW. PAY THE COURT A FINE OR SERVE YOUR SENTENCE. YOUR STOLEN GOODS ARE NOW FORFIT! [10:34:01]njits23: lol [10:34:06]DuneD: hahahahaah [10:34:07]njits23 suicided! [10:34:09]JamesCLK: :D [10:34:30]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:34:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon: LUA SPAM [10:34:56]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:35:13]Client "Steeveeo" spawned in server ( [10:35:21]DuneD teleported to Steeveeo [10:35:21]DuneD: !goto steev [10:35:26]DuneD: PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD [10:35:33]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:35:35]Steeveeo: knew something bad would happen if I alttabbed [10:35:40]Steeveeo: on a side note [10:35:45]Steeveeo: Public Dupes ARE disabled [10:35:52]Steeveeo: it's just not gone for some dumbass reason [10:35:58]DuneD: thats always a good thing [10:36:14]Katelyn was killed by worldspawn [10:36:28]Steeveeo: haha [10:36:33]Steeveeo: this thing is still on my back [10:36:36]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:36:40]JamesCLK teleported to Steeveeo [10:36:40]JamesCLK: !goto Steev [10:36:40]SGC | Zardian: what? [10:36:42]njits23: ahahah [10:36:45]Steeveeo: hope on [10:36:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: brb [10:36:47]Steeveeo: 8hop [10:36:49]Steeveeo: askjads [10:36:50]JamesCLK: and its still hot like fuck [10:36:52]Steeveeo: HOP [10:36:53]SGC | Zardian: >.<... [10:36:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/station parts/sbhangarlud2.mdl [10:36:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:36:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:36:58]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:36:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:36:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:36:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:36:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwrdh.mdl [10:36:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:36:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:36:58]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:36:59]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:36:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:36:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:36:59]DuneD spawned model models/sbep_community/d12singengine.mdl [10:36:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoordw2.mdl [10:36:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:36:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:36:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:36:59]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [10:37:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe05.mdl [10:37:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:37:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:37:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:37:00]JamesCLK: ZARDDDDDIE [10:37:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2o.mdl [10:37:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:37:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsolelow.mdl [10:37:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:37:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [10:37:00]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh3.mdl [10:37:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:37:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:37:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:37:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:37:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [10:37:01]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwxdl.mdl [10:37:01]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [10:37:01]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:37:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:37:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:37:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltdl.mdl [10:37:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:37:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:37:02]DuneD spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [10:37:02]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [10:37:02]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdwdh.mdl [10:37:02]njits23: aaaah [10:37:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [10:37:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:37:03]DuneD spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:37:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:37:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [10:37:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:37:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullrtri.mdl [10:37:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwedh2.mdl [10:37:03]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:37:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsoliddw.mdl [10:37:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:37:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:37:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [10:37:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp05.mdl [10:37:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [10:37:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtdh.mdl [10:37:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:37:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:37:04]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [10:37:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [10:37:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdw.mdl [10:37:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [10:37:05]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [10:37:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp2d.mdl [10:37:05]DuneD spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [10:37:06]Steeveeo: o_O [10:37:16]SGC | Zardian: ..? [10:37:18]JamesCLK: cmere you devious dev [10:37:23]SGC | Zardian: not now [10:37:26]SGC | Zardian: im developing shit [10:37:29]JamesCLK: :V [10:37:35]njits23 was killed by gmod_wire_expression2 [10:37:35]JamesCLK: like a baws? [10:37:40]SGC | Zardian: what? [10:37:42]SGC | Zardian: no [10:37:45]SGC | Zardian: torpedoes [10:37:50]JamesCLK: steev removed environments btw [10:37:54]njits23 spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [10:37:57]Steeveeo brought SGC | Zardian to themself [10:37:57]Steeveeo: !bring zard [10:37:59]JamesCLK: but wait i told you that :V [10:38:00]SGC | Zardian: good [10:38:04]Steeveeo: get on ze choppah! [10:38:16]JamesCLK: hothothotho [10:38:25]JamesCLK: its burning you know [10:38:29]SGC | Zardian: ... [10:38:35]SGC | Zardian suicided! [10:38:57]JamesCLK: kate, why are you a box [10:39:06]JamesCLK: :V [10:39:12]Steeveeo: lolwut [10:39:17]JamesCLK: FLASHLIGHT REVEALS ALL [10:39:22]JamesCLK: HAAAAAAAX [10:39:39]Steeveeo killed njits23 using rpg_missile [10:39:43]njits23: aaaah [10:39:44]JamesCLK: kates livin in a box xD [10:39:55]JamesCLK: but its not a cardboard box :(' [10:40:03]Steeveeo: BOX BLEEDS [10:40:04]JamesCLK: the box... it bleeds [10:40:21]JamesCLK: wher'd it go [10:40:22]njits23 killed Katelyn using player [10:40:27]Steeveeo killed njits23 using player [10:40:32]njits23: lol [10:40:33]Dropped "Katelyn" from server [10:40:37]njits23 spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullcurves.mdl [10:40:41]njits23 spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle05.mdl [10:40:47]Client "Katelyn" connected ( [10:40:57]Dropped "DuneD" from server [10:41:05]Steeveeo ran rcon command: lua_run Entity(1):SetModel( kliener.mdl ) [10:41:23]Client "DuneD" connected ( [10:41:30]njits23: imma stealing yo ship! [10:41:51]Steeveeo ran rcon command: lua_run for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:SetModel( Kliener.mdl ) end [10:41:52]njits23 killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using player [10:42:14]Steeveeo: I have a feeling that !rcon can't do lua_run [10:42:21]Dropped "njits23" from server [10:42:30]Client "DuneD" spawned in server ( [10:42:40]Steeveeo: another reason why I hate titans [10:42:44]Steeveeo: everybody is RSOing [10:42:52]DuneD: not me [10:43:10]DuneD: I didnt rso [10:43:13]JamesCLK spawned sent sc_self_destruct [10:43:19]DuneD: my ship is only 117 entities is not that bad damned [10:43:26]DuneD: I saw small fighter with more entities than that [10:43:34]JamesCLK: BLARG [10:43:34]JamesCLK was killed by ship_core_caldari [10:43:37]Client "Katelyn" spawned in server ( [10:43:39]Steeveeo: bonk [10:43:44]Client "[SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]" connected ( [10:43:49]JamesCLK: fucking [10:43:53]JamesCLK: i thought i permabanned that guy [10:44:01]Katelyn: who [10:44:02]Steeveeo: hm? [10:44:05]JamesCLK: moon [10:44:06]JamesCLK: yeah [10:44:10]JamesCLK: an entire fucking week [10:44:12]JamesCLK: and he managed [10:44:15]JamesCLK: to get banned twice [10:44:22]Katelyn granted god mode upon themself [10:44:22]Katelyn: !god [10:44:25]JamesCLK: for ignoring admin orders to stop harassing people [10:44:32]JamesCLK: continuously [10:44:43]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Not from the dev [10:44:47]Steeveeo: it still plays the join message even if the join is blocked [10:44:51]JamesCLK: ah [10:44:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo_2/drone_mac.mdl [10:44:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [10:44:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rtankstand.mdl [10:44:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [10:44:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [10:44:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [10:44:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Different ban databases [10:44:52]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [10:44:53]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [10:44:53]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [10:44:54]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [10:44:54]SGC | Zardian spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/strange.mdl [10:44:58]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Probably [10:45:02]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo_2/drone_mac.mdl [10:45:02]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [10:45:03]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [10:45:03]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [10:45:03]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rtankstand.mdl [10:45:04]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [10:45:04]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [10:45:04]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Unless they are connected [10:45:04]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [10:45:05]SGC | Zardian spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/strange.mdl [10:45:05]JamesCLK: well he was banned on the main server definately [10:45:05]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rtankstand.mdl [10:45:05]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [10:45:05]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [10:45:06]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [10:45:06]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [10:45:06]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [10:45:07]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [10:45:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Yeah,i was there [10:45:20]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Much cheering was had [10:45:21]JamesCLK: i've had to do 2 permas these last 14 days [10:45:23]Steeveeo: lies duneD [10:45:27]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Who was the other? [10:45:28]Steeveeo: 118 parts :V [10:45:38]DuneD: oh i missed one xD [10:45:47]DuneD: which I just added [10:45:49]Steeveeo: also SERVER LOOOAD [10:45:52]DuneD: before saying the 117 parts xD [10:45:55]DuneD: hold on let me save [10:45:56]JamesCLK: some random guy who joined and started killing people left and right for 10 minutes [10:46:03]JamesCLK: despite people telling him to stop [10:46:40]DuneD: besides steev thats not a titan [10:46:41]DuneD: this is [10:46:41]JamesCLK: ie. minge by nature [10:46:46]SGC | Zardian spawned sent mini_zpm [10:46:57]JamesCLK: aaanyway [10:47:04]JamesCLK: i hate permaing people :| [10:47:18]DuneD: I use to too [10:47:25]DuneD: then you get over it [10:47:29]Katelyn suicided! [10:47:35]Katelyn granted god mode upon themself [10:47:35]Katelyn: !god [10:47:38]DuneD: and at the end [10:47:41]DuneD: you even enjoy it [10:47:47]Client "[SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]" spawned in server ( [10:47:49]Steeveeo: kate.... [10:47:50]Steeveeo: why...? D: [10:47:51]Katelyn: i wouldn't say that [10:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon: back [10:47:54]Katelyn: ? [10:47:56]Katelyn: what? [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/xrampdouble.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/tjointdouble.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/evilsphere.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/shortnoglass.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/shortglass.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/combat_cockpit_small.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/thhangar.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:01]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [10:48:02]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine2.mdl [10:48:02]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine1.mdl [10:48:02]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/tjoint.mdl [10:48:02]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:02]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/xjoint.mdl [10:48:02]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/xjoint.mdl [10:48:02]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine5.mdl [10:48:02]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine2.mdl [10:48:03]JamesCLK: ohgod [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/shortnoglass.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/xjointdouble.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/shortglass.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/tjoint.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/sidecockpit.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/tjointdouble.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine6.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:03]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/matthewengineshort.mdl [10:48:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/tjointdouble.mdl [10:48:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/evilsphere.mdl [10:48:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine1.mdl [10:48:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:48:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/combat_cockpit_small.mdl [10:48:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/fishfacemki.mdl [10:48:04]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine5.mdl [10:48:05]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/sccright.mdl [10:48:05]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/tjoint.mdl [10:48:05]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/xjointdouble.mdl [10:48:05]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine1.mdl [10:48:05]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:05]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:05]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/transportlarge.mdl [10:48:05]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:48:05]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/combat_cockpit_small.mdl [10:48:05]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/fishfacemki.mdl [10:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [10:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/shortnoglass.mdl [10:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/tjointdouble.mdl [10:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate32x32.mdl [10:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine1.mdl [10:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [10:48:06]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine1.mdl [10:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/thcockpit.mdl [10:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/shortnoglass.mdl [10:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/xjoint.mdl [10:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/tjointdouble.mdl [10:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [10:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/evilsphere.mdl [10:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [10:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine2.mdl [10:48:07]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/combat_cockpit_small.mdl [10:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/sccleft.mdl [10:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [10:48:08]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/thramp.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/sccright.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine2.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/combat_cockpit_small.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD: THIS IS A TITAN [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/matthewengineshort.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/inverter.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine1.mdl [10:48:09]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [10:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [10:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [10:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/trampdouble.mdl [10:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:10]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/shortnoglass.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/transportlarge.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/inverter.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehullramp.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/evilsphere.mdl [10:48:11]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/trampdouble.mdl [10:48:12]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/thhangar.mdl [10:48:12]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:12]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/tjointdouble.mdl [10:48:12]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine6.mdl [10:48:12]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehullramp.mdl [10:48:12]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [10:48:12]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/sccleft.mdl [10:48:12]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/thramp.mdl [10:48:13]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [10:48:13]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/combat_cockpit_small.mdl [10:48:13]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehullramp.mdl [10:48:13]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:13]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehullramp.mdl [10:48:13]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/combat_cockpit_small.mdl [10:48:13]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:13]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [10:48:14]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:14]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/largerad.mdl [10:48:14]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/thramp.mdl [10:48:14]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/shortnoglass.mdl [10:48:14]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/combat_cockpit_small.mdl [10:48:14]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:48:14]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine5.mdl [10:48:14]DuneD spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [10:48:14]JamesCLK: the fuck is this [10:48:14]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/tjointdouble.mdl [10:48:14]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [10:48:15]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:15]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/largerad.mdl [10:48:15]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:15]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/xjointdouble.mdl [10:48:15]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/tjointdouble.mdl [10:48:15]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:15]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:15]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/combat_cockpit_small.mdl [10:48:15]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [10:48:15]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [10:48:16]DuneD spawned model models/slyfo/smalltri.mdl [10:48:16]Katelyn: what did i do? [10:48:25]Steeveeo: it looked like your station.. [10:48:25]Katelyn: OH SHIT THIS [10:48:29][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: oh hey steeveeo [10:48:29]SGC | Zardian: ............ [10:48:36]JamesCLK teleported to DuneD [10:48:36]JamesCLK: !goto Dune [10:48:39]Dropped "[SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]" from server [10:48:44]Client "[SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]" connected ( [10:48:44]Steeveeo: so I guess it didn't apply, james [10:48:48]Dropped "[LB] Captain Slow" from server [10:48:53]SGC | Zardian: duned... [10:48:55]DuneD: my titan took care of him xD [10:48:56]JamesCLK: can i apply bans without them being on? [10:48:56]Steeveeo: ok, time to remove it XD [10:49:01]Steeveeo: yes [10:49:03]DuneD: hahaha [10:49:03]JamesCLK: good [10:49:04]Steeveeo: banid [10:49:11]JamesCLK: ugh, i'll need his id then [10:49:13]Steeveeo: be sure to include a reason! [10:49:17]JamesCLK: yeah [10:49:22]Katelyn: like, "Gay" [10:49:25]Steeveeo: bans with no reason attached often get undone [10:49:25]JamesCLK: that just goes in the space afterwards, right? [10:49:28]SGC | Zardian: oh you need to? [10:49:32]Katelyn: something useful like that [10:49:33]JamesCLK: yeh [10:49:35]Katelyn: you know [10:49:40]SGC | Zardian: just concider any ban by me with the reason "the guy annoyed me" [10:49:40]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [10:49:46]Client "[SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]" spawned in server ( [10:49:50]JamesCLK: how would i get his id? [10:49:58]Steeveeo: status when he gets in [10:50:01]JamesCLK: >.< [10:50:14]SGC | Zardian: -if- he gets in [10:50:14][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: sorry [10:50:16]Katelyn: the fusion [10:50:18]Katelyn: is going to blow [10:50:20][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: hello again people [10:50:28]Katelyn: i cut it off [10:50:33]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [10:50:42][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: ohhhh nice destiny [10:50:44]JamesCLK: you've got 30 seconds to make the best fucking explanation... [10:51:03]JamesCLK: for why i shouldnt apply that perma to this server too [10:51:05]SGC | Zardian spawned sent zero_point_module [10:51:15][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: oh so you are talkin to me ? [10:51:18]JamesCLK: yes [10:51:26]DuneD: he just won the perma ticket [10:51:27]DuneD: xD [10:51:28][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: explain what [10:51:31]JamesCLK: and dont take that goddamn tone [10:51:35]SGC | Zardian: >.<.... [10:51:37]Steeveeo: james... [10:51:41]Steeveeo: calm it down [10:51:41]SGC | Zardian: byebye moon xD [10:51:45][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: what ? [10:51:49][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: i don 't get it [10:51:56]DuneD: put him down like a dog!! [10:51:57]DuneD: xDDD [10:52:11]JamesCLK: moon, when you got permabanned on the main server, it was due to me having witnessed you [10:52:17]JamesCLK: be the subject of repeated complaints [10:52:18]DuneD: afk [10:52:21]JamesCLK: for an entire week [10:52:25]JamesCLK: from the other players [10:52:37][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: yes i was complaining about useless props 's lag [10:52:48]JamesCLK: no, that was one incident [10:52:54]JamesCLK: the last actually [10:53:02]JamesCLK: because the props were not causing the lag [10:53:02][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: and when i said it todd said "shut up moon" [10:53:24][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: "stop votespamming" when i iniated 1 vote to change the map [10:53:50]JamesCLK: ask anyone that was on at the time [10:54:01]JamesCLK: about 50 votes were created within 20 seconds [10:54:13]Steeveeo: crap, the Serpent is on the main...means I have to alttab, pff [10:54:22]SGC | Zardian: james [10:54:23][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: so i was arguing about the vote and told todd that AFK for rank is worst than votespam ,even if i didn 't [10:54:36]JamesCLK: yes zard? [10:54:38]SGC | Zardian: did ya see him votespam? [10:54:40]Steeveeo: brb [10:54:40]JamesCLK: yes [10:54:41]JamesCLK: i did [10:54:49]SGC | Zardian: so moon [10:54:52]SGC | Zardian: did you lie to me? [10:54:54][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: yes i agree i did it 1 time on sb_voyage [10:55:19][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: because i was mad that map was changed when i was 10 min afk [10:55:29][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: and time too [10:55:42][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: when there was 3 min left [10:55:48]JamesCLK: that doesnt warrant annoying the fuck out of everyone [10:56:24]SGC | Zardian granted god mode upon themself [10:56:24]SGC | Zardian: !god [10:56:28]JamesCLK: the only thing i've heard from people, and what i've seen, is them complaining over you destroying their contraptions... [10:56:30][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: give exemples . Not just "omg rofl he sux votespam i banu" [10:56:35][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: *i ban u [10:56:44]JamesCLK: and you complaining about their things being laggy when they are clearly not [10:56:48][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: destroying really ? [10:57:12]JamesCLK: not to mention being disrespectful towards the staff when ORDERED to stop [10:57:37]JamesCLK: i gave you an entire week [10:57:43][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: "clearly not" ? what about 150 useless not parented and maybe not freezed [10:58:07]JamesCLK: i could tell they werent the source [10:58:12]Katelyn: suddenly- titan battle [10:58:23]JamesCLK: i checked it out previously [10:58:26]Katelyn: that's your que dara [10:58:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: RAWR.. wait wut? [10:58:44]Katelyn: SUDDENLY [10:58:47]Katelyn: titan battle [10:59:03]JamesCLK: todds ship at the time was not the reason for the minute ammount of lag [10:59:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon: spawn my titan? :v [10:59:15]Katelyn: yes, that is what that means [10:59:19]Katelyn: spawn it, then fight my titan [10:59:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [10:59:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon: busy buildan atm [10:59:38]Katelyn: >:( [10:59:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: look on steam amin [10:59:46]Dropped "Steeveeo" from server [10:59:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i wrote an idear [10:59:56][LB] Captain Slow: does anyone have a control chip i can use for this? [11:00:14][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: you can 't just give permabans without any proofs (btw todd is not a proof) ! I 'm a peacefull player that build bases :3 [11:00:28]Client "Steeveeo" connected ( [11:00:33]Katelyn: you seem like a dick [11:00:47][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: me ? :/ [11:00:51]Katelyn: yes [11:00:52]JamesCLK: Moon, admins are given the responsability of good judgement [11:00:56][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/slyfo/finfunnel.mdl [11:01:12]Katelyn: you seem like the kind of person that will just, totally ruin someone's day and laugh about it [11:01:17][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: yeah but admins are not perfects [11:01:19]JamesCLK: if an admin has decided to permaban someone, it is his responsability and JOB to do it fairly [11:01:22]SGC | Zardian: moon [11:01:30]SGC | Zardian: the innocent untill proven guilty [11:01:35]SGC | Zardian: doesnt apply entirely to gmod [11:01:43]SGC | Zardian: admin witnessing you minging is proof [11:01:53]SGC | Zardian: the admin is the witness, judge and jailguard [11:02:11]JamesCLK: you would only need proof if the incident occured when no staff was online [11:02:12]Katelyn: thought it was judge jury and executionar [11:02:25]JamesCLK: in which case it would be a player sourced ban [11:02:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon: if he watched you for an entire week, you're damn lucky, if it was me, you would have been gone alot quicker [11:02:29][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: Yeah but the term "admin-abuse" exist and some admins are not very good (ex: People say a server have a good/bad admin ) [11:02:34]SGC | Zardian: something along those lines anyway kate [11:02:41][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: so admins are not powerfull gods that know everything [11:02:47]JamesCLK: moon, i've admined under steev and fuhr for years [11:02:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon: no, we have common sence and are decent people [11:03:00]JamesCLK: the fact that i've not been demoted means something [11:03:07][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: Todd corrupted :3 [11:03:15][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: *corrupted you [11:03:19]JamesCLK: tbh, i met todd the same time i met you [11:03:35]Client "Steeveeo" spawned in server ( [11:03:37]JamesCLK: and todd, despite me not quite being on good terms with his.... comments [11:03:38][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: the only difference is this guy afk for ranks [11:03:42]JamesCLK: does NOT mindge [11:03:46]JamesCLK: minge* [11:03:49][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: he annoy me but im not saying it [11:04:12]Steeveeo: man, this thing really HATES alt-tabbing now [11:04:15][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: you know...i won 't say "OMG WTF BAN HIM" [11:04:42]Katelyn: steeveeo [11:04:52]Katelyn: suddenly - titans? [11:04:57]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblastersml.mdl [11:04:57]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [11:04:57]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/thrustpacksmall.mdl [11:04:57]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [11:04:57]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [11:04:57]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblasterlrg.mdl [11:04:57]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [11:04:57]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [11:04:57]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/power_unit.mdl [11:05:05]Steeveeo: ...? [11:05:07]Steeveeo: ERNK [11:05:15][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: oh oh oh sb hoverbike [11:05:36][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: can i try :3 ? [11:06:03]Steeveeo: some random E2 extension is broken [11:06:29][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: you need to wait for extension datas [11:06:49]JamesCLK: sigh [11:06:53]Steeveeo: nope [11:06:59]Steeveeo: some string shit [11:07:14][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: woops sorry [11:07:28]DuneD: back [11:07:32][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/zup/zpm/zpm.mdl [11:07:36][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/zup/zpm/zpm.mdl [11:07:37]Katelyn: duned [11:07:41]Katelyn: suddenly - titans? [11:07:47][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/zup/stargate/test_gate.mdl [11:07:47]SGC | Zardian: >.<.... [11:07:49]JamesCLK: moon, dont act as if you're not in deep shit [11:07:50]Steeveeo: server is suffering enough [11:07:51]DuneD: ? [11:07:56][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/as_screen.mdl [11:07:59]Steeveeo: for whatever reason the SV is shit [11:08:00]Katelyn: does your old titan fly? [11:08:02]DuneD: yea why is it suffering so much anyways [11:08:10][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/as_screen.mdl [11:08:10]DuneD: no kate xD [11:08:16]DuneD: I never got it to fly [11:08:18]DuneD: or Ls [11:08:19]Katelyn: then make it fly, slap some berthas on it [11:08:21]Katelyn: and lets fight [11:08:21]DuneD: just the hull xD [11:08:23]Steeveeo: fortunately, not my jetbike [11:08:37][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/as_screen.mdl [11:08:40]SGC | Zardian: moon [11:08:41][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/as_screen.mdl [11:08:47][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/as_screen.mdl [11:08:52]Katelyn: the good ol mcbuilds days when more was more [11:08:52][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: yeah [11:09:02]SGC | Zardian: if you have an excuse, spill it, that kind of a /ignore doesnt quite work [11:09:14]Katelyn: brb [11:09:23][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:09:29][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:09:31][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:09:32]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblastersml.mdl [11:09:32]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [11:09:32]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/thrustpacksmall.mdl [11:09:32]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [11:09:32]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [11:09:32]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblasterlrg.mdl [11:09:32]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [11:09:32]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [11:09:32]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/power_unit.mdl [11:09:34][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:09:38][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:09:41][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:09:45][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:09:47][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:09:49][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:09:52][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:09:54][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:09:57]Client "Lλmbdλ" connected ( [11:09:58][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_wall.mdl [11:10:02][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen.mdl [11:10:08][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: lamby :3 [11:10:12][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_ent.mdl [11:10:20][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/as_screen.mdl [11:10:24]JamesCLK: moon [11:10:31][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: yes [11:10:38][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: im searching for a good texture [11:10:43]Steeveeo: found the error, does anyone know what the replacement for lsName is? [11:10:44][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/as_screen.mdl [11:10:54]JamesCLK: i'm going to have to permaban you on the dev server too [11:11:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon: Moon, you are still on trial, do you have a good enough reason not to be banned? [11:11:09][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: mhh..try to check wiremod wiki C: [11:11:14][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: yes [11:11:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: state it now [11:11:33]JamesCLK: i;ve not only witnessed you harrass people for a week, you're also twisting around the subject [11:12:00][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: I 'm peacefull ... just commenting about lags and unfairness [11:12:05]JamesCLK: and almost just ignoring the impact of what i'm compelled to do [11:12:27]SGC | Zardian: youre being asked to explain yourself and your trying to covertly drop the subject with ignoring [11:12:29]SGC | Zardian: wonr work [11:12:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: and what about all the other shit you pulled that James witnessed [11:12:32]SGC | Zardian: wont even [11:12:56][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: I answered to "Daracon - The Black Dragon: Moon, you are still on trial, do you have a good enough reason not to be banned" [11:13:21]SGC | Zardian: "yes" [11:13:23]JamesCLK: can i kersplode now? [11:13:23]SGC | Zardian: and the end? [11:13:33][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: -.-* [11:13:34]SGC | Zardian: how about you actually say that reason [11:13:35][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: [SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: I 'm peacefull ... just commenting about lags and unfairnessJ [11:13:50][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: that 's my answer ? [11:13:54]Katelyn: i have a solution to this [11:13:54]JamesCLK: but do you have any evidence to back up YOUR claims? [11:13:55]Client "Lλmbdλ" spawned in server ( [11:14:04]SGC | Zardian: the random acts of minginess hardly is just peacefull commenting [11:14:09]JamesCLK: getting out of a ban is harder than getting one [11:14:11]Katelyn: i have a solution [11:14:14]JamesCLK: yes kate? [11:14:18]Dropped "Steeveeo" from server [11:14:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: tbh, if he was banned from the main server, he shouldn't be here [11:14:22]JamesCLK: does it involve the ban command? [11:14:26]Lλmbdλ: did you break the server with your titans? :< [11:14:26]Client "Steeveeo" connected ( [11:14:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: and can petition iton the forum [11:14:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it on* [11:14:41]Katelyn: moon, next complaint we see that we can confirm [11:14:44]Katelyn: you get banned [11:14:53][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: I 'm already banned [11:14:53]Katelyn: drop everything else until then [11:14:59][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:15:04]Katelyn: well then, unban him until then [11:15:04]JamesCLK: ugh [11:15:10]Katelyn: how does that sound [11:15:19]JamesCLK: talk about being given a 15th chance [11:15:27]Lλmbdλ: is that the Destiny, slow? :V [11:15:28]SGC | Zardian: 3598396th* [11:15:37]JamesCLK: thing is, i dont actually have to take kates advice [11:15:44]DuneD: just put him down like a dog damned [11:15:45]Katelyn: that is correct [11:15:46]DuneD: xD [11:15:49]JamesCLK: d [11:15:54]Katelyn: you don't have to [11:15:55]Client "Steeveeo" spawned in server ( [11:15:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon: acctually [11:16:02]Katelyn: but you guys have been arguing for how long now? [11:16:07]JamesCLK: too long [11:16:07]SGC | Zardian: he isnt even typing an explination or excuse [11:16:08][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: stop this persecution [11:16:11]SGC | Zardian: i vote for ban [11:16:14][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: :P [11:16:14]Steeveeo: that's a might irritating [11:16:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: moon, you want to be unbanned off the main server? go Petitionit on the forums [11:16:21]Steeveeo: Client Timed Out...pfff [11:16:27]Steeveeo: also RSO [11:16:30]Steeveeo: PFWAH [11:16:47]Steeveeo: phew! [11:16:49]Steeveeo: that was close [11:16:49][SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]: can you use steam chat ? Some people maybe don 't want to listen to theses things [11:16:52]Lλmbdλ: the fuck is that I see at 0,0,0 [11:16:55]DuneD: there is a trick to avoid rso in this server [11:17:11]Steeveeo: holywhat fire [11:17:13]DuneD: in this map [11:17:13]Steeveeo granted god mode upon themself [11:17:14]Steeveeo: !god [11:17:15]Katelyn: in this map* [11:17:15]DuneD: i meant [11:17:18]*** [SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] is sorry for everything he done [11:17:23]JamesCLK banned [SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU] permanently (Petition it on the forums, if you're TRUELY innocent, you will be unbanned) [11:17:23]JamesCLK: !ban Moonwalker 0 Petition it on the forums, if you're TRUELY innocent, you will be unbanned [11:17:23]Lλmbdλ suicided! [11:17:23]Dropped "[SG-A] Moonwalker917 [FR l RU]" from server [11:17:28]Katelyn: !teleport [11:17:34]JamesCLK: there [11:17:36]Steeveeo: what the shit is this at origin? [11:17:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon: well, i was goingto kick him [11:17:39]SGC | Zardian: dingdingding [11:17:43]SGC | Zardian: he be gone [11:17:43](TEAM) Daracon - The Black Dragon: t that works [11:17:47]Steeveeo: bunch of props and fire [11:17:47]Katelyn: bees?! [11:17:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon: but that works* [11:17:48]Lλmbdλ: it's fucking NANOMACHINES [11:17:49](TEAM) JamesCLK: no shit [11:17:53]Lλmbdλ suicided! [11:17:55]Katelyn: !teleport [11:17:56]Steeveeo: nonsolid props [11:18:03]Lλmbdλ: GHD bug? [11:18:06]JamesCLK: and now you know why i'm the softest damn admin ever [11:18:10]Katelyn: that is a GHD [11:18:19]Steeveeo: looks like chunks of DuneD's ship [11:18:21]JamesCLK: 1 week of tolerance and a 30 minute debate [11:18:22]Lλmbdλ: It would be awesome if repairing ships had like, a nanomachine effect around them [11:18:28]Katelyn: use your xray mod [11:18:30]Katelyn: steev [11:18:30]JamesCLK: fucking hell [11:18:31]Steeveeo: I am [11:18:34]SGC | Zardian: i actually usually argue even more than you james xD [11:18:34]Steeveeo: it's a clusterfuck [11:18:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol, i'll back you up infuture james xD [11:18:48]DuneD: ? [11:18:48]SGC | Zardian: dubby would have banned him 6 days ago [11:18:50]Lλmbdλ: it burns! D: [11:18:51]DuneD: I didnt ghd my ship [11:18:57]JamesCLK: probably [11:19:02]Katelyn: i see train pieces [11:19:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: afk phone [11:19:17]Katelyn: captain did you ghd your ship? [11:19:20]JamesCLK: i was giving him a lot of headspace because he was french and might not understand our concepts.... [11:19:25][LB] Captain Slow: did i what? [11:19:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [11:19:31]JamesCLK: or somthin [11:19:33]Lλmbdλ: steev, can I steal your hoverbike thingy to have a look at the fiyah? [11:19:34]Katelyn: nevermind then captain [11:19:39]JamesCLK: whatever [11:19:43]Steeveeo: lambda, I gotta fix it [11:19:44]JamesCLK: he can petition it on the forums [11:19:48]Lλmbdλ: very well [11:19:54]Katelyn granted god mode upon Lλmbdλ [11:19:54]Katelyn: !god mbd [11:20:01]Katelyn: i can't bring [11:20:04]Lλmbdλ: Your business is appreciated [11:20:06]SGC | Zardian: i doubt he will [11:20:08]JamesCLK: but he probably wont get an unban without screenshots and logs to prove his innocence [11:20:15]SGC | Zardian: he didnt seem to be doing shit to prevent the ban [11:20:16]Katelyn teleported Lλmbdλ [11:20:16]Katelyn: !teleport mbd [11:20:20]Katelyn: !teleport [11:20:25]Lλmbdλ: Shit's on fire yo [11:20:26]SGC | Zardian: but anyway [11:20:31]SGC | Zardian: enough of him xD [11:20:34]Katelyn: !teleport [11:20:34]JamesCLK: yar [11:20:36]DuneD: gtg to work [11:20:36]SGC | Zardian: i ponder on this shit too much [11:20:39]DuneD: be back in 12h lol [11:20:41]Lλmbdλ: cya dune [11:20:41]Katelyn teleported Lλmbdλ [11:20:41]Katelyn: !teleport mbd [11:20:41]JamesCLK: i do too :| [11:20:44]DuneD: bye [11:20:44]Steeveeo: why the heck IS there fire, though? [11:20:45]Katelyn: bye [11:20:48]Steeveeo: bye [11:20:48]Dropped "DuneD" from server [11:20:53]JamesCLK: and THIS is why i hate having to use powerful commands like ban and kick [11:20:55]Katelyn: the real question is [11:21:01]Lλmbdλ: admin paperwork [11:21:01]Katelyn: why isn't everything on fire [11:21:12]JamesCLK: i feel a tad guilty for using them :| [11:21:22]Lλmbdλ: what, even on that Xavier dude? [11:21:24]SGC | Zardian: same here [11:21:31]SGC | Zardian: i prefer threats xD [11:21:36]SGC | Zardian: they lose effectiveness tho [11:21:38]JamesCLK: its like as if you went and stole their internet model [11:21:40]JamesCLK: modem [11:21:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtsl.mdl [11:21:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:47][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:47][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:47][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:47][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:47][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:48][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:48][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:48][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:48][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:48][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:48][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:48][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:48][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [11:21:48][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:49][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:49][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:49][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:49][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [11:21:49][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [11:21:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:51]Katelyn: i don't have a modem [11:21:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:52][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:52][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:21:52]Lλmbdλ: zard, you getting anywhere on nerfing beams? [11:21:59]JamesCLK: or cable/whatever [11:22:01][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtsl.mdl [11:22:01][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:01][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:01][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:01][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:01][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:01][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:01][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:01][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02]SGC | Zardian: not really [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:03]Katelyn: not on cable [11:22:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [11:22:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:04][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:05]SGC | Zardian: >.< [11:22:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [11:22:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:05][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [11:22:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:06][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:22:13]SGC | Zardian: havent tried much tho [11:22:20]Lλmbdλ: rose mocks me with his undodgable killsat ;_; [11:22:24]Katelyn: cable uses a modem, i have no model [11:22:25]JamesCLK: heh [11:22:26]Katelyn: modem* [11:22:35]JamesCLK: wireless [11:22:38]JamesCLK: or what [11:22:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/gcockpitseat.mdl [11:22:42]Katelyn: nope [11:22:46]JamesCLK: the fuck then [11:22:47]Katelyn: wired into the internet right now [11:22:51]SGC | Zardian: oh what the fuck [11:22:53][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/gcockpitseat.mdl [11:22:54]Lλmbdλ: ramscoops are best scoops [11:22:56]SGC | Zardian: i dont have anythign better to do [11:23:05]Katelyn: fiber optics [11:23:09]SGC | Zardian: dont get too attached to playing here, im about to fuck shit up [11:23:11]SGC | Zardian: ^^ [11:23:17]Lλmbdλ: :o [11:23:17]JamesCLK: uhoh [11:23:18]SGC | Zardian: time to fiddle with beams [11:23:23]Lλmbdλ: good luck zard c: [11:23:26]Katelyn: can you make it where [11:23:32]JamesCLK: zards going on a nerfingspree [11:23:36]Katelyn: when they are suppost to explode [11:23:44]Katelyn: make it where they don't and cool down at half speed [11:23:50]Katelyn: you should see where i did the code for that [11:23:58]Katelyn: i was going to do that but never got around to it [11:24:01]JamesCLK: i'd love to see damage decrease over range [11:24:03]JamesCLK: :V [11:24:07]Lλmbdλ: yeah, the whole "oh shit your fighter beam overheated now your cruiser dies" is annoying [11:24:12]Lλmbdλ: plus if a coreless beam overheats [11:24:14]Lλmbdλ: bad things occur [11:24:20]JamesCLK: no more sniper beams 4 u [11:24:35]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblastersml.mdl [11:24:35]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [11:24:35]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/thrustpacksmall.mdl [11:24:35]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [11:24:35]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [11:24:35]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblasterlrg.mdl [11:24:35]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [11:24:35]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [11:24:35]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/power_unit.mdl [11:24:45]SGC | Zardian: dont get ur goddamn hopes up im not a genious [11:24:51]Lλmbdλ: The whole problems with beams is that they can constantly hit anything from anywhere (unless you hide under spawn or something [11:24:52]JamesCLK: its not that hard ;p [11:25:01]SGC | Zardian: shut up >.< [11:25:11]Lλmbdλ: You could always try something like reducing damage the faster beams spin if you can't do a turret thing [11:25:15]JamesCLK: dont run, its just TRACES [11:25:19]Lλmbdλ: Like, they lose focus [11:25:20]Steeveeo: !parent [11:25:32]Lλmbdλ: traces are for tiny itsy bitsy baby mustwin baby babies [11:25:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtsl.mdl [11:25:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/gcockpitseat.mdl [11:25:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [11:25:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [11:25:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [11:25:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [11:25:40]JamesCLK: well beams are traces [11:25:42](TEAM) Steeveeo: immunity: on [11:25:50]Katelyn: what is that lambda? [11:25:55]Katelyn: did you say spawn the odyssey? [11:26:05]Steeveeo: sad days [11:26:06]JamesCLK: xd [11:26:10]Steeveeo: didn't get to show DuneD this [11:26:11]SGC | Zardian: :o [11:26:14]Lλmbdλ: oh no whatever shall I do, it'll FLY AROUND AT ME [11:26:17]Lλmbdλ: D: [11:26:17]JamesCLK: awesomesauce [11:26:21]Katelyn: i think you said spawn the odyssey [11:26:28]Client "Mikhail" connected ( [11:26:29]Katelyn: the one with the fixed turrets [11:26:40]Lλmbdλ: You actually bothered to fix the turrets? [11:26:42]Katelyn revoked god mode from Lλmbdλ [11:26:42]Katelyn: !ungod mbd [11:26:43]Katelyn killed Lλmbdλ using player [11:26:51]Lλmbdλ: charple persecution [11:27:13]Steeveeo: now I try something [11:27:16]Katelyn: i at least think i did, and you would make an excellent target [11:27:20]Steeveeo: something possibly hilarious [11:27:37]Lλmbdλ: fun fact, you've done more damage with that crowbar to me than your titan did, mwahahahaha [11:27:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtsl.mdl [11:27:39]Steeveeo: someone stand on this [11:27:40][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/gcockpitseat.mdl [11:27:42]Lλmbdλ: ...FATLYN [11:27:52]Katelyn: YEAH YOU ARE DEAD NOW [11:28:02]JamesCLK: :( [11:28:03]Lλmbdλ: ahaahahahahahahahahaha [11:28:04]Steeveeo: fails [11:28:05]SGC | Zardian: oh dear [11:28:05][LB] Captain Slow: *crosses fingers whilst unfreezing* [11:28:05]SGC | Zardian suicided! [11:28:08]JamesCLK: needs a trailer [11:28:10]Steeveeo: GHD failed [11:28:12]Katelyn: WARNING! MASSIVE WARP SIGNATURE DETECTED [11:28:13]Lλmbdλ: oh fuck I'm upside down [11:28:15]JamesCLK: GOGOGO [11:28:18]Lλmbdλ: the ghd is working [11:28:20]Steeveeo: OHGODWHAT [11:28:21]Lλmbdλ: but it's kinda upside down [11:28:22]JamesCLK: :V [11:28:23]Steeveeo: HAHA [11:28:29]JamesCLK: SKYWARDS [11:28:31]JamesCLK: Durp [11:28:39]Lλmbdλ: quick steev, we must escape before the titan arrives D: [11:28:40]Katelyn: SIGNATURE IS UNKNOWN IN ORIGIN [11:28:46]Lλmbdλ: also give me godmode plox [11:28:53]JamesCLK granted god mode upon Lλmbdλ [11:28:53]JamesCLK: !god mbd [11:28:56]Lλmbdλ: yey [11:29:17]Lλmbdλ: oh man I just had this mental image of a entire planet raiding party arriving on one hoverbike [11:29:17]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:17]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:18]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay.mdl [11:29:18]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:18]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [11:29:18]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflatdoublehull_elevatorshaft.mdl [11:29:18]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [11:29:18]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_singletodoublehull.mdl [11:29:18]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:18]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [11:29:19]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:19]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:19]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull_flaps.mdl [11:29:19]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2.mdl [11:29:19]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_singletodoublehull.mdl [11:29:19]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:19]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:29:20]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:20]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:29:20]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:20]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:20]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [11:29:20]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [11:29:20]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:29:21]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflatdoublehull_elevatorshaft.mdl [11:29:21]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:29:21]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:21]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:21]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2.mdl [11:29:21]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:29:21]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:21]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:22]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_360view_doublebridge.mdl [11:29:22]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:22]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:22]Katelyn spawned model models/props_lab/lab_flourescentlight002b.mdl [11:29:22]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflatdoublehull_elevatorshaft.mdl [11:29:22]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [11:29:22]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:23]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:23]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:29:23]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:29:23]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:29:23]Katelyn spawned model models/slyfo/thhangar.mdl [11:29:23]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3.mdl [11:29:23]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay.mdl [11:29:23]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [11:29:23]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:29:24]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [11:29:24]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflatdoublehull_centralcolumnelevator.mdl [11:29:24]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:24]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [11:29:24]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [11:29:24]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:24]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_singletodoublehull.mdl [11:29:25]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflatdoublehull_elevatorshaft.mdl [11:29:26]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3a.mdl [11:29:26]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:26]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:26]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3a.mdl [11:29:26]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:27]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:27]Katelyn spawned vehicle models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl [11:29:27]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_singletodoublehull.mdl [11:29:28]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull_flaps.mdl [11:29:28]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:29:28]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:29:28]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3.mdl [11:29:28]JamesCLK: well, i'm off to play some brink with my little bro [11:29:28]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_360view_doublebridge.mdl [11:29:29]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3a.mdl [11:29:30]Steeveeo: haha [11:29:34]Steeveeo: aw, bye james [11:29:39]Lλmbdλ: cya next time! [11:29:41]JamesCLK: be back later probably [11:29:41]Katelyn: steeveeo [11:29:47]Katelyn: missing fusion models [11:29:50]Dropped "JamesCLK" from server [11:29:52]SGC | Zardian granted god mode upon themself [11:29:52]SGC | Zardian: !god [11:29:55]Lλmbdλ: salvation! [11:30:01]Lλmbdλ: I mean, lol, your ship is broken agaiN! [11:30:18]Steeveeo: too laggy to care about missing models :V [11:30:22]Katelyn: that doesn't affect my ship at all [11:30:25]Client "Mikhail" spawned in server ( [11:30:33]Lλmbdλ: destiny go! save me from beams [11:30:42]Lλmbdλ: oh fuk where it go [11:30:47][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtsl.mdl [11:30:49][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/gcockpitseat.mdl [11:31:07][LB] Captain Slow: many trains died in the making of this ship [11:31:19]Lλmbdλ: tell me, is it meant to be the destiny? :V [11:31:20]Steeveeo: many trains and almost one more server [11:31:23][LB] Captain Slow: yes [11:31:29]Lλmbdλ: cream gravy [11:31:37]Steeveeo: oh wait, that's katelyn's doing, nevermind [11:32:09]Steeveeo: there's a reason why I made the "No More Titans" temp rule [11:32:19]Steeveeo: mainly for these cases when I can't move without warping around [11:32:26]Lλmbdλ: YOU'VE VIOLATED THE LAW [11:32:27]Katelyn: this? no this is a dreadnaught [11:32:52]Steeveeo: call it a pickle for all I care, it's destroying the server and my sanity [11:33:03]Lλmbdλ: my fighter is in fact a Single Operator Outbound Friendship Generator [11:33:15]Steeveeo: SOOFG? [11:33:30]Lλmbdλ: i'm pretty much the most politically correct ship maker ever [11:33:35]Steeveeo: ok, var is at 0.11 red [11:33:38]Steeveeo: time to clean shit up [11:33:41]Lλmbdλ: my security system is unbiased and non-judgemental [11:33:59]Katelyn: ... [11:34:00]Lλmbdλ: my targetting system is always friendly and polite [11:34:07]Steeveeo: and the server breathes a sigh of relief [11:34:10]Katelyn: so i don't get to save my stuff when i work on it then? [11:34:25]Steeveeo: kate, no ship should bring the server down to 0's on the counter [11:34:46]Lλmbdλ: Destiny. [11:34:52]Lλmbdλ: The design is clearly ancient in nature [11:35:02]Lλmbdλ: and you are now reading this in my voice [11:35:05]Katelyn: thing is i was installing my new turrets [11:35:05]Steeveeo: probably would have crashed the server from the extra strain of trying to save it D: [11:35:07][LB] Captain Slow: lol [11:35:08]SGC | Zardian: >.