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Top Secret Lambda's Nation Technology

Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
edited August 2012 in Music #1
Do you know what you are, capsuleer? The truth will not comfort you.

http://songofskaia.tumblr.com/post/2844 ... ub-machine
You are a frightened child running headfirst towards oblivion.

And I?
I am the only one who tried to stop you.
I am the Messiah that you turned against.

You persecuted me, hunted my children.
Vowed to burn my Promised Land to ash.

seriously the wub machine is awesome
Now I have returned, and I know you better than you know yourself.

I will vanquish your fear, and commute your flesh to dust.

wub wub wub

"I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."


  • SteeveeoSteeveeo Registered, Administrator Posts: 849
    Moved to Music, as I THINK that's what this is about. It really is rather incoherent, though.
  • xX Lord Anubis XxxX Lord Anubis Xx Registered Posts: 170
    Steeveeo wrote:
    Moved to Music, as I THINK that's what this is about. It really is rather incoherent, though.
    It's the partial Description of the Revenant, the Sansha' Nation Supercarrier of ultimate pwn in eve.

    "Do you know what you are, capsuleer? The truth will not comfort you.
    You are a frightened child running headfirst towards oblivion.

    And I?
    I am the only one who tried to stop you.
    I am the Messiah that you turned against.

    You persecuted me, hunted my children.
    Vowed to burn my Promised Land to ash.

    Now I have returned, and I know you better than you know yourself.

    I will vanquish your fear, and commute your flesh to dust.

    - Sansha Kuvakei

    Special Ability:
    100% bonus to fighter, fighter-bomber damage and hitpoints

    Amarr Carrier Skill Bonuses:
    10% bonus to fighter and fighter-bomber max velocity per level
    Can fit 1 additional Warfare Link module per level

    Caldari Carrier Skill Bonuses:
    50% bonus to Capital Energy and Shield transfer range per level
    Can deploy 1 additional Fighters or Fighter Bombers or Drones per level

    Role Bonuses:
    99% reduction in CPU need for Warfare Link modules
    Can fit Projected Electronic Counter Measures
    200% bonus to Fighter or Fighter Bomber control range
    Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare"
    Every Human Being has some capacity for evil. It's just that some Humans have a greater capacity for evil than others.
  • Lambda217Lambda217 Registered, Moderator Posts: 534
    or rather

    "I want you to show this world what it means to fear the sky."

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