< no such thing as ancient in nature [11:35:13]Katelyn: i was about to save it, and remove it [11:35:19]Lλmbdλ: blame the SG Universe narration then [11:35:30]Katelyn: but no, we get to sit through me installing my new turrets again, respawning [11:35:39]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:39]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:39]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay.mdl [11:35:39]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:40]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [11:35:40]Steeveeo: kate.. [11:35:40]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflatdoublehull_elevatorshaft.mdl [11:35:40]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [11:35:40]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_singletodoublehull.mdl [11:35:40]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:40]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [11:35:41]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:41]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:41]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull_flaps.mdl [11:35:41]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2.mdl [11:35:41]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_singletodoublehull.mdl [11:35:41]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:41]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:35:42]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:42]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:35:42]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:42]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:42]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [11:35:42]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_angularbridge.mdl [11:35:42]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:35:42]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflatdoublehull_elevatorshaft.mdl [11:35:42]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:35:43]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:43]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:43]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2.mdl [11:35:43]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:35:43]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:43]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:43]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_360view_doublebridge.mdl [11:35:43]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:43]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:43]Katelyn spawned model models/props_lab/lab_flourescentlight002b.mdl [11:35:44]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflatdoublehull_elevatorshaft.mdl [11:35:44]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [11:35:44]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:44]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:44]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:35:44]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:35:44]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:35:45]Katelyn spawned model models/slyfo/thhangar.mdl [11:35:45]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3.mdl [11:35:45]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay.mdl [11:35:45]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_wide.mdl [11:35:45]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:35:45]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [11:35:45]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflatdoublehull_centralcolumnelevator.mdl [11:35:46]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:46]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [11:35:46]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_twolevel.mdl [11:35:46]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:46]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_singletodoublehull.mdl [11:35:47]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflatdoublehull_elevatorshaft.mdl [11:35:47]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3a.mdl [11:35:47]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:47]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:48]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3a.mdl [11:35:48]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:48]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:48]Katelyn spawned vehicle models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl [11:35:49]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_singletodoublehull.mdl [11:35:49]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull_flaps.mdl [11:35:49]Lλmbdλ: I really need to make my ship powered by drama [11:35:49]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [11:35:49]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3transcap.mdl [11:35:49]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3.mdl [11:35:50]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_360view_doublebridge.mdl [11:35:50]Katelyn spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3a.mdl [11:35:56]Steeveeo: is it your old turrets that are causing the lag? [11:35:57][LB] Captain Slow: oh yeah.....630k shields [11:36:03]Steeveeo: if so, I'll allow the redo, if not, get it out of here [11:36:13]Lλmbdλ: Kate, also, did you update your targetting system to fix that weird lagging bug? [11:36:29]Dropped "SGC | Zardian" from server [11:36:32]Lλmbdλ: cause for some reason, your chip was causing a fuckton of lag on main yesterday [11:36:35]Steeveeo: and then there's that [11:36:57]Steeveeo: kate, I need an answer [11:37:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it's not like the props are making this lag [11:37:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: so let her fix the e2 [11:37:50]Steeveeo: it takes a shitton of props to lag a server this bad [11:37:53]Lλmbdλ: I just realized, the ugly enviroments spacesuits are gone [11:37:59]Steeveeo: heh [11:38:11]Steeveeo: I will say that Space Miku was rather hilarious [11:38:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol =D [11:38:21]Steeveeo: so the mod DOES have that going for it [11:38:35]Lλmbdλ: And it's pretty amusing when someone dramatically takes off their helmet, and they have no head [11:38:44]Steeveeo: rofl [11:38:49]Dropped "Lλmbdλ" from server [11:38:55]Client "Lλmbdλ" connected ( [11:39:00]Steeveeo: however, it also seems to break the playermodel forcing on ULX [11:39:48]Steeveeo: wow, the lag is so bad, my crowbar swing has a VISUAL echo [11:40:08]Steeveeo: *SWING*... swing swing [11:40:17]Client "Lλmbdλ" spawned in server ( [11:40:20]Steeveeo: yaay normalness [11:40:24]Dropped "Lλmbdλ" from server [11:40:24]Client "Lλmbdλ" connected ( [11:40:27]Steeveeo: ish [11:40:39]Dropped "Katelyn" from server [11:40:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !tp kate [11:40:42]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblastersml.mdl [11:40:42]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [11:40:42]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/thrustpacksmall.mdl [11:40:42]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [11:40:42]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [11:40:42]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblasterlrg.mdl [11:40:42]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [11:40:43]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [11:40:43]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/power_unit.mdl [11:40:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !teleport kate [11:40:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon: wut? [11:40:58]Client "SGC | Zardian" connected ( [11:40:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh [11:41:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: shes gone [11:41:26](TEAM) Steeveeo: immunity: on [11:41:32]Client "MrStump" connected ( [11:41:33]Client "Lλmbdλ" spawned in server ( [11:41:38]Steeveeo: !parent [11:42:00]Lλmbdλ: A STEAMING PUDDLE OF 400 DICKS [11:42:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon: yay [11:42:07]Dropped "Lλmbdλ" from server [11:43:04]New map: sb_forlorn_sb3_r2l [11:43:14]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" connected ( [11:43:59]Client "Lλmbdλ" connected ( [11:44:43]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [11:45:11][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtsl.mdl [11:45:12][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/gcockpitseat.mdl [11:45:30]Client "SGC | Zardian" connected ( [11:45:52]Client "Lλmbdλ" spawned in server ( [11:45:54]Dropped "Lλmbdλ" from server [11:46:00]Client "Lλmbdλ" connected ( [11:46:14]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" spawned in server ( [11:47:09]Client "Lλmbdλ" spawned in server ( [11:47:16]Client "MrStump" connected ( [11:47:45]Client "SGC | Zardian" spawned in server ( [11:47:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [11:47:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [11:47:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [11:47:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [11:47:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [11:47:52]Client "Steeveeo" connected ( [11:47:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [11:47:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [11:47:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [11:47:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [11:48:12]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo_2/drone_mac.mdl [11:48:12]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [11:48:13]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:48:13]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [11:48:14]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rtankstand.mdl [11:48:14]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [11:48:14]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:48:15]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [11:48:15]SGC | Zardian spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/strange.mdl [11:48:16]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rtankstand.mdl [11:48:16]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:48:16]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:48:16]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:48:17]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [11:48:17]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:48:18]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [11:48:46]Dropped "[LB] Captain Slow" from server [11:49:01]Dropped "Lλmbdλ" from server [11:49:01]Client "Lλmbdλ" connected ( [11:49:17]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [11:49:37]SGC | Zardian: fucking [11:49:49]SGC | Zardian: why does he spawn that laggy piece of shit if he doesnt even move it [11:50:09]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [11:50:20]Client "MrStump" spawned in server ( [11:50:21]Dropped "MrStump" from server [11:50:50]Client "Lλmbdλ" spawned in server ( [11:50:51]Dropped "Lλmbdλ" from server [11:50:51]SGC | Zardian spawned sent zero_point_module [11:50:56]Client "Lλmbdλ" connected ( [11:51:16]Client "MrStump" connected ( [11:51:20]Client "Steeveeo" spawned in server ( [11:51:20]Dropped "Steeveeo" from server [11:51:25]Client "Steeveeo" connected ( [11:52:02]Client "Lλmbdλ" spawned in server ( [11:52:02]Dropped "Lλmbdλ" from server [11:53:05]New map: sb_forlorn_sb3_r2l [11:53:26]Client "Lλmbdλ" connected ( [11:54:12]Client "Steeveeo" connected ( [11:54:29]Client "SGC | Zardian" spawned in server ( [11:54:30]Client "Lλmbdλ" spawned in server ( [11:54:31]Dropped "Lλmbdλ" from server [11:54:33]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" connected ( [11:54:36]Client "Lλmbdλ" connected ( [11:55:27]Client "Steeveeo" spawned in server ( [11:55:42]Client "Lλmbdλ" spawned in server ( [11:55:44]SGC | Zardian spawned sent zero_point_module [11:55:46]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" spawned in server ( [11:56:09]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblastersml.mdl [11:56:09]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [11:56:09]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/thrustpacksmall.mdl [11:56:09]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [11:56:09]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [11:56:09]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblasterlrg.mdl [11:56:09]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [11:56:09]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [11:56:09]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/power_unit.mdl [11:56:19]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo_2/drone_mac.mdl [11:56:19]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [11:56:19]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:56:19]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [11:56:20]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rtankstand.mdl [11:56:20]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [11:56:20]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:56:20]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [11:56:20]SGC | Zardian spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/strange.mdl [11:56:21]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rtankstand.mdl [11:56:21]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:56:21]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:56:21]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:56:21]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/punisher239/punisher239_missilebay_light.mdl [11:56:21]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginesml.mdl [11:56:21]Lλmbdλ: ey! what just happned? [11:56:22]SGC | Zardian spawned model models/slyfo/jetenginemed_mounted.mdl [11:56:29]SGC | Zardian: crasj [11:56:31]SGC | Zardian: crash* [11:56:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon: totaly clueless [11:56:38]Lλmbdλ: well that was inevitable [11:56:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon: not even sure why it crahed [11:56:57]Steeveeo: immunity: on [11:57:01]Steeveeo: !parent [11:57:01]Client "MrStump" connected ( [11:57:18]Lλmbdλ: you can make your stuff invunerable? :V [11:57:24]Steeveeo: I can ^_^ [11:57:31]Lλmbdλ: sweeeeet [11:57:34]Steeveeo: hop on! [11:57:50]Lλmbdλ: move the gear up lads! [11:57:53]SGC | Zardian spawned sent mini_zpm [11:57:58]Client "MrStump" spawned in server ( [11:58:02]Lλmbdλ: awesome! [11:58:25]Steeveeo: lol [11:58:29]Lλmbdλ: good times [11:58:30]MrStump: lol mutitions? [11:58:42]SGC | Zardian: its an experimental thingy [11:58:44]Steeveeo: dara? [11:58:46]SGC | Zardian: i came up with [11:58:50]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [11:58:51]Steeveeo: darraaaa [11:58:51]MrStump: interestin [11:58:52]SGC | Zardian: that got scrapped due to whine [11:59:01]Lλmbdλ: the light missile factory? [11:59:05]SGC | Zardian: yeap [11:59:05]Steeveeo: Daracon, this is Nocarad! Your alter ego is speaking! [11:59:13]Steeveeo: pssst [11:59:18]Steeveeo: you're AFKing on my bike! [11:59:20]Steeveeo: HEY [11:59:20]MrStump: lol just as my autominer is going fully functional lol too bad I never bother to save my in progress dupes to local [11:59:21]Steeveeo: LISTING [11:59:24]Steeveeo: LISTEN EVEN [11:59:27]Lλmbdλ: oh shit we have to actually make stuff, like the server isn't a fps! D: [11:59:29]Steeveeo: lol [11:59:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol wut [11:59:32]SGC | Zardian: ot munitions factory really, i had plans for having it manufacture other stuff too [11:59:39]MrStump: lol hello interatmo-asteroid [11:59:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i went to get my dinner xD [11:59:41]Steeveeo: get ein [11:59:46]SGC | Zardian: or* [11:59:49]Steeveeo: R for engines [11:59:52]SGC | Zardian: anyway [11:59:57]MrStump: makes sense [11:59:58]Steeveeo: Space for up [12:00:01]Steeveeo: Shift for down [12:00:04]Steeveeo: WS accel [12:00:07]Steeveeo: AD roll [12:00:19]SGC | Zardian: i wonder if i should add the light missiles to the real srv [12:00:26]Steeveeo: FROOM [12:00:27]Lλmbdλ: they did look pretty cool [12:00:30]SGC | Zardian: but make them need just metal n shit [12:00:35]Lλmbdλ: imagine a Light Ship versus a Dark Ship. :o [12:00:46]Steeveeo: AHH [12:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [12:01:05]MrStump: if the light missile was fairly low lag, I'd love that [12:01:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon: wheres the BOOST MODE! [12:01:25]Lλmbdλ: btw steev, I saw serenity like you recommended [12:01:27]MrStump: so you could fire volleys of missiles [12:01:27]Steeveeo: Alt+F4 engages Beast Mode [12:01:30]SGC | Zardian: i doubt it lags much [12:01:33]Lλmbdλ: behold! [12:01:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [12:01:53]MrStump: unlike the entity pod rocket launchers x/ at least by default, I dunno if u guys changed them [12:02:09]Steeveeo: get in the car [12:02:10]MrStump: but god they were lagging haha [12:02:16]SGC | Zardian: dubby has modified them, not sure to what extent [12:02:19]Steeveeo: lol [12:02:25]MrStump: gotta give 'em a try sometime [12:02:46]SGC | Zardian: can i blow you up with a light missile steev? [12:02:50]Steeveeo: sure [12:02:55]SGC | Zardian: :o [12:02:55]Lλmbdλ: hold up D: [12:03:00]MrStump: slick hoverboard [12:03:06]Lλmbdλ: waaaiiit D: [12:03:06]Steeveeo: Jet Bike :\ [12:03:22]MrStump: sorry JETBIKE [12:03:22]Steeveeo: hoverboard comes next [12:03:36]Lλmbdλ: I was gonna work on a hoverboard that turned into a assualt rifle :V [12:03:41]MrStump: lol [12:03:56]MrStump: he's too wee and quick [12:04:06]Steeveeo: and invulnerable [12:04:22]SGC | Zardian: notice the click disappearance of the missile btw [12:04:23]SGC | Zardian: :3 [12:04:26]SGC | Zardian: slick* [12:04:33]SGC | Zardian: 3 fired, 3 left [12:04:41]Steeveeo: snuggles! [12:05:17]SGC | Zardian: haxor D: [12:05:22]Steeveeo: ok [12:05:27]Steeveeo: gravity hull in gravity ull [12:05:29]Steeveeo: *hull [12:05:31]Lλmbdλ: very bad D: [12:05:32]Steeveeo: not great idea [12:06:29]New map: sb_forlorn_sb3_r2l [12:06:32]Client "Steeveeo" connected ( [12:06:50]Client "Lλmbdλ" connected ( [12:06:59]Client "SGC | Zardian" connected ( [12:07:21]Client "MrStump" connected ( [12:07:34]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" spawned in server ( [12:07:48]Client "Steeveeo" spawned in server ( [12:07:52]Client "Lλmbdλ" spawned in server ( [12:08:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [12:08:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [12:08:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [12:08:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [12:08:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [12:08:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [12:08:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [12:08:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [12:08:05]Lλmbdλ: I didn't do anything! [12:08:08]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [12:08:15]Client "MrStump" spawned in server ( [12:08:20]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [12:08:24]Client "SGC | Zardian" spawned in server ( [12:08:25]Dropped "SGC | Zardian" from server [12:08:30]Steeveeo suicided! [12:08:53]Steeveeo: augh, ow [12:08:57]Steeveeo: back pimple [12:09:06]Steeveeo: fucking [12:09:06]Lλmbdλ: D: [12:09:31]Lλmbdλ: original engines do not steal [12:09:39]Steeveeo: !go [12:09:41]Steeveeo granted god mode upon themself [12:09:41]Steeveeo: !god [12:09:49]MrStump: I love how the last words were "gravhull inside of gravhull, bad idea" lol [12:09:50]Steeveeo: AUWW ZIS IS BAD [12:09:54]Steeveeo: How could this HAPPEN? [12:10:02]Steeveeo: random roid in the atmosphere [12:10:04]Lλmbdλ: little men STEAL our gravhull [12:10:16]Steeveeo: someone mine this [12:10:40]Steeveeo: ok [12:10:54]Lλmbdλ: personal mining device y u no mine [12:10:55]Steeveeo: I wonder how my jetbike does with going into a gravhull when it DOESN'T have a GHull on it [12:11:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblastersml.mdl [12:11:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [12:11:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/thrustpacksmall.mdl [12:11:11]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [12:11:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [12:11:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblasterlrg.mdl [12:11:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [12:11:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [12:11:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/power_unit.mdl [12:11:25]Lλmbdλ suicided! [12:11:45]Lλmbdλ: What happened to the main server anyway D: [12:11:55]Steeveeo: Mammothgames is shit [12:12:00](TEAM) Steeveeo: immunity: on [12:12:03]Steeveeo: !parent [12:12:20]Lλmbdλ: I'd recommend brohoster, but they cost loadsamoney [12:12:25]Lλmbdλ: Maybe bioservers? [12:12:35]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/backhatch_engine.mdl [12:12:35]Steeveeo: Fuhr's moving it to ArtOfWar [12:12:39]Steeveeo: like this one [12:12:41]Lλmbdλ: wewt [12:12:49]Lλmbdλ: could I have a go on the jet bike? :3 [12:13:06]Steeveeo: R [12:13:08]Lλmbdλ: aw, I like the cute little e2 [12:13:16]Steeveeo: heh [12:13:56]Lλmbdλ: pro flying skillz [12:14:04]Steeveeo: until you...you know, crashed [12:14:13]Lλmbdλ: that was a dynamic landing [12:14:22]Steeveeo: dynamically twisting metal [12:14:40]Steeveeo: funny enough [12:14:48]Steeveeo: the manhack sound makes a fairly epic jetbike sound [12:14:54]Lλmbdλ: wrrrrrrrrrr [12:15:07]Lλmbdλ: I can hardly wait for Portal 2 content and the smexy sounds it brings [12:16:23]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/backhatch.mdl [12:16:38]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/backhatch.mdl [12:16:58]Lλmbdλ: D: [12:17:04]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/vert_transfer.mdl [12:17:28]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/backhatch.mdl [12:17:54]Lλmbdλ: pro troop deployment [12:18:05]Steeveeo: might wanna setsolid this [12:18:05]Client "JamesCLK" connected ( [12:18:11]Steeveeo: instead of...whatever it is [12:18:18]Lλmbdλ: It's really dodgily parented [12:18:51]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/backhatch.mdl [12:19:03]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/backhatch.mdl [12:19:21]Lλmbdλ was killed by prop_physics [12:19:24]Lλmbdλ: ow [12:19:28]Steeveeo: wat [12:19:29]Steeveeo: rofl [12:19:52]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/backhatch.mdl [12:19:56]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/backhatch.mdl [12:20:17]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [12:20:39]Lλmbdλ: close enough [12:20:44]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [12:20:58]JamesCLK: what did what with the what now? [12:21:07]JamesCLK: back :V [12:21:09]Lλmbdλ: kate was just working on her titan [12:21:13]JamesCLK: ah [12:21:25]Lλmbdλ spawned model models/slyfo/backhatch.mdl [12:21:26]Steeveeo: ok [12:21:30]Steeveeo: this MIGHT crash [12:21:33]JamesCLK: i should make a forum user account >.< [12:21:34]Steeveeo: I have no idea how this works [12:21:35]Lλmbdλ: ADVENTURE [12:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon: =( [12:21:45]Steeveeo: but I'm about to fly a parented hoverbike into a Ghull field [12:21:51]JamesCLK: uhoh [12:21:51]Lλmbdλ: Is this server on ArtOfWar already? [12:21:54]Steeveeo: yes [12:21:57]Steeveeo: recommend saving [12:22:05]Lλmbdλ: just wondering, cause the sv was flickering a bit D: [12:22:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon: doing so now [12:22:08]JamesCLK teleported to Steeveeo [12:22:08]JamesCLK: !goto Stee [12:22:19]JamesCLK: go go gadget GHD [12:22:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon: done [12:22:31]Steeveeo: ready? [12:22:37]Lλmbdλ: come at me bro [12:22:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i am [12:22:45]Steeveeo: WHARRGGOGOGO [12:23:41]New map: sb_forlorn_sb3_r2l [12:23:48]Client "MrStump" connected ( [12:23:49]Client "Steeveeo" connected ( [12:23:51]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" connected ( [12:24:20]Client "JamesCLK" spawned in server ( [12:24:45]Client "MrStump" spawned in server ( [12:25:03]Client "Steeveeo" spawned in server ( [12:25:05]JamesCLK spawned model models/slyfo_2/power_unit.mdl [12:25:15]Steeveeo suicided! [12:25:30]Steeveeo: well [12:25:32]JamesCLK spawned model models/slyfo_2/beamcannon_swordmount.mdl [12:25:39]Steeveeo: there goes my idea of getting rid of the storage racks :\ [12:25:44]JamesCLK: :( [12:25:46]JamesCLK spawned model models/slyfo_2/beamcannon_swordmount.mdl [12:25:57]Steeveeo: was hoping I could just fly it in and park it in the cargohold of the Aurora or whatever [12:26:04]Steeveeo: seems it doesn't like moving parented parts [12:26:06]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" spawned in server ( [12:26:07]JamesCLK: steev's dreams crushed by the GHD, how tragic... /drama llama [12:26:17]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [12:26:23]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:26:24]JamesCLK: sniff [12:26:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon: vehicles work steev [12:26:51]Steeveeo: eek [12:27:09]JamesCLK spawned model models/slyfo_2/thrustpacksmall.mdl [12:27:11]JamesCLK spawned model models/slyfo_2/thrustpackbig.mdl [12:27:30]Steeveeo: that's bizarre XD [12:27:41]Steeveeo: new idea [12:27:51]Steeveeo spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullcurvel.mdl [12:27:54]Steeveeo spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullcurvel.mdl [12:27:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate32x32.mdl [12:27:58]Steeveeo spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullcurvel.mdl [12:28:01]Steeveeo spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullcurvel.mdl [12:28:23]JamesCLK spawned model models/slyfo_2/thrustpackbig.mdl [12:28:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon: steev, drive on that =P [12:28:56]Steeveeo: but I was going to do Death Donut! [12:28:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [12:29:07]Steeveeo: !parent [12:29:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon: RAWR [12:29:23]Steeveeo: !parent [12:29:55]Steeveeo: pick this up and rotate please [12:29:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:30:05]Steeveeo: from my part [12:30:18]Steeveeo: pitch [12:30:19]JamesCLK: wat the brown [12:30:33]Steeveeo: lol motionsickness [12:30:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [12:30:37]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:30:40]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:30:56]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:31:12]JamesCLK: HAMSTERWEEK [12:31:14]JamesCLK: wheel [12:31:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh god [12:31:39]JamesCLK: fucking run [12:31:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lmao [12:31:50]JamesCLK: coolbeans [12:32:03]JamesCLK: all systems to maximum fuck [12:32:12]MrStump: lol gravhull is going to give so many people motion sickness [12:32:14]JamesCLK: heheh [12:32:27]JamesCLK: i'm outside but upside down :D [12:32:32]*** JamesCLK is spiderman [12:32:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [12:32:47]JamesCLK: who's the batman? i'm the batman [12:32:50]JamesCLK: no kermit is the batman [12:32:53]MrStump spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullslantl.mdl [12:32:54]Steeveeo: augh [12:32:56]Steeveeo: can't tool [12:33:10]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [12:33:10](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [12:33:18]JamesCLK: Steeveeo: can't troll [12:33:28]JamesCLK: :3 [12:33:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon: omg wut [12:33:50]Steeveeo: WAHA [12:33:56]Steeveeo: dude [12:33:58]JamesCLK: fuckwat [12:33:59]Steeveeo: where's my car? [12:34:17]JamesCLK: you are so small... es funneh to meh [12:34:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: x [12:34:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon: <3 [12:34:35]JamesCLK: ASDFG [12:34:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon: holy fuck wut [12:34:42]JamesCLK: your cars here :V [12:34:59]Steeveeo granted god mode upon themself [12:34:59]Steeveeo: !god [12:35:19]Steeveeo: fuck the wat, man, fuck the wat [12:35:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon was killed by prop_physics [12:35:30]JamesCLK: the wat fuck [12:35:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon: ow [12:35:33]Steeveeo: whoops [12:35:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon teleported to Steeveeo [12:35:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !goto steev [12:35:41]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:35:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon: you broke my grav thing lol [12:35:53]Steeveeo: pull me up onto that platform [12:35:55]JamesCLK spawned model models/slyfo_2/power_unit.mdl [12:36:00]Steeveeo: electromagnet style [12:36:08]Steeveeo: not that one lol [12:36:12]Steeveeo: the big plate you had [12:36:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon: mine got deleted [12:36:20]JamesCLK spawned model models/slyfo_2/acc_sci_tube2.mdl [12:36:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol wut [12:36:45]JamesCLK spawned model models/slyfo_2/beamcannon_swordmount.mdl [12:36:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:37:06]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [12:37:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:37:30]Steeveeo: immunity: on [12:37:37]Steeveeo: immunity: on [12:37:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:38:21]Steeveeo: EEP [12:38:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon: wtf [12:38:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: wtf is that [12:38:40]JamesCLK: luls [12:38:40]Steeveeo: hahaa [12:38:58]JamesCLK: haaadouken [12:39:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate32x32.mdl [12:39:42]Steeveeo: shhh [12:39:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh god [12:39:47]Steeveeo: don't startl---it [12:39:52]JamesCLK: D: [12:39:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon: is that the zombie sound? [12:40:00]Steeveeo: mehbeh [12:40:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [12:40:06]JamesCLK: FLEAS [12:40:16](TEAM) Steeveeo: attack: dara [12:40:20]JamesCLK: IN MY ESTABLISHMENT? [12:40:28]JamesCLK: /rats? in MY basement? [12:40:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon: you chip broke me [12:40:45](TEAM) Steeveeo: attack: stee [12:40:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon suicided! [12:40:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon teleported to Steeveeo [12:40:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !goto steev [12:41:08]JamesCLK: steev, make it so when we jump we change our orientation :D [12:41:20]JamesCLK: make the roof within jumping distance [12:41:31]Steeveeo: dara's stuff [12:41:34]JamesCLK: :d [12:41:40]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:41:41]JamesCLK: blargzor [12:42:05]JamesCLK: :( [12:42:11]JamesCLK: BUMPERCARS [12:42:18]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/airboat.mdl [12:42:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon: remove stuff [12:42:23]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/airboat.mdl [12:42:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon: moving the platform [12:42:45]Steeveeo: augh, no GHD yet! [12:42:46]Steeveeo: also [12:42:50]JamesCLK: das airboot [12:42:52]Steeveeo: GHD is REALLY CLOSE to GHB [12:43:04]Steeveeo: ohgods [12:43:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it broke [12:43:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate32x32.mdl [12:43:25]JamesCLK: :((((9 [12:43:37]JamesCLK: no bumpercars? D: [12:43:54]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/misc/small_ramp.mdl [12:44:06]JamesCLK: fuck yeah steev [12:44:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [12:44:38]JamesCLK: since when was that texture animated? [12:44:52]JamesCLK: i want it :( [12:45:06]Steeveeo spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate16x32.mdl [12:45:07]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:45:09]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/vehicle.mdl [12:45:57]JamesCLK: lul [12:46:02]Steeveeo: stuck it [12:46:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon: haha [12:46:20]JamesCLK: so close [12:46:20]Steeveeo: OH [12:46:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: success [12:46:24]Steeveeo: TARGETFLIGHT [12:46:26]Steeveeo: IDEEAAA [12:46:34]Steeveeo: wat [12:46:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon: get yo asses up here! [12:46:41]Steeveeo spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate16x16.mdl [12:46:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol wut [12:46:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: argh! [12:46:59]JamesCLK: D: [12:47:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon: you just removed a pannel [12:47:03]JamesCLK: dagnamit [12:47:13]Steeveeo: hahahha [12:47:16]JamesCLK: brown panels are cats [12:47:28]Steeveeo: james [12:47:29]Steeveeo: watch [12:47:30]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:47:36]JamesCLK: :O [12:47:45]Steeveeo: failed [12:47:45]JamesCLK: >.< [12:47:48]JamesCLK: phailur [12:47:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: MOAR SPEED! [12:47:54]JamesCLK: let me halp [12:47:59]Client "Mikhail" connected ( [12:48:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [12:48:08]Steeveeo: pff [12:48:11]Steeveeo: made it [12:48:15]Steeveeo: sort of [12:48:37]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:49:13]JamesCLK: steev [12:49:29]JamesCLK: when this baby hits 88 mph, you're gonna see some srs shit [12:49:32]Client "Jetallen" connected ( [12:49:47]Steeveeo: haha [12:50:17]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/vehicle.mdl [12:50:18]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:50:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: james, are you good with holo? [12:50:40]Client "Mikhail" spawned in server ( [12:50:43]JamesCLK: yar [12:50:48]JamesCLK: you've seen my turrets, no? [12:50:52]Steeveeo: where the hell did you go? XD [12:50:57]JamesCLK: into spaaace [12:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon: what about when you have to attach props to players [12:51:05]Mikhail: im surprised to see steev in his own server [12:51:10]JamesCLK: mmm [12:51:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon: just 1 prop [12:51:17]JamesCLK: well i've tried a few times, unsuccessfully [12:51:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon: ah [12:51:30]Mikhail: was environments removed? [12:51:33]Steeveeo: yup [12:51:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon: my model doesn't have a head, i want a head xD [12:51:34]JamesCLK: ue [12:51:37]JamesCLK: yeh [12:51:40]Steeveeo: !bring mik [12:51:41]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/airboat.mdl [12:51:45]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/airboat.mdl [12:51:48]Steeveeo brought Mikhail to themself [12:51:48]Steeveeo: !bring mik [12:51:57]Mikhail: GHD :D [12:52:04]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/airboat.mdl [12:52:08]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:52:19]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/vehicle.mdl [12:52:26]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:52:35]JamesCLK: srs shit time [12:52:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i just had an amazing idear [12:52:42]JamesCLK: 88mph to full fuck! [12:52:49]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:52:53]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:52:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon: GRAVITY LIFT! [12:52:56]JamesCLK: overshot like a baws [12:53:00]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:53:02]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:53:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [12:53:16]JamesCLK: phailur [12:53:18]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:53:18]Mikhail: uh oh [12:53:20]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:53:27]Mikhail: cool a bug [12:53:34]Steeveeo: well that was interesting [12:53:39]Mikhail: who needs rgavity [12:53:42]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:53:55]Mikhail: uh oh [12:54:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [12:54:17]Steeveeo: dodge [12:54:19]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/airboat.mdl [12:54:27]JamesCLK: luls [12:54:30]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [12:54:33]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [12:54:43]Mikhail: wat [12:54:43]JamesCLK: hurr [12:54:49]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [12:54:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tube.mdl [12:54:56]JamesCLK: we're playing chicken :V [12:55:03]Steeveeo: MINDFUCK [12:55:16]Client "CmdrMatthew" connected ( [12:55:17]JamesCLK: we have to go deeper [12:55:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tube.mdl [12:55:22]Mikhail was killed by prop_physics [12:55:24]JamesCLK: oh look, its mr. environments [12:55:25]Mikhail: ouch [12:55:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [12:55:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon: sorry [12:55:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [12:55:41]Steeveeo: it looks like I would slide down, but instead, I stay put! BRRAAAANNN [12:55:46]Mikhail: i do not like space [12:55:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [12:55:48]JamesCLK: LS3 core called... they want their stuff back [12:55:55]JamesCLK: :3 [12:55:56]Steeveeo: ? [12:55:59]Steeveeo: AUUGH [12:56:08]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:56:26]Mikhail: lol at the gravity [12:56:31]JamesCLK: ffffff [12:56:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: james... [12:56:38]Mikhail: look at me lean steev [12:56:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon: im tryingto make a gravity lift [12:56:42]JamesCLK: thought it was welded already [12:56:43]Mikhail: im so pro [12:56:48]Steeveeo: rofl [12:56:53]JamesCLK: sry [12:56:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [12:57:00]Client "CmdrMatthew" spawned in server ( [12:57:03]Steeveeo: Lean back, lean back! [12:57:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it works [12:57:05]JamesCLK: wutwutuw [12:57:15]JamesCLK: nice [12:57:19]CmdrMatthew: hola [12:57:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon: you go trough the prop [12:57:21]Mikhail was killed by worldspawn [12:57:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon: now im going to stack more like that [12:57:33]JamesCLK: nice [12:57:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon: so you travel up [12:57:39]Mikhail: how do you go down [12:57:41]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [12:57:41]JamesCLK: possibly the best invention ever [12:57:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: fall :v [12:57:55]Mikhail spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate_curve360x2.mdl [12:58:10]MrStump: I'm all out of screen I can code till I get my dupe haha [12:58:20]Steeveeo: ? [12:58:37]MrStump: I didnt save my auto-refinery dupe from the reg server [12:58:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol james [12:58:48]JamesCLK: almost [12:58:51]Mikhail: OH GOD IT TELEPORTED EM TO SPACE [12:58:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon: second pannel is welded [12:59:04]Mikhail: OH GOD GET ME OUT [12:59:09]JamesCLK: third one is too hight [12:59:11]MrStump spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [12:59:13]JamesCLK: high* [12:59:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon: u r right [12:59:24]Mikhail was killed by worldspawn [12:59:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [12:59:29]Dropped "CmdrMatthew" from server [12:59:41]JamesCLK: about 150 units [12:59:49]JamesCLK: measuring stick ftw [12:59:57]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl [12:59:58]JamesCLK: thats 120 [13:00:04]JamesCLK: 140 [13:00:06]JamesCLK: works [13:00:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon: gd enough [13:00:13]JamesCLK: almost [13:00:21]JamesCLK: seems liek you dont quite get the force on the 2nd [13:00:37]MrStump: lol SPACE [13:00:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i did that one differently [13:00:45]JamesCLK: ah [13:00:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon: one moment [13:00:47]Steeveeo: ned moosicks [13:00:54]MrStump spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [13:01:21]Mikhail spawned model models/hunter/tubes/circle2x2.mdl [13:01:25]Mikhail spawned model models/hunter/tubes/circle2x2.mdl [13:01:35]JamesCLK: issues with staying in the area tho [13:01:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon: needs a tube [13:01:41]JamesCLK: might want some tube or somthin [13:01:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: add that later [13:01:48]JamesCLK: damn ninjas [13:01:59]MrStump: lol gravity elevators [13:02:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: how about now? [13:02:15]JamesCLK: :D [13:02:20]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9PFAQ5nXOs [13:02:22]MrStump: lol silly [13:02:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon: enter from above for me [13:02:28]Steeveeo: weird music for weird antics [13:02:30]Mikhail: oh jesus [13:02:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon: nice [13:02:54]Steeveeo spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate16x16.mdl [13:03:00]JamesCLK: i see the ether when i go through these [13:03:12]JamesCLK: spaaaaaaaaaaaace [13:03:13]Steeveeo spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate3x6.mdl [13:03:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:03:23]MrStump: later [13:03:28]Mikhail: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kmUC6dyQZg [13:03:31]Dropped "MrStump" from server [13:03:35]Mikhail: do eet [13:03:40]Mikhail: pweeze [13:03:47]Steeveeo: request: [13:03:57]Steeveeo: and it will be added to the playlist [13:04:08]Mikhail: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kmUC6dyQZg [13:04:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [13:05:10]JamesCLK: oh so THATS how it works [13:05:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon: yup [13:05:19]Steeveeo: ohgod [13:05:21]Steeveeo: whoops [13:05:27]Steeveeo: rofl [13:05:51]JamesCLK: its like gravity is shifting :D [13:06:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: the plate needs nocoliding befor i grav it [13:06:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [13:06:17]JamesCLK: yeh, grav plating comes last [13:06:24]Mikhail: GHD was updated again for gravity precentage? [13:06:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: second to last actually =3 [13:06:42]Mikhail: okay heres my lift [13:06:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: you can grav something, then add a celin then weld the celin to it and itstill works [13:07:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [13:07:11]Mikhail: damnit [13:07:14]Mikhail suicided! [13:07:30]JamesCLK: kinda forgot to nocolide them xd [13:07:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon: james [13:07:54]JamesCLK: yhe? [13:08:10]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [13:08:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon: those 2 work [13:08:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon: now to add more =D [13:08:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [13:08:36]JamesCLK: elevator to space [13:08:40]JamesCLK: its like a launch tube [13:08:44]Steeveeo: sadface [13:08:47]Steeveeo: doesn't work D: [13:08:51]Mikhail was killed by worldspawn [13:08:55]Mikhail: yay mine works [13:09:05]Mikhail: yay [13:09:08]JamesCLK: noep, since transitioning between gravhulls sucks [13:09:13]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUFCzL6aJKU [13:09:23]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TawsObcPWss [13:09:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [13:09:46]Mikhail: like it? :D [13:09:57]Steeveeo: definitely Requiem For a Dream [13:10:00]Mikhail suicided! [13:11:15]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [13:11:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: brings an interesting sound to the original [13:11:41]Mikhail: HOLY SHIT my lift works [13:11:46]Steeveeo: someone hop on [13:11:48]JamesCLK: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD5WvRHcakA [13:11:57]Mikhail was killed by prop_vehicle_jeep [13:11:59]Mikhail: lol [13:12:00]Steeveeo: what [13:12:14]JamesCLK: durpzor [13:12:15]Mikhail: aw [13:12:20]Steeveeo: fail [13:12:22]Mikhail: weld a plate to the top [13:12:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol, im inside tha planet xD [13:12:29]Steeveeo: GHD doesn't work on vehicles [13:12:33]Mikhail: nop [13:12:36]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/buggy.mdl [13:12:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [13:12:41]JamesCLK: lolololol [13:12:42]Mikhail: it doesnt work on ents remember [13:12:44]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [13:12:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: mass production time [13:12:50]Steeveeo: works on E2s [13:12:53]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [13:12:56]Mikhail: oh, odd [13:13:28]Mikhail: like my lift? [13:13:28]JamesCLK: more like a tunnel into the planet [13:13:42]Mikhail: you gotta jump into it just right [13:13:46]JamesCLK: get in at the top, get blasted into the bedrock xD [13:14:34]JamesCLK: feels like going through portals :V [13:14:37]Mikhail: :D [13:14:49]Mikhail: oh god steev [13:15:00]Mikhail: wooo [13:15:18]Mikhail: lol james [13:15:18]Steeveeo: lol [13:15:26]JamesCLK: dont be so selfish, i want in :V [13:15:31]Mikhail: nope.avi [13:15:38]Steeveeo: o_O [13:15:41]JamesCLK: STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM [13:15:47]Mikhail: GOGOGOOGOGOO [13:15:51]JamesCLK: INTO SPACE [13:15:52]Mikhail: RAMP US INTO SPACE [13:15:56]Mikhail: WOOOOOOOOOOOOO [13:15:56]JamesCLK: WHEEEE [13:16:04]Steeveeo: SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE [13:16:05]Mikhail spawned model models/combine_helicopter/helicopter_bomb01.mdl [13:16:10]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl [13:16:12]JamesCLK: and mah tune starts playing :D [13:16:13]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl [13:16:17]Steeveeo: see ya losers! [13:16:19]Steeveeo suicided! [13:16:19]Steeveeo poked themself! [13:16:19]Steeveeo: !poke stee [13:16:19]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/oildrum001_explosive.mdl [13:16:26]JamesCLK: D: [13:16:30]Mikhail: SON, I AM MOON [13:16:35]Mikhail was killed by worldspawn [13:16:53]JamesCLK: tune <3 [13:17:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: fuck yeah [13:17:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon: works [13:17:23]*** Steeveeo cranks volume [13:17:32]JamesCLK: :3 [13:17:39]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [13:17:56]Mikhail: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kmUC6dyQZg [13:17:59]Mikhail: SHIT [13:18:00]JamesCLK: not again [13:18:00]Steeveeo: ...? [13:18:02]JamesCLK: :V [13:18:05]Mikhail: BAD COPYPASTE [13:18:06]JamesCLK: bad pasta [13:18:15]JamesCLK: with no ketchup [13:18:22]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjA5faZF1A8 [13:18:25]Mikhail: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QS0q3mGPGg [13:18:35]Mikhail: yeye [13:18:59]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC1VR0jeRkY [13:19:07]Steeveeo: that one is AMAZING [13:19:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon: james, try that for me lol [13:19:23]Mikhail: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQyV9qMK7FM [13:19:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:19:36]JamesCLK: augh [13:19:39]Mikhail: :D [13:19:40]Steeveeo ragdolled themself [13:19:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon: that was abit fucked up [13:19:43]JamesCLK: my eyes! the goggles do nothing! [13:19:47]Steeveeo unragdolled themself [13:19:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon: haha [13:19:59]Steeveeo ragdolled themself [13:20:03]Steeveeo unragdolled themself [13:20:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon: that flat plate there, you run into i [13:20:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it [13:20:09]Steeveeo ragdolled themself [13:20:10]Daracon - The Black Dragon: or not [13:20:16]JamesCLK: WHOA NELLTY [13:20:19]Steeveeo unragdolled themself [13:20:20]JamesCLK: made it [13:20:26]JamesCLK: to the top :D [13:20:28]Steeveeo ragdolled themself [13:20:31]Steeveeo unragdolled themself [13:20:34]JamesCLK: so long suckers [13:20:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lulz [13:20:48]JamesCLK: you ARE SO SMALL, ES FUNNEH TO ME [13:20:52]Steeveeo: 90's GO! [13:21:03]JamesCLK: the battle of the requests is ON [13:21:16]Mikhail: YEEEEEAH [13:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon: more mass production! [13:21:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2_tri.mdl [13:21:44]JamesCLK: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkLP0_ZFFMc&feature=BFp [13:21:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [13:21:46]JamesCLK: mwahahah [13:21:56]Mikhail: whered the ball go [13:22:17]JamesCLK: well... this works too [13:22:24]Steeveeo: haha [13:22:31]Steeveeo: that looks so hilarious from this angle [13:22:40]Steeveeo: just walkin' up a wall [13:22:47]Steeveeo: haters gunna hate [13:22:50]Steeveeo: OHGODFIRE [13:23:04]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [13:23:23]JamesCLK: ohgod, its sending me into the ground [13:23:25]Steeveeo ragdolled Mikhail [13:23:25]Steeveeo: !ragdoll mik [13:23:26]Client "G wyvern" connected ( [13:23:29]Mikhail: oh no [13:23:36]Mikhail: this will be fun [13:23:37]Steeveeo unragdolled Mikhail [13:23:37]Steeveeo: !unragdoll mik [13:23:51]Mikhail was killed by worldspawn [13:23:57]Mikhail: aw [13:24:16]JamesCLK: i think a vertical grav plate is more useful than an elevator [13:24:17]JamesCLK: xD [13:24:32]JamesCLK: wait, ire replaying? [13:24:34]JamesCLK: its* [13:24:38]Steeveeo: ? [13:24:46]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4_tri.mdl [13:24:46]JamesCLK: wat wat wat [13:24:47]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x4.mdl [13:25:00]Mikhail: what the what [13:25:11]JamesCLK: playnext [13:25:20]Mikhail: oh god what are we listening to [13:25:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon: bored now xD [13:25:25]Mikhail: playnext [13:25:27]Mikhail: aw [13:25:31]JamesCLK: or what? [13:25:35]JamesCLK: wait a sec [13:25:40]Mikhail: YES WE ALL KNOW YOU HAVE A WRINKLY VAGINA [13:25:46]Mikhail: STOP SYAING YOU HAVE FAULT LINES [13:26:02]Client "G wyvern" spawned in server ( [13:26:03]JamesCLK: shutup, this is london elektricity [13:26:07]JamesCLK: blarg [13:26:10]Mikhail: which sucks [13:26:12]Mikhail: blarg [13:26:20]Steeveeo: oi oi [13:26:26]Steeveeo: only one rule here with free music time [13:26:27]Mikhail: PROBLEM, PHYSICS [13:26:30]JamesCLK: :3 [13:26:34]Steeveeo: no "this music sucks" mentality [13:26:46]G wyvern: hmm, steeveeo, you seem to be sombody important *squints* [13:26:47]Mikhail: this music is the opposite of good, then [13:26:52]JamesCLK: mai musics are obviously superior, for i am the most important person in the world [13:26:52]Steeveeo: you have a right not to like something, but don't be ignorant [13:27:06]Mikhail: I PUT ON MY ROBE AND WIZARD HAT [13:27:10]Steeveeo ragdolled themself [13:27:16]Steeveeo unragdolled themself [13:27:17]JamesCLK: yere a wizzard arry [13:27:19]Mikhail: I CAST LEVEL 3 FIREBALL AT STEEVEEO [13:27:25]Steeveeo: DEFLECT! [13:27:27]Mikhail suicided! [13:27:27]Steeveeo poked Mikhail! [13:27:27](TEAM) Steeveeo: !poke mik [13:27:33]Mikhail: oshi [13:27:37]JamesCLK: EXPELIARMUS [13:27:40]Mikhail: IM IN SPAAAAACE [13:27:41]Mikhail suicided! [13:27:48]Mikhail: REAL WIZARDS DONT NEED WANDS [13:27:51]Steeveeo: I gotta try this one [13:27:56]Steeveeo spawned ragdoll models/miku.mdl [13:28:04]G wyvern: i love requiem [13:28:05]Mikhail: how do we cancel this one [13:28:06]Steeveeo: play next [13:28:08]Steeveeo: erm [13:28:10]Steeveeo: yeah [13:28:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOVd2GsYfoA [13:28:11]Steeveeo: lol [13:28:15]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [13:28:15]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouch002a.mdl [13:28:19]Mikhail: oh jesus [13:28:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:28:27]JamesCLK: we're gonna get our ears screamed off with that daracon [13:28:30]Steeveeo: watch this one take off [13:28:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i like this music, but i liketo break it up with heavy shit =3 [13:28:46]Mikhail: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kspPE9E1yGM [13:29:11]JamesCLK: epic guitar is epic [13:29:12]G wyvern: any way to get metal without an asteroid, i need to do some weapon testing [13:29:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: haha [13:29:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lmao [13:29:15]Mikhail: SUDDENLY, TINY BABY COWARDS EVERYWHERE [13:29:23]JamesCLK: suddenly ninjas [13:29:26]Steeveeo: G, mining drills [13:29:32]Mikhail: holy god [13:29:34]JamesCLK spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [13:29:39]G wyvern: they work on planets? neat [13:29:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lmao [13:29:43]Mikhail: DRUNK MIKI [13:29:45]Mikhail: MIKU [13:29:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: RAPE XD [13:29:48]Steeveeo: G, actually [13:29:54]Steeveeo: Mining Drill Rigs are what I mean [13:29:57]Mikhail: TOPHAT [13:29:58]Mikhail: OH SHIT [13:29:59]G wyvern: yah [13:30:04]G wyvern: thats what i thought you meant [13:30:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: holy fuck what xD [13:30:06]Mikhail: MIKU WITH A FUCKING TOP HAT [13:30:28]Mikhail: you need to raise the hat up more [13:30:34]Steeveeo: not my thing [13:30:37]Mikhail: so its not coming out of her forehead [13:30:40](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance4 [13:30:44]Mikhail: well edit it and raise it up :P [13:30:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i can't see the hat [13:30:58]Mikhail: failure [13:31:02](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance2 [13:31:10]Mikhail: DO THE STANKY LEG [13:31:33]Mikhail: I THINK THERES MORE THAN GUITARS IN THIS SONG [13:31:33](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance3 [13:31:38]Mikhail: HES A LIAR [13:31:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon killed Mikhail using rpg_missile [13:31:49]Mikhail: l [13:31:51]Mikhail: ol [13:31:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:31:55]Steeveeo: madness! [13:32:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon killed Mikhail using prop_combine_ball [13:32:02]JamesCLK: DIASPORA [13:32:02]Mikhail: lol [13:32:20]Mikhail: WELCOME TO DIASPORA, THIS IS WHAT WE DO ON A DAILY BASIS [13:32:20](TEAM) Steeveeo: weirdo [13:32:27]G wyvern: lol [13:32:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon: yup [13:32:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon killed Mikhail using npc_grenade_frag [13:32:43]JamesCLK: all systems to maximum fuck [13:32:46]Mikhail: O I DO NOT WANT A LPA DANCE MIKU [13:32:54](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance4 [13:32:55]JamesCLK: cmere [13:33:09]Mikhail: ew she has gas [13:33:12]JamesCLK: ohgod, its THAT thing [13:33:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lets haveago steev =) [13:33:30](TEAM) Steeveeo: hi [13:33:56]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFWmcO6hayI [13:34:04]JamesCLK: wat is this i dont even [13:34:23](TEAM) Steeveeo: rape [13:34:27]JamesCLK: y helloe thar [13:34:37]JamesCLK: error hat [13:34:40]JamesCLK: :V [13:34:41]Mikhail: OH SHIT [13:34:46]G wyvern: gah fuckin tacos wont link up [13:34:47]Mikhail: A FUCKING FLIP [13:34:50]JamesCLK: at least its not a rabid rennamon [13:35:00]Mikhail: damn renamons [13:35:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol wut? [13:35:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon killed Mikhail using player [13:35:17]Steeveeo: hi [13:35:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon granted god mode upon Mikhail [13:35:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !god mik [13:35:27]JamesCLK: crap, it gets back up [13:35:31]Client "DarkWolf" connected ( [13:35:32]Mikhail: yay xD [13:35:38](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [13:35:53]Mikhail: DOWN MIKU [13:35:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon: what happened to the slipknot song lol [13:36:02]Steeveeo: later in the playlist [13:36:02]Mikhail: i think its after this [13:36:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon: aw [13:36:08]Mikhail: is there a view playlist [13:36:08](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance3 [13:36:12]JamesCLK: >:3 [13:36:16](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance4 [13:36:20]JamesCLK: no, i ahve something special comin after this [13:36:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: that justin fail version might not work [13:36:21]JamesCLK: i think [13:36:30](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance3 [13:36:38](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance [13:36:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: haha [13:36:51]JamesCLK: panties ahoy [13:36:54]Mikhail: lol [13:37:01]Mikhail: FIRE THE VAGINA ROCKET [13:37:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:37:07]Mikhail suicided! [13:37:07]Steeveeo poked Mikhail! [13:37:07]Steeveeo: !poke mik [13:37:10]Mikhail: aw [13:37:27]JamesCLK: allahkbah [13:37:29]Mikhail: SET THRUSTERS TO MAXIMUM RAPE [13:37:30]JamesCLK: kill the source [13:37:40]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/miku.mdl [13:37:45]JamesCLK suicided! [13:37:45]Steeveeo poked JamesCLK! [13:37:45]Steeveeo: !poke james [13:37:48]JamesCLK: D: [13:37:51]Steeveeo: defend! [13:37:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon: steev, lets have a go? [13:37:54]G wyvern: why the hell wont wacos LS link up [13:37:59]Steeveeo: ? [13:38:03]JamesCLK ignited Steeveeo [13:38:03]JamesCLK: !ignite steev [13:38:07]Mikhail: lol [13:38:12]JamesCLK: burn baby burn [13:38:14]Mikhail: that may take a while [13:38:17]Steeveeo: noyou [13:38:21]Steeveeo ignited JamesCLK [13:38:21]Steeveeo: !ignite james [13:38:22]JamesCLK: !extenguish Steev [13:38:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon revoked god mode from Steeveeo [13:38:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !ungod steev [13:38:30]Mikhail: he wasnt godded [13:38:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon: haha, the seat broke [13:38:33]JamesCLK: ohgodwat [13:38:34]Steeveeo revoked god mode from JamesCLK [13:38:34]Steeveeo: !ungod james [13:38:37]Mikhail: but he has over 9000 health [13:38:37]JamesCLK: D: [13:38:41]JamesCLK: i wasnt godded [13:38:50](TEAM) JamesCLK: !extinguish James [13:38:53]JamesCLK: D: [13:38:54]G wyvern: how do i turn off the music? [13:38:56]Mikhail: :D [13:39:04]JamesCLK ignited themself [13:39:04]JamesCLK: !ignite James 1 [13:39:08]JamesCLK: mwhahahah [13:39:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon: steev, mind if i copy that so i can have ago? [13:39:20]JamesCLK: .... [13:39:22]JamesCLK: mik wat [13:39:30]Steeveeo: you have to download it [13:39:31]JamesCLK: ohgod, its doing sexposes [13:39:35]Steeveeo extinguished themself [13:39:35](TEAM) Steeveeo: !unignite ste [13:39:48]JamesCLK: yeah, if this thing is duped.... shit doesnt work [13:40:04]JamesCLK: need to figure a way to do that with my E2s :v [13:40:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon suicided! [13:40:25]JamesCLK: dude mik, wat [13:40:28]Mikhail: yes [13:40:33]JamesCLK: .......... [13:40:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon teleported to JamesCLK [13:40:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !goto james [13:40:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:40:47]G wyvern: sombody tell me how to turn off the music >.< [13:40:52]JamesCLK: Q menu [13:40:53]Mikhail: go into playx options [13:41:10]Mikhail: yeyeyeyeye [13:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: OH GOD [13:41:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon: IT'S IN THE GROUND! [13:41:25]JamesCLK: :| [13:41:31]Mikhail: OH GOD [13:41:38]JamesCLK: WHATEVER YOU DO, DONT TOUCH THE GROUND [13:41:39]Steeveeo: WRRRRYYY [13:41:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:41:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: SAND SHARK! [13:41:50]Mikhail: QUICK WE NEED TO HOP ACROSS FURNITURE [13:41:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i mean SAND MIKU! [13:41:58]JamesCLK: D: [13:42:02]Mikhail: OH SHIT [13:42:13]JamesCLK killed Mikhail using rpg_missile [13:42:14]Steeveeo: WRRYYYY [13:42:21]Mikhail: TAKE IT IN THE FACE MIKU, YOU KNOW YOU LIKE IT [13:42:25]JamesCLK suicided! [13:42:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon poked JamesCLK! [13:42:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !poke james [13:42:29]JamesCLK: dagnamit [13:42:32]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:42:39]JamesCLK: teh sandmiku got meh [13:42:45]Steeveeo: the stupid GHD threw this in the ground XD [13:42:50]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/furnituretable002a.mdl [13:42:54]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/furnituretable003a.mdl [13:42:59]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/breendesk.mdl [13:43:07]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouch001a.mdl [13:43:09]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouch002a.mdl [13:43:11]JamesCLK: then the GHD can undo it [13:43:14]JamesCLK spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [13:43:16]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/furniturebathtub001a.mdl [13:43:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon: steev, holdstill [13:43:29]Mikhail: QUICK HOP ACROSS MY FURNITURE [13:43:31]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" connected ( [13:43:39]Mikhail: SANDMIKU CANT GET US ON A COUCH [13:43:45]JamesCLK: D: [13:43:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [13:44:06]JamesCLK: fuck yo couch nigga, buy another one you rich motherfucka [13:44:07]Steeveeo: stuck D: [13:44:14]JamesCLK: /rick james [13:44:16]G wyvern spawned model models/slyfo/thhull.mdl [13:44:18]Mikhail: /bitch [13:44:25]JamesCLK: and this couch is made of concrete [13:44:34]Mikhail: thats how soft it is [13:44:57]JamesCLK: and this wooden desk is made of iron [13:45:02]Mikhail: and that genuine wooden desk is solid steel [13:45:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned sent gmod_wire_hoverdrivecontroler [13:45:21]Mikhail: OH SHIT SANDMIKU [13:45:28]Mikhail: PROTECT ME TUB! [13:45:31]JamesCLK: no, its teh AIR miku! [13:45:40]JamesCLK: PHYSGUN [13:45:49]JamesCLK: its the only way to be sure [13:45:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_docks/dock01_pole01a_128.mdl [13:46:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_docks/dock01_pole01a_128.mdl [13:46:04]Mikhail: WE NEED TO CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS [13:46:11]JamesCLK: NYANCAT DEMANDS IT [13:46:11]Mikhail: YEA [13:46:11]Steeveeo: NUUU [13:46:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon: OH GOD NO! [13:46:15]Mikhail: aw [13:46:20]JamesCLK: oh god yes [13:46:29](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance3 [13:46:37]Mikhail: :3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3:3 [13:47:04](TEAM) Steeveeo: madness [13:47:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i can't grab it xD [13:47:12]Client "^^55|NG| bugatti" connected ( [13:47:19](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance4 [13:47:29]Steeveeo: just jelly of my dancing skills [13:47:36]JamesCLK: yeh :( [13:47:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon suicided! [13:47:59]Steeveeo poked Daracon - The Black Dragon! [13:47:59]Steeveeo: !poke dara [13:48:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:48:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon teleported to Steeveeo [13:48:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !goto stee [13:48:24]JamesCLK: this physbeam, why is it behaving like a perverted tentacle [13:48:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh you [13:48:34]Mikhail: the inside of miku's head is interesting [13:48:35](TEAM) Steeveeo: weirdo [13:48:39]JamesCLK: lolololo [13:48:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh god thatsWRONG! [13:48:55](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance3 [13:48:57]G wyvern: damn missile pods dont track >.> [13:49:04]Steeveeo: give it an ent [13:49:12]G wyvern: i did [13:49:12](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance2 [13:49:14]G wyvern: still dosnt [13:49:17]JamesCLK: not even moving my physgun xD [13:49:19]Steeveeo: ohgodwhat [13:49:29]Steeveeo: what kind of move is this miku? [13:49:35](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance [13:49:42]Mikhail: the funky chicken [13:49:47](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance2 [13:49:53]Mikhail: DO THE STANKY LEG [13:49:59](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance4 [13:50:02]G wyvern: yeah no tracking [13:50:14]JamesCLK: ass shaken successfully [13:50:15](TEAM) Steeveeo: madness [13:50:16]Mikhail: DO THE SERRA DE BUNDA [13:50:33]Mikhail: SERRA DE BUNDAAAAAA [13:50:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: woot [13:50:37]JamesCLK: uhoh [13:50:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:50:42]JamesCLK: prepare for screams xD [13:50:45]JamesCLK: MANSCREAMMMM [13:50:50]Mikhail: time to mute playx [13:50:53]JamesCLK: speaking of men [13:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: UURRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!! [13:51:06]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QErZN7Mn9fI [13:51:08]Mikhail: ahh, much better [13:51:25]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" connected ( [13:51:25]JamesCLK: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6rkXGikuNA [13:51:29]Mikhail: YES [13:51:30]JamesCLK: :P [13:51:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: OH! [13:51:33](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance3 [13:51:43](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance2 [13:51:43]JamesCLK: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zmZfoMkVt8 [13:51:44]Mikhail: thats not a dnace cilly [13:51:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: look into my chocolate eyes =D [13:51:46]Mikhail: silly [13:52:03]JamesCLK: ow my brain [13:52:11](TEAM) Steeveeo: madness [13:52:16](TEAM) Steeveeo: weirdo [13:52:19]JamesCLK: 11pm isnt the time for slipknot in my world >.< [13:52:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:52:27]JamesCLK: i'm just gonna turn this down reall quiet [13:52:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: 9:52pm here [13:52:44]Mikhail: 5pm here [13:52:51]Mikhail: well 4:55 [13:52:55]Steeveeo: you guys are strange [13:52:56]Steeveeo: 2 PM [13:53:00]G wyvern: spartans dont track either :S [13:53:00]JamesCLK: lul [13:53:02]JamesCLK killed Mikhail using rpg_missile [13:53:05]JamesCLK: f [13:53:06]Mikhail: lol western time [13:53:15]JamesCLK: y herro thar [13:53:31]Mikhail: NICE REACHAROUND [13:53:31]JamesCLK: lol, manpoledancing [13:53:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [13:53:40]Steeveeo: moshpitting? [13:54:05]JamesCLK: wheryaamin [13:54:10]Client "^^55|NG| bugatti" connected ( [13:54:18]Mikhail: you should let me dupe for TWO DANCING MIKUS [13:54:27]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" spawned in server ( [13:54:34]Steeveeo: you have to get it from wiremod [13:54:38]Mikhail: meh im lazy [13:54:41]Steeveeo: it has an invalid model for the chip [13:54:41]Mikhail: >:v [13:54:44]Steeveeo: so it wont dupe [13:54:51]Mikhail: oh [13:54:54]Steeveeo: OHGOD [13:54:58]JamesCLK: wut [13:55:01]Steeveeo: careful with the spartans XD [13:55:04]G wyvern: well atleased spartans track [13:55:11]G wyvern: sombody nees to fix missile pods tho :S [13:55:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: hmm, next song =3 [13:55:22]JamesCLK: i would if i knew more lua [13:55:27]JamesCLK: oh nose [13:55:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon: woot! [13:55:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol it's acctually playing [13:55:39]JamesCLK: bieber strikes [13:55:40](TEAM) Steeveeo: kick [13:55:45]JamesCLK: wierd [13:55:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon: slow slipknot xD [13:56:03]Steeveeo: fancy footwork go! [13:56:05](TEAM) Steeveeo: kick [13:56:08](TEAM) Steeveeo: kick [13:56:28]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Steeveeo since this may be main server for next day-2 could we get real MOTD? [13:56:30]Mikhail: this is my jam [13:56:34]Steeveeo: heh [13:56:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Zombie E2 miku [13:56:53]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: O lawd [13:57:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer killed Mikhail using prop_combine_ball [13:57:17]Mikhail: OUCH [13:57:24]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" spawned in server ( [13:57:25]Dropped "Roll_Cam_Tide" from server [13:57:27]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [13:57:30]Mikhail: i fucking saw that come directly at me [13:57:31]Steeveeo: :D [13:57:32]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" connected ( [13:57:37]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: KILL IT [13:57:38]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: KILL IT WITH FIRE [13:57:39](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance2 [13:57:41](TEAM) Steeveeo: dance [13:57:45]Usama bin Todden.Puffer killed Mikhail using prop_combine_ball [13:57:50]Mikhail: FUCK [13:57:58]JamesCLK: kill the giant [13:58:00]G wyvern spawned model models/slyfo/thcockpit.mdl [13:58:01]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" spawned in server ( [13:58:02]G wyvern spawned model models/slyfo/thcockpit.mdl [13:58:04]G wyvern spawned model models/slyfo/thhull.mdl [13:58:05]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: kILL [13:58:07]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: MIKU [13:58:09]G wyvern spawned model models/slyfo/thhull.mdl [13:58:38]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/torpedo.mdl [13:59:31]JamesCLK was killed by worldspawn [13:59:42]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/torpedo.mdl [13:59:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon was killed by worldspawn [13:59:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon: ohhhh [13:59:49]JamesCLK: i c u >:3 [13:59:52]G wyvern: homing torpedoes dont work either :S [14:00:03]Steeveeo: they all need ents [14:00:12]Mikhail: SUDDENLY DICKS [14:00:14]JamesCLK: even with that they dont [14:00:20]Steeveeo jailed Usama bin Todden.Puffer [14:00:20]Steeveeo: !jail usa [14:00:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer killed Mikhail using player [14:00:24]G wyvern: there we go [14:00:28]Mikhail: ouch [14:00:29]Steeveeo granted god mode upon themself [14:00:29](TEAM) Steeveeo: !god [14:00:35]Steeveeo: torture time :D [14:00:36]JamesCLK: ah, so it WAS environments that was fucking shit up [14:00:38]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: CUT ME OUT OF JAIL [14:00:39]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: CUT ME OUT [14:00:39]Mikhail: Y U HURT LAZOR [14:00:40]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:40]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:40]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:40]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:41]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: COME ON LAZER [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:42]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Usama bin Todden.Puffer killed JamesCLK using player [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:43]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:44]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:44]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:44]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:44]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:44]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:44]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:44]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:44]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:44]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:44]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:44]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:00:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [14:00:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [14:00:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:00:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:00:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:00:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [14:00:52]Usama bin Todden.Puffer killed JamesCLK using player [14:00:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer killed Mikhail using player [14:00:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:54]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:55]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:55]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:55]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:55]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:55]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:56]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:56]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:56]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:57]JamesCLK: dear god wat [14:00:57]Mikhail: owwie [14:00:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Wtf [14:00:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:58]Mikhail suicided! [14:00:58]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:58]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:58]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:58]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:58]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:59]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:59]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:59]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:59]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:59]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:00:59]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [14:01:00](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [14:01:00]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:00]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:00]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:00]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:00]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:00]Mikhail suicided! [14:01:01]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:01]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:01]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:01]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:01]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:01]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: What the fuck am i dong [14:01:02]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:02]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:02]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:02]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:02]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:03]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:03]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:03]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:03]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:03]Mikhail: OH JESUS [14:01:03]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:09]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: How am i killing everything [14:01:14]Usama bin Todden.Puffer killed Mikhail using player [14:01:14]Mikhail: OH GOD [14:01:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:15]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:16]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:16]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:16]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:16]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:16]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:16]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:18]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:18]JamesCLK: MISSEILS [14:01:18]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:18]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:18]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:18]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:19]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:19]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:19]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:19]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:19]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:20]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: What the fuck [14:01:20]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:20]Mikhail: I THINK WE FOUND A BUG [14:01:23]G wyvern: the photon torpedo launcher dosnt take ents [14:01:25]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:01:25]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:01:25]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:01:25]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:01:25]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using prop_combine_ball [14:01:31]Usama bin Todden.Puffer killed Daracon - The Black Dragon using player [14:01:32]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:33]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:33]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:33]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:33]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:33]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:35]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:35]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:01:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon: what is that todd [14:01:38]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using player [14:01:38]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using player [14:01:39]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: What the fuck [14:01:39]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using player [14:01:39]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using player [14:01:40]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using player [14:01:40]Steeveeo killed Usama bin Todden.Puffer using player [14:01:45]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: It was a fighter laser [14:01:46]JamesCLK: well that worked [14:01:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Which seems to have bugged to all shit [14:01:52]Steeveeo unjailed Usama bin Todden.Puffer [14:01:52](TEAM) Steeveeo: !unjail usama [14:01:56]JamesCLK: it was overloading [14:01:57]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: To turn into a deathgun of doom [14:01:59]JamesCLK: and kersploding [14:02:08]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol whats jail all about [14:02:20]JamesCLK: its about this [14:02:20]Steeveeo: usama had the stupid idea about ruining an admin's fun [14:02:27]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: *Owner [14:02:29]JamesCLK mauled Usama bin Todden.Puffer [14:02:29]JamesCLK: !maul Todd [14:02:29]Steeveeo: so now I get to chase him around with admin commands [14:02:31]G wyvern spawned model models/slyfo/thhull.mdl [14:02:31]Roll_Cam_Tide: ahhhhh [14:02:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:02:34]Steeveeo poked Usama bin Todden.Puffer! [14:02:34]Steeveeo: !poke usama [14:02:38]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Lolol [14:02:40]JamesCLK: heheh [14:02:41]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Dun work [14:02:41]Roll_Cam_Tide: thats hilarious [14:02:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [14:02:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [14:02:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:02:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [14:02:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:02:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [14:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:02:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [14:02:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [14:02:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon granted god mode upon themself [14:02:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !god [14:02:49]Usama bin Todden.Puffer suicided! [14:02:57]Steeveeo 'sploded Usama bin Todden.Puffer! [14:02:57](TEAM) Steeveeo: !splode usama [14:03:01]JamesCLK: EVIL BEAMS [14:03:05]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [14:03:06](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [14:03:13]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:03:13]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/combine_super_soldier.mdl [14:03:13]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouch001a.mdl [14:03:13]Mikhail spawned model models/props/cs_militia/caseofbeer01.mdl [14:03:25]Steeveeo granted god mode upon themself [14:03:25](TEAM) Steeveeo: !god [14:03:35]*** Steeveeo needs to fix LSgodmode [14:03:40]Mikhail: NO I WILL RAPE YOU [14:03:53]Steeveeo: erm [14:03:56]Mikhail: AHH MY BRAIN [14:03:57]Steeveeo: where's all the minerals? [14:04:05]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/miku.mdl [14:04:06]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: I ate them [14:04:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: don't blow up my ship [14:04:17]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: please [14:04:19]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Its 3 fighter lasers [14:04:25]G wyvern: im gona make another ship but ima do my best to use not too many props this time, and its armament will be all missile weapons [14:04:26]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Like it will kill jo [14:04:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon: fair does [14:04:27]G wyvern: :P [14:04:35]JamesCLK: fighter beams are op atim [14:04:40]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [14:04:40]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:04:41]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [14:04:41]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [14:04:41]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [14:04:45]JamesCLK: zard is working on a meganerf :V [14:04:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i've never seen their damage atm [14:04:58]Mikhail: dance [14:05:09]Roll_Cam_Tide: what was that note that just popped up about zpms? it was so fast i couldnt read it [14:05:12]JamesCLK: they're.... kindof the one weapon that beats the rest for fighters [14:05:15]Mikhail: dance2 [14:05:28]Mikhail: dance3 [14:05:31]Steeveeo: ZPMs are pretty much staff-only [14:05:34]JamesCLK: and i'm working on nerfing zpms to a balanced level [14:05:35]JamesCLK: nope [14:05:36]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Try find the Jack Sparrow song [14:05:41]JamesCLK: they're admiral + [14:05:43]JamesCLK: :V [14:05:43]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: That will embed [14:05:45]Roll_Cam_Tide: arrgghh [14:05:51]JamesCLK: but yeah [14:05:56]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAm25ME2wGg [14:06:12]G wyvern spawned model models/slyfo/thlong.mdl [14:06:12]JamesCLK: since non admins can use them, i figured it would be a good idea to make the ZPM a somewhat viable thing [14:06:17]JamesCLK: and not a 500 million nrg monster [14:06:22]Roll_Cam_Tide: yeah i love mine [14:06:24]JamesCLK: 50 mill is more apropriate [14:06:26]Steeveeo: 5 billion, actually [14:06:32]Mikhail: wierdo [14:06:33]JamesCLK: 500 mill last i checked [14:06:33]Steeveeo: I think it was 15 billion for a bit [14:06:40]Mikhail: weirdo [14:06:42]JamesCLK spawned sent zero_point_module [14:06:51]G wyvern: fuck you rocket pods... [14:07:06]JamesCLK: yeah, its 500 mill atm [14:07:25]G wyvern: well when they get rocket pods fixed it will be epic XD [14:07:29]JamesCLK: 50 would mean you could fire 12 bertha shots and have 2 mill leftover [14:07:46]Steeveeo: you need hydrogen too [14:08:04]Roll_Cam_Tide: whats the quantum reaactor? [14:08:09]Steeveeo: random energy [14:08:09]Mikhail: I FOUND A NEW DANCE [14:08:12]JamesCLK: yeah, but with a zpm you can sacrifice 2 berthashots and use a super multiplied hydrogen compressor [14:08:38]Roll_Cam_Tide: is quantum worth using? [14:08:42]JamesCLK: 500 mill will run 2 mk2 pulses and 4 regular pulses for 3 hours straight [14:08:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Lmao [14:08:50]JamesCLK: i calculated that btw [14:08:57]JamesCLK: and tested it [14:09:05]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: You got servers up for 3 hours? [14:09:11]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVxe5NIABsI [14:09:12]Mikhail: SUPER MIKU WILL GET THROUGH THAT SHIELD [14:09:14]JamesCLK: the server map time is about 3 hours [14:09:24]JamesCLK: i just started a new map and fired from the start till it ran out [14:09:30]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65PiKsNhCsc [14:09:48]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbD5ke7xqww [14:09:55]JamesCLK: and yes, there was still a bit of energy left at the end [14:10:14]G wyvern: what does a bertha have to be at to fire? [14:10:16]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oySPPeSL-a0 [14:10:20]JamesCLK: uhoh [14:10:22]Mikhail: OH SHIT [14:10:22]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Missed the sofa [14:10:22]G wyvern: wtf [14:10:24]Steeveeo: EGADS [14:10:24]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Dammit [14:10:24]G wyvern: who fired that [14:10:28]Steeveeo: Don't fire that on spawn! [14:10:31]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Me,i was aiming for that sofa [14:10:31]JamesCLK: and.... nothing happened [14:10:39]Steeveeo jailed Usama bin Todden.Puffer [14:10:39]Steeveeo: !jail usama [14:10:43]Mikhail: YOU CANNOT KILL SUPERMIKU [14:10:45]JamesCLK: !maul Usama [14:10:46]Steeveeo: seriously, stop breaking shit on spawn [14:10:50]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: But i can try [14:10:59]Steeveeo: no [14:11:00]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Its aimed rough-Oh balls [14:11:00]Steeveeo: you cannot [14:11:09]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Do or do not,there is no try [14:11:12]Steeveeo: one more and you sit the next 6 hours our [14:11:12]JamesCLK: owner rage [14:11:15]Steeveeo: *out [14:11:21]Mikhail: COME ON MIKU FIT YOUR FAT ASS THROUGH THE CRACK [14:11:23]Steeveeo: savvy? [14:11:30]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Que? [14:11:31]JamesCLK: YESH! [14:11:35]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Oui Oui! [14:11:38]JamesCLK: steev, you made my day [14:11:43]Steeveeo unjailed Usama bin Todden.Puffer [14:11:43](TEAM) Steeveeo: !unjail usama [14:11:46]JamesCLK: random epic pirate talk :D [14:11:53]Mikhail: YARR [14:11:57]JamesCLK: BERTHAS [14:11:58]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Great,i am told not to fire them [14:11:58]Steeveeo: G wyvern [14:11:59]JamesCLK: EVERYWHERE [14:12:02]Steeveeo: you don't fire on spawn either [14:12:02]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: And G wyvern just starts to shoot [14:12:06]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Jail him [14:12:11]G wyvern: im leaving anyway [14:12:12]G wyvern: g2g [14:12:17]G wyvern: just wanted to test some guns [14:12:17]G wyvern suicided! [14:12:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon suicided! [14:12:17]Steeveeo poked G wyvern, Daracon - The Black Dragon! [14:12:17]Steeveeo: !poke g [14:12:23]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Lmao [14:12:23]Mikhail: lol [14:12:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oi [14:12:25]JamesCLK: lol [14:12:28]Steeveeo: sorry dara XD [14:12:32]Mikhail: hi [14:12:33]JamesCLK: phailuar [14:12:39]Mikhail: dance2 [14:12:41]JamesCLK: cascade [14:12:41]Client "Practicingcoin" connected ( [14:12:42]JamesCLK: eminent [14:12:43]Steeveeo: luckily I moved the PlayX offworld [14:12:44]Dropped "G wyvern" from server [14:12:45]Steeveeo: frick [14:12:47]JamesCLK: xd [14:12:58]Mikhail: dance [14:13:09]Steeveeo: forgot how spazzy the 3.0 version was [14:13:23]JamesCLK: spazzzz [14:13:24]Steeveeo: ohgodwhat [14:13:27]Steeveeo: hahahah [14:13:47]Steeveeo: what did you do? XD [14:13:51]Mikhail: thats mouse 1 [14:13:54]Mikhail: grab i think [14:14:03]JamesCLK: D: [14:14:12]Steeveeo: stop that, I'm being entertained [14:14:15]JamesCLK: D: [14:14:16]JamesCLK: k [14:14:19]Steeveeo: wussyslap lol [14:14:26]Steeveeo: nnnnng! [14:14:27]JamesCLK: you dirty perverted old... i mean nothing [14:14:42]JamesCLK: OHGOD [14:14:51]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/torpedo.mdl [14:14:58]JamesCLK: we has some miku on miku acttion [14:15:04](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [14:15:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/torpedo.mdl [14:15:14]JamesCLK: perfect timing [14:15:19]JamesCLK: xD [14:15:24]JamesCLK: rofl [14:15:29]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/torpedo.mdl [14:15:37]JamesCLK: reminds me of the kleiner monster [14:15:44]JamesCLK: AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH [14:15:55]Steeveeo: lololol [14:16:03]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/ball.mdl [14:16:13]JamesCLK: dance of the manwhore best dance [14:16:22]Steeveeo: XD [14:16:23]JamesCLK: zard is too much of a boy to dare listen to it [14:16:32]JamesCLK: he's afraid of justin bieber too [14:16:36](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [14:16:39]JamesCLK: apparently [14:16:40]JamesCLK: D: [14:16:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon: what! [14:16:42]JamesCLK: NOOOOOO [14:16:46]JamesCLK: the quest! [14:16:47]JamesCLK: D: [14:16:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon: FFFUUUU [14:16:49]Steeveeo: ? [14:16:51]JamesCLK: whaiiiii D: [14:17:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon: that was the better version [14:17:01]JamesCLK: not cool [14:17:20]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/facepunch_logo.mdl [14:17:22]JamesCLK: quest of the manwhore and dance of the manwhore aint the same thing :( [14:17:30]JamesCLK: and yeah, the quest is better [14:17:39]JamesCLK: i shall rerererequest it [14:17:45]JamesCLK: rawrs [14:17:49]JamesCLK: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zmZfoMkVt8 [14:18:03]JamesCLK: gooseman's solo is the best thing ever [14:18:40]JamesCLK: SKYWARDS [14:18:45]Steeveeo suicided! [14:19:02]JamesCLK: whoa [14:19:29]Mikhail: dance [14:19:33]Steeveeo suicided! [14:19:33]*** JamesCLK throws up all over his keyboard <:T [14:19:52]JamesCLK: ASDFGHJKL [14:19:55]Steeveeo: wheeee [14:20:15]JamesCLK: SABER ME STEEVIE [14:20:16]Client "Ctreve" connected ( [14:20:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol, ohgod this car [14:20:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon: chek this shit ouy [14:20:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_generator01.mdl [14:20:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [14:20:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/tprotato2.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/container_chunk05.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/tprotato2.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/tprotato1.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_generator01.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/headcrabcannister01a.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/headcrabcannister01a.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/container_chunk01.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/vehicle.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/container_chunk05.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/headcrabcannister01a.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/headcrabcannister01a.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [14:20:27]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/container_chunk05.mdl [14:20:34]Steeveeo: OTHER WAAAYYYYY [14:20:49]JamesCLK teleported to Daracon - The Black Dragon [14:20:49]JamesCLK: !goto Dara [14:20:49]Steeveeo: don't LEAVE MEH! [14:20:53]JamesCLK: BATMAN [14:21:06]Steeveeo teleported to JamesCLK [14:21:06]Steeveeo: !goto james [14:21:15]Mikhail: SPIN [14:21:23]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:21:59]Steeveeo: o_O [14:22:08]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:22:11]Client "Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂" connected ( [14:22:18]JamesCLK: honk honk [14:22:24]Mikhail: WHY IS IT DARK [14:22:28]Mikhail: OH GOD [14:22:42]Steeveeo suicided! [14:23:17]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:23:17]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/combine_super_soldier.mdl [14:23:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouch001a.mdl [14:23:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props/cs_militia/caseofbeer01.mdl [14:23:24]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/miku.mdl [14:23:27]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:23:35]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned sent ring_base [14:23:38]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:23:40]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:24:09]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/mk-82.mdl [14:24:18]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/mk-82.mdl [14:24:26]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/mk-82.mdl [14:24:33]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/mk-82.mdl [14:24:38]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/mk-82.mdl [14:24:46]Steeveeo: rofl [14:24:49]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/mk-82.mdl [14:24:53]Steeveeo spawned model models/props_phx/mk-82.mdl [14:25:02]Steeveeo: yo [14:25:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon: D: [14:25:08]Steeveeo: welcome to the world between worlds [14:25:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [14:25:22]Steeveeo: the very fabric of the earth is made of motion sickness [14:25:32]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:25:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: steev, remember that carrier i built on mcbuilds? =P [14:25:42]Client "Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂" spawned in server ( [14:25:44]Dropped "Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂" from server [14:25:45]Client "Ctreve" spawned in server ( [14:26:01]Mikhail: dance [14:26:07]Client "Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂" connected ( [14:26:26]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:26:29]Mikhail: LANDMIKU [14:26:30]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:26:35]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:26:38]Mikhail: SHARK MIKUUUU [14:26:44]Steeveeo: lolwut [14:26:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:26:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001c.mdl [14:26:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/huge/road_long.mdl [14:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_citizen_tech/steamengine001a.mdl [14:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/huge/road_long.mdl [14:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:26:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:26:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x8.mdl [14:26:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:26:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate1x1.mdl [14:26:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/strange.mdl [14:26:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:26:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:26:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_c17/factorymachine01.mdl [14:26:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:26:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:26:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine6.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001c.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_pipes/pipecluster32d_001a.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:26:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_s128cap.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_c17/factorymachine01.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube1x1x8.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:26:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinethumper001a.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/huge/road_long.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001c.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:26:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:26:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:26:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:26:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:26:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_citizen_tech/steamengine001a.mdl [14:26:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:26:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_pipes/pipecluster32d_001a.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:52]Mikhail: WHY IS THERE A JEEP DOWN HERE [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine6.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:26:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tube.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:26:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:27:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon: fuck yeah! [14:27:08]Mikhail: WHAT IS THIS I DONT EVEN [14:27:15]Steeveeo: no reason [14:27:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon: IT'S PASTING =D! [14:27:24]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:27:30]Client "Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂" spawned in server ( [14:27:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon: remember this ship steev? [14:27:38]JamesCLK: wheelies [14:27:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: blarg [14:27:52]Client "^^55|NG| bugatti" connected ( [14:28:01]JamesCLK: brofist rosie [14:28:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon: hey there rose [14:28:11]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned sent cupnoodle [14:28:15]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned sent cupnoodle [14:28:16]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned sent cupnoodle [14:28:16]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned sent cupnoodle [14:28:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: fucking entity spikage holy shit [14:28:24]Mikhail: MIKUSHARK [14:28:28]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned sent cupnoodle [14:28:28]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned sent cupnoodle [14:28:28]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned sent cupnoodle [14:28:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon: =P [14:28:36]JamesCLK: this game session is not very srs [14:28:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [14:28:46]JamesCLK: i blame steev [14:28:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ... [14:28:52]Steeveeo: I blame garry [14:28:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: this is the way mcbuild was in the old days, just lotsof fun [14:29:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I blame the huge entity spikage. [14:29:16]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:29:27]JamesCLK: manly blue :V [14:29:30]Steeveeo: this otta help [14:29:50]Mikhail: OH GOD [14:29:53]Mikhail: HULA [14:29:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: OMFG this ship is a year old and still functions! >< [14:30:36]Steeveeo: holy hell [14:30:42]Steeveeo: I don't remember the ion core [14:30:52]Steeveeo: epic [14:30:59]Mikhail: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wRIW0hsoTQ [14:31:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon: do you remember this steev? [14:31:13]Steeveeo: pre-whateverthehellthisis [14:31:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ... [14:31:19]Roll_Cam_Tide: is it always kinda laggy in space? [14:31:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [14:31:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: so laggy... [14:31:26]Client "^^55|NG| bugatti" connected ( [14:31:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wait a minute [14:31:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Roll_cam, is your shit parented? [14:31:42]Mikhail: and de shadowed [14:31:46]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:31:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: mainly parented [14:31:49]JamesCLK spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:31:57]Client "^^55|NG| bugatti" spawned in server ( [14:32:01]Roll_Cam_Tide: no, every time i parent something it crashes the server [14:32:12]Steeveeo: don't try to parent chairs [14:32:13]Roll_Cam_Tide: yes i know that sounds weird [14:32:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: do you use the e2? [14:32:20]Steeveeo: also, there's an E2 that does it automatically [14:32:20]^^55|NG| bugatti: finaly made it! [14:32:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: the v2 e2? [14:32:27]Steeveeo: no [14:32:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Because if you don't parent you're liable to be destroyed instantly. [14:32:32]Roll_Cam_Tide: actually... it might be cuz of the chair [14:32:34]Steeveeo: surprisingly, that's older [14:32:50]Roll_Cam_Tide: its all holding together fine its just laggy [14:32:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: meh for me the v2 works better. [14:32:55]Steeveeo: why are those lego scooters so hard on the server? -.- [14:32:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: That's why you GOTTA parent. [14:32:57]^^55|NG| bugatti: finaly madde it here! [14:33:05]Mikhail: SV is taking a dive [14:33:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It lags everyone else and makes people hate you and destroy you [14:33:07]JamesCLK: they shouldnt be [14:33:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/slyfo_2/sattelite_doomray.mdl [14:33:15]^^55|NG| bugatti: omg i [14:33:16]JamesCLK: well actually they arent mine :V [14:33:20]JamesCLK: public folder [14:33:21]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol that sounded like a hint [14:33:28]Steeveeo: the public folder shouldn't even BE there [14:33:32]JamesCLK: xd [14:33:34]Steeveeo: it's fucking turned off [14:33:34]JamesCLK: indeed [14:33:40]^^55|NG| bugatti: wow this isn' acctually space???????????? [14:33:47]Steeveeo teleported to ^^55|NG| bugatti [14:33:47]Steeveeo: !goto bug [14:33:49]JamesCLK: well tell that to the public server [14:33:49]^^55|NG| bugatti: oh it is!!!!!! [14:33:50]Steeveeo: it is [14:33:52]JamesCLK teleported to ^^55|NG| bugatti [14:33:52]JamesCLK: !goto bug [14:33:53]Mikhail: lol [14:34:00]Mikhail: aw [14:34:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/slyfo_2/sattelite_doomray.mdl [14:34:06](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [14:34:08]^^55|NG| bugatti: uh o im getting sucked in the earths atmosphere [14:34:09]Mikhail: PLAY MY SONG DAMNIT [14:34:14]Mikhail: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wRIW0hsoTQ [14:34:19]Dropped "^^55|NG| bugatti" from server [14:34:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol wut [14:34:21]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W4ICZN01OA [14:34:25]JamesCLK: :D [14:34:26]Mikhail: oh my god [14:34:28]Steeveeo: that's already been requested [14:34:30]JamesCLK: steev, mah man [14:34:35]Roll_Cam_Tide: steeveeo you own this server? [14:34:37]Steeveeo: yes... [14:34:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon: timeto see if this baby can still fly [14:34:45]JamesCLK: its kindof in the 'owner' rank xd [14:34:53]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned sent black_hole_cache [14:34:54]JamesCLK: but yes [14:34:55]Roll_Cam_Tide: i just want to tell you this is literally the longest ive gone in space without the server crashing [14:34:56]Steeveeo: Co-Owner with a guy named Fuhrball [14:35:00]JamesCLK: steeveeo is your new lord and master [14:35:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned sent black_hole_cache [14:35:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: need mo solar powah. [14:35:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: forlorn's is too weak. [14:35:50]Mikhail: why do i have a dupe ive never seen before in my folder [14:35:59]Steeveeo: ignore the Public folder [14:36:04]Mikhail: no [14:36:08]Mikhail: something called wireman [14:36:14]Mikhail spawned model models/cyborgmatt/capacitor_large.mdl [14:36:14]Mikhail spawned model models/cyborgmatt/capacitor_large.mdl [14:36:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's from the updated wiremod [14:36:15]Steeveeo: not a clue [14:36:17]Client "^^55|NG| bugatti" connected ( [14:36:17]Mikhail spawned model models/cyborgmatt/capacitor_large.mdl [14:36:17]Mikhail spawned model models/cyborgmatt/capacitor_large.mdl [14:36:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's a really simple e2 [14:36:22]JamesCLK: it comes with wiremod [14:36:22]Mikhail: the fuck [14:36:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: with attached stuff [14:36:29]Mikhail: oh [14:36:32]JamesCLK: doesnt work on this serv tho [14:36:40]JamesCLK: the main server has the models [14:36:44]Mikhail: well thats stupid [14:36:47]Client "^6100_^5HF^2Spill^1Fjas^9_@n@l" connected ( [14:36:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It does applyforce to the ground while playing a sound [14:36:48]Client "^^55|NG| bugatti" spawned in server ( [14:36:51]JamesCLK: the dev server isnt up to date on its wire models folder [14:36:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It looks like a really happy caveman. [14:37:12]JamesCLK: but yeah, daracon, whats with this core, its fucking awesome [14:37:17]^^55|NG| bugatti: y so boring songs?????????????? [14:37:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?start [14:37:26]Steeveeo: you're free to request [14:37:26]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/miku.mdl [14:37:31]JamesCLK: because they're requests [14:37:36]^^55|NG| bugatti: ugh [14:37:43]Steeveeo: request: [14:37:43]^^55|NG| bugatti: what do u guys listen to anyways [14:37:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i hope the engines on this still work =3 [14:37:48]Steeveeo: anything [14:37:59]Mikhail: play my song damnit [14:38:05]Ctreve spawned vehicle models/nova/chair_office02.mdl [14:38:12]JamesCLK: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Q7FFjUpVLg [14:38:15]JamesCLK: :3 [14:38:19](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [14:38:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Jamie can I have god so I can watch my sattelite work? [14:38:23]JamesCLK: be patient [14:38:29]^^55|NG| bugatti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Quj_-amMPE [14:38:30]Mikhail: oh god [14:38:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Because forlorn doesn't have seethru atmos [14:38:31]JamesCLK granted god mode upon Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ [14:38:31]JamesCLK: !god Ros [14:38:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: :D [14:38:36]^^55|NG| bugatti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Quj_-amMPE [14:38:36]Steeveeo: S-CRY-ED, GOGOGO [14:38:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?followvec [14:38:39]^^55|NG| bugatti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Quj_-amMPE [14:38:47]JamesCLK: dude [14:38:50]^^55|NG| bugatti: why isnt my gun spawned how do i move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [14:38:53]JamesCLK: dont double request >.< [14:38:56]Steeveeo teleported to ^^55|NG| bugatti [14:38:57]Steeveeo: !goto bug [14:39:01]^^55|NG| bugatti: i thiought u never saw [14:39:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's lagging [14:39:08]Steeveeo: you're in the bottom of the planet [14:39:10]^^55|NG| bugatti: im stcuk [14:39:15]^^55|NG| bugatti: im at spawn!!!!!!!!!! [14:39:50]JamesCLK: so we've moved into the animoo part of the requests >.< [14:39:51]Mikhail: INCOMING ANGRYMIKU [14:39:53]Steeveeo: RODEO [14:39:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?engage [14:40:00]^^55|NG| bugatti: get me putta here [14:40:01]Mikhail: ANGRYMIKU IS ANGRY [14:40:03]Steeveeo slapped JamesCLK with 0 damage [14:40:03]Steeveeo: !slap james [14:40:07]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol can i fly into the sun? [14:40:07]^^55|NG| bugatti: HELP! [14:40:10]^^55|NG| bugatti suicided! [14:40:11]JamesCLK: :p [14:40:11]Steeveeo: !tp bug [14:40:19]^^55|NG| bugatti: i at spaqwn [14:40:20]Steeveeo: !teleport buga [14:40:25]^^55|NG| bugatti: i am still at spawn! [14:40:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?followaim [14:40:33]^^55|NG| bugatti: maybe its lag [14:40:34]Roll_Cam_Tide: ... what just happened [14:40:44]Mikhail: rose is that a satillite [14:40:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?followvec [14:40:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Yus. [14:40:51]^^55|NG| bugatti: where is this server lo9cated?????!?!!?! [14:40:52]JamesCLK teleported to Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ [14:40:52]JamesCLK: !goto Ros [14:40:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Damn energy reserves empty [14:40:56]Mikhail: OH FUCK A ORBITAL STRIKE LAZOR!? [14:40:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?hold [14:40:58]Steeveeo: Seattle [14:41:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Yeah [14:41:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's not too accurate at distance [14:41:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I can't get back. [14:41:10]^^55|NG| bugatti: im aliove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [14:41:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:41:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001c.mdl [14:41:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:41:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/huge/road_long.mdl [14:41:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_citizen_tech/steamengine001a.mdl [14:41:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:41:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: HELP MEH [14:41:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/huge/road_long.mdl [14:41:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:13]^^55|NG| bugatti: mUHAHAHAA [14:41:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:41:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:41:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:41:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:41:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x8.mdl [14:41:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate1x1.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/strange.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_c17/factorymachine01.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine6.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001c.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_pipes/pipecluster32d_001a.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_s128cap.mdl [14:41:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_c17/factorymachine01.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube1x1x8.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:41:16]^^55|NG| bugatti: MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinethumper001a.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/huge/road_long.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001c.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:41:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:41:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:41:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:41:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_citizen_tech/steamengine001a.mdl [14:41:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:41:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_pipes/pipecluster32d_001a.mdl [14:41:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine6.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tube.mdl [14:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:41:20]^^55|NG| bugatti: MUAHAHAHAHHAHA [14:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:41:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:41:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I can't move small distances in space anymore [14:41:36]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/miku.mdl [14:41:39]JamesCLK: yeah, we moved back to LS3 core [14:41:42]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBg2k3gQUYA [14:41:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: .. [14:41:47]Roll_Cam_Tide: the cockpit of my ship just vaporized? [14:41:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: fucking fail [14:41:52]Steeveeo teleported to Roll_Cam_Tide [14:41:52]Steeveeo: !goto roll [14:41:52]JamesCLK: instead of environments [14:41:57]Steeveeo: you're in the sun [14:41:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: environments is better. [14:42:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: D< [14:42:05]Steeveeo: no it's not :P [14:42:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Yes it is. [14:42:11]Roll_Cam_Tide: im in a chair looking at the sun [14:42:19]JamesCLK: forgot you're on the environments dev team ros xD [14:42:37]Mikhail: STOP DYING MIKU [14:42:38]Roll_Cam_Tide: is there a kill button? [14:42:50]Steeveeo: dara, I am under the impression that your combine wall ship is lagging to hell [14:42:55]JamesCLK: yeh [14:42:59]^^55|NG| bugatti: lol im at sun! [14:42:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it is? [14:43:01]JamesCLK: i have the same feeling [14:43:06]^^55|NG| bugatti was killed by worldspawn [14:43:06]Steeveeo: turn on the netgraph [14:43:07]Mikhail: miku doesnt love me [14:43:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon: just respawned it, so letsfind out [14:43:10]^^55|NG| bugatti: woooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooot [14:43:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I have the feeling that... [14:43:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: CLUSTERFUCK! [14:43:18]Steeveeo: much better [14:43:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon: guess it was [14:43:20]JamesCLK: yep [14:43:22]Mikhail: AHHHH BEAUTIFUL SV [14:43:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Is emminent [14:43:29]Steeveeo: bunch of wire stuff it seems [14:43:30]Roll_Cam_Tide: is there a way to kill myself? [14:43:33](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [14:43:33]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/miku.mdl [14:43:36]Steeveeo: ~ kill [14:43:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon: letme try to find what is cauing the lag please [14:43:45]Roll_Cam_Tide: ~ kill [14:43:49]^^55|NG| bugatti suicided! [14:43:50]Roll_Cam_Tide: ~kill [14:43:51]Steeveeo: no [14:43:53]JamesCLK: in your console :V [14:43:56]Steeveeo: ~ opens the console [14:43:57]Mikhail: lol [14:44:01]Steeveeo: then kill [14:44:02]JamesCLK: use tilde to open your console :V [14:44:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:44:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:44:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhd.mdl [14:44:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:44:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:44:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhd.mdl [14:44:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:44:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:44:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhd.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoorsquare.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevslant.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblanduramp.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevte.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevte.mdl [14:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevslant.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblanduramp.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoorsquare.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit4.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine5.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevte.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:44:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine5.mdl [14:44:07]Roll_Cam_Tide: mine is disabled one sec [14:44:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine3.mdl [14:44:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:44:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [14:44:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoorsquare.mdl [14:44:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:44:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine5.mdl [14:44:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhd.mdl [14:44:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevte.mdl [14:44:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:44:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:44:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoorsquare.mdl [14:44:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine3.mdl [14:44:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevslant.mdl [14:44:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:44:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:44:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:44:15]JamesCLK: gooseman solo <3 [14:44:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yes, e2, I realize I'm missing stuff because YOU JUST SPAWNED. [14:44:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: raeg. [14:44:34]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pidokakU4I [14:44:38]Roll_Cam_Tide suicided! [14:44:44]Mikhail: GO MIKU GO [14:44:49]Mikhail: !xgui [14:44:51]Mikhail: KILL THEM ALL [14:44:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: request: dick. [14:44:54]Roll_Cam_Tide: that would have been so nice to know yesterday [14:44:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Yes. [14:44:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: well, the im not killing the sv now [14:44:58]JamesCLK: dick given [14:45:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm pasting. [14:45:05]^^55|NG| bugatti suicided! [14:45:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ suicided! [14:45:05]Steeveeo poked Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂! [14:45:05](TEAM) Steeveeo: !poke rose [14:45:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: WTF> [14:45:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: say when done please [14:45:12]*** JamesCLK hands rosie a can of spotted dick [14:45:16]Steeveeo: dick request granted [14:45:20]^^55|NG| bugatti: this music sucks [14:45:25]JamesCLK: its not music [14:45:28]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol! [14:45:30]Mikhail: il iek the OOOOoOOoOOOooooOOO part [14:45:33]JamesCLK: its an epic quest [14:45:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Aye. [14:45:42]JamesCLK: to attain manwhorelyhood [14:45:44]Steeveeo: holy lag [14:45:45]Mikhail: WHY DOES MIKU KEEP DISAPPEARING [14:45:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: gimme a sec I need to refresh my e2s [14:45:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: THey're fucking up because they're duped [14:45:56]JamesCLK: luckily it only loops once :P [14:46:16](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [14:46:22]JamesCLK: although i wouldnt mind listening to it looping [14:46:26]Steeveeo: I would [14:46:31]JamesCLK: :V [14:46:34]Roll_Cam_Tide suicided! [14:46:37]^^55|NG| bugatti: this is bttr [14:46:41]Steeveeo teleported to Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ [14:46:41](TEAM) Steeveeo: !goto rose [14:46:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm refreshing e2,s [14:47:03]Roll_Cam_Tide: this is a cool lookin ship [14:47:12]Steeveeo: yet horribly laggy [14:47:14]Roll_Cam_Tide: so bright [14:47:18]^^55|NG| bugatti: yep [14:47:22]Steeveeo: that would be the room [14:47:28]Daracon - The Black Dragon: whats killing the SV [14:47:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: what the... [14:47:30]Roll_Cam_Tide: whys it like that [14:47:36]Mikhail: HOLY BLOOM EFFECTS BATMAN [14:47:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: My ship never lags this much [14:47:39]Steeveeo brought Daracon - The Black Dragon to themself [14:47:39]Steeveeo: !bring dara [14:47:41]JamesCLK: d [14:47:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: My ship NEVER lags this much. [14:47:55]Steeveeo: denial gets you nowhere [14:47:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: clear the server steev? [14:47:59]JamesCLK: its so... white [14:48:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: removing auxilliary devices [14:48:11]Steeveeo: I think it's getting time for a map change anyway [14:48:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: there [14:48:19]Steeveeo: how the hell long has it been on forlorn? [14:48:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: sounds good [14:48:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon: all day [14:48:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It crashes when it changes [14:48:31](TEAM) Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and goes back to forlorn [14:48:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: sv good enough for you? [14:48:51]Roll_Cam_Tide: i dont have lostinspace so ill be goin if ya switch lol [14:48:52]JamesCLK: its still choppy [14:48:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: or do I need to remove more auxies? [14:49:06]Steeveeo: !votenextmap "gm_galactic_rc1" "sb_twinsuns_fixed" "sb_new_worlds_2" "sb_voyages" [14:49:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: because the auxies i have are minimum. [14:49:17]Mikhail: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOcsIAFRero [14:49:20]^^55|NG| bugatti was killed by worldspawn [14:49:23]*** JamesCLK lag detectormode on [14:49:25]Steeveeo: !votenextmap "gm_galactic_rc1" "sb_new_worlds_2" "sb_voyages" [14:49:30]Steeveeo: augh [14:49:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: !votenextmap sb_twinsuns_fixed [14:49:33]Steeveeo: work damn you [14:49:34]Mikhail: nope.avi [14:49:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It has no maps o.o [14:49:40]JamesCLK: trololo [14:49:43]Roll_Cam_Tide: haha.txt [14:49:44]Steeveeo started a vote to change MapRotate's next map. [14:49:44]Steeveeo: !votenextmap "gm_galactic_rc1" "sb_new_worlds_2" "sb_voyages" [14:49:46]Steeveeo voted for: sb_voyages [14:49:48]Ctreve voted for: sb_new_worlds_2 [14:49:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ voted for: sb_new_worlds_2 [14:49:48]Steeveeo: geez [14:49:51]JamesCLK voted for: sb_new_worlds_2 [14:49:52]Mikhail: REFUSE TO VOTE [14:49:53]Roll_Cam_Tide voted for: sb_new_worlds_2 [14:49:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon voted for: sb_new_worlds_2 [14:49:56]Mikhail: THAT IS THE ONLY OPTION [14:50:00]Steeveeo: need to remember to replace twinsuns [14:50:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: okay [14:50:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: This all can't be my ship [14:50:10]Mikhail: I AM BOYCOTTING [14:50:12]Vote results: Option 'sb_new_worlds_2' won, MapRotate next map set. (5/9) [14:50:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I have minimum working systems [14:50:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: my holo core is off. [14:50:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon: remove your ship and see [14:50:35]JamesCLK: that... did it [14:50:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: son of a fuck. [14:50:37]JamesCLK: :| [14:50:40]Mikhail: fuck of a son [14:50:40](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [14:50:46]Roll_Cam_Tide: lmao [14:50:46]Mikhail: NO [14:50:46]^^55|NG| bugatti was killed by worldspawn [14:50:47]Mikhail: BAD [14:50:48](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [14:50:49]JamesCLK: neeext [14:50:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it has to be like, something else magically making mine owrse [14:50:56]Client "xspartanlazerx" connected ( [14:50:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:50:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:50:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001c.mdl [14:50:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:50:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/huge/road_long.mdl [14:50:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:50:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_citizen_tech/steamengine001a.mdl [14:50:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/huge/road_long.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x8.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:50:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate1x1.mdl [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/strange.mdl [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_c17/factorymachine01.mdl [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:50:58]Steeveeo: someone doublequested D: [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:50:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: never does that. [14:50:58]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine6.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001c.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_pipes/pipecluster32d_001a.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_s128cap.mdl [14:50:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_c17/factorymachine01.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube1x1x8.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinethumper001a.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:51:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/huge/road_long.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001c.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwallcluster1024_002a.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:51:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combinecrane002.mdl [14:51:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_citizen_tech/steamengine001a.mdl [14:51:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [14:51:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_pipes/pipecluster32d_001a.mdl [14:51:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tubex2.mdl [14:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine6.mdl [14:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:51:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_tube.mdl [14:51:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_window001.mdl [14:51:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/xqm/cylinderx2big.mdl [14:51:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01a.mdl [14:51:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combine_fence01b.mdl [14:51:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:51:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:51:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/combine_room/combine_monitor003a.mdl [14:51:11]Ctreve spawned sent warpdrive [14:51:17]Steeveeo started a vote to change MapRotate's timer. [14:51:17](TEAM) Steeveeo: !votetime 30 [14:51:18]Steeveeo voted for: Yes [14:51:19]Ctreve voted for: Yes [14:51:21]JamesCLK voted for: Yes [14:51:21]^^55|NG| bugatti voted for: Yes [14:51:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon voted for: Yes [14:51:31]*** Steeveeo whistles along [14:51:39]^^55|NG| bugatti was killed by worldspawn [14:51:39]Vote results: VoteTime successful, MapRotate countdown set to 30 minutes. (5/9) [14:51:41]*** JamesCLK pulls out his occarina [14:51:54]JamesCLK: :3 [14:51:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'ma spawn my ship without any storage or generators [14:52:00]^^55|NG| bugatti was killed by trigger_hurt [14:52:08]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [14:52:08]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [14:52:08]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:52:08]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [14:52:08]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [14:52:11]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [14:52:11]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [14:52:11]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [14:52:11]Ctreve spawned vehicle models/nova/chair_office02.mdl [14:52:11]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [14:52:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:52:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoorsquare.mdl [14:52:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevte.mdl [14:52:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevte.mdl [14:52:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:52:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhd.mdl [14:52:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhd.mdl [14:52:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:52:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:52:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine3.mdl [14:52:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine3.mdl [14:52:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoorsquare.mdl [14:52:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit4.mdl [14:52:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhd.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:52:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:52:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblanduramp.mdl [14:52:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:52:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp.mdl [14:52:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine5.mdl [14:52:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoorsquare.mdl [14:52:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:52:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:52:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:52:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevslant.mdl [14:52:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:52:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine5.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine5.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblanduramp.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevte.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevslant.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevslant.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevte.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhu.mdl [14:52:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [14:52:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldoorsquare.mdl [14:52:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [14:52:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [14:52:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dhd.mdl [14:52:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtramp.mdl [14:52:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: just a gyropod and a core [14:52:22]JamesCLK spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [14:52:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [14:52:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: might have holocore [14:52:30]Mikhail: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yuFy_qjolU [14:52:31]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [14:52:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned sent black_hole_cache [14:52:39]Steeveeo granted god mode upon themself [14:52:39]Steeveeo: !god [14:52:48]Mikhail suicided! [14:53:00]Steeveeo ran rcon command: mining_maxminerals 1 [14:53:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wut? [14:53:12]^^55|NG| bugatti suicided! [14:53:15]Steeveeo: for some reason there's no minerals and HOLY LAG [14:53:24]Roll_Cam_Tide: extremely laggy [14:53:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: double huge ship [14:53:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Dara's fault, his is bigger with more stuf. [14:53:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: this is my blank version [14:53:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it has a gyro, and a core. [14:53:52]Steeveeo: when we get to new_worlds, frigates and below, please... [14:54:03]Ctreve spawned sent warpdrive [14:54:09]Mikhail: what class ship is angrymiku [14:54:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: What do you define as a frigate? [14:54:15]Dropped "^^55|NG| bugatti" from server [14:54:17]JamesCLK: a nono [14:54:17]Steeveeo: the lag kind [14:54:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and what do you find below a frigate? [14:54:32]Mikhail: OH GOD LUA ERRORS [14:54:37]Roll_Cam_Tide: tons [14:54:40]Steeveeo: rose, fighters and corvettes [14:54:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I play lots of space games, so my classes are way different [14:54:51]Mikhail: SPACE CORVETTE [14:54:54]Mikhail: DO WANT [14:54:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: fighters and corvettes below frigates [14:55:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: sounds like hw classifications [14:55:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm good, then. [14:55:05]Steeveeo: homeworld style, yes [14:55:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i wont be using this constantly [14:55:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm extremely familiar with HW style classes. [14:55:24]Steeveeo: judge daracon's ship as a battlecruiser [14:55:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Loves HW [14:55:29]Steeveeo: and scale off that [14:55:33]JamesCLK spawned sent plasma_blaster [14:55:36]JamesCLK spawned sent laser_blaster [14:55:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ...and what do you class a titan ass? a sajuuk? a planetkiller? [14:55:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: a what the fuck? [14:55:57]Mikhail: angrymiku [14:55:58]Roll_Cam_Tide: woah [14:56:02]Steeveeo: a holygod what the hell compelled you to lag so hard [14:56:02]Mikhail: is a titan [14:56:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: stfu mik. [14:56:07]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [14:56:07]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [14:56:07]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:56:07]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [14:56:07]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [14:56:10]Mikhail: AKA ANGRYMIKU [14:56:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Ah. [14:56:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Very nice. [14:56:24]Mikhail: next sonnnngggg [14:56:28]JamesCLK spawned sent black_hole_cache [14:56:29](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [14:56:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hmm, if that's BC size [14:56:34]Roll_Cam_Tide: well if i didnt have the bad coder achievment already, id certainly be getting it [14:56:38]JamesCLK: oooooh yeaaah [14:56:40]JamesCLK: :3 [14:56:42]Mikhail: holy god [14:56:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Then fighters would be extremely tiny. [14:56:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: well [14:56:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: a scout would be [14:57:04]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [14:57:05]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [14:57:05]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [14:57:05]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [14:57:05]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [14:57:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [14:57:25]Steeveeo: fighters are classed as pretty much any small ship that only has a cockpit [14:57:30]Mikhail: !xgui [14:57:31]Dropped "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" from server [14:57:39]Mikhail: hehe YOU SAID COCK HARHAR [14:57:42]Steeveeo: a corvette is just a tiny bit bigger than fighter and has space to walk in [14:57:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that's... a bit too unspecific [14:57:47]Steeveeo muted Mikhail [14:57:47]Steeveeo: !mute mik [14:57:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: so wait, a corvette is a fighter with walkroom. [14:57:56](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [14:58:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: but still a single cockpit. [14:58:01]JamesCLK: yesh [14:58:02]Steeveeo: whoa! [14:58:05]JamesCLK: loud [14:58:12]Steeveeo: sudden loudness rofl [14:58:51]Roll_Cam_Tide: are you guys still getting those errors? [14:58:58]Steeveeo: what errors? [14:59:10]Roll_Cam_Tide: there are like a billion lua errors scrolling [14:59:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblastersml.mdl [14:59:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [14:59:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/thrustpacksmall.mdl [14:59:11]Steeveeo spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [14:59:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [14:59:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_energyblasterlrg.mdl [14:59:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/weap_prover_plasmarepeater.mdl [14:59:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/swep_laserchainsawbase.mdl [14:59:11]Steeveeo spawned model models/slyfo_2/power_unit.mdl [14:59:16]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [14:59:16]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [14:59:16]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [14:59:16]Ctreve spawned vehicle models/nova/chair_office02.mdl [14:59:16]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [14:59:18]Steeveeo: something about "min"? [14:59:20]Roll_Cam_Tide: gone [14:59:29]Roll_Cam_Tide: mortar stuff [14:59:39]JamesCLK: you're probably missing gcombat extended [14:59:51]Roll_Cam_Tide: it just started though [14:59:56](TEAM) Steeveeo: immunity: on [15:00:01](TEAM) Steeveeo: !parent [15:00:02]Client "xspartanlazerx" connected ( [15:00:22]JamesCLK: cos i've got a turret out and your errors coincided with it shooting [15:00:30]Roll_Cam_Tide: oh alright [15:00:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hmm [15:00:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Scooter :D [15:00:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Airscooter! [15:00:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon: done with that laggy thing [15:01:00]Steeveeo: jetbike >.< [15:01:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon: enjoy your SV [15:01:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: okay [15:01:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: jetbike [15:01:14]Steeveeo: ohgod [15:01:16]Steeveeo: rofl [15:01:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: coulda been a flying FLCL scooter D< [15:01:23]Steeveeo unmuted Mikhail [15:01:23](TEAM) Steeveeo: !unmute mik [15:01:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !teleport [15:01:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: of epic win [15:01:29]Mikhail: i lvoe FLCL [15:01:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: quiet. [15:01:42]Mikhail: didnt understand it at all though [15:01:43]Roll_Cam_Tide: holy errorpod batman [15:01:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: therre's an asteroid in the atmosphere. [15:02:12]Steeveeo suicided! [15:02:17]Steeveeo: splat [15:02:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/milcock2_redux.mdl [15:02:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [15:02:25]Steeveeo set hp for themself to 50 [15:02:25](TEAM) Steeveeo: !hp stee 50 [15:02:26]JamesCLK: found jooo [15:02:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/milcock3_redux.mdl [15:02:38]Mikhail was killed by prop_physics [15:02:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/milcock3_redux.mdl [15:03:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lol [15:03:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/milcock8.mdl [15:03:10]Client "[drkgeek]" connected ( [15:03:37]Steeveeo was killed by worldspawn [15:03:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/mil_cock_7.mdl [15:03:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/light_combat_corvette.mdl [15:03:47]JamesCLK: the turrets, they have barrels and they shoot white stuff, nuff said [15:03:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: white stuff, murr. [15:03:58]Steeveeo: bit of a stretch [15:03:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: holy collision spam, batman! [15:04:45]Steeveeo: yo [15:05:15]JamesCLK spawned sent plasma_blaster [15:05:16]Mikhail: HELL YEAH [15:05:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/slyfo/winglg_jetright.mdl [15:05:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: holy wing of the giant hugeness [15:06:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/slyfo/wingmed.mdl [15:06:04]Mikhail: this is amazing [15:06:13]Mikhail was killed by prop_physics [15:06:15]Mikhail: OUCH [15:06:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/slyfo/wingsml.mdl [15:06:20]Steeveeo: MEEP MEEP [15:06:36]Mikhail: SUDDENLY A YELLOW SPACE SCOOTER [15:06:41]Steeveeo: yellow? [15:06:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/slyfo/tenginelg.mdl [15:06:51]Mikhail: watch FLCL [15:07:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I recorded all 6 episodes [15:07:01]Steeveeo: I have [15:07:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/slyfo/tenginesm.mdl [15:07:07]Steeveeo: how does this relate to that vespa? [15:07:14]Mikhail: theyre both scooters [15:07:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/slyfo/tenginesm.mdl [15:07:19]Mikhail: and they both run people over [15:07:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: they can both fly [15:07:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/slyfo/tenginesm.mdl [15:07:39]Mikhail: TITULAR [15:07:59]Mikhail: os that a little bertha [15:08:04]JamesCLK: nope [15:08:04]Steeveeo set hp for themself to 50 [15:08:04](TEAM) Steeveeo: !hp stee 50 [15:08:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon: what is the e2 functionto set a static vector [15:08:11]JamesCLK: thats a plasma blaster :p [15:08:19]Steeveeo: vec [15:08:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ...daracon let me come help you. [15:08:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: where are you. [15:08:37]Mikhail was killed by worldspawn [15:08:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: is it vec(0,0,0) ?? [15:08:40]Mikhail: OW [15:08:43]Steeveeo: yeah [15:08:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Daracon. [15:08:45]Steeveeo: lol [15:08:50]Mikhail: WHAT YOU WERENT EVEN GOING THAT FAST [15:08:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon: im ok rose [15:08:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Let me come help you, where r u? [15:08:54]Steeveeo: nom [15:08:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Nuuu, darry i wanna help [15:09:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i think i got this [15:09:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ was killed by worldspawn [15:09:10]Mikhail: hmmm [15:09:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon: do this myselfso i can learn [15:09:12]JamesCLK: purrmission to pew steev [15:09:12]Steeveeo: rofl [15:09:15]Client "MrStump" connected ( [15:09:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Daracon. [15:09:18]Steeveeo: gogoo [15:09:18]Mikhail: it doesnt like me [15:09:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I learned by people helping me [15:09:31]JamesCLK: need to go up a bit [15:09:32]Mikhail: GRRRRRRRRRRR [15:09:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: And I ended up being able to make my own turret [15:09:40]Steeveeo: Mikail apparently doesn't have an R key [15:09:44]Steeveeo: OR a spacebar [15:09:48]Mikhail: its never worked for me [15:09:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: R sometimes fails in a pod [15:09:56]Mikhail: my R key never works with pods [15:10:00]Steeveeo: so hit space [15:10:04]Mikhail: nothing [15:10:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: i wanna try [15:10:20]Mikhail: sadface [15:10:32]Mikhail: D:> [15:10:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: win. [15:10:48]*** Mikhail runs off to cry in a corner [15:10:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I wanna move! [15:10:52]Steeveeo: get down here [15:10:59]Steeveeo: replacing the spacebar thing [15:11:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yessir. [15:11:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: my shit worked [15:11:10]Mikhail: OH GOD AN ASTEROID ITS THE END OF THE WORLD [15:11:11](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [15:11:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it was just mik. [15:11:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: he doesn't deserve. [15:11:22]Mikhail: OH GOD [15:11:22]Ctreve was killed by prop_physics [15:11:24]Steeveeo 'sploded JamesCLK! [15:11:24]Steeveeo: !splode james [15:11:26]JamesCLK: D: [15:11:31]Steeveeo: space [15:11:34]Steeveeo: WS for speed [15:11:37]Steeveeo: AD for turning [15:11:40]Steeveeo: space for up [15:11:42]JamesCLK: its... so awesome [15:11:43]Steeveeo: shift for down [15:11:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: no space is kill engine [15:11:53]Steeveeo: yes [15:11:56]Steeveeo: erm [15:11:58]Steeveeo: frak [15:12:00]Steeveeo: lol [15:12:00]Client "MrStump" spawned in server ( [15:12:02]Mikhail suicided! [15:12:06]Steeveeo: now I remember why I unbound that [15:12:11]Steeveeo: get over here [15:12:24]Steeveeo: AH [15:12:26]Steeveeo: ALT [15:12:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon: when you use vectorsyou need to have a persist right? [15:12:30]Steeveeo: that's what I bound it to [15:12:43]Steeveeo: no [15:12:48]Steeveeo: only if you're saving it for later [15:12:52]Steeveeo: where's mah bike? [15:13:01]JamesCLK: wheres mah moneh [15:13:16]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x05b.mdl [15:13:26]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube4x4x1b.mdl [15:13:27]JamesCLK: and no one gives a fuck about the deployable turrets :[ [15:13:32]JamesCLK spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [15:13:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon: well it's not letting this SetColour = vec(4,0,255) be an output [15:13:47]JamesCLK spawned sent laser_blaster [15:13:49]MrStump: I have a deployable turret james =( [15:13:49]JamesCLK spawned sent plasma_blaster [15:13:51]JamesCLK spawned sent plasma_blaster [15:14:02]Dropped "Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂" from server [15:14:06]Steeveeo: SetColour:vector or SetColour:vector4 [15:14:10]Steeveeo: in the outputs line [15:14:11]Mikhail: PLAY THE WHITE WOMANS WORKOUT [15:14:12]JamesCLK: the fuck was that [15:14:12]Mikhail: DAMN [15:14:16]MrStump: gotta rewrite it a bit to getWirelink tho [15:14:20]JamesCLK spawned sent plasma_blaster [15:14:22]JamesCLK spawned sent plasma_blaster [15:14:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon: thanks [15:14:28]Steeveeo: there we go [15:14:28]Mikhail: WHY WONT YOU PLAYYYY [15:14:30]Steeveeo: alt now works [15:14:33](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [15:14:35]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x3.mdl [15:14:43]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate1x3.mdl [15:14:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon: next song? [15:14:47]Steeveeo: alt damnit! [15:14:51](TEAM) Steeveeo: play next [15:14:51]Mikhail: GOD DAMNIT [15:14:56]Mikhail: FUCKING [15:14:57]Mikhail: WHAT [15:15:03]Mikhail: ALT USUALLY WORKS [15:15:10]Steeveeo: fix your keyboard? [15:15:13]JamesCLK: my turn next :[ [15:15:15]Mikhail: its not the keyboard [15:15:32]Mikhail: D: [15:15:37]Client "Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂" connected ( [15:15:40]Steeveeo: AWERTY? [15:15:45]Steeveeo: or QWERTY? [15:15:48]Mikhail: qwerty [15:15:49]JamesCLK: QWERTY [15:15:58]Mikhail: what the fuck is awerty [15:16:17]Steeveeo: different layout [15:16:19]Steeveeo: like Dvorak [15:16:29]Mikhail: dvorak, sounds stupid [15:16:43]Steeveeo: hurrr it's a name I don't recognize, sounds stupid [15:16:48]Mikhail: exactly [15:16:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon teleported to Steeveeo [15:16:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !goto stee [15:16:59]Steeveeo: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kvtvpEOXlk [15:17:01]Client "Mouldy_Taco" connected ( [15:17:12]Mikhail: WHY DOES IT REFUSE TO PLAY MY SHIT [15:17:17]Steeveeo: stop playing shit [15:17:18]Mikhail: D: [15:17:19]Steeveeo: :V [15:17:42]Mikhail: brb dinner [15:17:42]Steeveeo set hp for JamesCLK to 40 [15:17:42](TEAM) Steeveeo: !hp james 40 [15:17:56]JamesCLK: CRASH LAND [15:18:00]Steeveeo: crash harder [15:18:01]Steeveeo: it's funny [15:18:03]JamesCLK: i lov it [15:18:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [15:18:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:18:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:18:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:15]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:18:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:18:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:18:16]Client "Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂" spawned in server ( [15:18:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [15:18:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [15:18:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [15:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [15:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:18:18]JamesCLK: STALLING [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:18:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:18:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [15:18:26]Steeveeo: fly into a wall [15:18:42]JamesCLK suicided! [15:18:45]JamesCLK: xD [15:18:47]Steeveeo: daraaa [15:18:48]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [15:18:51]JamesCLK: genious [15:18:59]Steeveeo 'sploded JamesCLK! [15:18:59]Steeveeo: !splode james [15:19:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon: somethingsup with the server [15:19:02]JamesCLK: :[ [15:19:15]Steeveeo: yes, it's a titan on spawn, that's what's up :V [15:19:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon: like hell is that a titan >_> [15:19:32]Steeveeo suicided! [15:19:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [15:19:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:19:49]Client "Mouldy_Taco" spawned in server ( [15:19:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:19:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:19:49]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:19:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:19:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:19:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [15:19:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:19:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:52]JamesCLK spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:19:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [15:19:56]JamesCLK spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [15:19:57]MrStump started a vote to change MapRotate's timer. [15:19:57]MrStump: !votetime 15 [15:19:59]MrStump voted for: Yes [15:19:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ voted for: No [15:20:00]Steeveeo voted for: No [15:20:01]JamesCLK voted for: Yes [15:20:01]Ctreve voted for: Yes [15:20:02]Mikhail voted for: Yes [15:20:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: waiiit [15:20:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: no [15:20:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon voted for: No [15:20:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I meant to vote yess [15:20:07]Roll_Cam_Tide voted for: No [15:20:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: NUUU [15:20:17]Mikhail: hey guys is it safe to eat a microwave dinner that has a giant slit in the plastic [15:20:17]Vote results: Vote was unsuccessful. [15:20:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I wanted yes... [15:20:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon: the server needs to restartor change map [15:20:25]MrStump: shit lol [15:20:27]Mouldy_Taco: zawmg i'm a lowly cadet! [15:20:32]JamesCLK spawned sent antimatter_blaster [15:20:34]Mikhail: HAHAH [15:20:35]JamesCLK spawned sent plasma_blaster [15:20:38]JamesCLK spawned sent plasma_blaster [15:20:38]Steeveeo added Mouldy_Taco to group moderator [15:20:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Mik. [15:20:40]JamesCLK spawned sent plasma_blaster [15:20:41]Mikhail: aww [15:20:42]JamesCLK spawned sent plasma_blaster [15:20:43]Mouldy_Taco suicided! [15:20:43]Steeveeo poked Mouldy_Taco! [15:20:47]Mouldy_Taco: D: [15:20:48]Mikhail: hi [15:20:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: IT's not niec to laugh at someone who could use an e2 to kill you over and over. [15:20:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: nice* [15:20:56]JamesCLK suicided! [15:20:58]Mikhail: that would be mean [15:21:10]Mikhail: and then i would sick angrymiku on you [15:21:15]MrStump: oh well this could use a redesign anyway [15:21:22]JamesCLK: love my turret e2, infinite turrets! :D [15:21:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Hai taco :D [15:21:35]Mouldy_Taco: hai [15:21:36]JamesCLK: at least as many as the holo limit alows [15:21:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [15:21:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:21:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:21:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:21:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:21:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:21:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [15:21:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:21:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:21:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [15:21:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wanna work on the jumpie some more? [15:21:55]Mouldy_Taco: yeah [15:21:57]Mouldy_Taco: i los the code [15:21:58]Steeveeo: daraaaa [15:21:59]Mouldy_Taco: but [15:22:01]Mouldy_Taco: its in mah head [15:22:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [15:22:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:22:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:22:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:22:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:22:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:22:16]Mikhail: !xgui [15:22:22]Mikhail: STOP YOUVE VIOLATED THE LAW [15:22:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I has most code [15:22:33]Steeveeo brought Mouldy_Taco to themself [15:22:33]Steeveeo: !bring moul [15:22:35]Mikhail: PAY THE COURT A FINE OR SERVE YOUR SENTENCE [15:22:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I has the majority of the code. [15:22:38]Steeveeo: get in [15:22:41]Steeveeo: press R [15:22:51]Mikhail: STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM [15:22:54]Steeveeo: WASD space and shift [15:22:58]Steeveeo: for movement [15:23:05]Mikhail: THEN PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD [15:23:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: blarg [15:23:22]*** JamesCLK aims [15:23:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon: steev, SV is already jumping [15:23:28]*** Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ waits for taco to come back [15:23:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon: thats why it dies when i spawn my ship [15:23:46]Mouldy_Taco: rose [15:23:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and that's probby why it dies when i spawn my ship, too [15:23:51]Mouldy_Taco: i'm awiting for next map [15:23:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon: samew [15:23:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh. [15:23:59]Mouldy_Taco: read steam, gawd [15:24:00]JamesCLK: aye [15:24:06]JamesCLK: we did fuck the server good xD [15:24:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I didn't get the notification or the sound [15:24:17]Mikhail: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yuFy_qjolU [15:24:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:17]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:22]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:24]MrStump: OH LAWD [15:24:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:24]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/space/smallmoon.mdl [15:24:26]Mikhail: why doesnt it play [15:24:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon: DIE! [15:24:34]Mouldy_Taco: white wimminz [15:24:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: !me gets underground [15:24:41]Mikhail: PLAY DAMNIT [15:24:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: fail [15:24:42]JamesCLK granted god mode upon themself [15:24:42](TEAM) JamesCLK: !god [15:24:44]*** Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ gets underground [15:24:54]MrStump: GET TO THE CHOPPA [15:25:01]JamesCLK: BHC TIME [15:25:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Not even the choppa will save you [15:25:02]Mouldy_Taco: loads o lag [15:25:03]Mikhail: request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOcsIAFRero [15:25:11]JamesCLK spawned sent black_hole_cache [15:25:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Only the super win will ... [15:25:13]JamesCLK spawned sent black_hole_cache [15:25:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Woah. [15:25:17]Steeveeo: FWAAHHH [15:25:17]Steeveeo created ent gigasplosion [15:25:17]Steeveeo created ent gigasplosion [15:25:17]Steeveeo created ent gigasplosion [15:25:18]Steeveeo created ent gigasplosion [15:25:18]Steeveeo created ent gigasplosion [15:25:19]Steeveeo created ent gigasplosion [15:25:19]Steeveeo created ent gigasplosion [15:25:20]Steeveeo was killed by ship_core_caldari [15:25:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon was killed by ship_core_caldari [15:25:20]Mikhail was killed by ship_core_caldari [15:25:20]Roll_Cam_Tide was killed by ship_core_caldari [15:25:20]Ctreve was killed by ship_core_caldari [15:25:20]MrStump was killed by ship_core_caldari [15:25:20]Mouldy_Taco was killed by ship_core_caldari [15:25:27]Steeveeo was killed by gigasplosion [15:25:27]Roll_Cam_Tide: ouch [15:25:28]Mikhail: OH LORDIE [15:25:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL [15:25:29]JamesCLK: FUS ROH DAH [15:25:31]Ctreve was killed by gigasplosion [15:25:31]JamesCLK: :D [15:25:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm the only one to live [15:25:35]Steeveeo created ent gigasplosion [15:25:37]JamesCLK: no, i is [15:25:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Bro [15:25:41]Daracon - The Black Dragon: oh fuck no [15:25:41](Console) changed the map to sb_new_worlds_2 [15:25:42]Server is shutting down/changing levels. [15:26:22]New map: sb_new_worlds_2 [15:26:58]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" spawned in server ( [15:27:43]Client "MrStump" spawned in server ( [15:27:47]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [15:27:47]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [15:27:47]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:27:47]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [15:27:47]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [15:27:50]Client "Mouldy_Taco" spawned in server ( [15:28:01]Client "Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂" connected ( [15:28:06]Client "Steeveeo" spawned in server ( [15:28:09]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [15:28:09]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [15:28:09]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:28:09]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [15:28:09]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [15:28:35]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x2b.mdl [15:29:15]MrStump: I wish steam tanks didnt leak [15:29:20]Client "Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂" spawned in server ( [15:29:21]Client "Daracon - The Black Dragon" spawned in server ( [15:29:26]Mouldy_Taco: use water tanks [15:29:41]Mouldy_Taco: and they dont 'leak' [15:29:48]MrStump: I just use caches [15:29:49]Mouldy_Taco: they just condense a percentage of steam into water [15:29:55]Mouldy_Taco: per second [15:30:00]Steeveeo granted god mode upon themself [15:30:00]Steeveeo: !god [15:30:02]MrStump: but if tanks didnt leak I could use individuals [15:30:06]Steeveeo brought Daracon - The Black Dragon to themself [15:30:06]Steeveeo: !bring dara [15:30:09]Steeveeo created ent gigasplosion [15:30:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Meh I dun like that [15:30:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon was killed by gigasplosion [15:30:17]MrStump: true mould, but mine works on the line, no room for error [15:30:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I just like containing steam steam [15:30:23]Daracon - The Black Dragon: interesting [15:30:24]Steeveeo: kaBEWWM [15:30:26]Mouldy_Taco: understand that [15:30:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Not steam that liquefies [15:30:35]Mouldy_Taco teleported to Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ [15:30:44]Mouldy_Taco brought Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ to themself [15:30:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lets go work in teh hutt [15:30:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL [15:30:51]Client "Ctreve" connected ( [15:30:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: win [15:30:52]Mouldy_Taco: win [15:30:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL [15:30:56]Mouldy_Taco suicided! [15:31:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: *Dies for his Branny<3* [15:31:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ suicided! [15:31:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I hit the wall. [15:31:09]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate3x4.mdl [15:31:10]Mouldy_Taco brought Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ to themself [15:31:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon granted god mode upon themself [15:31:13]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !god [15:31:18]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x3.mdl [15:31:30]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate1x3.mdl [15:31:41]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x3.mdl [15:31:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hold on [15:32:03]Steeveeo: me want food [15:32:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: there [15:32:10]Steeveeo: brb [15:32:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I dun have food. [15:32:12]Mouldy_Taco: friendwrite too? [15:32:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: just did that [15:32:22]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl [15:32:24]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: after I did pp [15:32:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon teleported to Steeveeo [15:32:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !goto stee [15:33:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [15:33:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:05]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:33:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:33:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:33:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:33:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:33:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [15:33:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: dara that's too big [15:33:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: He said frigates and below, and that's as big as what he classified a BC [15:33:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: if not slightly smaller. [15:33:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon: well, it's not killing the SV [15:33:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it's causing bouncies. [15:34:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and it's causing ping failages. [15:34:11]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !teleport [15:34:31]Client "Ctreve" spawned in server ( [15:34:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [15:34:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:34:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:34:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:34:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:34:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:34:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [15:34:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [15:34:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [15:34:38]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [15:34:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned sent black_hole_cache [15:35:04]Steeveeo: already with the slowness [15:35:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: darry has one of his big shits out. [15:35:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it's on that planet down there [15:35:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: the orangey one near asteroid base [15:35:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: actually [15:35:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Orangey one near the moon. [15:36:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: icey planet [15:36:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: FAil. [15:36:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: just... orangey. [15:36:19]Mouldy_Taco: ok [15:36:20]Mouldy_Taco: try [15:36:29]Mouldy_Taco spawned sent zero_point_module [15:36:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned sent gmod_wire_hoverdrivecontroler [15:37:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Fail [15:37:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?save buttrape. [15:37:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh it's set [15:37:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: FAIL MEMORY. [15:37:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set buttrape [15:37:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load buttrape [15:37:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [15:38:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: NICE. [15:38:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: woo. [15:38:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: That was pretty bad ass. [15:38:23]Steeveeo: not sure what happened to the asteroid spawner, but somehow the planet size detector has gone bunk [15:38:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: The mining laser sound was so quiet though. [15:38:42]Mouldy_Taco: no way to make it louder really [15:38:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I know [15:38:55]Steeveeo: ? [15:39:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Would it still be feasable to do that other thing? [15:39:08]Mouldy_Taco: what other thing [15:39:12]Mouldy_Taco: oh [15:39:14]Steeveeo changed MapRotate's next map to sb_voyages. [15:39:14](TEAM) Steeveeo: !setnextmap sb_voyages [15:41:06]Client "Shreddly59" connected ( [15:41:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: lots of ent lag? [15:42:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon: Tide [15:42:12]Steeveeo: ooooo [15:42:13]Steeveeo: red [15:42:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: tide, get the gyro out of the water now [15:42:26]Roll_Cam_Tide: trying [15:42:32]Daracon - The Black Dragon: drag it out [15:42:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon: don't activate it [15:42:53]Steeveeo: easyprec [15:43:07]Steeveeo: dragging a parented ship through the water can also crash [15:43:08]Roll_Cam_Tide: i tried pulling it out and it wouldnt come [15:43:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: well, that could have been far worse [15:43:21]Roll_Cam_Tide: i dont know why it wouldnt fly to begin with [15:43:25]Daracon - The Black Dragon: never put gyros in water [15:43:36]Roll_Cam_Tide: i know [15:43:46]Roll_Cam_Tide: wasnt intentional, promise [15:44:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: what's with bouncy sv and ent spikage? [15:44:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon: notsure [15:44:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I blame darry and roll_cam [15:44:53]Roll_Cam_Tide: why me [15:44:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon: >_> [15:44:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: your ship's not parented. [15:45:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: therefore generates entity spikes [15:45:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: my ships havingno impact what so ever [15:45:28]Roll_Cam_Tide: its not very big either [15:45:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It doesn't have to be big to cause ent spikes [15:45:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it's frozen [15:45:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: if it's unparented it can generate some ammount of spikage [15:45:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's not spiking [15:45:54]MrStump: I wish there was a multi-weld tool that would just weld all selected props to 1 prop [15:45:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it wont be making any ent spikes [15:45:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: because it's frozen [15:45:56]Steeveeo ran rcon command: mining_maxminerals [15:46:00]MrStump: like a parenter for welds [15:46:04]Steeveeo ran rcon command: mining_maxminerals 2 [15:46:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that's what multi_weld tool does [15:46:14]Steeveeo ran rcon command: mining_maxmineralplanets 1 [15:46:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you select props you wanna weld, and right click selects the target [15:46:24]MrStump: oh shit lol [15:46:28]Roll_Cam_Tide: lmao [15:46:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's like multi-wire [15:46:36]Steeveeo ran rcon command: mining_mineralspawndelay [15:46:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: several things to one target [15:46:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: fail, stumpy XD [15:47:00]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl [15:47:01]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x2b.mdl [15:47:29]Roll_Cam_Tide: wtf why wont you fly whore [15:47:34]Mouldy_Taco: try it [15:47:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set buttcrack [15:47:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load buttcrack [15:47:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: woot [15:47:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [15:48:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ... [15:48:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Fail. [15:48:26]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x2b.mdl [15:48:26]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl [15:48:35]Mouldy_Taco: try now [15:48:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set crack. [15:48:43]Roll_Cam_Tide: me? [15:48:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load crack [15:48:47]Mouldy_Taco: no [15:48:49]Client "{ŦŠ}$Cold killer$" connected ( [15:48:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load crack. [15:48:50]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [15:48:50]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [15:48:50]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [15:48:50]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [15:48:52]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol ok [15:48:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [15:49:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Wow. [15:49:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: THat was worse. [15:49:35]Client "xspartanlazerx" connected ( [15:49:38]MrStump: there we go, generation ring done all pretty haha [15:49:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: there's like, 3-5 seconds inbetween the charge end and the actual jump [15:50:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: we can do dis [15:50:20]Roll_Cam_Tide: anyone care to impart some wisdom on me? [15:50:31]MrStump: reguarding? [15:50:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: come check out my and mouldy's jump controller when it's done? [15:50:41]Roll_Cam_Tide: why my damn ship wont move [15:50:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Learn how to e2? [15:50:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh [15:50:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: what did you do to it [15:51:00]Roll_Cam_Tide: is there anything server specific i need to know? [15:51:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you must declare peace when in space or face being destroyed [15:51:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: in an instant. [15:51:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: with a bertha to the face. [15:51:25]Steeveeo: enable board [15:51:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set target [15:51:29]Mouldy_Taco: try again rose [15:51:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load target [15:51:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [15:51:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon teleported to Roll_Cam_Tide [15:51:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !goto tide [15:51:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I love how suspenseful the new charge is [15:51:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: right? [15:52:00]Mouldy_Taco: lmao [15:52:01]Daracon - The Black Dragon: tide [15:52:07]Roll_Cam_Tide: ywah [15:52:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon: have you used the parent e2 onit? [15:52:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: well the jump sound is closer to the charge sound [15:52:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: but not really there. [15:52:12]Steeveeo: enable board [15:52:14]Roll_Cam_Tide: no [15:52:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: do it [15:52:26]Roll_Cam_Tide: i dont know how [15:52:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: take the e2 [15:52:37]Mouldy_Taco: ok [15:52:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon: you know the wire e2 tool? [15:52:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: put it on [15:52:38]Mouldy_Taco: try once more [15:52:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and then !parent [15:52:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set test [15:52:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load test [15:52:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [15:52:59]Steeveeo: enable board [15:52:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: So suspenseful :D [15:52:59]MrStump: free suits =P [15:53:00]Daracon - The Black Dragon: there is afolder called tools [15:53:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it's in there [15:53:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: cloe [15:53:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: close [15:53:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: the charge got cut off like... [15:53:23]Roll_Cam_Tide: now what [15:53:24]Mouldy_Taco: yeah [15:53:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: 1500 miliseconds early? [15:53:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: maybe less [15:53:34]Mouldy_Taco: there [15:53:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: like 500 [15:53:36]Mouldy_Taco: try again [15:53:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set test [15:53:39]Mouldy_Taco: i added 1 second [15:53:42]Daracon - The Black Dragon: place it on the prop of the shi that you want to be the main prop [15:53:46](TEAM) Steeveeo: enable board [15:53:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load test [15:53:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [15:53:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon: ship* [15:54:00]Roll_Cam_Tide: like the middle hull piece? [15:54:05]MrStump: lol now THAT is a fucking teleporter [15:54:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon: that works [15:54:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's our jump chip [15:54:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: like it? [15:54:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: don't paste 2 [15:54:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: IT stores jump targets [15:54:23]MrStump: lol yeah [15:54:27]Steeveeo: enable board [15:54:29]Steeveeo: nuuu [15:54:32]Roll_Cam_Tide: ok its there [15:54:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: mouldy, the jump is a bit delayed from the sound [15:54:40]Daracon - The Black Dragon: now type !parent [15:54:41]Mouldy_Taco: thats sort of how I wanted it [15:54:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh [15:54:45]Mouldy_Taco: you want me to un-delay it? [15:54:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yeah [15:54:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's meant to be the SCHOOMP jumpy sound [15:54:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it will tell you when completed [15:55:01]Roll_Cam_Tide: !parent [15:55:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: like when going into ftl or something [15:55:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's like [15:55:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: WOOSH [15:55:08]Ctreve suicided! [15:55:11]Roll_Cam_Tide: error [15:55:15]Mouldy_Taco: fixd [15:55:16]Steeveeo: enable board [15:55:16]Daracon - The Black Dragon: ? [15:55:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set test [15:55:22]MrStump: lol hoverboard [15:55:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load test [15:55:24]Roll_Cam_Tide: script error [15:55:25]Steeveeo: lul [15:55:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [15:55:35]Steeveeo: someone nudge me [15:55:38]Steeveeo: I'm stuck in a corner [15:55:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: HELL YEAH. [15:55:49]MrStump: solid [15:55:50]Daracon - The Black Dragon: paste the chip again so i can look at it [15:55:58]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_angle180.mdl [15:56:01]*** Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ highfives taco [15:56:07]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_angle180.mdl [15:56:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: you're in steevos tools folder [15:56:23]Steeveeo: I can only go forward [15:56:25]Steeveeo: wheee [15:56:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL. [15:56:26]Daracon - The Black Dragon: just "tools" folder [15:56:26]Mouldy_Taco: lawl [15:56:31]Steeveeo: ohgod [15:56:37]Client "^6100_^5HF^2Spill^1Fjas^9_@n@l" connected ( [15:56:41]Mouldy_Taco: SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE [15:56:41]Steeveeo: AHHH [15:56:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Omg, mouldy. [15:56:42]Roll_Cam_Tide: inside shared i guess? [15:56:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Let's make a ship with this hoverdrive. [15:56:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon: no [15:56:50]MrStump: bah wish I had my autominer saved locally X/ [15:56:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: you should see 3 folders [15:57:00]MrStump: or that regular server was up lol [15:57:09]Roll_Cam_Tide: only two [15:57:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon: steevos tools, tools and e2 shared [15:57:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: tw [15:57:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: unlink the zpm [15:57:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I wanna see how much energy a jump takes [15:57:24]Roll_Cam_Tide: only steevos tools and shared [15:57:33]Steeveeo: I think I've reached my limit of usefulness tonight [15:57:34]Steeveeo 'sploded themself! [15:57:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set test2 [15:57:40]Steeveeo: and it's SteevEEo [15:57:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load test2 [15:57:43]Daracon - The Black Dragon: Steev, any reasonwhy he can't see the tools folder? [15:57:43]MrStump: maybe tools doesn't DL in Dev? [15:57:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wut [15:57:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hai steev. [15:57:57]Steeveeo: not looking hard enough or someone removed it [15:57:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: our jump controller. [15:58:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i still see it [15:58:09]Steeveeo: you would [15:58:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It plays bad ass sounds. [15:58:13]Steeveeo: even if it were gone [15:58:18]Daracon - The Black Dragon: why? [15:58:21]Steeveeo: it's text files [15:58:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wanna stay for a test, steev? [15:58:22]Roll_Cam_Tide: .... i cant look any harder... lol [15:58:28]Steeveeo: not controlled by the lua autoloading [15:58:36]MrStump: all the resource bars work I think lol [15:58:42]Roll_Cam_Tide: it also says error in file at the bottom [15:58:58]Roll_Cam_Tide: if i click update, nothing changes [15:58:59]MrStump: just gotta add the %s and add some code so drone's status will show [15:59:04]Steeveeo: well [15:59:05]Steeveeo: I [15:59:07]Steeveeo: need sleep [15:59:10]Steeveeo: so ciao [15:59:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wait steev [15:59:13]MrStump: Later [15:59:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you need to see our jump controllerr [15:59:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: work [15:59:26]Steeveeo: it's a hoverdrive [15:59:27]Steeveeo: seen it [15:59:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i'll parent it foryou fornow [15:59:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it has noises [15:59:33]Roll_Cam_Tide: so what would parenting have to do wth me not being able to move this sucker [15:59:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and it saves vectors [15:59:36]MrStump: it DOES have neat-o sounds [15:59:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load test2 [15:59:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: okay steev [15:59:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ? [15:59:45]Dropped "Steeveeo" from server [15:59:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: done [15:59:48]MrStump: LAWL [15:59:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Damnit [15:59:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:00:05]Roll_Cam_Tide: now what [16:00:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon: it should flys moothly [16:00:19]Daracon - The Black Dragon: smoothly [16:00:26]Roll_Cam_Tide: fail lol [16:00:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon: respawn it [16:00:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Stump, It took me a while to find the right sounds for meh [16:00:43]Roll_Cam_Tide: dupe it first? [16:00:44]Ctreve spawned vehicle models/nova/chair_office02.mdl [16:00:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and stuff that would be loud enough [16:00:51]Daracon - The Black Dragon: no [16:01:04]Daracon - The Black Dragon: think this one is broken [16:01:21]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [16:01:21]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [16:01:21]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [16:01:21]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [16:01:21]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [16:01:45]Roll_Cam_Tide: the gyro? [16:01:46]Daracon - The Black Dragon: there [16:01:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: maybe not [16:02:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: carb. lol, stump [16:02:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon: i think the parenting e2 is busted [16:02:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: You make it sound like it's making sugar, stump. [16:02:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Carb. [16:02:19]MrStump: CARBON IS TOO LONG NOT MY FAULKT lol [16:02:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: XD [16:02:29]MrStump: I considered Crbn [16:02:31]Roll_Cam_Tide: oh well thx for tryin [16:02:33]MrStump: but I prefer carb [16:02:35]Roll_Cam_Tide: ive gtg anyway [16:02:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Cuz you like carbs? [16:02:44]Daracon - The Black Dragon: c ya [16:02:50]Roll_Cam_Tide: later everybody [16:02:52]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !teleport [16:02:58]MrStump: Cause its how I refered to it for its 4 letter call in the e2 [16:03:05]Dropped "Roll_Cam_Tide" from server [16:03:08]MrStump: so to me Carb=Carbon [16:03:13]MrStump: and its my fucking refinery lol [16:04:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set Target1 [16:04:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load target1 [16:04:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:04:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [16:04:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [16:04:33]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [16:04:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [16:04:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [16:04:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [16:04:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:34]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [16:04:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [16:04:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [16:04:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [16:04:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [16:04:35]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:36]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [16:04:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [16:04:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [16:04:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [16:04:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:04:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [16:05:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine2.mdl [16:05:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [16:05:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [16:05:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:07]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle2.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:08]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/sents/sbaengine4.mdl [16:05:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulltri1.mdl [16:05:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [16:05:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [16:05:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/chair.mdl [16:05:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [16:05:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/props_combine/combineinnerwall001a.mdl [16:05:09]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [16:05:40]Ctreve: what happend to the normal server? [16:05:48]MrStump: dunno, its down [16:05:48]Daracon - The Black Dragon: been down all day [16:05:55]Daracon - The Black Dragon: perma crash [16:05:58]MrStump: Decided not to bug steevo about it [16:06:12]Daracon - The Black Dragon: he can't do anythingabout the main server [16:06:13]Ctreve spawned model models/props/sphere.mdl [16:06:13]Mouldy_Taco: der [16:06:25]MrStump: ah, SERVER took a shit [16:06:29]Ctreve spawned model models/props_bts/glados_ball_reference.mdl [16:06:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ah [16:06:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: a remove string [16:06:37]Daracon - The Black Dragon: furball controlls the main server [16:06:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Very nice [16:06:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: very very nice [16:06:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set boob. [16:06:56]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned sent black_hole_cache [16:07:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set penis. [16:07:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?remove boob. [16:07:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load penis. [16:07:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:07:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: pshew! [16:07:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ... [16:07:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: delay. [16:07:45]Mouldy_Taco: lawl [16:07:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load boob. [16:07:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and it's gone! [16:07:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Hooray. [16:08:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: gonna test that [16:08:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set penis [16:08:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load penis [16:08:41]Ctreve: any one up for a battle [16:08:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:08:43]Mouldy_Taco spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:08:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: NICE [16:09:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: mouldy I lowered the time a bit [16:09:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and it seems really nicely timed [16:09:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:09:19]MrStump was killed by gmod_wire_expression2 [16:09:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: watch [16:09:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it didn't play [16:09:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: the jump [16:09:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:09:39]Mouldy_Taco: welcome to soundPlay [16:09:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: No I've used it [16:09:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'v worked with it to make an alarm system [16:09:53]Dropped "Ctreve" from server [16:10:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set ass [16:10:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?lad ass [16:10:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load ass [16:10:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:10:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Still such a suspenseful sound. [16:10:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: rite? [16:10:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set butt. [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x1.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_angle90.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_angle90.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_curve90x1.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x05x025.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate075x075.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x025.mdl [16:10:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [16:10:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load butt. [16:10:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:11:02]Daracon - The Black Dragon teleported to Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ [16:11:03]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !goto fur [16:11:47]Mouldy_Taco killed Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ using gmod_wire_turret [16:11:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set tasty [16:11:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: D: [16:11:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wai mouldy. [16:11:59]Daracon - The Black Dragon: rofl [16:12:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Uh [16:12:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Your gun fell [16:12:13]MrStump: lol [16:12:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load tasty [16:12:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:12:34]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/xqm/jetwing2big.mdl [16:12:34]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/xqm/jettailpiece1.mdl [16:12:35]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/trains/trackslides_outer.mdl [16:12:35]Mouldy_Taco spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:12:35]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/xqm/jetwing2big.mdl [16:12:35]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/xqm/jettailpiece1.mdl [16:12:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ohhh yeah. [16:12:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that's nice. [16:12:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: das nice. [16:13:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_wire1x1x1.mdl [16:13:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [16:13:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1.mdl [16:13:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:13:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you like it, darry? [16:13:21]Daracon - The Black Dragon: what else does it do? [16:13:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It saves targets, loads targets, removes targets [16:13:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It sets targets [16:13:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: And jumps [16:13:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: with sound effects. [16:13:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: audio spam... [16:14:07]Mouldy_Taco spawned sent zero_point_module [16:14:25]MrStump: there, screens almost done [16:14:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hmm [16:14:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set loadddy [16:14:34]MrStump: the last bit just needs the server [16:14:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?remove loadddy [16:14:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set loadddy [16:14:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set 2 [16:14:57]Daracon - The Black Dragon: can i see it filling up? [16:15:01]MrStump: nope! [16:15:13]MrStump: refinery dupe is on regular server [16:15:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: mouldy [16:15:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: relink? [16:15:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I accudentally pulled. [16:15:39]Daracon - The Black Dragon: can you input some random numbers to fill the gauges? [16:15:42]MrStump: and its way too many bits to rebuild and rewirelink [16:15:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load loadddy [16:15:49]MrStump: sure [16:15:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:15:55]MrStump: just a couple [16:16:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that's what we're missing, mouldy! [16:16:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: A cancel jump. [16:16:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: 0K? [16:16:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you measure shit in K. [16:16:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hmK. [16:16:47]Daracon - The Black Dragon: nice [16:16:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lol [16:16:49]MrStump: will show how many thousands of stuff are in the tanks [16:16:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I know [16:17:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon: will be cool to see thisin action =P [16:17:30]Daracon - The Black Dragon: nicely presented too [16:17:34]MrStump: ty [16:17:42]MrStump: status will show the status of the drone [16:17:47]MrStump: Idle, mining, moving, etc [16:17:58]MrStump: havent coded that bit, but its going to be pretty easy to add [16:18:04]Mouldy_Taco: ok [16:18:05]Mouldy_Taco: try this [16:18:07]Mouldy_Taco: try ?abort [16:18:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load penis [16:18:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load ass [16:18:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lol [16:18:29]Daracon - The Black Dragon: gimme a shout another time when you have it in action =) [16:18:29]Mouldy_Taco: it clears all saves when i reload the chip [16:18:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I like doing random things [16:18:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I know [16:18:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set jump1 [16:18:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load jump1 [16:18:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:18:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?abort [16:19:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: nice. [16:19:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I liked that mjolnir sound effect too [16:19:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and [16:19:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It woulda jumped by now [16:19:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: IT WORKED. [16:19:31]Client "^6100_^5HF^2Spill^1Fjas^9_@n@l" spawned in server ( [16:19:32]Mouldy_Taco: lol [16:19:38]*** Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ highfives mouldy [16:19:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: We got an epic chip goin here, brah. [16:19:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:20:06]Daracon - The Black Dragon spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:20:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ...really? [16:20:20]Daracon - The Black Dragon: doo it! [16:20:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set test 2 [16:20:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load test1 [16:20:32]Daracon - The Black Dragon granted god mode upon themself [16:20:32]Daracon - The Black Dragon: !god [16:20:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load jump1 [16:20:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set space1 [16:20:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:20:54]Daracon - The Black Dragon: awesome [16:21:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Yeah it can multitask targets apparently [16:21:14]Daracon - The Black Dragon: =D [16:21:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: me and mouldy do gud wurk. [16:21:30]Mouldy_Taco: yep [16:21:33]Mouldy_Taco: rose wrote the first 5 lines [16:21:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I wrote more. [16:21:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: sorta [16:21:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I got all the sounds, except the abort [16:22:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I rejiggered the timing [16:22:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and I wrote the ?jump function [16:22:15]^6100_^5HF^2Spill^1Fjas^9_@n@l spawned sent ion_beam_cannon [16:22:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: well [16:22:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: The original. [16:22:34]^6100_^5HF^2Spill^1Fjas^9_@n@l spawned sent sp-propeller [16:22:42]^6100_^5HF^2Spill^1Fjas^9_@n@l spawned sent sideapodbay [16:22:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yeah that was inside me. [16:23:29]Dropped "^6100_^5HF^2Spill^1Fjas^9_@n@l" from server [16:23:52]Mouldy_Taco spawned vehicle models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl [16:24:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [16:25:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplitvw.mdl [16:25:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I wanna try building with failtextured bridge [16:25:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: built with it before, just didn't look too good first time [16:26:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-221.mdl [16:26:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cvw-11-31.mdl [16:26:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-221s.mdl [16:26:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-211s.mdl [16:26:59]MrStump: there we go, that aught to do it [16:28:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ...i had a bit of a muscle spaz thar, lol [16:28:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Right when I was placing the cockpit [16:28:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Smartsnap = win [16:29:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [16:29:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [16:29:41]Dropped "MrStump" from server [16:29:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-111g.mdl [16:29:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-111g.mdl [16:30:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [16:30:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [16:31:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-21.mdl [16:31:45]Daracon - The Black Dragon: sleepy time forme soon, goodnight [16:31:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: kk darry. [16:32:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-111wd.mdl [16:32:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [16:32:56]Dropped "Daracon - The Black Dragon" from server [16:33:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [16:33:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [16:33:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-21-31.mdl [16:33:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-131l.mdl [16:33:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-131r.mdl [16:33:39]Client "NinjrKillr" connected ( [16:33:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-131.mdl [16:33:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [16:34:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [16:34:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [16:34:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: fuuu [16:34:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [16:35:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/weapons/wep_ion1.mdl [16:35:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [16:36:15]Client "Mikhail" connected ( [16:38:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Hey mould, how does this look? [16:38:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: this engine design thing [16:38:58]Client "Mikhail" spawned in server ( [16:39:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hey mik [16:39:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: What do you think about this engine design [16:39:18]Mikhail: OH GOD FLOATING PLATFORMS OF DIRT [16:39:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh you gotta restart. [16:39:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: unless you wanna deal. [16:39:39]Mikhail: why? D: [16:39:46]Mikhail: this map is always like this [16:39:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: if you dun see atmospheres, you have an issue [16:39:57]Mikhail: no skybox and no planet effects [16:40:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ...did you download the map from the server? [16:40:26]Mikhail: yeah ive had it for a while [16:40:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: get it from toybox [16:40:42]Mikhail: oh well everythings only slightly seizure inducing [16:40:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oy you fail. [16:40:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: but you like? [16:40:58]Mikhail: nou [16:41:08]Mikhail: like what [16:41:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: my engine design here [16:41:19]Mikhail: your asymmetrical ship? [16:41:27]Mikhail: oh [16:41:33]Mikhail: yeah [16:41:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm trying to let go of symmetry. [16:41:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: so [16:41:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: :P [16:42:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: fail [16:42:34]Mikhail: gg [16:42:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wootness [16:43:08]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/breenconsole.mdl [16:43:08]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_emitter01.mdl [16:43:08]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/eli_pod_inner.mdl [16:43:08]Mikhail spawned model models/props_junk/trashbin01a.mdl [16:43:08]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_barricade_bracket01a.mdl [16:43:08]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [16:43:08]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_binocular01.mdl [16:43:08]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [16:43:08]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [16:43:08]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combinebutton.mdl [16:43:08]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:43:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [16:43:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/weapons/wep_ion1.mdl [16:43:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [16:43:46]Mikhail: hmm [16:43:50]Mikhail: if i were an e2 where would i be [16:43:59]Mouldy_Taco: right here [16:44:07]Mouldy_Taco: use your flashlight [16:44:22]Mouldy_Taco: PP [16:44:27]Mikhail: NO ILL FIND IT [16:44:48]Mikhail: AHA [16:45:44]Client "^8Negro Ninja" connected ( [16:45:55]Mikhail: fuck [16:46:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: btw mik did you see my and mouldy's jump controller? [16:46:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load jump1 [16:46:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: right heer [16:46:35]Mikhail: yayyy [16:46:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:46:40]Mikhail: no [16:46:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?abort [16:46:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: where are you [16:47:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: come heer foo [16:47:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: check the controller [16:47:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:47:40]Mikhail: cool, a two foot jump [16:47:45]Mikhail: thats useful [16:47:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that was a target [16:47:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Bro it doesn't use directions [16:47:52]Client "The secret scoot" connected ( [16:47:55]Mikhail: xD [16:47:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It loads and sets targets [16:48:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set target [16:48:06]Mikhail: i have something like that kinda [16:48:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: come here [16:48:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: no mik come here [16:48:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: D: [16:48:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It has loading sounds and abort sounds [16:48:47]Mikhail: oo an error [16:49:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: fine [16:49:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: dun care about awesomeness [16:49:09]Mikhail spawned model models/props_lab/filecabinet02.mdl [16:49:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load target [16:49:22]Mikhail spawned model models/props_lab/filecabinet02.mdl [16:49:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load target [16:49:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Yeah you didn't make that [16:49:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [16:49:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It grabs stuff and teleports it [16:49:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I've seen it, bro. [16:50:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [16:50:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/weapons/wep_ion1.mdl [16:50:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [16:50:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [16:50:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/weapons/wep_ion1.mdl [16:50:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [16:50:49]Mikhail: damnit why is there no table function [16:50:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Mine uses tables [16:51:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yours must just fail [16:51:22]Mikhail: no such function table:vector(String) [16:51:29]Mouldy_Taco: um [16:51:41]Mouldy_Taco: thats not correct [16:51:49]Mikhail: but the supposed string is a variavle [16:51:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yeah that's not a tabey. [16:51:59]Client "^8Negro Ninja" connected ( [16:52:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: btw i meant to say tabey. [16:52:13]Mikhail: Tab:vector(ParseStr) [16:52:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: i miss bouncing combi balls [16:52:35]Mikhail: rose this is somehow your fault [16:52:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lol [16:52:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: DISCRIMINATION [16:52:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: MOUDLY [16:52:54]Mikhail: mmhmm [16:52:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: KILL TARGET: MIKHAIL [16:53:04]Mikhail: nope.avi [16:53:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ACTIVATE [16:53:07]Client "[Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!" connected ( [16:53:14]Mikhail: see it likes me [16:53:14]Mouldy_Taco suicided! [16:53:16]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/breenconsole.mdl [16:53:16]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_emitter01.mdl [16:53:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/eli_pod_inner.mdl [16:53:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_junk/trashbin01a.mdl [16:53:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_barricade_bracket01a.mdl [16:53:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [16:53:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_binocular01.mdl [16:53:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [16:53:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [16:53:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combinebutton.mdl [16:53:17]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:53:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: damn. [16:53:27]Mouldy_Taco suicided! [16:53:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL [16:53:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ killed Mikhail using player [16:53:34]Mouldy_Taco suicided! [16:53:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: analraep ftw. [16:53:41]Mouldy_Taco suicided! [16:53:53]Mikhail: fuck [16:53:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL [16:54:03]Mouldy_Taco: lollol [16:54:06]Mikhail: FUUUUCK [16:54:10]Mikhail: OH GOD NO SKYBOX [16:54:15]Mikhail: AHHHHHHHHH [16:54:17]Mikhail: SEIZURE [16:54:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: imstuck [16:54:31]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/slyfo/ccockpit.mdl [16:54:31]Mouldy_Taco spawned vehicle models/slyfo/gcockpitseat.mdl [16:54:31]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/slyfo/doublecarrier.mdl [16:54:31]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/slyfo/carriersplit.mdl [16:54:31]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge.mdl [16:54:31]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/slyfo/carriersplit.mdl [16:54:31]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/slyfo/cengine.mdl [16:54:31]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1ramp.mdl [16:54:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: saveeee [16:54:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: SAVED [16:54:40]Mikhail was killed by worldspawn [16:54:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: :D [16:54:50]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/breenconsole.mdl [16:54:50]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_emitter01.mdl [16:54:50]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/eli_pod_inner.mdl [16:54:50]Mikhail spawned model models/props_junk/trashbin01a.mdl [16:54:50]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_barricade_bracket01a.mdl [16:54:50]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [16:54:50]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_binocular01.mdl [16:54:50]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [16:54:50]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [16:54:50]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combinebutton.mdl [16:54:50]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:54:52]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/triangles/3x3mirrored.mdl [16:54:52]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/phxtended/tri1x1x2.mdl [16:54:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/triangles/3x3mirrored.mdl [16:54:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/triangles/4x4mirrored.mdl [16:54:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/phxtended/tri1x1x2.mdl [16:54:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/phxtended/tri1x1x2.mdl [16:54:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/triangles/4x4mirrored.mdl [16:54:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/phxtended/tri1x1x2.mdl [16:54:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:54:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/triangles/3x3mirrored.mdl [16:54:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/triangles/3x3mirrored.mdl [16:54:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:55:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: mould that seams really ghetto. [16:55:36]Mouldy_Taco: lol [16:55:39]Mouldy_Taco: all the stuff i've spawned [16:55:41]Mouldy_Taco: is from the dupe folder [16:55:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: still ghetto [16:55:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: brah [16:55:51]Mouldy_Taco: public dupe folder [16:55:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: XD [16:56:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ was killed by gmod_wire_expression2 [16:56:20]Mikhail: fuck [16:56:35]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsdwrampd.mdl [16:56:42]Mouldy_Taco: LOL [16:56:53]Mouldy_Taco: this ship [16:56:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/xqm/jetwing2big.mdl [16:56:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/xqm/jettailpiece1.mdl [16:56:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/props_phx/trains/trackslides_outer.mdl [16:56:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:56:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/xqm/jetwing2big.mdl [16:56:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/xqm/jettailpiece1.mdl [16:56:57]Mouldy_Taco: has my life support e2 on it [16:57:03]Mouldy_Taco: i lol'd [16:57:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: god me? [16:57:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: god me i wanna come see. [16:57:52]Client "^8Negro Ninja" spawned in server ( [16:57:58]Dropped "^8Negro Ninja" from server [16:58:22]Client "^8Negro Ninja" connected ( [16:58:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/ecb111.mdl [16:58:33]Client "[Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!" spawned in server ( [16:58:34]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe2.mdl [16:58:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: WIN [16:58:37]Mikhail: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [16:58:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I made mik do a toro [16:58:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: did you see what I spawned, and that's why you curved and flew off? [16:59:14]Mikhail was killed by worldspawn [16:59:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: taco. [16:59:26][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: :D [16:59:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It needs moar resource modules. [16:59:32]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [16:59:32]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/combine_super_soldier.mdl [16:59:32]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouch001a.mdl [16:59:32]Mikhail spawned model models/props/cs_militia/caseofbeer01.mdl [16:59:46]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/miku.mdl [16:59:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL I lol'd when it said you can have 30 resource mods [16:59:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm like [17:00:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: WOOT, 30 million water energy and oxygen right ther [17:00:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: there* [17:00:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Hello, person! [17:00:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: We are more civilized than we appear, except for Mik. [17:00:33]Mikhail: hwat [17:00:39]Mikhail: this is my friend [17:00:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Exactly. [17:00:47]Mikhail: i invited him here :3 [17:00:58]Client "^8Negro Ninja" spawned in server ( [17:01:02]Mikhail: rape [17:01:03][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: hey there [17:01:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's a her. [17:01:17]Mikhail: PELVIS THRRRUST [17:01:41][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned vehicle models/slyfo/arwing_body.mdl [17:01:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: okay, uh [17:01:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: mik [17:01:55][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned vehicle models/slyfo/transportlarge.mdl [17:01:57]Mikhail: hi [17:02:00][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned vehicle models/slyfo/transportsmall.mdl [17:02:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: That thing is making fucktons of ent lag, or is that taco? [17:02:12]Mikhail: unno [17:02:16][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned vehicle models/slyfo/cratemover.mdl [17:02:22]Mikhail: SVs still good though [17:02:26]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_dome360.mdl [17:02:28]Mikhail: and the lag isnt THAT bad [17:02:28]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_phx/construct/windows/window_dome360.mdl [17:02:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yeah but the ent spikes are annoying [17:02:41][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/sword.mdl [17:02:50]Mikhail: weirdo [17:03:18]^8Negro Ninja: sup guys [17:03:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: try removing it first [17:03:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: omagawdtis a negro. [17:03:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: jking [17:03:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/prefab/crew_331.mdl [17:04:03]Mikhail: walk the dinosaur [17:04:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/rs-322.mdl [17:04:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/rst-322r.mdl [17:04:28]^8Negro Ninja suicided! [17:04:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/r-312.mdl [17:04:31]Mikhail: miku flies so well in space xD [17:04:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/rs-312.mdl [17:04:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/rst-312.mdl [17:05:10]^8Negro Ninja suicided! [17:05:22]^8Negro Ninja: god damnit [17:05:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hey taco [17:05:36]Mouldy_Taco: yea? [17:05:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: is it possible to direct bertha shells? [17:05:44]Mouldy_Taco: no [17:05:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: huh [17:05:51]Mouldy_Taco: dumb fire only [17:05:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that'd be so cool. [17:05:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: no i mean with like [17:05:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: e2 [17:06:10]Mouldy_Taco: hell if I know [17:06:19][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: D [17:06:22][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: :D [17:06:23]Mouldy_Taco: hey mik [17:06:26]Mikhail: rape [17:06:36]Mouldy_Taco: fire in the hole mik [17:06:43]Mouldy_Taco killed Mikhail using player [17:06:46]Mikhail: ow [17:06:48][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: that's pretty useful for building bases now lol [17:06:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: HAHAHA [17:06:55][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: what the hell? [17:06:59]*** Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ highfives taco [17:07:00]Client "Jetallen" connected ( [17:07:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Knewxwiz, that was a bertha strikke. [17:07:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Bertha's are fucking lethal. [17:07:12][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: lol [17:07:17]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [17:07:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: diz is my and taco's jump controller [17:07:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: !load loadddy [17:07:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load loadddy [17:07:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: fail [17:07:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set jumptarget [17:07:53]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [17:07:53]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/combine_super_soldier.mdl [17:07:53]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouch001a.mdl [17:07:53]Mikhail spawned model models/props/cs_militia/caseofbeer01.mdl [17:07:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it sets targets [17:08:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load jumptarget [17:08:04]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/miku.mdl [17:08:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: loads them [17:08:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and [17:08:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [17:08:11]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/miku.mdl [17:08:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: with delayed jump for charging. [17:08:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: :D [17:08:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: we bad. [17:08:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: we are awesomeness. [17:08:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: WE ARE [17:08:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Rose and Mouldy_Taco. [17:08:58]Mikhail: theyre fags [17:09:01]^8Negro Ninja was killed by worldspawn [17:09:18]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/matthewenginelong.mdl [17:09:30][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: *sigh* i wish i would have leaned better apply force for e2 to make flying stuff.. [17:09:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: setvel ftw. [17:09:53]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/cruisercockpit.mdl [17:09:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I can't code too well with that kind of stuff, but people seem to like setvel. [17:10:15][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: stevel? [17:10:17][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: lol [17:10:17]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/foldcargohatch.mdl [17:10:23]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/doublehatch.mdl [17:10:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: setVel() [17:10:27]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/hull_lift1.mdl [17:10:33][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: oh [17:10:34]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/inversebay.mdl [17:10:34][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: xD [17:10:37][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: :P [17:10:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lol [17:10:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/bottomless.mdl [17:10:49]Mikhail: what are you trying to hit [17:10:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: im not goot with setVel or applyForce [17:10:53]Mouldy_Taco: you [17:10:57]Mikhail: nope.avi [17:10:59]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/hull_lift_double.mdl [17:11:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm just learning efficient holos [17:11:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I got 3 versions of my holo turret [17:11:06]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/doublehatch.mdl [17:11:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and an epic holocore. [17:12:25]Mikhail: my core is better [17:12:29]Mouldy_Taco killed Mikhail using player [17:12:32]Mikhail: damn [17:12:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I helped you make it, idiot. [17:12:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I made it hold your core and made it optimized. [17:12:42]Mikhail: you hit me through the entire planet [17:12:45]Mikhail: :P [17:12:46]Mouldy_Taco: lawl [17:13:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-231w.mdl [17:13:17]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [17:13:17]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/combine_super_soldier.mdl [17:13:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/furniturecouch001a.mdl [17:13:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props/cs_militia/caseofbeer01.mdl [17:13:30]Mikhail spawned ragdoll models/miku.mdl [17:13:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-221.mdl [17:14:01]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull.mdl [17:14:07]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull4.mdl [17:14:09]Mikhail: dance [17:14:28]Mikhail: youre never gonna caaaatch me [17:14:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-221g.mdl [17:15:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-221.mdl [17:15:15]Mikhail: hey i jsut noticed this server doesnt have the finger texture issue [17:15:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: they removed environments [17:15:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: T^T [17:15:31]Mikhail: thats what cuased it? [17:15:40]Mikhail: SAFE! [17:15:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It was an issue with HQ fingers and the suit fingers [17:15:51]Mikhail: rape [17:16:19]Mikhail: lol look [17:16:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp211.mdl [17:16:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/acc112.mdl [17:16:45]Mikhail: nope.avi [17:16:51]Mikhail: rape [17:16:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s31.mdl [17:17:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [17:17:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11b.mdl [17:17:40]Client "Deci" connected ( [17:18:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11g.mdl [17:19:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11g.mdl [17:20:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rsc33.mdl [17:20:37]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:20:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11b.mdl [17:20:49]Client "MrStump" connected ( [17:20:50]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [17:20:58]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:20:58]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:20:58]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:20:59]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:20:59]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:20:59]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:20:59]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:20:59]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:00]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:00]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:00]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:00]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:00]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:00]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:01]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:01]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:01]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:01]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:01]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:02]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:02]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:02]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:02]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:02]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:02]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:03]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:03]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:03]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:03]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:03]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:05]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:05]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:05]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:05]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:05]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:06]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:06]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:06]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:06]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:06]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:06]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:07]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:07]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:21:11]Deci: Bertha cannon!!!!!!!!! [17:21:19]Mouldy_Taco spawned sent sc_self_destruct [17:21:22]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube05x05x025.mdl [17:21:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/st111.mdl [17:21:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/st111.mdl [17:22:02]Deci: Im glad they didnt get rid of those [17:22:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rp332.mdl [17:22:04]Deci: :D [17:22:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wut? [17:22:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: bertha? [17:22:14]Deci: Sup people! [17:22:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rp322.mdl [17:22:15]Deci: Yeah [17:22:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: They so fat and slo, i kno. [17:22:27][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: lol setVel is better :P [17:22:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11b.mdl [17:22:28]Deci: But they are fun! [17:22:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: mhm [17:22:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wde11.mdl [17:22:35]Deci: They make pretty [17:22:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wc311.mdl [17:22:40]Deci: Btw im being a tard [17:22:49]Mikhail suicided! [17:22:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I like pretty. [17:22:56]Deci: Try to catch the bolt with your face! [17:23:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Btw I'm being me: gay. [17:23:03]Mouldy_Taco brought Mikhail to themself [17:23:07]Client "MrStump" spawned in server ( [17:23:07]Mikhail: grr [17:23:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wc311.mdl [17:23:16]Mikhail: the fuck is that [17:23:28]Mikhail: oh [17:23:30]Mouldy_Taco was killed by ship_core_gallente [17:23:30]Mikhail was killed by ship_core_gallente [17:23:35]Mikhail: lol [17:23:36]MrStump suicided! [17:23:37]Deci: HOly shit! [17:23:40]Deci: lol [17:23:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/ws311.mdl [17:23:50]Mikhail: still alive [17:23:54]Deci: Rose [17:23:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [17:23:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yus? [17:24:06]Deci: :D [17:24:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I can't see it that well, my qual's lwo. [17:24:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: low [17:24:23]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:24]Deci: Sergal [17:24:28]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:30]Deci: You gonna get raped [17:24:39]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:39]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:39]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:40]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:40]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:40]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:40]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:40]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:40]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:40]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:40]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:41]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:41]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:41]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:41]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:41]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:41]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:41]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:42]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:42]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:42]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:42]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:42]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:42]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:43]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:43]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:43]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:43]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:43]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Bunted. [17:24:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:47]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:47]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube8x8x8.mdl [17:24:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:25:01]Deci: lol [17:25:03]Mouldy_Taco spawned sent sc_self_destruct [17:25:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL [17:25:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: FLING [17:25:44]Mikhail: YOU CANNOT KILL SUPERMIKU [17:25:48]Mikhail: weirdo [17:25:53]Mouldy_Taco: wanna bet [17:25:54][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [17:25:57]Mikhail: ye [17:25:59]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle05.mdl [17:26:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/accessories/acc_furnace1.mdl [17:26:07]Mikhail: HOLY LAG SPIKE [17:26:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lag [17:26:29]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: i missed. [17:26:31]Mikhail: OH SHIT [17:26:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: move it [17:26:37]Mikhail: MIKUSHARK [17:26:42]Deci: I killed her! [17:26:43]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:45]Deci: Yay! [17:26:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:47]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:47]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:47]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:47]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:47]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:47]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:47]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:48]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:48]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:48]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:48]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:48]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:49]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:49]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:49]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:49]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:49]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:53]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:54]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:54]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:54]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:54]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:54]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:55]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:55]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:55]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:55]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:55]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:55]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:56]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:56]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:56]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:56]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:56]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:57]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:57]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:57]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:57]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:57]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:57]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:58]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:58]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:58]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:58]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:58]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:59]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:59]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:59]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube1x1x05.mdl [17:26:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: dun gravhull me ! [17:27:04]Deci: lol [17:27:05]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube05x05x025.mdl [17:27:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: evil [17:27:24]Mouldy_Taco spawned sent sc_self_destruct [17:27:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh my god, minge. [17:27:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL [17:27:39]Mouldy_Taco granted god mode upon themself [17:27:41]Mikhail was killed by ship_core_gallente [17:27:47]Mikhail: what [17:27:54]Deci granted god mode upon themself [17:27:54]Deci: !god [17:27:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ... [17:27:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: something's missing. [17:28:02]Mikhail: lol [17:28:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I dun hav mah boyfriend petting me D: [17:28:13]Mikhail: you dont have one [17:28:22]Mikhail: forever alone [17:28:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lol [17:28:39]Client "wDs. Virlis <3 Rose [Fur]" connected ( [17:28:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: You r fail. [17:28:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Here he comes nao. [17:28:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: nice timing o.o [17:28:57]Mikhail was killed by worldspawn [17:29:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/breenconsole.mdl [17:29:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_emitter01.mdl [17:29:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/eli_pod_inner.mdl [17:29:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_junk/trashbin01a.mdl [17:29:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_barricade_bracket01a.mdl [17:29:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [17:29:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_binocular01.mdl [17:29:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [17:29:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combine_light002a.mdl [17:29:17]Mikhail spawned model models/props_combine/combinebutton.mdl [17:29:17]Mikhail spawned vehicle models/nova/airboat_seat.mdl [17:29:31]Deci spawned sent zero_point_module [17:29:32]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/horizontal_piston_body.mdl [17:29:37]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_body.mdl [17:29:40]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:29:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ was killed by gmod_wire_expression2 [17:29:51](Console) added Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ to group ensign [17:29:57]Mikhail: lol [17:30:00]Deci: Are Admirals allowed ZPMs? [17:30:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Ew, I want my leftenant back. [17:30:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yes [17:30:05]Mouldy_Taco: yes [17:30:11]Deci: Yay! [17:30:17]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: escuse my bf as he needs to dl shiz [17:30:20][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [17:30:25]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:27]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:28]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:29]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:30]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:30]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:31]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:32]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:32]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:33]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:34]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:30:39]Deci: Back before i took a break we didnt get any stuff for our rank [17:30:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/accessories/acc_furnace1.mdl [17:30:59]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:03][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [17:31:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:05]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:06]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:06]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:07]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:07]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:08]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:08]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:09]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:09]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:11]MrStump: FUCK I really wish I had my autominer lol [17:31:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: what the hell, mould? [17:31:18]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:39]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: what you doing? [17:31:41]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:41]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:42]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:43]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:44]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:45]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:46]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:47]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:48]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/mini_piston_inside.mdl [17:31:58]Deci: CRAP! [17:32:01]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props/sphere.mdl [17:32:13]Mikhail: oh dear god [17:32:15]Deci: OMG ZOMBIES! [17:32:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: what is that, taco? [17:32:24]Mikhail: space mine? [17:32:25]Mouldy_Taco: bomb [17:32:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: what you doing to make that, taco? [17:32:33]Mouldy_Taco: Precision Alignment [17:32:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ew. [17:32:45][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: what the heck xD? [17:33:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL, taco remember that day when you were throwing bombs at my humongous shield? [17:33:23]MrStump: guess I can fuck with fretta pumpin [17:33:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and they weren't even denting my armor? [17:33:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ killed Mikhail using player [17:33:39]Mikhail: ow [17:33:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: win. [17:33:45]MrStump: what the hell ARE these anyway taco? [17:33:56]Mikhail killed Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ using player [17:34:01]MrStump: dont recognize the pump [17:34:01]Mouldy_Taco: this thing has no hp [17:34:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hahaha you has to use a pistol [17:34:06]Mikhail: yeye [17:34:06]Mouldy_Taco: they are pistons from portal [17:34:11]MrStump: ah very good [17:34:17][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! suicided! [17:34:29]MrStump: were u making it a space-mine? lol [17:34:35]Mouldy_Taco: more like a bomb [17:34:37]Mouldy_Taco: in general [17:34:52]MrStump: you need to cheat and put lots of props in props to pump up its volume [17:35:06][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! killed Mikhail using player [17:35:08]Mouldy_Taco: dinnar tiem [17:35:09][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: :P [17:35:10]Mouldy_Taco suicided! [17:35:16]Mikhail killed [Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! using player [17:35:19][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: x [17:35:21][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: xD [17:35:21]MrStump: Witcher 2 is almost done downloadin =) [17:35:22]Mikhail: :D [17:35:25]Mikhail: ew [17:35:28][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: :3 [17:35:31]Deci spawned sent zero_point_module [17:35:46]MrStump: I think my autominer is 95% operational [17:35:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/accessories/acc_radar1.mdl [17:36:01]Mikhail killed [Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! using player [17:36:02][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: :3 [17:36:05]Mikhail: hehe [17:36:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/accessories/acc_radar1.mdl [17:36:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/accessories/acc_radar1.mdl [17:36:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/accessories/acc_radar1.mdl [17:36:38]Mikhail was killed by prop_physics [17:36:41][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: xD [17:36:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [17:37:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: win [17:37:24]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load jumptarget [17:37:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lets see [17:37:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load target [17:37:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [17:37:49]Mikhail: aw [17:37:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh deer [17:37:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wut was that [17:37:57]Mikhail: uhh [17:37:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load jumptarget [17:37:59]Mikhail: i didnt do it [17:37:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [17:38:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hmm [17:38:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ... [17:38:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it teleported 2 inches [17:38:42]Deci: Lol [17:38:43]Mikhail: very useful [17:38:49][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: xD [17:38:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Fail target orders [17:38:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?remove target [17:38:55]Deci: That could be used to parallel park epicly [17:38:59]Mikhail: lol [17:38:59]Client "wDs. Virlis <3 Rose [Fur]" connected ( [17:39:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it doesn't set anglings [17:39:05][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: xD [17:39:07]Mikhail: wat [17:39:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It sets xyz and saves it [17:39:12]Mikhail: ROSES GOOD TWIN!? [17:39:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and removes it [17:39:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and jumps to it [17:39:20]Deci spawned sent zero_point_module [17:39:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: No that's my boyfriend joining [17:39:29]Mikhail: no thats your good twin [17:39:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load space1 [17:39:31]Mikhail: youre the evil one [17:39:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [17:39:41][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl [17:39:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load jumptarget [17:39:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [17:40:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wut [17:40:03]Deci: Damn berthas suck up a shitload of energy [17:40:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's generating the sounds here [17:40:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that's creepy [17:40:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hey deci :D [17:40:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: What's up? [17:40:41]Mikhail was killed by gmod_wire_expression2 [17:41:12]Deci: Being a bother [17:41:15]Deci: And teleporting! [17:41:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you liek my jump drive? [17:41:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp221s.mdl [17:41:29]Mikhail: nope.avi [17:41:31]Deci: What does it do? [17:41:46]Mikhail: it makes noises then telports two inches [17:41:50]Deci: lol [17:41:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It saves locations, loads them, removes them, and jumps to them, and makes noises [17:41:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: And has an abort function [17:41:59]Mikhail: and the noises are overly dramatic for the short distance [17:42:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load space1 [17:42:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: space [17:42:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [17:42:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: initiating jump sequence. [17:42:17]Deci: Yeah mine always had predesignated spots to jump [17:42:19]Deci: Still do [17:42:29]Mikhail: teleport to another universe [17:42:35]Mikhail: then the noises are worth it [17:42:36]Deci spawned vehicle models/nova/chair_office02.mdl [17:42:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: bro jumping takes some serious juice [17:42:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Your going faster than light [17:42:58]Mikhail: nah doctor who does it al lthe time [17:43:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: so it takes some charge. [17:43:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: That's an alien device [17:43:21]Mikhail spawned model models/props_c17/furnitureboiler001a.mdl [17:43:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: this is more, terran-style [17:43:27]Mikhail: irrelevant [17:43:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b331.mdl [17:43:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you aren't smart enough to know what relevance is. [17:43:48]Mikhail: so [17:43:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rpf312.mdl [17:43:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: exactly. [17:43:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rpf312.mdl [17:44:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rpf312.mdl [17:44:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b331.mdl [17:44:42]Deci: Does anyone know why setview is making me stick to the edges of the plantes instead of being a freefloating cam? [17:44:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: not really [17:44:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Not to experienced with it [17:45:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/acc112.mdl [17:45:07]Mikhail: did you try talking to it nicely and giving it presents? [17:45:20]^8Negro Ninja: MAGIC [17:45:21]Mikhail: and remembering its birthday [17:45:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lol that supposed to scare me, mic? [17:45:41]Mikhail: no [17:45:48]MrStump: this would work for pump security so people cant still my shit [17:45:49]Deci: Oh its making me stick inside the e2 [17:45:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it was funny [17:46:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11b.mdl [17:46:07]MrStump: unlink pumps with e2 when I hit a switch lol [17:46:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [17:46:23]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/sccleft.mdl [17:46:26]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/sccright.mdl [17:46:28]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/sidecockpit.mdl [17:46:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [17:46:32]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/capturehull1.mdl [17:46:38]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/cruisercockpit.mdl [17:46:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11b.mdl [17:47:14]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [17:47:46]Mikhail: i bet this budball could kill titans [17:47:54]Mikhail: just by fucking ramming them with such force [17:48:16]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_360view_doublebridge.mdl [17:48:19]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_midsectionbridge.mdl [17:48:34]Mikhail: hehehe [17:48:36]Mikhail: funny noises [17:48:42]MrStump: stupid pumps being stupid [17:48:48]Mikhail: they never work [17:48:48]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull.mdl [17:48:51]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull4.mdl [17:49:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: deci can you god me? [17:49:25]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull_flaps.mdl [17:49:28]MrStump: this worked great [17:49:29]Mikhail: DONT DO IT [17:49:29]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [17:49:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: pweez? [17:49:41]Mikhail: ITS A TRAP [17:49:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: PLEASE? [17:49:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ was killed by worldspawn [17:49:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ... [17:49:51]Mikhail: ITS A TARP [17:50:05]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull4.mdl [17:50:30]Mikhail: ohai desi [17:50:45]^8Negro Ninja: its deci hao u doin mang? [17:50:47][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/combat_cockpit_small.mdl [17:50:51][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/combat_cockpit_small.mdl [17:50:58]Mikhail was killed by worldspawn [17:51:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Deci, pweez god me nao? [17:51:00]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [17:51:02]Deci: Trying to fix my spydrone [17:51:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: My ship kinda [17:51:03]Mikhail: NOOO [17:51:05]Mikhail: DONT DO IT [17:51:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Had an idiot attack [17:51:06]Deci granted god mode upon Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ [17:51:06]Deci: !god rose [17:51:08]Mikhail: ITS A TARP [17:51:09][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/supercarrierbridge.mdl [17:51:09]Mikhail: NOOO [17:51:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: andi s way in space [17:51:19]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_compflathull.mdl [17:51:20]Deci: Need saving? [17:51:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I need to be flung. [17:51:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: bring me back [17:51:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I need some momentum [17:51:39][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/fdeck_short_invert.mdl [17:51:44]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/trit.mdl [17:51:47]Deci spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/corvette_chair.mdl [17:51:48]Dropped "Mikhail" from server [17:51:52][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [17:51:57][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/doublehullramp.mdl [17:52:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: rawr [17:52:11][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/xjointdouble.mdl [17:52:32][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/fdeck_short.mdl [17:52:34]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull.mdl [17:52:37]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge.mdl [17:52:40][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/fdeck_short.mdl [17:52:40]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/emount4_fighter.mdl [17:52:48]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_midsection_doublebridge2.mdl [17:52:52]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull_flaps.mdl [17:52:55]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginedoublehull2_narrow.mdl [17:52:57]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_hanger_elevator.mdl [17:52:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: heeeelp [17:53:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm stuck in... [17:53:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE [17:53:10]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/ccockpit.mdl [17:53:13]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/carrierbay.mdl [17:53:32]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/sidecockpit.mdl [17:53:34][LB] Captain Slow suicided! [17:53:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Oh blammo [17:53:42]Mouldy_Taco: bak [17:53:43]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/trit.mdl [17:53:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I like blamming ground [17:53:48][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/tramptripleinv.mdl [17:53:53][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/tramptripleinv.mdl [17:53:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Taco save me my ship went itno space and i tried to get it but im stuck [17:53:55]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/fhatch.mdl [17:53:57][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/tramptripleinv.mdl [17:54:05]Deci teleported to Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ [17:54:05]Deci: !goto rose [17:54:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yeah nice. [17:54:16]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/straighthull.mdl [17:54:17]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullcurvem.mdl [17:54:19][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/tramptriple.mdl [17:54:21]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/hub2.mdl [17:54:26]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/turnabout.mdl [17:54:30][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/tramptripleinv.mdl [17:54:31]Deci: SORRY! [17:54:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wee [17:54:35]Deci: AHHHH!!!!!!!! [17:54:36]Mouldy_Taco brought Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ to themself [17:54:36]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/dwbent.mdl [17:54:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: dun worry [17:54:39]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/dwbump.mdl [17:54:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/dwsmooth.mdl [17:54:43]Mouldy_Taco: rose [17:54:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm an ex CSS surfer [17:54:46]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/longhangar.mdl [17:54:46]Mouldy_Taco: you didn't parent it [17:54:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I can bend momentum [17:54:48]Deci: No i smashed the fuck out of someones ship [17:54:55][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! spawned model models/slyfo/doublehullramp.mdl [17:54:58]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/unbendable.mdl [17:55:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I was working on it and i accidentally did a fuck up with EP [17:55:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and it flew [17:55:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: but I stopped it from lagging [17:55:17]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/wheelcycle.mdl [17:55:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: but I unfroze it while up getting it [17:55:21]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/cargoship.mdl [17:55:24]Mouldy_Taco brought Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ to themself [17:55:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you saved :D [17:55:31]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/mcp.mdl [17:55:38]Deci: Ill be back in a few mins [17:55:39]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/sidecockpit.mdl [17:55:41]Deci: 30 at most [17:55:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: uh it was angled so I could add stuff onto the top without fucking angles up [17:55:53]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_singletodoublehull.mdl [17:55:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: whatev [17:56:04]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2.mdl [17:56:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: no watch [17:56:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LET GO [17:56:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: there [17:56:36]Deci: Accept! [17:56:49]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptyhull_x.mdl [17:56:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: btw mould [17:56:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ty [17:57:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11b.mdl [17:57:30]Dropped "Deci" from server [17:57:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/acw213-2.mdl [17:57:51]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/bts_clipboard.mdl [17:57:54]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/bts_clipboard.mdl [17:57:55]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/bts_clipboard.mdl [17:57:55]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/bts_clipboard.mdl [17:57:56]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/bts_clipboard.mdl [17:57:57]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/bts_clipboard.mdl [17:58:02]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/bts_clipboard.mdl [17:58:03]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/bts_clipboard.mdl [17:58:03]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/bts_clipboard.mdl [17:58:04]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptyhull_t.mdl [17:58:04]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/bts_clipboard.mdl [17:58:05]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/props_bts/bts_clipboard.mdl [17:58:10]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptyhull_t.mdl [17:58:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/acw213-2.mdl [17:59:41][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtsl.mdl [17:59:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/gcockpitseat.mdl [17:59:42][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: oh god [17:59:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ... [18:00:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: omg. [18:00:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that's better than balt's [18:00:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it's lacking some incurve. [18:00:35]Mouldy_Taco: what is it [18:00:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's Destiny [18:00:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: from SGU [18:00:51][LB] Captain Slow: =D [18:00:53]MrStump: FUCK i want my miner so bad lol [18:01:14]MrStump: DAMN YOU ADVDUPE FOR NOT HAVING AN OPTION TO AUTO-DL MY SHIT TO LOCAL [18:01:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you overloaded your boosters, bro [18:01:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you have more shit than you have slots [18:01:38]MrStump: lol TRAINSHIP [18:01:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: here's the core? [18:01:54][LB] Captain Slow: inside [18:02:06]Mouldy_Taco: fusions [18:02:08]Mouldy_Taco: so primitive [18:02:17][LB] Captain Slow: we cant all be cool [18:02:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: meh, cap [18:02:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Needs some... [18:02:31]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x2b.mdl [18:02:31]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl [18:02:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: concords. [18:02:38]MrStump: FFFF [18:02:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I lol. [18:02:55]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x2b.mdl [18:02:55]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl [18:02:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/acw213.mdl [18:02:59]Mouldy_Taco: what is it stump? [18:03:09]MrStump: I duped my shit when it was running [18:03:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL [18:03:16]MrStump: so the dupe is fucked so I have to resave [18:03:28]MrStump: all cause I changed the material on a prop [18:03:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp111wd2.mdl [18:03:31]Client "[EUS} ƒéår" connected ( [18:03:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s31g.mdl [18:03:39]Mouldy_Taco: lol [18:03:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/w311.mdl [18:03:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that them there'z a fail. [18:03:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311cl.mdl [18:04:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [18:04:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/cv-wt11s.mdl [18:04:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/cv-sts11.mdl [18:04:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/cv-s11.mdl [18:04:14]Mouldy_Taco: my chip doesn't care if it's duped or not =) [18:04:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it lags like hell for a sec tho, when duped [18:04:33]MrStump: I didnt bother resetting some shit obviously [18:04:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/w311.mdl [18:04:44]Mouldy_Taco: that lag [18:04:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: i know [18:04:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's getting entities [18:04:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and shit [18:04:52]Mouldy_Taco: is because it's loading all 600+ lines into the e2 [18:04:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: like so [18:05:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it's just [18:05:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: "e2 stuff" [18:05:16]Mouldy_Taco: yes [18:05:19]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x2b.mdl [18:05:19]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl [18:05:24]MrStump: there we go [18:05:25]Mouldy_Taco: when you start breaking the thousand line mark [18:05:25]MrStump: all pretty [18:05:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lol [18:05:31]Mouldy_Taco: e2s really lag [18:05:35]Mouldy_Taco: when you spawn them [18:05:36]MrStump: on UL yeah [18:05:43]Mouldy_Taco: yes [18:05:53]MrStump: I noticed when I was making an egp [18:06:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: no i mean when it's just running [18:06:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Like [18:06:04]MrStump: that listed every planet... and the exact contents of its atmo [18:06:05]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull2.mdl [18:06:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: after it uploads when duping [18:06:10]MrStump: and resource bars for a terraformer [18:06:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it starts to laglike hell, but calms sorta. [18:06:15]MrStump: and terraforming logic [18:06:16]MrStump: lol [18:06:18]Mouldy_Taco: you mean when it's gathering all the generators and storages and stuff? [18:06:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yeah [18:06:24]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: That's what i said [18:06:24]Mouldy_Taco: thats not lag [18:06:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's getting that shit. [18:06:31]Mouldy_Taco: thats it sorting through all the props to find stuff [18:06:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I KNOW [18:06:37]Mouldy_Taco: the bigger your ship is the longer it will take [18:06:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I KNOWWW [18:06:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: BLARRGG [18:06:43]Mouldy_Taco: but it's not laggy [18:06:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: DO YOU NOT READ??? [18:06:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it does sometimes [18:06:54]Mouldy_Taco: it shouldn't [18:07:04]MrStump: Did anybody notice yesterday space was fixed on regular server? [18:07:04]Mouldy_Taco: the mas ops it should be running when finding shit should be well below 300 [18:07:12]MrStump: I tried to change my direction in space and just kept going [18:07:54]MrStump: Red and black are so easy to make shit look good with lol [18:07:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm getting random nausea of a type I've never felt b4. [18:08:00]^8Negro Ninja: thats a... really big starship capt. [18:08:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's not like [18:08:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: OH GAWD I'MA PUKE [18:08:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's more like [18:08:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wut? [18:08:25][LB] Captain Slow: hmm [18:08:43]Mouldy_Taco spawned vehicle models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl [18:08:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/w311.mdl [18:08:50]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull3.mdl [18:08:55]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull.mdl [18:09:03]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/wilkie1020.mdl [18:09:08]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay.mdl [18:09:08][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: xD [18:09:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yay nausea's gone [18:09:16]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull4.mdl [18:09:19]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_enginehull4.mdl [18:09:20]Mouldy_Taco granted god mode upon themself [18:09:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: collision spam [18:09:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rp322.mdl [18:09:44]MrStump: EEEEEEEVEEEEEENTS lol [18:09:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/cv-wt11s.mdl [18:09:58]^8Negro Ninja: giant spaceship, you must GTFO [18:10:01]^8Negro Ninja: ol [18:10:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Events mostly happen with collisions [18:10:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: WTF? [18:10:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: COMPRESSORS? [18:10:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: NO [18:10:12]MrStump: yeah i know [18:10:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: NO. [18:10:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Use splitters, fool. [18:10:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and use mults [18:10:29]Dropped "[LB] Captain Slow" from server [18:10:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ...newb fail. [18:10:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [18:11:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/w311.mdl [18:11:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/w311.mdl [18:11:11]Client "Deci" connected ( [18:12:58]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/cockpit_sideround.mdl [18:12:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wde21.mdl [18:13:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wde31.mdl [18:13:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [18:13:11]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/cockpit_sideround.mdl [18:13:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [18:13:14]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/cockpit_lground.mdl [18:13:33]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [18:13:54]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/cockpit_lground.mdl [18:14:11]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/thcockpit.mdl [18:14:33]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [18:15:16]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/swordgatright.mdl [18:15:17]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [18:15:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s31g.mdl [18:15:29]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/shortglass.mdl [18:15:32]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/trampdouble.mdl [18:15:33]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/shortnoglass.mdl [18:15:38]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/mednoglass.mdl [18:15:39]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine4.mdl [18:15:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/shortglass.mdl [18:15:46]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/shortglass.mdl [18:16:08]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine4.mdl [18:16:40]Deci granted god mode upon themself [18:16:40]Deci: !god [18:16:47]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/xjointdouble.mdl [18:17:09]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/doublehull.mdl [18:17:13]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/doublehullramp.mdl [18:17:17]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/doublehullramp.mdl [18:17:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Am I the only one building with modbridge? [18:17:46]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/fishfacemki.mdl [18:17:47]Dropped "Mouldy_Taco" from server [18:17:47]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,large/sblelevb.mdl [18:17:53]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,large/sblelevb.mdl [18:17:56]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_class_engine5.mdl [18:17:58]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,large/sblelevb.mdl [18:18:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: win [18:18:08]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/matthewengineshort.mdl [18:18:17][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: eh, i'm making a base :3 [18:18:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that doesn't look like a base. [18:18:38][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: :| [18:18:53]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/ljoint.mdl [18:19:04][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: it's to be placed under an asteroid i usually build under [18:19:14]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/matthewengineshort.mdl [18:19:19]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/inverthull_ramp.mdl [18:19:22]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/inverthull.mdl [18:19:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hmm [18:19:31]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sw_cargo.mdl [18:19:35]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [18:19:36]Client "Mr.Kickass" connected ( [18:19:36]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sw_cargoramp.mdl [18:19:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I wonder if my normal sized turrets would look good now that I have a big enough platform [18:19:54]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sw_cargo.mdl [18:20:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11b.mdl [18:20:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wde11.mdl [18:20:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd11.mdl [18:20:09]Deci spawned model models/props_phx/ball.mdl [18:20:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd31.mdl [18:20:18]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/dwbump.mdl [18:20:48]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/gallant_cockpitdoublehuge.mdl [18:21:24][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: actually i'm gonna make a moon base :3 [18:21:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ... [18:21:44][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: ? [18:21:44]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/electrolysis_gen.mdl [18:21:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: troll. [18:21:51]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/electrolysis_gen.mdl [18:21:52][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: xD [18:21:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lolololol. [18:21:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: trolololololol. [18:21:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lololo. [18:22:05][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: lolololol :P [18:22:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rp312.mdl [18:22:11]MrStump suicided! [18:22:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rp312.mdl [18:22:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: omagawd. [18:22:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING [18:22:27][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: wut? [18:22:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I haven't been being as gay as I normally am. [18:22:33][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: xD [18:22:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/ace312.mdl [18:22:37]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/electrolysis_gen.mdl [18:22:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: das not good D: [18:23:19]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/crate_watersmall.mdl [18:23:32]^8Negro Ninja was killed by worldspawn [18:23:38]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/finfunnel.mdl [18:23:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsp311r.mdl [18:24:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsp311r.mdl [18:24:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsp311r.mdl [18:24:09]Deci spawned sent ring_base [18:24:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [18:24:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wc311.mdl [18:24:22]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/cargoship.mdl [18:24:23]Deci spawned sent ring_base [18:24:28]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/frigate1.mdl [18:24:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rs21l.mdl [18:24:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I kinda like moddy. [18:24:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: adding alot of... [18:24:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: freaky curves to the squares of moddy. [18:24:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/acc112.mdl [18:24:52]Deci spawned sent ring_base [18:25:14]^8Negro Ninja suicided! [18:25:17]Deci: Do the rings still steal the atmosphere? [18:25:29]^8Negro Ninja: rings? [18:25:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: That was an environments bug, because the atmosphere was an entity [18:25:42]Deci: Yeah [18:25:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: but they restored LS3, so probably not [18:25:54]Deci: Ok well im going to test it ^^ [18:25:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: We worked so hard on envie and they just toss it D: [18:26:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/acc112.mdl [18:26:19]Deci: Yeah [18:26:23]Deci: It was fixed [18:26:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: sure makes us at envie feel great >.< [18:26:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?sarcasm [18:26:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [18:26:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtsl.mdl [18:26:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpanelsolid.mdl [18:26:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/squad/sf_bars/sf_bar1.mdl [18:26:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/corvette_chair.mdl [18:26:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dw.mdl [18:26:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned vehicle models/spacebuild/corvette_chair.mdl [18:26:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [18:26:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned model models/slyfo/smlturretbase.mdl [18:26:42]^8Negro Ninja spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [18:26:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: /sarcasm** [18:26:47]Deci spawned model models/props_phx/misc/flakshell_big.mdl [18:26:51][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: derp [18:27:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: holy shit my ship looks awesome [18:27:18]Deci spawned model models/props_phx/ball.mdl [18:27:24]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: WIN WIN WIN [18:27:24][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: cool [18:27:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: first modbridge ship [18:28:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I need to... [18:28:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Straighten it [18:28:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: PREPARE FOR FAIL? [18:28:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wasn't as bad as i feared [18:28:47][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: *SPAZ ATTACK* OH GOD [18:28:49][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: :3 [18:28:54][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: lol [18:29:05]Deci spawned vehicle models/nova/chair_office02.mdl [18:29:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: IT's bouncy like a nice dick :D [18:29:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Oh there it is. [18:29:18][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: ;D [18:29:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: There's my gayness. [18:29:20][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: :3 [18:29:24]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: XD [18:29:42]^8Negro Ninja was killed by sf-srailgun [18:29:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL [18:29:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Negro,fail [18:30:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set ass [18:30:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hmm [18:30:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: my jumpers out [18:30:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load target [18:30:20]^8Negro Ninja: spacers worst nightmare: space-trees [18:30:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load targetvector [18:30:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load jumptarget [18:30:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I heard it [18:30:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [18:30:50]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/util_tracker.mdl [18:31:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh nowonder [18:31:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: we must find my hoverdrive [18:31:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It has the latest version of my chip on it and I can't loose it [18:31:49]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/rover1_leftpanelmount.mdl [18:32:06]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/rover_trailer.mdl [18:32:11]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/rover_drillbit.mdl [18:32:20]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/rover_drillbase.mdl [18:32:39]Deci: Grrrr! [18:32:42]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/airlock_doorinterior.mdl [18:32:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yay I found it' [18:32:57]Deci: Setview is still making me stick to the planet shells [18:33:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: but [18:33:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: The freakin' [18:33:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hoverdrive isn't heer [18:33:17]^8Negro Ninja: LOL [18:33:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: then how did it make the hoverdrive noise? [18:33:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: creepy [18:33:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: SUPAH DUPAH [18:34:19]^8Negro Ninja: hallo ther [18:34:25]^8Negro Ninja was killed by worldspawn [18:34:27]Deci: >:O [18:34:33]Deci: Awwww [18:34:37]^8Negro Ninja: ir deads [18:35:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: nai [18:35:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hai* [18:35:27]^8Negro Ninja: hai [18:35:53]^8Negro Ninja suicided! [18:36:13]MrStump: hey [18:36:22]Deci: Who here is good at e2? [18:36:26]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/rover1_battery.mdl [18:36:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: bam [18:36:32]MrStump: *waves* sup? [18:36:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm semi-okay [18:36:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm efficient but nooobish [18:36:39]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/rover_drillbase.mdl [18:36:41]^8Negro Ninja: i suck lol [18:36:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: What do you need? [18:36:57]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/probe2.mdl [18:37:00]Deci: Something is wrong with my setView chip [18:37:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ew [18:37:08]Deci: Its making me stick to the outside of props [18:37:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: That's not my zone. [18:37:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Go, stumpy, go! [18:37:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Wait [18:37:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I might be able to help [18:37:24]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Bring me [18:37:25]MrStump: ... I have limited setView experience. only used it once [18:37:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: And gimme pp and friendwrite [18:37:40]Deci: Ive used it alot yet i still cant figure it out [18:37:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I've worked with similar stuffs before so I might help [18:37:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Bring me bring me bring me [18:38:14]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/missile_sturmfaustshot.mdl [18:38:17]^8Negro Ninja suicided! [18:38:19]Dropped "^8Negro Ninja" from server [18:38:21]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sat_grappler.mdl [18:38:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: pweez, deci? [18:38:25]Deci: I have no idea how to give friend write [18:38:28]Deci: I cant bring D: [18:38:38]MrStump: I think its under the e2 options [18:38:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wire_expression2_friendwrite 1 [18:38:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and you can i think [18:38:46]MrStump: a checkbox when u click on the wrench icon [18:38:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: admirals can bring i think [18:38:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Try [18:39:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Trai !bring [18:39:14]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sat_grappler.mdl [18:39:20]Deci: No i cant but i can kidnap you with other means >:3 [18:39:20]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sat_grappler.mdl [18:39:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ... [18:39:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: e2 or asgard? [18:39:44]Deci: e2 [18:39:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ah. [18:39:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Go. [18:40:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm used to asgards. [18:40:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lol [18:40:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: having to sit in one place. [18:40:13]Deci: :D [18:40:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: kkk [18:40:21]Deci: The tracker [18:40:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: so I have pp and you has friendwrite to 1? [18:40:31]Deci: yes [18:40:51]Deci: Its a bit basic :\ [18:42:10]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sat_relay.mdl [18:42:15]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sat_relay.mdl [18:42:24]Client "Daedalus" connected ( [18:42:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hmm [18:42:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: i [18:42:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: What does it do? [18:42:36]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sat_rfg.mdl [18:42:38][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: :| [18:42:38]Deci: Woah [18:42:44]Deci: I think you fixed it [18:42:44][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: damn tools [18:42:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: non moving cammy [18:42:47]Deci: Or somethin [18:42:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: try it [18:42:50]Deci: It sets my view [18:42:52]Deci: Not yours [18:42:57]Deci: No [18:43:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: What does it do [18:43:04]Deci: When you got in it it worked right [18:43:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: what does it look liek [18:43:18]Deci: Its a free moving cam [18:43:24]Deci: The bottem of this planet [18:43:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: No, I meant the brokenness [18:43:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hmk [18:43:40]Deci: When you sat in it, it worked correctly [18:43:57]Deci: It started me at 0,0,0 like it should when you got in it [18:44:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hmmmz [18:44:30]Deci: Let me do something real fast [18:44:34]Deci: Hopefully i dont break it [18:44:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: maybe it's doing some freeky deeky shiz when your in [18:45:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I feel like being an idiot. [18:45:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: brb [18:45:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: idiotness dun [18:45:46]*** Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ giggles [18:46:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wee clusterfuck [18:47:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: deci come check this out [18:47:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's clusterfuck of win [18:48:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: now everyone has space. [18:48:48]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sat_relay.mdl [18:49:24]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo_2/miscequipmentmount.mdl [18:49:48]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo_2/miscequipmentmount.mdl [18:50:44]Dropped "Deci" from server [18:50:44]Client "Deci" connected ( [18:52:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I like it [18:52:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's got a nice design to it [18:52:52]MrStump: lol yeah I'm just working on finding the right bottom piece, I think I'm retexturing this [18:52:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It looks fine [18:53:11]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [18:53:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's very fitting, to say the least [18:54:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: deci [18:54:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: come here [18:54:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Come see v1 of my turrets [18:54:22]Deci teleported to Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ [18:54:22]Deci: !goto Rose [18:54:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yeah it gets people stuck. [18:54:37]Deci: I dont even see the cannon [18:54:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh. [18:54:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you dun have stargate. [18:54:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it's a pulse cannon [18:54:51]Deci: Yeah i do [18:54:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: so... [18:54:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: You have sg_mod? [18:54:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: sg-mod? [18:55:15]Deci spawned model models/dhd/dat.mdl [18:55:20]Deci: Because i can see this [18:55:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: DO you has, sg-mod? [18:55:33]Deci: no [18:55:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: The railgun model is part of sg-mod [18:55:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it's the pulse cannon [18:55:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and it's... important. [18:55:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: this turret was designed for pulsies [18:55:56]Deci: Was not on the diaspora site [18:56:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Because it's retarded [18:56:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: just get it, trust me. [18:56:08]Deci: Im going to build on a ship [18:56:16]Deci granted god mode upon themself [18:56:16]Deci: !god [18:56:31]Deci: Off of spawn so i dont get in anyones way [18:56:42]Deci spawned sent zero_point_module [18:56:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm a small little snugglie wulfie, no one can get in my way [18:57:10]Deci: Are admirals allowed to use the ZPMs in their battle ships? [18:57:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ...they're alllowed to use zpm as energy, which they are [18:57:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Zpm's aren't admin shit anymore [18:57:31][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! suicided! [18:57:36]Deci: Oh [18:57:46]Deci: Yay that will cut down on laggy generators! [18:57:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I think I heard that they were 100 mil [18:58:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I wish I could have a zpm mk3 from the CAP pack [18:58:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: those things spawn with like [18:58:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: 299 billion [18:58:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Literally. [18:58:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Omg [18:58:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Stump [18:58:52]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-231w.mdl [18:58:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you should totally make those shields spin. [18:59:01]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/w131.mdl [18:59:08]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [18:59:11]MrStump: The shields aren't, but the two inner things are going to spin opposite of eachother [18:59:11]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp111wd2.mdl [18:59:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: awh [18:59:16]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11g2.mdl [18:59:19]MrStump: with the pulsating shipcore in the center [18:59:20]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd11.mdl [18:59:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: But spinning shields would be epic sauce [18:59:25]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [18:59:29]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd31.mdl [18:59:35]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsp311l.mdl [18:59:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and it's not much of an effective shield [18:59:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: There's a hole. [18:59:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [18:59:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: PLASMA IN THE FACE MUCH? [18:59:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: RAHH [18:59:51]MrStump: =P [18:59:59]Deci: Where is your mate Rose [19:00:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Not on lol [19:00:09]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/cv-wt11s.mdl [19:00:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: we're talkin' over steem [19:00:16]Deci: I thought he was coming in [19:00:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: He stawped trying lol [19:00:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [19:01:34]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-331.mdl [19:01:43]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-331.mdl [19:01:46]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-331.mdl [19:02:12]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [19:02:54]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-131.mdl [19:03:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [19:03:18]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-131.mdl [19:03:24]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: he r afk. [19:03:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ started a vote to change MapRotate's timer. [19:03:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: !votetime 60 [19:03:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ voted for: Yes [19:03:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: es. [19:03:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Vote YES. [19:03:37]MrStump voted for: Yes [19:03:38][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! voted for: Yes [19:03:42]Deci voted for: Yes [19:03:42]Vote results: VoteTime successful, MapRotate countdown set to 60 minutes. (4/4) [19:03:46]Deci: YAY! [19:03:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: win. [19:03:51]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp231g.mdl [19:04:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ... i need to be petted. [19:04:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: D: [19:04:17]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [19:04:27]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [19:04:30]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [19:04:54]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [19:05:02]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [19:05:13]Client "Flamefight15" connected ( [19:05:56]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [19:06:00]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [19:06:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: meh I feel like using my cerus turrets for my ship [19:06:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: meh too tiny [19:06:45]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [19:09:00]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [19:09:02]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [19:09:08]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [19:09:09]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [19:09:11]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [19:09:13]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [19:09:17]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp231g.mdl [19:09:24]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp231s.mdl [19:09:29]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-231w.mdl [19:09:32]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-231r.mdl [19:09:36]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-231s.mdl [19:09:41][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: why aren't the doors spawning D:? [19:10:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: my holo's not appearing [19:10:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: dats weird [19:10:55][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!: i think the server is derping? [19:10:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: there it is [19:11:02]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-131.mdl [19:11:14]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-131.mdl [19:11:20]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-331.mdl [19:11:34][Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D! suicided! [19:11:35]Dropped "[Ruca]Knexwiz =]:{D!" from server [19:11:37]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-mb-smb.mdl [19:11:47]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/elevators,small/sbselevb.mdl [19:12:11]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [19:12:20]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [19:15:14]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/ws311.mdl [19:15:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: seethru metal. [19:15:18]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/ws311.mdl [19:15:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: TRANSPARENT ALUMINUM [19:15:22]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:15:27]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:15:30]MrStump: I like the effect [19:15:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: startrek reference. [19:15:43]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:15:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: there's no lower holster? [19:15:56]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:16:04]MrStump: ? [19:16:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: like on the top [19:16:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: There's no one for the bottom? [19:16:12]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:16:15]MrStump: its coming [19:16:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you could like [19:16:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: shrinkify it [19:16:24]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:16:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: or something [19:16:37]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:16:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: we're alone, we 3. [19:16:45]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:16:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: WE ARE THE THREE MUSKATEERS [19:17:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: wave cannon [19:17:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm scared shitless of this thing [19:17:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's the sounds that power my jump chip [19:17:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: so it's going to be like [19:17:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: BWAHHH [19:18:33]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [19:18:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [19:19:14]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [19:19:26]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [19:20:29]Client "NinjrKillr" connected ( [19:21:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that's sexy. [19:21:06]MrStump: ty [19:21:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you can move the upper container up a bit [19:21:42]MrStump: nah the case ends above that [19:21:54]MrStump: its end meets the top holo exactly [19:22:06]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:22:08]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:22:09]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x05.mdl [19:22:11]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:22:12]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:22:12]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:22:13]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:22:14]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:22:15]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:22:17]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:22:18]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:22:48]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:23:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh i see it now [19:23:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: spike is drilling into the minelayers ass. [19:23:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: murr. [19:23:38]Deci: =lol [19:23:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: You laughing at my gaycomment? [19:23:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: D: [19:23:53]Deci: I am gay :\ [19:24:17]Deci: Rose [19:24:21]Deci: I need to test something [19:24:24]Deci: It may kill you [19:24:26]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:24:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: hey decii [19:24:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: whut? [19:25:00]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" connected ( [19:25:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: clusterfuck ? [19:25:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh drone. [19:25:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I DUN HAS DRONE SHIT [19:25:19]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I has turrets but no drones. [19:25:20]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:25:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I have sattelites, I have turrets [19:25:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I have holo cores [19:25:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: but no drones [19:25:45]Deci: Its hovering too far above me [19:26:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh those aren't drones those are flying e2-controlled props [19:26:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yeah done those before [19:26:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that's some smooth motion, ish. [19:26:26]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" spawned in server ( [19:26:47]Client "Meatpie" connected ( [19:26:51]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:26:51]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:26:52]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:26:52]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:26:52]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:26:52]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:26:52]Deci spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate025x025.mdl [19:26:57]Deci: Look at them! [19:27:03]Deci: They hover like a halo above me! [19:27:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yeah about five miles [19:27:12]Client "NinjrKillr" spawned in server ( [19:27:13]Dropped "NinjrKillr" from server [19:27:14]Client "MEEP STREET" connected ( [19:27:16]Deci: XD [19:27:18]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [19:27:18]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [19:27:18]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [19:27:18]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [19:27:18]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [19:27:19]MrStump: balls o steel =P [19:27:23]Deci: No [19:27:25]Client "NinjrKillr" connected ( [19:27:29]Deci: It is nowhere near balls of steel [19:27:34]Deci: I made this myself >_> [19:28:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ...I wouldn't like the steel part, but I could use my bf's balls about nao. [19:28:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: lol [19:28:33]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo_2/miscequipmentmount.mdl [19:28:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: GRAH [19:28:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: there [19:29:58]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp231g.mdl [19:30:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: holos was bitchin on me [19:30:48]Client "NinjrKillr" spawned in server ( [19:30:49]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr331.mdl [19:31:17]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr331.mdl [19:31:19]NinjrKillr: Hey guys [19:31:23]MrStump: yo [19:31:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Hai ninj. [19:31:23]Deci: KILL IT! [19:31:35]Deci: I mean [19:31:36]Deci: Hi [19:31:37]Client "Katelyn" connected ( [19:31:37]NinjrKillr: Sup? [19:31:40]Deci: Im being a spaz [19:31:44]Deci: Kate!!!! [19:31:50]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr331.mdl [19:31:51]NinjrKillr: Isn't ingame yet [19:31:53]NinjrKillr: N00b :P [19:31:56]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo_2/holo_blockblock1.mdl [19:32:00]Roll_Cam_Tide: no music? [19:32:01]Deci: I know [19:32:17]Deci: What? [19:32:20]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/matthew0623_hydra.mdl [19:32:21]NinjrKillr spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [19:32:21]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr331.mdl [19:32:22]NinjrKillr spawned model models/props_bts/lab_floorlight.mdl [19:32:22]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [19:32:22]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbdoorsquare.mdl [19:32:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b331.mdl [19:33:05]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b331.mdl [19:33:08]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/matthew0623_hydra.mdl [19:33:09]NinjrKillr spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [19:33:09]NinjrKillr spawned model models/props_bts/lab_floorlight.mdl [19:33:09]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [19:33:10]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbdoorsquare.mdl [19:33:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [19:33:42]NinjrKillr: Oh god voyages is next [19:33:46]NinjrKillr: D: [19:33:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: !votenextmap sb_twinsuns_fixed [19:33:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: DAMNIT [19:34:04]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [19:34:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: !votenextmap sb_new_worlds_v2 [19:34:09]NinjrKillr: D: [19:34:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: aw. [19:34:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh [19:34:20]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [19:34:20]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [19:34:20]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [19:34:20]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [19:34:20]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [19:34:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ started a vote to change MapRotate's next map. [19:34:23]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: !votenextmap sb_new_worlds_2 [19:34:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ voted for: Yes [19:34:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: win. [19:34:27]Deci: Is anyone lagging? [19:34:31]Roll_Cam_Tide voted for: No [19:34:31]Deci voted for: Yes [19:34:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: SV is ded. [19:34:39]Roll_Cam_Tide: oops meant yes [19:34:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Lots of usermessages and some ent spikes [19:34:50]MrStump voted for: Yes [19:35:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: So yes, lots of lag. [19:35:03]Vote results: Option 'Yes' won, MapRotate next map set. (3/5) [19:35:23]MrStump: yeah usermsgs goin nuts [19:35:30]Client "Ctreve" connected ( [19:35:46]Roll_Cam_Tide: is there some kind of glitch that make you unable to do a multiplier? [19:35:52]Deci: Why dont we force a map change? [19:35:58]Deci: This lag is irritating me [19:36:02]MrStump: not that I've seen roll [19:36:06]NinjrKillr: Because we don't want to change yet? [19:36:36]Roll_Cam_Tide: hmmmm.... multiplier doesnt look right either... should be Multiplier [19:36:37]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rsc23.mdl [19:36:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-331.mdl [19:36:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-231w.mdl [19:36:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b331.mdl [19:36:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:36:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:36:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr331.mdl [19:36:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [19:36:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:36:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:36:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [19:36:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:36:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [19:36:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [19:36:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [19:36:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [19:36:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b331.mdl [19:36:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/cv-11-31.mdl [19:36:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-131.mdl [19:37:36]Client "Katelyn" spawned in server ( [19:37:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Deci do you have an e2 yet? [19:37:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: do you have an e2 OUT* [19:38:00]Deci: I did but it was my teleporter [19:38:05]Deci: I dont have any props out now [19:38:10]Roll_Cam_Tide: that display is cool killr! [19:38:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: We need to remove any e2s D: [19:38:24]Deci: I noticed the console was gettingspammed [19:38:29]Client "Daedalus" spawned in server ( [19:38:38]NinjrKillr: The resource display? [19:38:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yes that could spam some ums [19:38:50]Roll_Cam_Tide: yeah [19:39:08]Deci: Stump [19:39:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ninjr, unless that display is neccesary, can you remove it? [19:39:26]Deci: KATE! [19:39:28]Katelyn: oh hey kill [19:39:30]Katelyn: hi [19:39:31]NinjrKillr: If it wasn't neccercary, it wouldn't be thar [19:39:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's not neccesary. [19:39:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Just remove it. [19:39:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: see what happens [19:39:53]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/misc/sphere025x025.mdl [19:40:10]Deci suicided! [19:40:23]Deci suicided! [19:40:24]NinjrKillr: Yeah wow [19:40:30]NinjrKillr: That totally helped anything [19:40:34]Daedalus suicided! [19:40:42]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/misc/shell2x2.mdl [19:40:43]Deci: ill brb [19:40:48]Deci: What is the autokick for afk? [19:40:53]Roll_Cam_Tide: well here's yer problem, you got one of them there trees stuck in yer engine [19:41:05]Katelyn: there is no autokick for afk [19:41:24]Deci: Oh then ill still be back shortly [19:41:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: killr, remove the screeeen? [19:41:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: just for a sec? [19:41:40]Client "Ctreve" spawned in server ( [19:41:41]NinjrKillr: I fucking did. Fuck off [19:41:45]NinjrKillr: >_> [19:41:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: okay, calm the fuck down, asshole [19:41:50]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol! [19:42:03]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/misc/sphere075x075.mdl [19:42:11]Roll_Cam_Tide: i still see the screen? [19:42:46]Katelyn: very nice screen [19:42:53]NinjrKillr: Sorry rose, I'm just trying to catch up on about a hour of work that got lost last night [19:43:03]Katelyn: impressive work [19:43:23]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [19:43:23]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [19:43:23]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [19:43:23]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [19:43:28]NinjrKillr: Its a modified version of steevs one :D [19:43:36]Katelyn: ah [19:43:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: this fucking laag. [19:43:48]Roll_Cam_Tide: whats causing it? [19:43:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ started a vote to change MapRotate's timer. [19:43:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: !votetime 5 [19:43:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ voted for: Yes [19:43:54]Ctreve voted for: No [19:43:54]Katelyn voted for: No [19:43:55]MrStump voted for: Yes [19:43:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Spammage [19:43:56]Roll_Cam_Tide voted for: No [19:43:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Dude it's lagging [19:43:59]NinjrKillr voted for: No [19:44:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: You want to vote YES> [19:44:02]Daedalus voted for: Yes [19:44:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH LAG? [19:44:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: REALLY? [19:44:15]Katelyn: you're the only one complaining about it [19:44:27]NinjrKillr: I'm E2ing, I have no problem with lag :D [19:44:31]Katelyn: this is nothing compaired to some stuff i've built through [19:44:34]Vote results: Vote was unsuccessful. [19:44:36]MrStump: lol this is lookin sexy [19:44:37]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Sv is beyond ded, and it's causing huge movement issues [19:44:52]NinjrKillr: Besides, I'm pretty sure I've had worse sv [19:44:53]Roll_Cam_Tide: sv? [19:45:03]Katelyn: sv is the server fps [19:45:08]Daedalus spawned sent ion_beam_cannon [19:45:10]Roll_Cam_Tide: ohh ok [19:45:15]MrStump: yeah [19:45:33]MrStump: I BLAME NINJR [19:45:35]Ctreve was killed by prop_physics [19:45:35]Dropped "Daedalus" from server [19:45:49]Katelyn: for what reason? [19:45:53]Roll_Cam_Tide: im only running 1 water and one h20 splitter, without multi..... [19:46:05]MrStump: Whoa whoa whoa, who said anything about reason? [19:46:14]MrStump: this is blaming lag in gmod. There is no reason [19:46:24]Katelyn: there is when i am here [19:46:25]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol [19:46:26]NinjrKillr: Dude its lag in gmod, there is no reason. [19:46:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I can't switch weapons right [19:46:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Ninjr, way too late. [19:46:41]MrStump: well I have nothing atm [19:46:44]MrStump: so 100% not me [19:46:51]Roll_Cam_Tide: does the sky change colors for you guys? [19:46:55]Ctreve was killed by prop_physics [19:46:59]MrStump: change? no [19:47:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: i have nothing [19:47:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: totally not me [19:47:13]MrStump: lol [19:47:14]Roll_Cam_Tide: yeah it goes from dark blue to light blue to white [19:47:16]MrStump: it WAS ya nin [19:47:20]Roll_Cam_Tide: like water flowing [19:47:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Oh shit it WAS ninj [19:47:28]NinjrKillr: Probably my E2s being derpy [19:47:33]Roll_Cam_Tide: busted lol [19:47:34]NinjrKillr: I'm trying to fix them [19:47:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Yeah, i shoulda guessed. [19:47:49]Katelyn: i noticed a few of them running about 70~ ops, what are they doing exactly [19:47:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: UM spam is the signof insane e2s [19:47:54]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/matthew0623_hydra.mdl [19:47:55]NinjrKillr spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [19:47:56]Ctreve was killed by worldspawn [19:47:56]NinjrKillr spawned model models/props_bts/lab_floorlight.mdl [19:47:56]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [19:47:56]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbdoorsquare.mdl [19:48:05]Katelyn: you ate part of roll's ship [19:48:09]Roll_Cam_Tide: is that operations per second? [19:48:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yes it is [19:48:18]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [19:48:19]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [19:48:19]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [19:48:19]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [19:48:20]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: good boi. [19:48:23]*** Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ pets roll [19:48:23]MrStump: <3 my new reactor [19:48:25]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/matthew0623_hydra.mdl [19:48:26]NinjrKillr spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [19:48:26]NinjrKillr spawned model models/props_bts/lab_floorlight.mdl [19:48:27]MrStump: it needs noise [19:48:27]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [19:48:27]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbdoorsquare.mdl [19:48:28]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol thx [19:48:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: What a clever caddy! [19:48:42]Roll_Cam_Tide: im learning! [19:48:49]NinjrKillr: Sorry guys, but I gotta fix my ship. So please bear through lag for a while [19:48:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: quiet, caddy. [19:48:52]Katelyn: rose you're an asshole sometimes [19:48:54]Roll_Cam_Tide: ive only been at this for like two days [19:48:55]MrStump: wtf is making this take so long to paste? [19:48:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Wai? [19:49:01]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [19:49:01]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [19:49:01]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [19:49:01]Ctreve spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [19:49:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I pet someone and I'm an ass? [19:49:22]Katelyn: can you remove them one at a time [19:49:27]NinjrKillr: Ok lets figure out what E2 it is [19:49:37]NinjrKillr: I'll just exit them [19:49:39]MrStump: question, how many constraints does this thing have nin? is it parented? [19:49:40]Deci: My graphics just freaked out [19:49:41]Katelyn: ok [19:49:43]NinjrKillr: Then I don't have to re-paste. [19:49:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm a furry. Petting is a sign of approval, and stuff [19:49:54]Roll_Cam_Tide: im still wondering what the asshole comment was about [19:49:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: EXACTLY [19:50:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: SEE? [19:50:05]Deci: Furrys rule! [19:50:14]Roll_Cam_Tide: not going that far.... [19:50:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I'm magically an ass and ROLL doesn't think of me as an ass. [19:50:20]Roll_Cam_Tide: correct [19:50:20]MrStump: I think it may be your ship doing it nin, as in the actual ship. is it parented? [19:50:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: stump [19:50:30]MrStump: or at leaste pasted frozen? [19:50:37]Deci: Can we go to forlorn? [19:50:37]Katelyn: stump it is UMs [19:50:39]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: unparented wouldn't be affected frozen, and it would be generating entity spieks [19:50:40]Katelyn: it is an e2 [19:50:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: not UMs [19:50:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: its insane e2s [19:50:49]MrStump: k [19:50:54]Katelyn: unparented would be red on the netgraph [19:51:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I said that, kate. [19:51:19]Katelyn: you didn't say that exactly [19:51:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: same point, though. [19:51:28]Katelyn: auto water [19:51:31]Katelyn: is running high [19:51:42]Dropped "Deci" from server [19:51:46]Katelyn: 300~ [19:52:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It's not ENTIRELY as bad as it was before [19:52:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Before you could hardly move [19:52:20]Ctreve suicided! [19:52:23]NinjrKillr: All of my E2s are turned off [19:52:24]MrStump: SV still isn't breaking 10 lol [19:52:26]NinjrKillr: Sv still = shit [19:52:28]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: without lag delay [19:52:30]Roll_Cam_Tide: i got rid of two of my wind turbines? [19:52:31]Katelyn: auto water [19:52:38]NinjrKillr: Oops [19:52:43]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: auto water is runnig crazy and it's red. [19:52:53]Katelyn: hmm [19:52:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: AND THERES A MOUSE [19:52:57]*** Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂ touches it and clicks it [19:52:58]NinjrKillr: The color is being set by the E2 itself [19:53:22]Katelyn: UMs could also be your screen here [19:53:24]Katelyn: try removing it [19:53:50]Katelyn: that helped a little but it didn't fix it [19:53:51]NinjrKillr: :/ [19:53:54]Roll_Cam_Tide: i think its just this server.... [19:54:01]Katelyn: still shouldn't be dying like this [19:54:01]NinjrKillr: Yeah, it breaks over 10 every now and then now [19:54:04]Katelyn: no it isn't [19:54:07]Client "Deci" connected ( [19:54:24]Katelyn: you have no more e2s? [19:54:39]NinjrKillr: No I havn't gotten very far in building this thing [19:55:05]NinjrKillr: Oops [19:55:19]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/wilkie1020.mdl [19:55:19]Roll_Cam_Tide: holy shit this is messed up lmao [19:55:25]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/steakknife.mdl [19:55:26]Roll_Cam_Tide: i cant see anything [19:55:26]Katelyn: well, something on your ship is killing the server, the screen is a small part of it [19:55:32]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/hysteria_galapagos.mdl [19:55:37]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/matthew0623_hydra.mdl [19:55:47]NinjrKillr: Fucking wierd >_> [19:55:49]MrStump: I've got a nice big screen tho and it doesn't do that to the server [19:55:58]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/matthew0623_hydra.mdl [19:55:58]NinjrKillr spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [19:55:59]NinjrKillr spawned model models/props_bts/lab_floorlight.mdl [19:55:59]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [19:55:59]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbdoorsquare.mdl [19:56:05]Roll_Cam_Tide: im gonna fraps this shit [19:56:05]Katelyn: the screen isn't doing all of it, just a small part [19:56:12]MrStump: fair enough [19:56:13]Katelyn: every little thing impacts the server [19:56:24]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: woah [19:56:31]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Ctreve was that your jumping noise? [19:56:34]Katelyn: a player walking around has a small impact on the server [19:56:38]MrStump: haha warp engine [19:56:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: THat was bad ass [19:56:47]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I have a jumping chip for hoverdrives [19:56:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Has a charge sound and a jump sound [19:56:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and it saves targets and loads them [19:56:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: removes them [19:57:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you can just come see the nouises [19:57:17]Katelyn: i have an e2 that allows for custom command alias [19:57:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: noises [19:57:24]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [19:57:25]Katelyn: and custom dependent argument names [19:57:30]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [19:57:33]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [19:57:38]NinjrKillr: Shh kate [19:57:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: not working [19:57:45]Katelyn: shh? [19:57:48]Katelyn: why :( [19:57:54]MrStump: lol [19:57:56]NinjrKillr: Yes, your E2 is too awesome for us :P [19:58:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set raep [19:58:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load raep [19:58:09]Deci teleported to Katelyn [19:58:09](TEAM) Deci: !goto kate [19:58:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [19:58:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: there we go [19:58:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: forgot it has to load [19:58:21]NinjrKillr: Wow [19:58:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: fail [19:58:36]MrStump: I can't wait for mai nserver to go back up lol got so much done for the autominer [19:58:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: gotta fix that delat [19:58:45]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: delay [19:58:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: !set raep [19:58:51]Roll_Cam_Tide: is it possible i got a bad dwnlod of this map? [19:58:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set raep [19:58:55]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load raep [19:58:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [19:58:58]Ctreve: is any one up for a battle? [19:59:00]MrStump: the information display is done I think, and I redid pumping code [19:59:04]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: No thanks ctreve. [19:59:10]Katelyn: a battle? what size ship do you have [19:59:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that was win [19:59:19]NinjrKillr: Le sigh. I can't figure out exactly what it is in my ship that rapes the server [19:59:20]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/matthew0623_hydra.mdl [19:59:21]NinjrKillr spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [19:59:21]NinjrKillr spawned model models/props_bts/lab_floorlight.mdl [19:59:21]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampp.mdl [19:59:22]NinjrKillr spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbdoorsquare.mdl [19:59:33]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set raep [19:59:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load raep [19:59:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [19:59:40]Katelyn granted god mode upon themself [19:59:40]Katelyn: !god [19:59:50]Katelyn teleported to Ctreve [19:59:50]Katelyn: !goto trev [19:59:52]MrStump: lol this thing has to have like 500 constraints [19:59:59]Ctreve: its not that big and it only has for homming torpetos [20:00:00]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [20:00:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: that was fail [20:00:01]Dropped "[LB] Captain Slow" from server [20:00:05]Katelyn: i see [20:00:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: THE LAG [20:00:07]Ctreve: sorry five [20:00:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: FUCKED IT UP [20:00:12]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set fail [20:00:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load fail [20:00:16]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [20:00:21]Katelyn: i have one ship that would work in a fight, what is the core [20:00:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: this lag is fuckin' with it [20:00:34]Katelyn: yeah i have one ship the right class [20:00:35]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: or not [20:00:37]Ctreve: its the shield one [20:00:45]Roll_Cam_Tide suicided! [20:00:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set win [20:00:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load win [20:00:53]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: !jump [20:00:57]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?Jump [20:00:59]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [20:01:02]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Gosh dampit. [20:01:02]Ctreve: well battle? [20:01:03]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [20:01:05]Katelyn: !teleport [20:01:14]Katelyn: give me a minute and i will load it [20:01:20](TEAM) Ctreve: ok [20:01:25]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: THIS LAG [20:01:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: IS CORRUPTING MY RESULTS [20:01:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: D: [20:01:42]Ctreve: !target Katelyn [20:01:46]Deci: Am i bothering you kate? [20:01:48]Deci granted god mode upon themself [20:01:48]Deci: !god [20:01:55]Katelyn: i need water somewhere... [20:02:02]Deci: Try the moon [20:02:03]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [20:02:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: woah [20:02:07]Deci: Next to the poson planet [20:02:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Ninjr [20:02:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: it got kinda better [20:02:14]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: jeeo giung' [20:02:14]Deci: Or accually just use the poison planet [20:02:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: keep going [20:02:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [20:02:21]NinjrKillr: Yeah [20:02:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt121.mdl [20:02:21]Katelyn spawned vehicle models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl [20:02:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:02:21]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-121.mdl [20:02:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [20:02:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-221s.mdl [20:02:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [20:02:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [20:02:22]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:02:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/se11f.mdl [20:02:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [20:02:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [20:02:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s21.mdl [20:02:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-111.mdl [20:02:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [20:02:23]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [20:02:24]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:02:24]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [20:02:24]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-121.mdl [20:02:24]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [20:02:24]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp221s.mdl [20:02:25]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd21.mdl [20:02:25]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [20:02:25]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [20:02:25]Katelyn spawned model models/props_bts/vertical_large_piston_base.mdl [20:02:25]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:02:25]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-111g.mdl [20:02:25]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [20:02:26]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt121.mdl [20:02:26]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-121.mdl [20:02:26]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [20:02:26]Katelyn spawned model models/slyfo/ftl_drive.mdl [20:02:26]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:02:27]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_p31.mdl [20:02:27]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:02:27]NinjrKillr: I've got just the ship prop left [20:02:27]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/se11f.mdl [20:02:27]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [20:02:27]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/ect111.mdl [20:02:28]Katelyn spawned model models/smallbridge/walkways/sbwalkwaye.mdl [20:02:28]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [20:02:28]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd11.mdl [20:02:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd21.mdl [20:02:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_p31.mdl [20:02:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s22.mdl [20:02:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: apparently LS spams UMs somehow? [20:02:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-111.mdl [20:02:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd31.mdl [20:02:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd31.mdl [20:02:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/ecb111.mdl [20:02:30]Katelyn spawned model models/slyfo/ftl_drive.mdl [20:02:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: because [20:02:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: YOU GOT LS3 LS [20:02:46]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: With it's fail [20:02:51]Dropped "[LB] Captain Slow" from server [20:02:52]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I can't swap guns anymore [20:02:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: nice. [20:03:07]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Oh nice job kate [20:03:09]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: You got the arms going [20:03:23]Katelyn: i gotta reload the animation e2 [20:03:27]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh [20:03:29]MrStump: I like your new work kate [20:03:44]NinjrKillr: Wow [20:03:47]MrStump: ninj still has that ship somewhere [20:03:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Lol kate. [20:03:51]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: It doesn't want it. [20:03:52]Deci: Roll are you ok [20:03:53]NinjrKillr: No [20:03:57]NinjrKillr: My ship is removed [20:04:03]Deci: your kinda just floating there [20:04:16]Dropped "Roll_Cam_Tide" from server [20:04:36]Ctreve: well are you ready? [20:04:40]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Kate this is a miner? [20:04:48]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: not alot of ore capacity [20:04:51]Katelyn: no [20:04:54]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh [20:04:57]Katelyn: and no it isn't [20:05:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: better [20:05:50]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" connected ( [20:05:54]Katelyn: let me *fix* tacos chip real fast [20:06:01]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Oh wow ctreve [20:06:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: torpies much? [20:06:09]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/ships/steakknife.mdl [20:06:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Is that it's primary weapon? [20:06:17]NinjrKillr: Theres something wrong with tacos chip? [20:06:19]Ctreve: ya I went overboard [20:06:29]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: your gonna get assfucked, ctreve. [20:06:34]Katelyn: yeah, it makes you update [20:06:35]Ctreve: only 4 of them work [20:06:42]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: even worse [20:06:42]Client "Firebomb" connected ( [20:06:45]Ctreve: why? [20:06:50]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: gonna die [20:06:58]Ctreve: why? [20:07:05]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" spawned in server ( [20:07:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you only have torps [20:07:06]Dropped "Roll_Cam_Tide" from server [20:07:09]NinjrKillr: Lol no water being generated [20:07:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: You have a relatively weak core [20:07:17]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: you rely on quantums [20:07:22]Katelyn: his chip is still linking stuff [20:07:31]NinjrKillr: Ah [20:07:37]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" connected ( [20:07:38]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: no external shield (sg) [20:07:43]Ctreve: well I die trying and its remote control so I could have a fleet of them [20:07:43]NinjrKillr: There it goes [20:07:44]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [20:08:12]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" spawned in server ( [20:08:25]Katelyn: when i have enough energy i will go into space, be ready for me [20:08:34]Roll_Cam_Tide: ahhh fixed it [20:08:39]Ctreve: any ETA on that? [20:08:44]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [20:08:46]Katelyn: soon [20:08:58]Ctreve: ok i will be in space... [20:09:05]MrStump: haha taking the mining vessel out into a fight [20:09:05]Deci: What are you doing!? [20:09:13]NinjrKillr suicided! [20:09:14]Deci: AHHH! [20:09:19]NinjrKillr: Yay I'm miku! [20:09:22]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: having fun, decci? [20:09:23]Katelyn suicided! [20:09:24]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: deci? [20:09:25]Deci: How did you know what i was doing kate? [20:09:32]Deci: Oh that was you? [20:09:33]Deci: Yeah [20:09:36]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: :D [20:09:38]Deci: This gravity hull thing is the shit [20:09:40]Client "Mouldy_Taco" connected ( [20:09:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Yeah [20:09:46]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [20:09:46]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [20:09:46]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [20:09:46]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [20:09:46]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [20:09:49]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: yay [20:09:49]Roll_Cam_Tide: whats that do [20:09:52]NinjrKillr: Its awesome sauce :D [20:09:56]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: is taco [20:10:01]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [20:10:02]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [20:10:02]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [20:10:02]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [20:10:02]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [20:10:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: :D [20:10:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Yey taco. [20:10:18]Ctreve: well? [20:10:40]Ctreve: I might just fire a warning shot [20:10:52]Katelyn: i hope my turrets are working today [20:11:05]Ctreve: is that a go? [20:11:06]Client "Mouldy_Taco" spawned in server ( [20:11:10]Katelyn: yes [20:11:11]NinjrKillr: Lol, your turrets just decide to sometimes stop working? [20:11:29]Roll_Cam_Tide: blame skynet [20:11:33]NinjrKillr: xD [20:11:54]NinjrKillr: Kate takes 2 full vollies [20:11:54]Deci: Kate [20:11:54]Katelyn: yeah i forgot to reload a chip [20:11:58]Katelyn: so i can't turn [20:12:02]Deci: Please facerape him so i can lol [20:12:03]Mouldy_Taco: LOL [20:12:04]NinjrKillr: XD [20:12:09]Katelyn: also my turrets broke [20:12:14]Client "mhock00005" connected ( [20:13:32]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: LOL [20:13:33]Mouldy_Taco: kate [20:13:38]Katelyn was killed by worldspawn [20:13:38]Mouldy_Taco: you know there is a remote upload feature [20:13:42]Mouldy_Taco: right? [20:13:42]NinjrKillr: Ouch [20:13:44]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: OH my god. [20:13:50]NinjrKillr: You what, tacoman? [20:13:59]Mouldy_Taco: e2 has a remote upload feature now [20:14:02]Katelyn granted god mode upon themself [20:14:02]Katelyn: !god [20:14:02]MrStump: hey taco, wanna see my new pretty? [20:14:02]Roll_Cam_Tide: WTH its still doing the multiplier thing [20:14:04]NinjrKillr: O.o? [20:14:04]Katelyn: what? [20:14:19]MrStump: remote hooza? [20:14:20]Katelyn: a remote upload feature? how does that work [20:14:26]Roll_Cam_Tide: multiplier wont work.... [20:14:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtsl.mdl [20:14:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/gcockpitseat.mdl [20:14:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:32][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [20:14:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:34][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:35]NinjrKillr: O_O holy crap [20:14:35]Mouldy_Taco: hit the wrench with e2 window open, click the remote upload tab, hit refresh, and you can remotely upload/reset/stop e2s [20:14:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [20:14:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [20:14:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:36][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:37]Mouldy_Taco: without looking at them [20:14:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:40][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:40][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:14:44]NinjrKillr: O.o [20:14:47]MrStump: niiiiice [20:14:48]NinjrKillr: Awesome sauce [20:14:51]Katelyn: yeah but i was in a ship [20:14:59]Deci: lol [20:15:00]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: OH SHIT [20:15:01]Mouldy_Taco: you can open the e2 editor while you are in a chair [20:15:03]Roll_Cam_Tide: is that the fricken destiny? [20:15:05]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?set 1 [20:15:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?load 1 [20:15:09]NinjrKillr: I suppose that means you have to have your files on your computer fully up to date :/ [20:15:10]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?Jump [20:15:13]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: ?jump [20:15:15]MrStump: you can sort your e2s from new to old now too [20:15:17]Deci: Kate [20:15:20]Katelyn: why do you keep shooting me [20:15:21]Deci: Fly into his ship! [20:15:28]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [20:15:28]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt121.mdl [20:15:29]Katelyn spawned vehicle models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl [20:15:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:15:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/s-121.mdl [20:15:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [20:15:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-221s.mdl [20:15:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [20:15:29]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/tc-131.mdl [20:15:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:15:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/se11f.mdl [20:15:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [20:15:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [20:15:30]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s21.mdl [20:15:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-111.mdl [20:15:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [20:15:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [20:15:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:15:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [20:15:31]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-121.mdl [20:15:32]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [20:15:32]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp221s.mdl [20:15:32]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd21.mdl [20:15:32]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [20:15:32]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [20:15:33]Katelyn spawned model models/props_bts/vertical_large_piston_base.mdl [20:15:33]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:15:33]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-111g.mdl [20:15:33]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [20:15:33]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt121.mdl [20:15:33]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-121.mdl [20:15:33]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/c-111.mdl [20:15:34]Katelyn spawned model models/slyfo/ftl_drive.mdl [20:15:34]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:15:34]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_p31.mdl [20:15:35]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [20:15:35]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/se11f.mdl [20:15:35]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [20:15:35]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/ect111.mdl [20:15:35]Katelyn spawned model models/smallbridge/walkways/sbwalkwaye.mdl [20:15:36]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wdc11.mdl [20:15:36]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd11.mdl [20:15:36]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd21.mdl [20:15:37]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_p31.mdl [20:15:37]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s22.mdl [20:15:38]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/t-111.mdl [20:15:38]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd31.mdl [20:15:38]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wd31.mdl [20:15:38]Katelyn spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/elevator/ecb111.mdl [20:15:38]Katelyn spawned model models/slyfo/ftl_drive.mdl [20:15:43]Dropped "Ctreve" from server [20:16:05]MrStump: I am totally using that remote upload later [20:16:07]NinjrKillr: God, theres just too many people :p [20:16:11]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: my ass itches. [20:16:30]Dropped "MrStump" from server [20:16:34]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: behold, my randomness. [20:17:08]NinjrKillr: We need the main server back :P That way I can work on my ship in peace [20:17:15]Deci spawned sent zero_point_module [20:17:17]NinjrKillr: :P [20:17:41]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: WIN [20:17:56]Katelyn: oh he left... [20:17:58]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: guys it's the same map [20:18:01]Dropped "NinjrKillr" from server [20:18:03]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: who left [20:18:06]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: oh ctreve [20:18:08]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: He failz [20:18:10]Katelyn: the one guy [20:18:15]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: Ctreve [20:18:18]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: I never thought he would win [20:18:19]Katelyn: i got my stuff working right now [20:18:21]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: but your e2's failed [20:18:26]Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂: and he won that first round [20:18:36]Dropped "Mouldy_Taco" from server [20:18:38]Katelyn: everything works now [20:18:40]Dropped "Rose♂ [Fur] <3Virlis♂" from server [20:18:43]Katelyn: i think.. [20:18:47]Roll_Cam_Tide: LAAAAGGG [20:19:04]Deci: I love an entire planet that can fit inside a bubble shield [20:19:12]Deci: 0-0 [20:19:13]Katelyn: imma attack joo [20:19:16]Deci: That looked like Destiny [20:19:24][LB] Captain Slow: it was [20:19:30]Deci: Bring it back out [20:19:33]Deci: Brandon? [20:19:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [20:19:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:37][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [20:19:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:39]Deci: Nah [20:19:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:40][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:40][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:40][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:40][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:40][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:40][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:40][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:40][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:41][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:41][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:41][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:41][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:41][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:41][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwtsl.mdl [20:19:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:43][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:43][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [20:19:43][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:43][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:43][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:43][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:44][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:44][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:44][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:44][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:44][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:44][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/gcockpitseat.mdl [20:19:47][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:47][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/props_combine/combine_train02a.mdl [20:19:54]Deci: Nice [20:20:07][LB] Captain Slow: mm...if only i could get it to work right lol [20:20:42]Katelyn: artofwar now? [20:23:10]Katelyn: deci look at my ship [20:23:16]Katelyn: watch it [20:23:25]Deci: What [20:23:27]Deci: The fuck [20:23:30]Katelyn: look at it [20:23:33]Deci: Hax! [20:23:36]Katelyn: deploying mining claws [20:23:42]Roll_Cam_Tide: what the hell just happened [20:23:43]Katelyn: now watch [20:23:55]Roll_Cam_Tide was killed by worldspawn [20:24:08]Katelyn: :3 [20:24:19]Katelyn: ok so, going to new server [20:24:21]Dropped "Katelyn" from server [20:24:25]Deci: The othe [20:24:26]Deci: Damn [20:24:28](Console) changed the map to sb_new_worlds_2 [20:24:29]Server is shutting down/changing levels. [20:25:01]New map: sb_new_worlds_2 [20:25:30]Client "Roll_Cam_Tide" spawned in server ( [20:25:46]Roll_Cam_Tide: this looks familiar [20:25:54]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [20:26:38]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [20:26:38]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [20:26:38]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [20:26:38]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [20:26:39]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [20:26:49]Dropped "[LB] Captain Slow" from server [20:36:40]Client "danielthepirate" connected ( [20:39:49]Client "danielthepirate" connected ( [20:53:12]Client "Deci" connected ( [20:54:18]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [20:55:20]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/weapons/wep_ion1.mdl [20:55:36]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-111wd.mdl [20:55:48]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-111.mdl [20:55:56]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/cv-11-31.mdl [20:55:59]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/cv-11-31.mdl [20:56:01]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-331.mdl [20:56:12]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [20:56:15]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [20:56:18]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [20:56:22]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [20:56:27]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [20:56:28]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [20:57:58]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [20:58:00]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [20:58:04]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [20:58:07]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [20:58:10]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [20:58:12]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [21:00:33]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-131.mdl [21:00:50]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-231.mdl [21:00:59]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-231.mdl [21:01:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-221.mdl [21:01:56]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-221.mdl [21:02:06]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-311.mdl [21:02:28]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-121.mdl [21:02:54]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/sc-121.mdl [21:03:32]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-111.mdl [21:03:38]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-321.mdl [21:03:45]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/c-111.mdl [21:03:59]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/c-111.mdl [21:04:11]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/c-111.mdl [21:04:24]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/c-111.mdl [21:05:10]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/cv-11-31.mdl [21:05:13]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/s-131.mdl [21:05:23]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/spartan/cv-11-31.mdl [21:06:11]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [21:06:24]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [21:06:53]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [21:07:19]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [21:07:22]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [21:07:45]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [21:07:49]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [21:07:59]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [21:08:10]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [21:08:18]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [21:08:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [21:09:01]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [21:09:18]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [21:09:42]Deci: Still alive over there man? [21:09:44]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [21:09:48]Roll_Cam_Tide: yep [21:09:55]Roll_Cam_Tide: just trying to understand this junk [21:10:02]Deci: What junk? [21:10:13]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [21:10:26]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [21:10:37]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [21:10:47]Roll_Cam_Tide: wire [21:10:48]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [21:10:57]Deci: New to gmod? [21:11:00]Roll_Cam_Tide: im attempting to get my asgard weapons to fire where i want [21:11:07]Roll_Cam_Tide: 2 day newby [21:11:10]Deci: Define want [21:11:42]Roll_Cam_Tide: in front- was trying to get it to track my mouse [21:11:50]Deci: Can you hear voice? [21:11:54]Roll_Cam_Tide: yes [21:11:56]Deci: YOu cant have it mousetrack [21:12:11]Roll_Cam_Tide: how come [21:12:56]Roll_Cam_Tide: what does the eye pod do [21:13:47]Roll_Cam_Tide: hello? [21:14:00]Deci: Cant hear me anymore? [21:14:03]Deci: Bah [21:14:10]Deci: Eyepod tracks your eye angles [21:14:17]Deci: I hate typing instructions cause its so slow XD [21:14:19]Roll_Cam_Tide: never did hear you [21:14:23]Roll_Cam_Tide: hold on [21:14:24]Deci: Fack [21:14:59]Roll_Cam_Tide: f a c k f a c k facking freak meeeee [21:15:09]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/core/g-231r.mdl [21:15:57]Roll_Cam_Tide: yeah i never heard or saw the voice icon pop up [21:16:09]Deci: Check your options [21:16:14]Deci: See if you have voice enabled [21:16:39]Deci: Make sure enable voice in this game is checked [21:16:42]Roll_Cam_Tide: ill check but i should cuz earlier i heard people [21:16:55]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [21:17:04]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [21:17:11]Roll_Cam_Tide: its enabled [21:17:12]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [21:17:28]Deci: Oh well [21:17:47]Deci: If your going to use your accual view to aim [21:17:59]Roll_Cam_Tide: ok so just tell me this if you can. how do i link a vector to the weapon so it will fire [21:18:01]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2o.mdl [21:18:10]Deci: This is the cockpit you need to use [21:18:11]Roll_Cam_Tide: even just straight ahead [21:18:25]Deci: And its lame [21:18:26]Deci: So [21:18:27]Roll_Cam_Tide: where did you find that!!! [21:18:28]Deci: Yeah [21:18:33]Deci: Ship parts [21:18:36]Roll_Cam_Tide: I HATE THE ONE I HAVE [21:18:40]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [21:18:51]Deci: This is my personal fav [21:18:53]Roll_Cam_Tide: that one is awesome [21:19:03]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [21:19:04]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit5dw.mdl [21:19:08]Deci: This ones ugly [21:19:14]Deci: but still awesome [21:19:16]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2or.mdl [21:19:27]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [21:19:40]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2o.mdl [21:19:46]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [21:19:51]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2o.mdl [21:19:56]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [21:20:00]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2o.mdl [21:20:02]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2o.mdl [21:20:05]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [21:20:07]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [21:20:08]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsp311r.mdl [21:20:10]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [21:20:20]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [21:20:31]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [21:20:36]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [21:20:42]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit1.mdl [21:20:43]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [21:20:56]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [21:21:10]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [21:21:11]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [21:21:22]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [21:21:37]Deci: Never be afraid to ask for help on anything [21:21:42]Deci: Cept when you do it way too much [21:21:48]Deci: Cause when i started about a year ago [21:22:05]Deci: I pissed Katelyn and Dubby off which are the best. [21:22:09]Deci: Too many questions XD [21:22:15]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt111.mdl [21:22:27]Roll_Cam_Tide: i appreciate that, most people are complete dicks if you ask the smallest of questions [21:22:38]Deci: I like to help when i can [21:22:51]Deci: If its out of my knowledge i bother katelyn or dubby :P~ [21:24:20]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr331.mdl [21:24:35]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [21:24:46]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [21:24:58]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [21:26:21]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsp311l.mdl [21:26:35]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [21:28:48]Deci: Ill make you a targeting e2 as soon as i finish my ships shell [21:29:16]Roll_Cam_Tide: sweeet! no idea what that means but it sounds cool lol [21:29:33]Deci: One of these [21:29:55]Deci: Hold on gotta find the right one [21:30:00]Deci: XD [21:30:12]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol [21:30:34]Deci spawned vehicle models/nova/chair_office02.mdl [21:31:08]Deci: You know [21:31:15]Deci: I just figured out why my chair doesnt work anymore [21:31:17]Deci: But anyway [21:31:18]Deci: Come sit [21:31:21]Roll_Cam_Tide: why lol [21:31:28]Deci: Because i hit ctrl [21:31:35]Deci: Thats a little something e2 does [21:31:42]Deci: Do you see the writing on the bottem left corner [21:31:50]Roll_Cam_Tide: no... [21:32:00]Deci: You dont see Core, Shield, Water [21:32:03]Deci: None of that? [21:32:06]Roll_Cam_Tide: nope [21:32:31]Roll_Cam_Tide: negatory [21:32:34]Deci: Damn [21:32:41]Deci: Let me get my other chair working [21:32:46]Deci spawned vehicle models/nova/chair_office02.mdl [21:32:58]Roll_Cam_Tide: k [21:35:36]Deci: Hmm [21:35:40]Deci: Holograms dont work :\ [21:35:50]Roll_Cam_Tide: whats that mean [21:36:34]Deci: this is some of e2 [21:36:38]Deci: I got my chair working btw [21:36:48]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol [21:37:05]Roll_Cam_Tide: so fast! [21:37:23]Deci: its controlled by me [21:37:55]Roll_Cam_Tide: ARRGHHH [21:38:06]Roll_Cam_Tide: can i undo a remove? [21:38:54]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2o.mdl [21:39:01]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2o.mdl [21:39:46]Deci: Get in the chair again [21:39:51]Deci: No you cant undo a remove [21:39:58]Deci: Just dont click [21:40:01]Deci: You will probably die [21:40:08]Roll_Cam_Tide: thought i had a dif. tool out [21:40:19]Deci: Did your view go somewhere else? [21:40:25]Roll_Cam_Tide: yes [21:40:27]Roll_Cam_Tide: freaked me out [21:40:27]Deci: :D [21:40:53]Deci: You can steer it with wsad [21:40:59]Deci: I cant get mouse angle to work [21:41:11]Roll_Cam_Tide: i can see myself? [21:41:17]Deci: yeah [21:41:23]Deci: I just have to get mouse movement working [21:41:32]Roll_Cam_Tide: what is down [21:41:43]Deci: R [21:41:50]Deci: Space is up [21:41:55]Deci: press shift to go fast [21:42:14]Roll_Cam_Tide: thats pretty cool [21:42:32]Client "Mouldy_Taco" connected ( [21:42:48]Deci: But yeah [21:42:53]Deci: I use this to spy on people [21:42:56]Deci: >:3 [21:42:57]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol [21:43:11]Deci: And in some cases open a can of massive butthurt [21:43:12]Roll_Cam_Tide: that looked like a kino [21:43:23]Deci: That was the original idea behind it [21:43:28]Client "Mouldy_Taco" spawned in server ( [21:43:34]Deci: Can you see the sphere? [21:43:34]Roll_Cam_Tide: ahhh [21:43:40]Roll_Cam_Tide: yup [21:43:44]Deci: D: [21:43:46]Deci: I cant! [21:43:49]Deci: Wry! [21:43:50]Mouldy_Taco: what sphere [21:43:53]Deci: Quick [21:43:57]Deci: How do i enable holograms [21:44:09]Mouldy_Taco: huh? [21:44:24]Mouldy_Taco: wut do you mean [21:44:29]Deci: I cant see holograms [21:44:35]Mouldy_Taco: oh [21:44:49]Mouldy_Taco: delete your hologram folder in addons/wire model pack1 [21:44:50]Mouldy_Taco: AND [21:44:55]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [21:44:57]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" connected ( [21:44:59]Mouldy_Taco: delte your hologram folder in garrysmod/garrysmod/models [21:45:04]Mouldy_Taco: then rejoin the server [21:45:12]Deci: k [21:46:15]Client "[LB] Captain Slow" spawned in server ( [21:46:46]Dropped "Deci" from server [21:47:57]Mouldy_Taco spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle1.mdl [21:48:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/slyfo/arwing_body.mdl [21:48:22]Client "Deci" connected ( [21:48:24]Mouldy_Taco spawned sent zero_point_module [21:48:29]Roll_Cam_Tide was killed by base_gravity_control [21:48:41][LB] Captain Slow: TACOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [21:48:52]Mouldy_Taco: wut [21:48:52][LB] Captain Slow: omnomnomnom [21:49:10]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [21:49:41]Deci: This is not a spy chair! [21:50:00]Deci spawned vehicle models/nova/chair_office02.mdl [21:50:15]Roll_Cam_Tide: wow shields take a lot of power [21:50:20]Mouldy_Taco: yup [21:50:41]Deci: I still dont see it [21:50:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [21:50:59][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [21:51:10]Deci: brb [21:51:13]Dropped "Deci" from server [21:51:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullslanthalfl.mdl [21:51:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [21:52:09][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [21:52:46][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [21:52:53][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [21:53:21]Client "Deci" connected ( [21:53:31]Mouldy_Taco spawned vehicle models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl [21:53:37]Roll_Cam_Tide: my ship is so much better with the new cockpit [21:53:53][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [21:53:54][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [21:53:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [21:54:03]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned sent ring_base [21:54:45]Client "Deci" spawned in server ( [21:55:10]Deci spawned vehicle models/nova/chair_office02.mdl [21:55:33][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [21:55:48]Deci: OMG [21:55:52]Deci: I can see it now :D [21:55:53]Roll_Cam_Tide: ? [21:56:10]Deci: you can always tell when im spying on you [21:56:19]Deci: It wont work for your [21:56:20]Deci: you [21:56:27]Roll_Cam_Tide: ? [21:56:35]Deci: your going to die [21:56:40]Mouldy_Taco: nerp [21:56:42]Roll_Cam_Tide: me?? [21:56:49]Deci: Him if he keeps clicking [21:57:19]Deci: Next time you go to space im going to remove it XD [21:57:38]Deci: bring it back let me have my vision back for a sec [21:57:55]Deci: you need to get out of the chair [21:58:05]Mouldy_Taco: lol [21:58:17]Roll_Cam_Tide: do reactor meltdowns mess this server up?.... [21:58:26][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [21:58:28]Mouldy_Taco: don't [21:58:36]Roll_Cam_Tide: dont have a choice [21:59:01]Mouldy_Taco killed Roll_Cam_Tide using player [21:59:08]Roll_Cam_Tide: wow [21:59:18]Roll_Cam_Tide: thanks taco [21:59:21]Roll_Cam_Tide: very kind [21:59:29]Mouldy_Taco: just helping you get back to eart [21:59:31]Mouldy_Taco: h [21:59:33]Roll_Cam_Tide: lol [22:00:05]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbpaneldockin.mdl [22:00:05]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:00:05]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [22:00:05]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullt.mdl [22:00:05]Roll_Cam_Tide spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [22:01:42]Deci: Can someone sit in the chair again [22:01:47]Deci: You may die ^^; [22:01:54]Deci: !kill [22:01:54]Roll_Cam_Tide suicided! [22:01:57]Deci: Mk [22:02:01]Deci: Now i can control it [22:02:04]Roll_Cam_Tide: ......... [22:02:07]Deci: Oi [22:02:12]Deci: I said you may die [22:02:23]Deci: I had to test it D: [22:02:24]Roll_Cam_Tide: but what you meant was, you WILL die lol [22:02:31]Deci: Yeah [22:02:46]Deci: Why the hell did i make it chat command? [22:02:57]Mouldy_Taco: numpad inpuuuuut [22:03:04]Deci: No [22:03:06]Deci: This is my chair [22:03:11]Deci: It should be automatic death [22:03:15]Roll_Cam_Tide: this is my rifle [22:03:53]Roll_Cam_Tide: come get me now spy [22:05:00]Client "MrStump" connected ( [22:06:43]Deci: !recall [22:06:57]Deci: AHHHH! [22:07:18]Deci: Ok come sit in it again ^^ [22:07:22]Deci: You will die [22:07:27]Deci: Possibly if i coded that right [22:07:42]Client "MrStump" spawned in server ( [22:07:51]Roll_Cam_Tide: is it possible to unweld a single prop? [22:08:02]Deci: Roll can you come to me [22:08:13]Deci: Sit and die [22:08:19]Deci: Please? [22:08:20]Deci: XD [22:08:27]Deci: Nurp [22:08:27]MrStump: if you insist [22:08:28]Deci: Didnt work [22:08:29]MrStump suicided! [22:08:33]MrStump: better? [22:08:34]MrStump: lol [22:09:00]MrStump: if Chair:driver()!=owner() Kill, else Kill=0 [22:09:19]Deci: Was trying to use wirelink [22:09:23]Deci: Had to do manual [22:09:26]Deci: Sit again please? [22:09:42]Deci: Damn [22:09:47]Deci: Ok up please [22:10:18]MrStump: Fuck I was going to rebuild my mining drone [22:10:23]Client "THE1" connected ( [22:10:34]MrStump: then I realized I sort of cant allign the lasers perfectly like that again [22:10:41]MrStump: lol oh well [22:10:46]Mouldy_Taco: why not? [22:10:57]Dropped "Roll_Cam_Tide" from server [22:11:04]MrStump: cause I did a very nice job with it last time and I dont want to do it again cause it's a pain [22:11:08]Deci: Ok [22:11:11]Deci: Again ; _ ; [22:11:12]Mouldy_Taco: its easy with PA [22:11:18]Mouldy_Taco: i could just do it for you [22:11:18]Deci: FUCK [22:11:21]MrStump: maybe try eject instead deci [22:11:31]MrStump: I know eject worked for me in the past [22:11:38]MrStump: but kill not so much [22:11:41]Deci: I wish them to die [22:11:52]Mouldy_Taco: wire terminate to active [22:11:54]Mouldy_Taco: works every tie [22:12:07]Mouldy_Taco spawned vehicle models/nova/jeep_seat.mdl [22:12:31]Mouldy_Taco: HERE STUMP GET IN THIS CHAIR [22:12:32][LB] Captain Slow suicided! [22:12:32][LB] Captain Slow killed Deci using generator_energy_fusion [22:12:33][LB] Captain Slow killed MrStump using generator_energy_fusion [22:12:38][LB] Captain Slow suicided! [22:12:38][LB] Captain Slow: wtf [22:12:51]MrStump: told ya, terminate is unreliable [22:13:07]Mouldy_Taco: ok now get in [22:13:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [22:13:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:13:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [22:13:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:13:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [22:13:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:13:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [22:13:07][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:13:09]MrStump suicided! [22:13:13]MrStump: there ya go [22:13:15]Mouldy_Taco: the adv pod controller got destroyed by the fusion [22:13:18]Mouldy_Taco: thats why [22:13:45]MrStump: but yeah, I am sad for poor fur trying to fix regular server [22:13:49]Client "shock1224" connected ( [22:14:12]Client "THE1" spawned in server ( [22:14:38]THE1: HEY [22:14:44]MrStump: hey [22:14:47]Deci: Sup bish [22:14:52]THE1: main is still down i see? and my sbep is as out of date as evah! lol [22:15:05]MrStump: it was up for like 20 minutes before! [22:15:08]THE1: STFU deci i have twice your hours... 3 times on main :P [22:15:27]Deci: Um if you remember my hours got reset 3 times [22:15:29]MrStump: lol [22:15:37]THE1: lol thats why i win :P [22:15:46]THE1: eh im going to work on my latest innovation :D [22:15:52]Deci: THey kept getting reset because McBuilds failed [22:16:05]THE1: McBuilds full stop was fail [22:16:20]THE1: oh... nice core :D BUT! mines' betterah :P [22:16:24]MrStump: lol bad e2 pastes [22:16:30]MrStump: there we go [22:16:46]THE1: nothing wrong with it the first time [22:16:52]THE1: eh when i finish the Aurora vortex.. [22:16:55]MrStump: the top piece didnt show up [22:17:01]MrStump: the second the glowly sphere didnt [22:17:07]THE1: my next ship will be powered purely by human souls D:! [22:17:11]THE1: eh [22:17:12]MrStump: =P [22:17:17]THE1: its the angle you look at it from [22:17:25]THE1: HUMAN SOULS!!!! RAWWWWW [22:17:34]THE1: lol supernatural... [22:17:42]THE1: human souls are like nuclear reactors [22:17:50]MrStump: SUPERNATURALZ, We kill angels [22:18:13]THE1: if castiel wasn't careful when performing the soulonoscopy... bobby would have exploded... in a bad way lol [22:18:25]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [22:18:35]MrStump: I'm going to miss castiel when they murder him [22:18:52]THE1: how do you know there gonna murder him? [22:18:58]THE1: he can get a change of heart... i mean [22:19:10]MrStump: Well they've murdered juuuuust about erreybuddy [22:19:11]THE1: if they murder cas... raphiel will just open up the cage again [22:19:24]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [22:19:30]THE1: well they killed eve... but that was just dean's Genius :P [22:19:33]MrStump: Sure, they'll magic up a nonmurder solution [22:19:45]THE1: well [22:19:55]MrStump: then murder him anyway cause lets face it thats the way they do business [22:19:57]THE1: the soul machine won't need to be built IF the guys kill raphiell somehow [22:20:01]Deci: So whats been up with you The1 [22:20:10]THE1: eh not much [22:20:17]THE1: been working on my new ship [22:20:21]Deci: Still in the closet? [22:20:21]THE1: gave up on the 304 XD [22:20:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [22:20:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:20:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:20:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [22:20:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:20:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [22:20:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:20:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [22:20:34]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [22:20:36]THE1: too many complaints... the 1's mainly from the server its self crashing as i worked on it [22:20:56]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [22:20:58]THE1 granted god mode upon themself [22:20:58]THE1: !god [22:21:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:21:02][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:21:16]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [22:21:29]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/bp231w.mdl [22:21:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:21:42][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:21:59]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rsr23.mdl [22:22:02][LB] Captain Slow was killed by prop_physics [22:22:45]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s21.mdl [22:22:50]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s33.mdl [22:22:59]MrStump: Deci wtf is up with your interior walls? [22:23:03]MrStump: Why are they special? haha [22:23:16]Deci: What do you mean special? [22:23:29]MrStump: mod bridge doesn't look like this on the inside [22:23:36]MrStump: it looks like this [22:23:37]Deci: Im awesome [22:23:41]MrStump: with the popes [22:23:42]Deci: Besides its Spartan [22:23:47]MrStump: ah, k [22:24:13]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [22:24:16][LB] Captain Slow: why does this always happen [22:24:26][LB] Captain Slow: my stuff just stops generating materials [22:24:36]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/fdeck_short_invert.mdl [22:24:40]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [22:24:49]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/smuggler_single2.mdl [22:24:55]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/smuggler_single3.mdl [22:24:57]THE1: can't work on my ship here >_> [22:25:01]THE1: no cap models >_> [22:25:02]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sw_cargo.mdl [22:25:10]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [22:25:14]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [22:25:16]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sw_cargodoor.mdl [22:25:22]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [22:25:34]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/walldoorleft.mdl [22:25:40]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/walldoorright.mdl [22:25:46]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/swordcargo_lg_cap.mdl [22:25:50]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/swordcargo_lg.mdl [22:25:57]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/tenginelg.mdl [22:26:03]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/swordreconlauncher.mdl [22:26:23][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:26:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:26:25]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/rover1_rearbumpermount.mdl [22:26:27]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [22:26:45]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/shortnoglass.mdl [22:26:53][LB] Captain Slow: can someone help me a sec [22:27:09]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/swordreconlauncher.mdl [22:27:12]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [22:27:25]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/sw_cargoramp.mdl [22:27:33]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [22:27:49]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/foldcargobaseplate.mdl [22:27:54]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/foldcargobaseplate.mdl [22:27:57]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [22:28:28]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [22:28:28]MrStump spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/hull_lift_doublelift.mdl [22:28:43]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [22:28:44]MrStump spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbay3sidebaycap.mdl [22:28:49]MrStump spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbayshortcap2.mdl [22:28:56]MrStump spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_fighterbayshortcap.mdl [22:28:59]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [22:29:01]MrStump spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_doublehull_elevatorpad.mdl [22:29:12]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [22:29:21]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [22:29:21]MrStump spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_flatcap.mdl [22:29:24]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [22:29:43]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [22:30:12]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt121.mdl [22:30:17]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt121.mdl [22:30:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [22:30:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:30:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:30:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [22:30:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:30:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [22:30:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:30:24][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [22:30:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [22:30:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:30:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:30:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [22:30:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:30:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [22:30:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:30:38][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [22:30:43]MrStump spawned model models/slyfo/shortnoglass.mdl [22:31:06]MrStump: man medbridge is such a mess [22:31:09]MrStump: sure cap with what? [22:31:15]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b221.mdl [22:31:19][LB] Captain Slow: well [22:31:21]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b221.mdl [22:31:27][LB] Captain Slow: me generators keep screwing up [22:31:33]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [22:31:43][LB] Captain Slow: it works as intended for a while....then just stops producing things [22:31:43]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [22:32:02]MrStump: well you currently have 0 generators so I can't really diagnose the problem [22:32:14][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [22:32:14][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:32:14][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:32:15][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [22:32:15][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:32:15][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [22:32:15][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:32:15][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [22:32:31]Mouldy_Taco: your shield [22:32:36]Mouldy_Taco: is draining [22:32:38]Mouldy_Taco: energy. [22:32:40][LB] Captain Slow: its off [22:32:45]Mouldy_Taco: it is charging up [22:32:48]Mouldy_Taco: ... [22:32:58]MrStump: What the fuck is up with holos right now [22:33:07][LB] Captain Slow: bollocks [22:33:09]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt121.mdl [22:33:17][LB] Captain Slow: lol ty [22:33:21]THE1: ... [22:33:24]THE1: dono [22:33:26]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [22:33:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:33:31][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:34:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:34:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:34:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:34:18][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:34:21]MrStump: gimme your PP real quick [22:34:33][LB] Captain Slow: k [22:34:46]MrStump: waiting... [22:34:47]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b221.mdl [22:34:48][LB] Captain Slow: oh wait [22:34:52][LB] Captain Slow: this is all parented [22:34:54]MrStump: there we go [22:35:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [22:35:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:35:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:35:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [22:35:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:35:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [22:35:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:35:03][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [22:35:30]MrStump: start up generation [22:35:51]MrStump: holos messed up atm, i neeed 2 rewrite it [22:35:54][LB] Captain Slow: yeah it was the shield [22:35:54]MrStump: but it'll do fir this [22:35:59]MrStump: =P [22:36:03]MrStump: ok then [22:36:09][LB] Captain Slow: ty [22:37:58]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [22:38:18]Dropped "Mouldy_Taco" from server [22:38:19]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [22:39:42]Deci: There is no food here you bum move along! [22:42:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [22:42:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:42:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [22:42:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:42:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [22:42:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [22:42:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:42:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:42:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4l.mdl [22:42:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:42:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit2.mdl [22:42:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:42:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4r.mdl [22:42:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4m.mdl [22:42:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullr.mdl [22:42:45][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:42:57]MrStump: holoScaleUnits is fucked up [22:42:59]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [22:43:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:43:51][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:44:10]Deci spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwe1.mdl [22:45:02]Deci: check it [22:45:09]Deci: Stump [22:47:10]MrStump: WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH HOLOS [22:47:11]MrStump: and ok [22:47:28]Deci: He was staring in my window like a hungry christmas hobo! [22:47:32]Deci: It was creeping me out >_< [22:47:38]MrStump: fucking marble, good choice [22:47:45]Deci: what? [22:47:49]Deci: Fucking marble? [22:47:55]MrStump: this black texture [22:47:57]MrStump: marble [22:48:06]MrStump: looks good [22:48:08]Deci: Oh yeah [22:48:11]Deci: I like it ^^ [22:48:11][LB] Captain Slow was killed by prop_physics_multiplayer [22:48:25][LB] Captain Slow: k i ran out of energy in about 5 seconds lol [22:48:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:48:39][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:48:50]Deci: I hate building on the bottem of my ships >_< [22:51:02]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [22:51:18]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [22:51:24]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [22:51:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:51:25][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:52:07]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [22:52:15]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [22:52:34]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [22:52:58]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [22:53:25]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/rsr23.mdl [22:53:50]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [22:54:16]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [22:54:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:54:35][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:54:52]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x2b.mdl [22:54:52]MrStump spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl [22:55:05]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [22:55:11]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [22:55:25]MrStump: FFFFF [22:55:40]MrStump: fucking e2 is all fucked up on this server right now [22:55:55]MrStump: or maybe I just have to update or something [22:56:02]MrStump: can I get a second set of eyes here? [22:56:19]MrStump: anybody? [22:56:33]MrStump: 10 seconds is all I need [22:56:39][LB] Captain Slow: sup [22:56:45]MrStump: are these color bars sticking straight out or are they cockeyed [22:56:54][LB] Captain Slow: straight cylinders [22:57:01]MrStump: wow, ok its on my end then [22:57:05]THE1: oh... [22:57:08]MrStump: ty [22:57:12]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [22:57:19]THE1: im in a piece of floating debree.... :S [22:57:29]Dropped "MrStump" from server [22:57:43]Deci: Dont stare into my window like a hungry hobo again >_> [22:57:45]THE1 spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulle05.mdl [22:57:47]Deci: lol [22:57:55]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [22:57:59]THE1: !goto mouldy [22:58:05]THE1 teleported to Deci [22:58:05]THE1: !goto deci [22:58:08][LB] Captain Slow: now....lets see if i run out of energy in 3 seconds again [22:58:25]THE1: deci i have to say.... nice setup here :) [22:58:35]Deci: It doesnt look like shit? [22:58:48]THE1: noooo looks ok [22:58:58]Deci: I dont like the rear of the ship [22:58:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [22:58:58][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [22:59:07]THE1: i might suggest. however... [22:59:10]Deci: I will fix that soon enough >_> [22:59:19]THE1: some of the middle panels you replace with a phx plate to slide in [22:59:20]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [22:59:28]THE1: that way you have compartments for storage or what not [23:00:13]THE1: ok i guess i have no choice.... >_> *sigh* [23:00:20]Deci: What? [23:00:30]THE1: work on my ship here... [23:00:39]Deci: Please let me save first [23:00:48]THE1 spawned model models/spacebuild/nova/supercarrierbridge.mdl [23:00:48]THE1 spawned model models/slyfo/foldcargobaseplate.mdl [23:00:48]THE1 spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbdoorwide.mdl [23:00:48]THE1 spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_longbridge.mdl [23:00:48]THE1 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4_tri.mdl [23:00:48]THE1 spawned model models/slyfo/foldcargobaseplate.mdl [23:00:48]THE1 spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_flatcap.mdl [23:00:49]THE1 spawned model models/spacebuild/medbridge2_emptydoublehull_decktodeckramp.mdl [23:00:49]THE1 spawned model models/smallbridge/other/sbconsoletop.mdl [23:00:49]THE1 spawned model models/slyfo/longhangar.mdl [23:00:49]THE1 spawned vehicle models/slyfo/consolechair.mdl [23:00:49]THE1 spawned model models/slyfo_2/engine_sa_dp1_single3.mdl [23:00:49]THE1 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1x2_tri.mdl [23:00:49]THE1 spawned model models/slyfo/foldcargobaseplate.mdl [23:00:49]THE1 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1x2_tri.mdl [23:00:50]THE1 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1x2.mdl [23:00:50]THE1 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate1x2.mdl [23:00:50]THE1 spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate4x4_tri.mdl [23:00:50]THE1 spawned model models/slyfo/longhangar.mdl [23:00:51]THE1 spawned model models/smallbridge/panels/sbdoorwide.mdl [23:00:51]THE1 spawned model models/slyfo/doublehatch.mdl [23:00:51]THE1 spawned model models/slyfo_2/engine_sa_dp1_single3.mdl [23:01:04]THE1: eh there..... wait... the huge fusion reactor model isn't here... wtf? [23:01:14]THE1: wtf is going on? [23:01:40]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt131.mdl [23:02:23]THE1: oh have you seen my core yet? :D [23:02:26]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt121.mdl [23:02:57]Deci: Thats it? [23:03:13]THE1: no the holograms around it mainly [23:03:21]THE1: no core upgrades yet... its only 20 props [23:03:39]Deci: Mk interesting [23:03:48]Deci: you do the same as me! [23:03:59]Deci: You make your ship control e2s crystals! [23:03:59]THE1: yeah but.... 1 second.... [23:04:22][LB] Captain Slow: wel that was close......lost power as i entered the atmo lol [23:04:45]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wt121.mdl [23:05:21]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b221.mdl [23:05:38]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b221.mdl [23:05:47]THE1: hmmmm none of my e2's then.... [23:06:51]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [23:06:59]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b131.mdl [23:09:42]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [23:09:46]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr321.mdl [23:10:06]Client "[LB] Avarice" connected ( [23:10:13]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [23:10:14][LB] Captain Slow: shiiiiii.........my reactor just died [23:10:50][LB] Captain Slow: bugger [23:10:59]Deci: its dead [23:11:07]Deci spawned sent zero_point_module [23:11:30][LB] Captain Slow: if only i could use zpms's =\\ [23:11:30]Client "Azygous420 -Thorium-" connected ( [23:11:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [23:11:50][LB] Captain Slow spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [23:12:11][LB] Captain Slow: gotta work on my water usage [23:13:06]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:13:27]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:14:38]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:14:47]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:15:27]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [23:15:46]Client "[LB] Avarice" spawned in server ( [23:16:31]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [23:17:04][LB] Captain Slow: eww....avarice [23:17:05]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [23:17:25]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [23:17:49]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:18:17]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:18:46]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:18:59]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:19:43]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/w111.mdl [23:21:02][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [23:21:19][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandramp.mdl [23:22:11][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [23:22:14][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [23:22:17][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [23:22:35]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [23:23:06][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:23:07][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:23:09]Dropped "[LB] Captain Slow" from server [23:23:09][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:23:12][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:23:13][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:23:15][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:23:17][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:23:20]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [23:24:24]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [23:24:35]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [23:25:04]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b221.mdl [23:25:07]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [23:25:10]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [23:25:33][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdwdh.mdl [23:25:58][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dwa.mdl [23:26:01]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [23:26:10]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wr311.mdl [23:26:27]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:26:41]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:26:54][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdw.mdl [23:26:58]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:27:13]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:27:21]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:27:26]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:28:04][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-2sw.mdl [23:28:09][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [23:28:16]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/wsc311.mdl [23:28:27][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp.mdl [23:28:34]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [23:28:46]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b111.mdl [23:29:17]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/b121.mdl [23:30:15]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [23:30:27]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [23:30:39]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [23:30:48]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/pc111.mdl [23:31:52][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [23:32:01]Deci: Ok tell me what you think [23:32:39][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [23:33:04][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhulleflip.mdl [23:33:06][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:33:30]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/plate/flat/s11.mdl [23:33:35]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" connected ( [23:35:58]Deci spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretbase.mdl [23:36:18]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" spawned in server ( [23:36:19]Dropped "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" from server [23:36:34]Deci spawned model models/stat_turrets/st_turretswivel.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbcockpit3.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sbengine4dw.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplits-dwa.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtcramp.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandramp.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/splitters/sbsplit2s-dw.mdl [23:36:49][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:36:50][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [23:36:50][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/height transfer/sbhtsrampzdwdh.mdl [23:36:50][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/ship parts/sblandrampdw.mdl [23:36:50][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullx.mdl [23:36:50][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,dw/sbhulldwend.mdl [23:36:50][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:36:50][LB] Avarice spawned model models/smallbridge/hulls,sw/sbhullend.mdl [23:37:11]Deci spawned vehicle models/smallbridge/vehicles/sbvpchair.mdl [23:37:15]Client "Boblingtong" connected ( [23:37:19]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" connected ( [23:37:40]Dropped "[LB] Avarice" from server [23:38:34]Deci: Do we still have vehicle exit points? [23:39:27]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" spawned in server ( [23:39:28]Dropped "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" from server [23:39:38]Deci: O_O [23:39:43]Deci: What the hell? [23:40:47]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" connected ( [23:42:00]Deci spawned model models/slyfo/finfunnel.mdl [23:42:29]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [23:43:00]Client "Usama bin Todden.Puffer" spawned in server ( [23:43:37]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Deci that just looks cool [23:43:46]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: The plating is the exterior right? [23:43:49]Deci: Yeah [23:43:52]Deci: Thanks ^^ [23:44:11]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: O.o spartan corridors [23:44:19]Deci: I dont like the other ones [23:44:25]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Too bright [23:44:30]Deci: yep [23:44:33]Deci spawned model models/cerus/modbridge/misc/engines/eng_sq11b.mdl [23:44:34]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: If they were a real ship you would use 95% of your power on ligthing [23:44:40]Deci: yeah lol [23:44:47]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: Dammit no rank here [23:44:51]Usama bin Todden.Puffer: So no !goto [23:45:06]THE1 spawned sent zero_point_module [23:45:10]Deci: Damn it [23:45:57]Deci: It said you were permabanned due to excessive dick size [23:45:58]Deci: XD [23:46:57]Deci spawned model models/hunter/misc/shell2x2.mdl [23:47:02]Deci spawned model models/hunter/misc/sphere075x075.mdl [23:48:44]Deci spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x2.mdl [23:49:36]Deci spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x4.mdl [23:51:29]Deci: Come here [23:51:33]Deci: What do you think of my core? [23:52:00]THE1 spawned sent zero_point_module [23:53:58]Deci: Where are you? [23:56:21]Deci spawned model models/mak/panel/panel.mdl [23:56:31]THE1 spawned sent zero_point_module [23:56:42]THE1 spawned sent zero_point_module [23:56:44]Deci spawned model models/hunter/tubes/tube2x2x4.mdl [23:58:27]Deci spawned model models/mak/scanner/scanner.mdl [23:58:47]Deci spawned model models/micropro/ancientconsole/ancient_console.mdl [23:59:08]THE1 spawned sent zero_point_module [23:59:12]THE1 spawned sent zero_point_module [23:59:15]THE1 spawned sent zero_point_module [23:59:18]THE1 spawned sent zero_point_module [23:59:29]Deci spawned model models/micropro/ancientscreen/ancient_screen_rt.mdl